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1、Adverbial Clause,状语从句考点,一:状语从句的定义、功能、分类,定义:在复合句中作状语的从句,功能:状语从句在主从复合句中修饰主句中 的动词,形容词或副词,或整个主句,分类:按意义可分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步等状语从句,从句的位置放在句首,也可放在句末。放在句首时,从句后面常用一个逗号,放在句末时,从句前一般不用逗号,状语从句,时间状语从句,条件状语从句,原因状语从句,结果状语从句,让步状语从句,地点状语从句,方式状语从句 目的状语从句 比较状语从句,考什么,连接词,语序,省略,语气,二:能力要求,1.了解状语从句的分类情况及各种状语 从句中经常使

2、用的连词 2.能够在真实的语境中判定从句与主句 的逻辑关系,从而能够使用恰当的连词 完成交际. 3.能够辨别同类状语从句中近似连词的 用法区别,一.时间状语从句,引导时间状语从句的从属连词,1.基本类:before、after、when、while、as、since、till、until、once, as soon as, etc. It will be two months before he comes back. It is two years since he smoked,2. 名词类(由名词词组充当引导词):the moment ,the minute, the second, t

3、he instant,etc. (一就); every time, each time, the last time, the first time, etc,Ill tell him the minute (that) he gets here. I started the very moment I got your letter,3. 副词类(由副词充当引导词):immediately, directly, instantly, etc. (一.就.,4.句型类:no soonerthan, hardly/scarcely when, etc. (一就,e.g. I will give

4、you an answer immediately I finish my work. The machine will start instantly you press the button,e.g She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted. No sooner had she heard the news than she fainted. Scarcely had he gone when she appeared,注意:用于句首时应引起部分倒装, 且前部分一般用过去完成时,_(下课的时候), we began our writ

5、ing. John sings_(边走). _(我们看电视的时候), he was writing a composition,When the lesson was over,as he walks,While we were watching TV,注意,1. when, as, while 的区别,when: 持续性非持续性动词都可 as: 当;一边一边;随着 while:持续性动词进行,2. till, until和notuntil小结: 1.until/till引导时间状语从句用于肯定句时,主句的动词是延续性动词,表示动作或状态一直持续到until/till所表示的时间,意为“某动作

6、一直延续到某时间点才停止”。如: We waited until he came. 2用于否定句时,主句谓语动词是非延续性动词,从句为肯定,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始”。如: He wont go to bed till/until she returns. 3till不可以置于句首,而until可以。如: Until you told me I had no idea of it. 4notuntil句型中的强调和倒装说法: It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it. Not until you told me did I

7、 have any idea of it,3. 连接词before的小结: 一、含义 1 We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. 2 We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired. 3 Please write it down before you forget it. 4Before I could get in a word, he had measured me,才,不到就,趁,还没来得及,二Before从句中谓语不用否定式。如: Before they reached t

8、he station, the train had gone,三1)句型It will be/was段时间before“还要过多久才”如: It will be two years before he leaves the country. 2)句型It will be/was一段时间before“不多久就”。 如: It wasnt two years before he left the country,4. Since的句型,句型It is段时间since时间的计算一律从since从句的动作完成或状态结束时算起。如: It is three years since she was in

9、our class. 她离开我们班有三年了。 It is three years since he lived here,二.条件状语从句,1. 引导词: if, unless, as long as (=so long as) , in case(that) ,onconditionthat,provided/providingthat,ifonly/onlyif,granted,granting,given,assuming,supposing/suppose etc. Ive waited here for about half an hour._I myself could drive

10、 a car! A.Only if B.If only C.If D.Only,Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind,_they hunt them for food. A.If B.while C.unless D.as,2. 非真实条件句中应用虚拟语气,Eg. If you _(接受)your teachers advice, you wouldnt have failed the exam,3. 真实条件句中的时态,e.g. If it _(下雨)tomorrow, I will not

11、go out,had taken,rains,unless 与if not 的用法: If you dont start at once, you will miss the train. Unless you start at once, you will miss the train. unless 在意义上相当于if not 常可以换用,In case he comes, let me know. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before eleven. I will come again tomorrow

12、 provided (that) I have time. (= if) Supposing (that) it rains tomorrow, what shall we do? (= if) Unless you tell him yourself, hell lose faith in you completely. Well let you use the room on condition that / provided that you keep it clean and tidy,because直接原因,非推断语气最强 回答why since 通常放句首译为“既然” as 不谈自

13、明的原因,语气最弱 for 放句中,引导后半句表原因,三.原因状语从句,1引导原因状语从句最常用的连词是 because, since, 和as,所引导的从句可以放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后。其中 because语势最强,since次之,as又次之,1. 在强调句中强调原因状语从句,只能用because引导,不可用as或since,2. because可以引导表语从句,而as, since不可以,这时主语一般都是it, this, that,It was _ he was ill that he didnt go with us,Its_ he is too lazy,3. since表示“

14、既然”,只能放主句前,_you are here, you must do it,because,用because, as, since 填空,because,Since,1.John didnt come to school _ being ill yesterday. A.because of B.because C.since D.as 2.-Mum,can I go out to play football with jessica? -No,you cant _ your homework is being done. A.before B.until C.as D.when 3.T

15、hese two areas are similar_ they both have a high rainfall during this season. A.to that B.besides that C.in that D.except that,2复合连词也可以引导原因状语从句,这些连词有:now (that), seeing (that), considering (that), for the reason that, by reason that, for fear that, that等,如,Now (that) (= Since) you mention it, I do

16、remember. Now (that) he is absent, youll have to do the work by yourself. Now (=Since) the rain has stopped, lets start. Seeing (that) all the guests have arrived, lets have dinner. Considering that they are just beginners, they are doing quite a good job,3. 原因状语从句 原因状语从句通常由because, as, since, now t

17、hat, considering (that), seeing (that)等词引导。 because语气较强,用以回答why问句 as语气较弱,较口语化,所表示的原因较明显。 since语气较弱,常表对方已知的事实,相当于汉语的“既然,for 放句中,引导后半句表原因。 now that 既然 ,表示原因放在句首。 considering that 考虑到鉴于( 句首) seeing that 鉴于由于既然因为(句首,1. sothat 与suchthat 的区别,so +adj./adv. +that so +adj. +a/an +可数名词单数+ that so +many/much/f

18、ew/little+名词+that,e.g. It is so hot that we cant sleep,It is so interesting a book that she has read it twice,such +a/an+adj.+单数可数名词+that such +adj. +复数名词/不可数名词+that such +a lot of/lots of +名词+that,It is such an interesting book that she has read it twice,There was such delicious food that he had to

19、o much,引导状语从句的连接词有 so that/ sothat/suchthat,四.结果状语从句,用so , such填空: There were _ many people in the room that we could not get in. He made _ an excellent speech that every one admired him. She is _ lovely a girl that everyone in her class likes her. He has _ poor furniture that others cannot find a p

20、lace to sit,so,such,so,such,His courage is such that he doesnt know the meaning for fear. Such 表示程度高 So terrible was the storm that some old houses were destroyed. Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken. So such 在句首 倒装,So that 引导结果状语从句表示实现的一件事或一个事实,从句谓语动词一般不和情态动词连用,且从句前

21、多有逗号与主句分开。例如: He didnt study hard, so that he failed in the exam.(他没有用功学习,结果考试没有通过。) He took no notice of him, co that he flew into a rage. (我没有理睬他,于是他在怒起来。,注意,五.让步状语从句,由though, although, as (虽然尽管), even if, even though, wh-ever, no matter wh-, whether引导,_most of the people agreed, some were not wil

22、ling to accepted. We wouldnt lose heart _we should fail ten times,Although,even if,Although 和though均可以引导主步状语从句,间为“虽然,尽管”但是although较though 正式,更多有于句首,二者昀不可以与but边用,但可以与副词yet, still, nevertheless等连用。 Although (though) he was ill, (sill/yet) he went on working,注意1,as引导让步状语从句时从句部分语序要部分倒装。其结构为,Young as he

23、is, he can read and write in several foreign languages,Child as he was, he had to support the family. (表语名词提前并常省去冠词,n./adj./adv./v +as +主语谓语,注意2,1.There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely,_ she was an only child. A.ever since B.now that C.even though D.even as 2._ you like it or not, you wil

24、l have to give up smoking. A.If B.Whether C.How D.Why 3.You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A.however B.no matter C.although D.whatever 4.You can eat food free in my restaurant _ you like. A.Whenever B.wherever C.whatever D.however,六. 地点状语从句 引导词:where,wherever Ill g

25、o wherever he goes. Ill go where he went. -Can you tell me _ are you from? -It is not important _ I came from. A.when;whenever B.where ;wherever C.the place ;where D.wherever;where,我要去他去的地方,他去哪我就去哪,地点状语从句与定语从句的区别 1.-Where do you plan to work? -Ive made up my mind to go _Im most needed. A.to the plac

26、e B.to which C.that D.where 2.I will go to a country for a holiday _ there are a lot of flowers and trees. A.in the place B.where C.which D.wherever 辨析: Go back where you came from. Go back to the village where you came from,七.目的状语从句 引导词:so,so that,in order that,that,to the end that,in case,for fear

27、 that,lest等。其谓语动词常与情态动词can,could,may,might,should,would连用。(340) 1.Id like to arrive 20 minutes early_ I can have time for a cup of tea. A.as soon as B.as a result C.in case D.so that 2.John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _he phones. A.as long as B.in order that C.in case D.so that,The Shan

28、ghaiese are making great efforts to beautify the city_ more overseas companies will come. A.in order that B.so as to C.so long as D.on condition that,He studied hard to the end that he might pass the entrance examination. Take your raincoat in case it rains. He left early in case he should miss the

29、last train. I dare not go there for fear that he might see me,八.方式状语从句 引导词 1:as(象.一样,正如, 按照),as if/as though(好象,宛如) You must do the exercises as I show you. Please do exactly as your doctor says. It looks as if it might snow / is going to snow. He acted as / though nothing had happened. He walked as

30、 if he was / were drunk. Mary was behaving as though she hadnt grown up. Leave it as it is. He stated thae facts as they were. He is ,as it were, a walking dictionary,事实上,按现在的样子,按原样子,插入语,仿佛,好象,注意2,2在非正式文体或口语中,也可用 the way (that) (= as = in the way in which), how, like等来引导,如: Jean doesnt do it the way I do. She is doing her work the way I like it done. You can do the job how you like. The landlord was watching him like (= just as) a cat watches a mouse. Do you make bread like you make


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