



1、.The Second Semester (Grade 4)Unit1 Meeting a New TeacherLesson1 Who Is She?【重点句子】Lets say hello to her.我们给她问好吧。【重点对话】1. A:How nice to see you again.很高兴又见到你。B:Me too.我也一样。2. A: Who is she?她是谁?B:She is our maths teacher.她是我们的数学老师。【重点单词和短语】Ms Chen陈老师 maths teacher数学老师English teacher英语老师 PE teacher体育老师

2、Chinese teacher语文老师 【拓展】she她 he他 you你;你们 I我 it它 they他们her她的 his他的 your你的;你们的 my我的its它的 their他们的Lesson2 Greeting Song【重点句子】1. Touch your left eye.摸摸你的左眼。2. Show me your hands.把你的双手给我看看。3. Raise your left foot.抬起你的左脚。4. Wave your right arm.挥动你的右臂。5. Wash your hair.洗你的头发。【重点单词和短语】left左边 right右边 morning

3、早上afternoon下午 evening晚上Lesson3 What Does It Mean?【重点句子】I come from America.我来自于美国。= I am from America.【重点对话】A:What does “Lele” mean? “Lele”是什么意思?B:It means happy.是高兴的意思。【重点单词和短语】bright聪明的 name名字 come from来自于 call叫;称为【拓展】Call me 叫我My name is =I am (Her/His name is=She/He is )Lesson4 Whats Her Name?【重

4、点句子】Please sit down.请坐下。【重点对话】1. A:Whats your name?你叫什么名字?B:My names Tingting.我叫婷婷。2. A: Whats her name?她叫什么名字?B:Her name is Rose.她的名字叫罗斯。3. A:Whats his name?他的名字叫什么?B:His name is Lele.他的名字叫乐乐。【重点单词和短语】her book她的书 his pencil他的铅笔 its head它的头stand up起立 sit down坐下Lesson5 Whats He Like?【重点句子】We have a n

5、ew English teacher.我们有位新的英语老师。【重点对话】1. A:How is school?学校如何?B:Not bad.还不错。2. A: Whats he like?他这个人怎么样?B:He is handsome and friendly.他是个帅气而又友好的人。3. A: Can he speak Chinese?他会讲中文吗?B:A little.一点儿。【重点句子】handsome帅气的,英俊的 friendly友好的Chinese teacher中文老师 speak Chinese说中文tall高的 short矮的;短的 beautiful漂亮的 ugly丑陋的

6、new新的 old老的;旧的 young年轻的 strong强壮的Unit2 Having a PicnicLesson1 How about a Picnic?【重点句子】1. What a nice day!多好的天气!2. See you tomorrow.明天见。【重点对话】1. A:How about having a picnic this Sturday?本周六去野炊如何?B:Wonderful idea!好主意。2. A:How about 8 oclock tomorrow morning?明早8点钟如何?B:Its too early.太早了。3. A:How about

7、playing football?踢足球如何?B:Why not?为什不呢?【重点单词和短语】have a picnic去野炊 go to the park去公园go to the zoo去动物园 go to the cinema去电影院;去看电影Lesson2 Saying Cheese【重点句子】1. This place is so great.这地方太好了。2. A wonderful view.好漂亮的风景。3. Say cheese.笑一个。4. Lets do our homework.我们做作业吧。【重点对话】1. A:Excuse me. Could you help us?

8、对不起,你能帮帮我们吗?B:Sure.当然。2. A: Lets take a photo here.我们在这儿照张相吧。B:What a good idea!真是个好主意!3. A:Are you ready?你们准备好了吗?B:Yes. We are.是的。我们准备好了。【重点单词和短语】camera照相机 take a photo照相have fun玩的开心 photo相片Lesson3 Are You Tired?【重点句子】1. Are you tired?你累了吗?2. What about you?你怎么样?【重点对话】1. A:Are you happ?你高兴吗?B:Yes,

9、I am. / No, Im not.是的,我高兴。/不,我不高兴。2. A: Are you happy?你们高兴吗?B:Yes, we are. / No, we arent.是的,我们高兴。/不,我们不高兴。3. A:Lets sit down and have a rest.我们坐下来休息一会儿吧。B:Good idea.好主意。【重点单词和短语】tired疲累的 thirsty口渴的 angry生气的 have a rest休息一会儿 happy快乐的 sad悲伤的Lesson4 What Do You Like?【重点对话】1. A:Do you like hamburgers?你

10、喜欢汉堡包吗?B:Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。2. A:What do you like?你喜欢什么?B1:I (dont) like coffee. I (dont) like it.我(不)喜欢咖啡,我(不)喜欢它。B2:I (dont) like hamburgers. I (dont) like them.我(不)喜欢汉堡包,我(不)喜欢它们。【重点单词和短语】fried chicken炸鸡 biscuits饼干 salad沙拉 junk food垃圾食品 orange juice橙汁 ice cream冰淇淋Lesson5 What Are Those?【重点句子】1. So

11、many bees.这样多的蜜蜂!2. Be careful=Take care小心;当心3. Let me count.让我数数。4. Above your head.在你头顶。5. Im counting.我正在点数。【重点对话】1. A:How many bees can you see?你看见了多少蜜蜂?B:I dont know.我不知道。2. A:What are these?这些是什么?B:They are roses.它们是玫瑰花。3. A:What are those?那些是什么?B:They are bees.它们是蜜蜂。【重点单词和短语】this ruler这把尺子 th

12、ese rulers这些尺子that crayon那只蜡笔 those crayons那些蜡笔Unit3 Visiting a ZooLesson1 Where Are You Going?【重点句子】Today is Childrens Day.今天是儿童节。【重点对话】1. A:Where are you going?你(们)要去哪里?B1:Im going to the zoo.我要去动物园。 B2:Were going to the cinema.我们要去看电影。2. A:Would you like to join us?你愿意和我们一起吗?B:Id love to.我十分乐意。【重

13、点单词和短语】shop商店 supermarket超市 hospital医院 see a film看电影【拓展】Would you like to do sth.你想要做什么Would you like sth.你想要点什么Lesson2 There Is a Red Goldfish【重点句子】1. There is a green parrot.有一只绿鹦鹉。2. Next to the small tortoise.在小乌龟的旁边。3. It can speak English.它会讲英语。4. Its so nice.太漂亮了。【重点对话】A:Where is it?它在哪儿?B:(I

14、ts) Under the plane.(它)在飞机的下面。【重点单词和短语】gold金子 fish鱼 goldfish金鱼next to在旁边 speak English讲英语Lesson3 There Are Many Animals【重点句子】1. There are many animals in the zoo.在动物园里有许多动物。2. There are two tigers.有两只老虎。3. Between the bears and the elephants.在熊和大象之间。4. Have you seen them?你看见它们了吗?【重点对话】A:Where are th

15、ey?它们在哪儿?B : They are next to the bears.它们在熊的旁边。【重点单词和短语】many animals许多动物 in front of在前面between在之间 beside在旁边in在里面 on在上面 under在下面【拓展】There be句型:表示某处存在某物或某人Lesson4 Welcome to the Dog Show【重点句子】1. Welcome to the dog show.欢迎来到小狗秀。2. Answer my question.回答我的问题。3. Listen to me!听我说。4. So cool!太棒了!5. Good fo

16、r you!你真棒!【重点对话】1. A:Whats 20 minus 11? 20减11等于多少?B:Its nine. 等于9。2. A:Can you say it in English?能用英语说一下吗?B:Yes,I can.好的,我能。【重点单词和短语】ask问 answer回答 question问题 plus加 minus减listen to me听我说 say goodbye说再见Lesson5 Good News【重点句子】1. Good news.好消息。2. No exam tomorrow.明天没考试。3. There is an exam today.今天有堂考试。【

17、重点对话】A:What is it?它是什么?B : Its a ship.是轮船。【重点单词】news消息 yesterday昨天 today今天 tomorrow明天【拓展】Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期天Unit4 Enjoying a BirthdayLesson1 You Look So Happy【重点句子】1.Your birthday is in June.你的生日在六月。2.Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐【重点对话】A:You lo

18、ok so happy.Why?你看起来真高兴,为什么?B:Because today is my sisters birthday.因为今天是我姐姐的生日。【重点单词】January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月May五月 June六月【拓展】A:How old are you?你多大了?B:Im nine years old.我九岁了。Lesson2 This Is a Present for You【重点句子】1. This is a present for you.这是送你的礼物。2. You look great.你看上去真棒。【重点对话】1. A:Wha

19、t month is it?是什么月份了?B:Its June.是六月。2. A:Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐。B:Thank you.谢谢你。3. A:What is it?它是什么?B:Its a birthday cake.是生日蛋糕。【重点单词和句子】month月份 watch手表 dictionary字典 umbrella雨伞 dear亲爱的 Oh dear!哎呀!Lesson3 When Is Your Birthday?【重点句子】1.I like your dress.我喜欢你的裙子。2.This is a birthday present from

20、 my mum.这是我妈妈送给我的生日礼物。【重点对话】1. A:When is your birthday?你的生日在什么时候?B:It is in December.我的生日在十二月。2. A:When is his / her birthday?他/她的生日在什么时候?B:His / Her birthday is in July.他/她的生日在七月。【重点单词】July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月Lesson4 Making a Party Hat【重点句子】1. Lets make a party hat.我们来做生日帽吧。2. Draw a circle.画一个圆圈。3. Colour the circle.给这个圆圈涂色。4. Cut it out.把它剪下来。5. Cut on the line.沿着这条线剪。6. Fold it like this.像这样折一下。7. Glue it.把它粘起来。8. Wh


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