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1、选修,4,Unit,1,reading,Language points,achievement,welfare,project,institute,specialist,connection,human being,campaign,organization,I. Words in this period,成就;功绩,项目;工程,福利;福利事业,学会;学院;协会,专家;专业工作者,连接;关系,人类,运动;战役,组织;机构;团体,1.achievement,词性及词义,_,_,动词拼写及语义,_,_,women of achievement,语义,_,II. Words and phrases

2、in this period,名词,成就,achieve,获得,卓有成就的女性,II. Words and phrases in this period,2.specialist,词性及词义,_,_,形容词的拼写及语义,_,_,副词的拼写及语义,_,_,名词,专家,special,特殊的,特别的,specially,特殊地,特别地,II. Words and phrases in this period,3.connection,词性及词义,_,_,动词拼写及语义,_,_,connect with_,名词,连接,关系,connect,相连,与,相连,连接,4.organization,词性及词

3、义,_,_,动词拼写及语义,_,_,名词,组织,organize,组织,5.instead of,词义,_,6.dress as,词义,_,be dressed in,词义,_,7.put(sb.)to death=sentence sb. to death,词义,_,put into prison_,8.encourage sb. to do,词义,_,II. Words and phrases in this period,代替,穿着如同,穿着,判处某人死刑,送进监狱,鼓励某人做某事,9. concern oneself with,词义,_,10. driveout of,词义,_,dri

4、ve sb. mad,词义,_,11. devoteto,词义,_,12. havein common,词义,_,in common,词义,_,II. Words and phrases in this period,忙于某事,关心某事,将,驱逐出去,使某人发疯,把,奉献给,有共同之处,共同的,II. Sentences,in this period,1.Joan of Arc was a girl from the,countryside who dressed as a man,going to fight for the French,2.What she concerned herse

5、lf with was,welfare projects, which is especially,concerned with the China Welfare,institute for women and children,定语从句,现在分词做伴随状语,主语从句,非限定性定语从句,4.To study chimps,she went to Africa,instead of going to university,3.She devoted all her life to doing medical,work for Chinese women and children,II. Sen

6、tences,in this period,动名词作宾语,不定式做目的状语,words,phrases,summary,achievement,welfare,project,institute,specialist,connection,human being,campaign,organization,instead of / fight for,put(sb.)to death,put into prison,dress as,encourage sb. to do,concern oneself with,driveout of / drive sb. mad,agree to do

7、/ devoteto,havein common / in common,concern oneself with,忙于某事;关心某事,be concerned with/in,Theres no need to _ _ _,this matter; were dealing with it,Her latest article _ _ _,youth unemployment,与,有关系,或有牵连,be concerned about,关心,担忧,挂念,Dont _ _ _ children too much,any more,concern,yourself,with,is,concern

8、ed,with,be,concerned,about,把,献给,把,专用于,devote . to,be devoted to,致力于,献身于,专心于,He has devoted his whole life to_,benefit) mankind,_to his research work, the professor cared little,about any other things,A.Devoting B.Devoted,C.Having devoted D.To devote,benefiting,be / get / become used to,lead to,objec

9、t to,refer to,stick to,pay attention to,look forward to,习惯于,导致,反对;不喜欢;不赞成,谈到;参考;查阅,坚持,注意,盼望,是副词,放在句首或句末,instead,He didnt see a film. Instead he watched TV,是介词短语,放在句中,instead of,He watched TV instead of seeing a film,他没有回答我,而是问了我另外一个问题,He didnt answer me, instead, he asked me,another question,He asked me another question instead of,answering me,dress sb,给别人穿衣服(动作,dress oneself,自己穿上衣服(动作,be dressed in,穿着,状态,2,What they wanted was to dress up and display,


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