1、11.串口收发实验:/* Includes -*/#include stm32f10x.h#include platform_config.h/* addtogroup STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Examples * */* addtogroup USART_Interrupt * */ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;/* Private typedef -*/typedef enum FAILED = 0, PASSED = !FAILED TestStatus;/* Private define -*/#define TxBuffer
2、Size1 (countof(TxBuffer1) - 1)#define TxBufferSize2 (countof(TxBuffer2) - 1)#define RxBufferSize1 TxBufferSize2#define RxBufferSize2 TxBufferSize1/* Private macro -*/#define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a)/* Private variables -*/USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure;uint8_t TxBuffer1 = 串口中断收发示例:
3、 串口1 - 串口2 (中断收发);uint8_t TxBuffer2 = 串口中断收发示例: 串口2 - 串口1 (中断收发);uint8_t RxBuffer1RxBufferSize1;uint8_t RxBuffer2RxBufferSize2;_IO uint8_t TxCounter1 = 0x00;_IO uint8_t TxCounter2 = 0x00;_IO uint8_t RxCounter1 = 0x00; _IO uint8_t RxCounter2 = 0x00;uint8_t NbrOfDataToTransfer1 = TxBufferSize1;uint8_t
4、 NbrOfDataToTransfer2 = TxBufferSize2;uint8_t NbrOfDataToRead1 = RxBufferSize1;uint8_t NbrOfDataToRead2 = RxBufferSize2;_IO TestStatus TransferStatus1 = FAILED; _IO TestStatus TransferStatus2 = FAILED;/* Private function prototypes -*/void RCC_Configuration(void);void GPIO_Configuration(void);void N
5、VIC_Configuration(void);TestStatus Buffercmp(uint8_t* pBuffer1, uint8_t* pBuffer2, uint16_t BufferLength);/* Private functions -*/* * brief Main program * param None * retval None */int main(void) /*! At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, this is done through SystemI
6、nit() function which is called from startup file (startup_stm32f10x_xx.s) before to branch to application main. To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to system_stm32f10x.c file */ /* System Clocks Configuration */ RCC_Configuration(); /* NVIC configuration */ NVIC_Config
7、uration(); /* Configure the GPIO ports */ GPIO_Configuration(); GPIO_ResetBits(GPIO_LED,LD1_PIN|LD2_PIN|LD3_PIN|LD4_PIN);/*关闭所有的LED指示灯*/* USART1 and USART2 configuration -*/ /* USART1 and USART2 configured as follow: - BaudRate = 9600 baud - Word Length = 8 Bits - One Stop Bit - No parity - Hardware
8、 flow control disabled (RTS and CTS signals) - Receive and transmit enabled */ USART_InitStructure.USART_BaudRate = ; /*设置波特率为*/ USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b;/*设置数据位为8*/ USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1; /*设置停止位为1位*/ USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity
9、 = USART_Parity_No; /*无奇偶校验*/ USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None;/*无硬件流控*/ USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Rx | USART_Mode_Tx; /*发送和接收*/ /*配置串口1 */ USART_Init(USART1, &USART_InitStructure); /*配置串口2*/ USART_Init(USART2, &USART_InitStructure); /*
11、 Wait until end of transmission from USART1 to USART2 */ while(RxCounter2 RxBufferSize2) /* Wait until end of transmission from USART2 to USART1 */ while(RxCounter1 RxBufferSize1) /* Check the received data with the send ones */ TransferStatus1 = Buffercmp(TxBuffer2, RxBuffer1, RxBufferSize1); /* Tr
12、ansferStatus1 = PASSED, if the data transmitted from USART2 and received by USART1 are the same */ /* TransferStatus1 = FAILED, if the data transmitted from USART2 and received by USART1 are different */ TransferStatus2 = Buffercmp(TxBuffer1, RxBuffer2, RxBufferSize2); /* TransferStatus2 = PASSED, i
13、f the data transmitted from USART1 and received by USART2 are the same */ /* TransferStatus2 = FAILED, if the data transmitted from USART1 and received by USART2 are different */ while (1) if(TransferStatus1 = PASSED) GPIO_SetBits(GPIO_LED,LD1_PIN);/*点亮LD1,串口1接收的数据与串口2发送的数据相同*/ else if(TransferStatu
14、s1 = FAILED) GPIO_SetBits(GPIO_LED,LD2_PIN);/*点亮LD2,串口1接收的数据与串口2发送的数据不相同*/ if(TransferStatus2 = PASSED) GPIO_SetBits(GPIO_LED,LD3_PIN);/*点亮LD3,串口2接收的数据与串口1发送的数据相同*/ else if(TransferStatus2 = FAILED) GPIO_SetBits(GPIO_LED,LD4_PIN);/*点亮LD4,串口2接收的数据与串口1发送的数据不相同*/ /* * brief Configures the different sys
15、tem clocks. * param None * retval None */void RCC_Configuration(void) /*使能串口1和串口2使用的GPIO时钟*/ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(USART1_GPIO_CLK |USART2_GPIO_CLK, ENABLE); /* Enable USART1 Clock */ /*使能串口1时钟*/ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(USART1_CLK, ENABLE); /*使能串口2时钟*/ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(USART2_CLK, ENABLE); /*使
16、能LED灯使用的GPIO时钟*/ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_GPIO_LED, ENABLE);/* * brief Configures the different GPIO ports. * param None * retval None */void GPIO_Configuration(void) GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; /*串口1 RX管脚配置*/ /* Configure USART1 Rx as input floating */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = USART
17、1_RxPin; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING; GPIO_Init(USART1_GPIO, &GPIO_InitStructure); /*串口2 RX管脚配置*/ /* Configure USART2 Rx as input floating */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = USART2_RxPin; GPIO_Init(USART2_GPIO, &GPIO_InitStructure); /*串口1 TX管脚配置*/ /* Configure USART1 Tx as alt
18、ernate function push-pull */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = USART1_TxPin; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP; GPIO_Init(USART1_GPIO, &GPIO_InitStructure); /*串口2 TX管脚配置*/ /* Configure USART2 Tx as alternate function push-pull */ GPIO_InitSt
19、ructure.GPIO_Pin = USART2_TxPin; GPIO_Init(USART2_GPIO, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* 配置LED灯使用的GPIO管脚模式*/ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LD1_PIN|LD2_PIN|LD3_PIN|LD4_PIN; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_Init(GPIO_LED, &GPIO_InitStructu
20、re); /* * brief Configures the nested vectored interrupt controller. * param None * retval None */void NVIC_Configuration(void) NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure; /* Configure the NVIC Preemption Priority Bits */ NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_0); /* Enable the USART1 Interrupt */ NVI
21、C_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = USART1_IRQn; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE; NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure); /* Enable the USART2 Interrupt */ NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = USART2_IRQn; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 1; NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE; NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);/* * brief Compares two buffers. * param pBuffer1, pBuffer2: buffers to be compared. * param BufferLength: buffers length * retval PASSED: pBuffer1 identical to pBuffer2 * FAILED: pBuffer
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