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1、PRACTICAL TRANSLATION被动句的翻译,小组成员,被动句的翻译,1、按原句式翻译 2、译成主动句 3、译成判断句 4、It +be +past participle+ that 引导的从句的翻译 5、某些表示被动含义的句型的翻译,1,按原句式翻译,1,英语被动句是由“助动词be+过去分词”构成,在译成汉语时,可以用“被”、“受”、“遭”、“让”、“给”、“由”、“把”、“为.所”、“加以”、“予以”等词来表达。例如: (1)He was captivated by her figure,her blue eyes. 译文:他被她的身材、她的蓝眼睛迷住了。 (2)The opti

2、mists believe defeat is not their fault:circumstancees,bad luck,or other people brought it about.Such people are not bothered by defeat. 译文:乐观主义者相信失败并不是他们的错,环境、运气不佳或其他人都可能造成自己的失败。这些人从不为失败所困扰,2,译成主动句英译汉时,不少英语的被动句被译成汉语的主动句,使句子更符合汉语的习惯,1)Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a

3、 wide variety of problems-for example,depression,phticysoiological impairments,and neurotic and psychosomatic difficulties-that sometimes last a lifetime. 译文:大家已经知道,得不到爱的婴儿和儿童会有各种各样的问题,比如说忧郁症,头痛,生理缺陷,神经病或精神疾病,这些病有时会伴随他们一生。 (2)By five years of age,they have been found to have significantly higher IQs

4、 and to score higher on languages tests. 译文:到了五岁时,人们发现他们的智商和语言测试的分数明显(比前一类儿童)高得多。 解析:原句是“他们被发现”,这不太符合汉语习惯因而被译成“人们发现.,3,译成判断句有些英语被动句并不突出强调被动动作,而着重对事物的状态,过程和性质加以描述,其作用与系表结构类似。此类句式可翻译成中文的判断句,1)Arranged marriages provide a good example both of how prospective lovers are brought together and how cultural

5、 values and practices limit the choice of partners. 译文:包办婚姻给我们提供了一个很好的例子,告诉我们未来的爱人是如何相识的,文化价值观和习俗又是如何限制了伴侣的选择。 解析:按照原句的意思,how prospective lovers are brought together是“未来的爱人是如何被带到一起的”,但是中文更倾向说“未来的爱人是如何相识的”。 (2)They are ordered to do this. 译文:他们是接到命令这样做的。 解析:原句是“被命令的”,按照中文习惯,翻译成“接到命令”比较好,4,It+be+past

6、participle+that引导的从句的翻译英语中这样的句子在汉语中可以译成不带主语或带主语的句子,A.不带主语 (1)It is expected that this project will draw on overseas experience. 译文:期望这个项目会利用外国的经验。 解析:此句译成中文时省去了主语。 (2)It is hoped that as many people as possible can join the volunteers in looking after the aged. 译文:希望尽可能多的人加入志愿者的队伍来照顾老人。 解析:此句译成中文时也省

7、略了主语,4,It+be+past participle+that引导的从句的翻译英语中这样的句子在汉语中可以译成不带主语或带主语的句子,B,带主语。 (1)It is well known that the number of people has been increasing. 译文:众所周知,人口的数量一直在增加。 (2)It is understood that reasonable safety rules of the employer shall be complied with by all employees. 译文:大家都明白所有员工都应该遵守合理的员工安全条例。 解析:

8、英语句子没有主语,但是翻成中文不带主语就比较别扭,加了泛指的“大家”就合乎中文的习惯了,5,某些表示被动含义的句型的翻译,1)The house neeeded painting. 译文:房子需要油漆一下了。 解析:英语句子虽然看上去是主动语态,含义却是被动的,翻译成中文通常也用主动形式。 (2)The possibility of employing more staff is still under discussion. 译文:是否雇佣更多的员工还在研究中,补充1:译为无主句,主语译成宾语 在不知道或者不必说出行为主体时,常常可以发挥汉语译文的优势,把英语的被动语态译成汉语的无主句。这时

9、,原文的主语译为动词的宾语,1)To develop economy, different kinds of talented people should be organized. People of real ability should be especially promoted and given raise. 译文:要发展经济应当组织使用各种各样的人才。对那些真正有本事的人,在工资级别上可以破格提高。 (2)For example, a computer was once used to design a brewery. 译文: 例如:曾经利用一台计算机来设计一间啤酒厂,补充2:

10、主语谓语合译 英语的一些动词成语含有名词,如make use of, pan attention to, take care of, make reference to, take account of等等,变成被动语态时成了名词作主语的特殊被动语态。汉译的时候,可以把主语和谓语合起来翻译,译成汉语无主句的谓语,1):Care should be taken at all times to protect the computers and other instruments in the lab from dust and damp. 译文:要始终注意保护实验室中的电脑和其他仪器, 勿使其沾

11、上灰尘,勿使其受潮。 (2):Use can be made of these materials to write a report on the delegations visit to South Africa. 译文:可以利用这些资料写一份该代表团访问南非的报告,Translation PracticeParagraph One,Much research shows that the quality of care( infants receive )affects how they later get along with friends,how well they do in s

12、chool,how they react to new and possibiy stressful situations,and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. 许多研究表明婴儿获得关爱的质量会影响他们以后如何与朋友相处,在学校如何表现,如何应对陌生的或可能充满压力的情况以及他们成年后如何建立并且维系亲密关系。 It is for these reasons that peoples early intimate relationships( within their family of orign )ar

13、e so critical. 正是因为这些原因,人们与家庭成员之间早期的亲密关系才会如此重要。 Children who are raised in impersonal environments (orphanages,some foster homes,or unloving families) show emotional and social underdevelopment,language and motor skills retardation,and mental health problems. 在人情淡漠的环境中长大的孩子,例如孤儿院,某些寄养家庭或缺爱家庭长大的孩子会出现

14、情感和社会发展滞后,语言和行为能力迟缓以及精神健康问题,视频播放,Discussion,Be interviewed for a documentary about Mr.spock,or as I like to call it,a spockumentary. 在史波克先生的纪录片中接受访问或者我更爱称之为是“史”记。 Yeah,Im going to use that joke in the interview,so try to laugh like youre hearing it for the first time. 我会在纪录片里讲这个哎,你看时尽量像第一次听到那样笑出来哦。

15、And with a tinge of sadness that Im no longer in your life. 但是又带有一点我已不在身边的悲伤。 Im the one who thought of aspockumentary,and Im laughing like I did the first time I heard it. 我才是想出这个名字的人,而我正像第一次听到那样笑着呢,Paragraph Two,What attracts individuals to each other in the first place? 人们的第一印象是靠什么相互吸引? Many peop

16、le believe that “theres one person out there that one is meant for”and that destiny will bring them together. 许多人相信:总有一个人在那儿,而那个人是命中注定的。并且命运会将他们带到一起 。 Such beliefs are romantic but unrealistic. 这样的想法很浪漫却不现实。 Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values,not fate bring people together. 实证研究表明是文化标准和价值观而非命运将人们带到一起。 We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are “filtered out”by f


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