已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit1 my classroom目标导航单词classroom教室, window 窗户, blackboard黑板, light电灯, picture图画, door门, computer计算机, fan风扇, wall 墙壁, floor 地板, teachers desk讲台句子1. Open the door. 开门。2. Turn on the light. 开灯。3. Close the window. 关窗户。4. Put up the picture. 张贴图画。 5. Clean the blackboard. 擦黑板。句型1. 表达让某人打扫某地或某物的句型:Let m

2、e clean2. 询问与表达教室里的设施:Whats in your classroom? 及其回答:One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs3. 描述教室设施的颜色:The door is orange. The desks are green.4. 询问一些学习用品的具体位置:Where is the green book? It is in/on/under/near the desk.课文翻译Wheres my schoolbag? 我的书包在哪里?Its near the computer. 它在电脑旁边。Lets clean th

3、e desks and chairs. 让我们来擦桌子和椅子吧。Let me clean the windows. 让我来擦窗户吧。Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom. 嘿,张鹏。我们有一间新教室了。Let me clean the fish bowl. 让我来清洗鱼缸吧。Excuse me. 打扰一下。Oh, sorry. 噢,对不起。 Part ALets talkHey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom. 嘿,张鹏。我们有一间新教室了。Really? Whats in the classroom? 真的

4、吗? 教室里面有什么?Lets go and see! 咱们去看看吧!Its so big! 它好大!Look! My picture! 看!我的图画!Where is it? 在哪里?Its near the window. 它在窗户的旁边。Lets playI can see a “c”. 我看见一个字母“c”。Where is it? 它在哪里?Its in a desk. 它在桌子里面。Its a crayon. 它是一支蜡笔。 Lets learnWhats in the classroom? 教室里有什么东西?One blackboard, one TV, many desks a

5、nd chairs 一块黑板、一台电视机、很多桌子和椅子Lets do Open the door. 开门。Turn on the light. 开灯。Close the window. 关窗户。Put up the picture. 张贴图画。Clean the blackboard. 擦黑板。课文翻译Part BLets talkLets clean the classroom! 咱们来打扫教室吧!OK. 好啊。Let me clean the teachers desk. 让我来擦讲台吧。Let me clean the windows. 让我来擦窗户吧。Let me help you.

6、 让我帮你吧。Thank you. 谢谢。Lets playLets clean the classroom! 咱们来打扫教室吧!OK. 好啊。Let me clean the teachers desk. 让我来擦讲台吧。Let me clean the blackboard. 让我来擦黑板吧。Lets learnLook! This is the new classroom. The door is orange. 看! 这是新的教室, 门是橙色的。fan computer teachers desk wall floor风扇 计算机 讲台 墙壁 地板Colour and sayThis

7、is my classroom. 这是我的教室。The door is yellow. 门是黄色的。The desks are green 桌子是绿色的I like my classroom. 我喜欢我的教室。Part CStory timeOh! Theres a bee in our classroom. 噢!我们教室里面有一只蜜蜂。Where is it? 它在哪里?Look! Its on the light. 看!它在电灯上面。Where is it now? 它现在在哪里?Its on the fan. 它在风扇上面。Look! Its on the wall now. 看!它现在

8、在墙壁上。Yes. 是的。Whats this? 这是什么?Its a bee! 它是一只蜜蜂!No, its a blackboard. 不是,它是一块黑板。Theres a bee on the blackboard. 黑板上有一只蜜蜂。Ah, yes. It really IS a bee! 啊,是的。它确实是一只蜜蜂!Unit 2 My schoolbag目标导航单词schoolbag书包, maths book数学书, English book 英语书, Chinese book语文书, storybook 故事书, candy 糖果, notebook笔记本, toy 玩具, ke

9、y钥匙句子1. Put your Chinese book in your desk. 把你的语文书放在你的书桌里面。2. Put your pencil box on your English book. 把你的铅笔盒放在你的英语书上面。3. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. 把你的数学书放在书包下面。4. Put your eraser near your pencil box. 把你的橡皮擦放在你的铅笔盒旁边。句型1. 询问和回答书包中的物品名称:Whats in your schoolbag? An English book, a ma

10、ths book, three storybooks and 2. 询问物品的颜色:What colour is it?及其回答 Its blue.3. 表达拥有或丢失某件物品的用语:I have a new schoolbag. I lost my schoolbag.课文翻译John, I have a new schoolbag. 约翰,我有一个新书包。May I see it? 我可以看看吗?I lost my notebook. 我丢了笔记本。What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?Its green. I like it very much. 它是绿色的。我很喜欢它。M

11、y schoolbag is heavy. 我的书包很重。Whats in it? 里面有什么?I have a maths book, a Chinese book 我有一本数学书、一本语文书.Part ALets talkHi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. 嗨,陈洁。我有一个新书包。Really? 真的吗?Look! Its black and white. 看! 它是黑色白相间的。Wow! Its a panda. 哇!它是一只熊猫。Whats in your schoolbag? 你的书包里面有什么?An English book, a math

12、s book, three storybooks and 一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事书和Its a fat panda! 它是一只胖乎乎的熊猫!Lets play.Whats in your hand? 你的手里面有什么东西?Guess. 猜一猜。A pencil? No. 一支铅笔吗? 不是。A ruler? 一把尺子吗?No. Its an eraser. 不是,是一块橡皮擦。Lets learnWhats in your schoolbag? 你的书包里面有什么东西?An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and three st

13、orybooks.一本英语书、一本语文书、一本数学书和三本故事书。Lets do Put your Chinese book in your desk. 把你的语文书放在你的书桌里面。Put your pencil box on your English book. 把你的铅笔盒放在你的英语书上面。Put your maths book under your schoolbag. 把你的数学书放在你的书包下面。Put your eraser near your pencil box. 把你的橡皮擦放在你的铅笔盒旁边。课文翻译Part BLets talkExcuse me. I lost my

14、 schoolbag. 打扰一下。我丢了书包。What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?Its blue and white. 它是蓝白相间的。OK. Whats in it? 好的。里面有什么?An English book, two toys and a notebook. 一本英语书、两个玩具和一个笔记本。Here it is! 它在这里!Thank you so much! 非常感谢!Lets playI have a new book. 我有一本新书。What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?Its blue. 它是蓝色的。Its a maths book.

15、它是一本数学书。Lets learnMmm. Whats in my schoolbag? 嗯。我的书包里面有什么东西?My keys 我的钥匙candy notebook toys keys糖果 笔记本 玩具 钥匙Draw and sayWhats in your schoolbag? 你的书包里面有什么?Three keys, two toys and an English book. 三把钥匙、两个玩具和一本英语书。Part CStory timeGood night, Mum. 晚安,妈妈。Wait, Zoom. Put away your books. 等一等,佐姆。整理好你的书。A

16、ll right. 好的。English book, Chinese book, maths book 英语书、语文书、数学书Zoom, is everything in your schoolbag? 佐姆,所有东西都放进你的书包了吗?Yes, Mum. 是的,妈妈。Good night. Sweet dreams! 晚安。做个好梦!Some more? 还要吗?No, thanks. Im full. 不,谢谢。我饱了。Oh, my schoolbag is so heavy. 噢,我的书包好重啊。Take out your books, please. 请拿出你们的课本。Oh! Sorr

17、y. 噢!对不起。 Unit 3 My friends目标导航单词strong强壮的, friendly友好的, quiet安静的, hair头发, shoe鞋子, glasses眼镜句子1. Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?His name is Zhang Peng. 他叫张鹏。2. Hes tall and strong. 他又高又壮。3. Whos he? 他是谁?4. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 他戴眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。句型1. 询问他人姓名的:Whats his/her name? 及回答 His/ Her name i

18、s Whos he/she? He/ She is2. 描述人的外貌句的子:Hes tall and strong. Shes short and she has long hair.3. 描述人的衣着的句子:He has glasses and his shoes are blue.课文翻译Shes short and thin. 她又矮又瘦。She has two big eyes. 她有一双大眼睛。Shes cute. 她很可爱。Whats her name? 她叫什么名字?Shes short and she has long hair. 她很矮,留着长头发。She has an or

19、ange schoolbag. 她有一个橙色的书包。Its me, Sarah. 是我,萨拉。Guess! Hes strong and he has two big eyes. 猜一猜!他很强壮,有一双大眼睛。Hes very friendly. 他很友好。Its Zhang Peng. 是张鹏。Whos he? 他是谁?Wu Yifan! Hes tall and thin. 吴一凡!他又高又瘦。He has glasses. 他戴着眼镜。Part ALets talkMum, I have a new friend. 妈妈,我有一位新朋友。Really? A Chinese friend

20、? 真的吗?是一位中国朋友吗?Yes, hes very friendly. 是的,他非常友好。Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?His name is Zhang Peng. 他的名字叫张鹏。Look! Hes tall and strong. 看!他又高又壮。Yes, he is. 是的。Lets playI have a new friend. Shes tall and thin. 我有一位新朋友。她又高又瘦。Whats her name? 她叫什么名字?Her name is Lucy. 她的名字叫露西。Oh, there she is. 哦,她在那。Lets learn

21、I have a good friend. Hes tall and strong. 我有一位好朋友,他又高又壮。Who is he? 他是谁?His name is 他的名字叫课文翻译Part BLets talkHi, John. I have a good friend. 嗨,约翰。我有一个好朋友。A boy or girl? 是男孩还是女孩?A boy. Hes tall and thin. 一个男孩。 他又高又瘦。Whos he? Zhang Peng? 他是谁?是张鹏吗?No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 不是。他戴着眼镜而且他的鞋

22、子是蓝色的。Is he WuYifan? 是吴一凡吗?Yes. Youre right. 是的,你说对了。Lets playMy friends 我的朋友He is 他是He has 他有His shoes are 他的鞋子是His bag is 他的书包是Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?She is 她是She has 她有Her shoes are 她的鞋子是Her bag is 她的书包是What is her name? 她叫什么名字?Lets learnMy friend has blue glasses. 我的朋友戴着蓝色的眼镜。Its Wu Yifan. His g

23、lasses are blue! 是吴一凡。他的眼镜是蓝色的!brown shoes blue glasses long hair short hair a green bag棕色的鞋子 蓝色的眼镜 长头发 短头发 一个绿色的书包Say and drawI have a friend. He has short hair. 我有一位朋友。他留着短头发。He has a green bag and brown shoes. 他背着一个绿色的书包,穿着棕色的鞋子。Part C Story timeWow! Its so big! 哇!它好大啊!Oh, its too big. I cant pul

24、l it up. 哦,它太大了。我拉不动。Come on, friends. Please help me. 过来,朋友们。请帮帮我。Were coming! 我们来了!One, two, three, pull! 一,二,三,拉!Im strong. Lets work together. 我很强壮。咱们一起帮忙吧!Hooray! 太好了!Recycle 1课文翻译Let me help you. 我来帮你吧。Thanks. 谢谢。Wow! Your bag is so heavy. Whats in it? 哇!你的书包好重啊。里面有什么?An English book, a maths

25、book, 一本英语书、一本数学书、a notebook and ten storybooks. 一个笔记本和十本故事书。Ten? 十本吗?Yes. Theyre my friends storybooks. 是的。这些都是我朋友的故事书。Whos your friend? 谁是你的好朋友?Can you guess? 你能猜一猜吗?Shes friendly and she speaks English well. 她很友好而且她的英语说得很好。I know. Its Amy! 我知道了。她是艾米。No. Shes tall. She has short hair and big eyes.

26、 不是。她很高。她留着短发,眼睛大大的。I dont know. Whats her name? 我不知道。她叫什么名字?Sandy White, our English teacher. 桑迪怀特,我们的英语老师。Ah! 啊!Unit 4 My home目标导航单词bedroom卧室,living room客厅;起居室,study书房,kitchen厨房,bathroom 浴室;洗手间,bed 床,phone 电话,table 桌子,sofa长沙发,fridge冰箱句子1. Go to the living room. Watch TV. 去客厅看电视。2. Go to the study.

27、 Read a book. 去书房看书。3. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. 去厨房吃东西。4. Go to the bedroom. Have a nap. 去卧室睡觉。5. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. 去浴室洗澡。句型1. 询问、猜测物品的位置:Where are the keys? Are they on the table? 及其回答:Yes, they are. No, they are in the door.2. 询问、猜测某个人的位置:Where is she? Is she in the living

28、 room? 及其回答:Yes, she is. No, she isnt.3. 听懂并发出一些指令:Go to the living room/kitchen/study课文翻译Mum, where are my crayons? 妈妈,我的蜡笔在哪里?Are they in the study? 它们在书房里吗?Wheres the cat, Dad? 爸爸,猫在哪里?Is she in the kitchen? 她在厨房里吗?Oh, no! 噢,不!Zip, your living room is nice. 子普,你的客厅真漂亮。Zip is in the bathroom. Im h

29、er sister. 子普在浴室。我是她的妹妹。Part ALets talkI have a cat. Shes cute. 我有一只猫。她很可爱。Where is she? 她在哪里?Mmm. Is she in the living room? 嗯。她在客厅里吗?No, she isnt. 不,她不在。Is she in the study? 她在书房里吗?No, she isnt. 不,她不在。Look! Shes in the kitchen. 看!她在厨房里。Lets playWheres my pen? 我的钢笔在哪里?Is it in your desk? 在你桌子里面吗?No

30、, it isnt. 不,不在。Is it in your hand? 在你手里吗?Yes, it is! 是的,它在!Lets learnWheres Amy? 艾米在哪里?Is she in the study? 她在书房里吗?Yes, she is. 是的,她在。Lets do Go to the living room. Watch TV. 去客厅看电视。Go to the study. Read a book. 去书房看书。Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. 去厨房吃东西。Go to the bedroom. Have a nap. 去卧室睡觉。 Go

31、to the bathroom. Take a shower. 去浴室洗澡。课文翻译Part BLets talkOpen the door, please. 请开一下门。OK. 好的。Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?Are they on the table? 它们在桌子上吗?No, they arent. 不,它们不在。Are they near the phone? 它们在电话旁边吗?No, they arent. 不,它们不在。Look! They are in the door. 看!它们在门里面。Ask, answer and writeWhere are th

32、e pens? 钢笔在哪里?Are they under the table? 它们在桌子下面吗?No, they arent. 不,它们不在。Are they on the table? 它们在桌子上面吗?Yes, they are. 是的,它们在。Lets learnWhere are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?Theyre on the fridge. 它们在冰箱上面。sofa bed phone table fridge长沙发 床 电话 桌子 冰箱Lets playLook at that room. 看那个房间。Look at that room. It has a blue

33、bed. 看那个房间。里面有一张蓝色的床。Look at that room. It has a blue bed. The bed is near the window. 看那个房间。里面有一张蓝色的床。床在窗户的旁边。Part CStory timeDo you see my glasses? 你看见我的眼镜了吗?No. Are they on the fridge? 没有。它们在冰箱上面吗?Those are not my glasses. 那不是我的眼镜。Look! My glasses are on the table. 看!我的眼镜在桌子上面。But where are my gl

34、asses? 但是我的眼镜在哪里?Look! Your glasses are on the bed! 看!你的眼镜在床上!Thank you. 谢谢。Oh, my. 哦,我的Lets change our glasses. 咱们交换眼镜吧。I can see now. 我现在能看清了。Me too. 我也是。Unit 5 Dinners ready目标导航单词beef 牛肉, chicken 鸡肉,noodles面条,soup汤,vegetable蔬菜, chopsticks 筷子,bowl 碗,fork餐叉,knife刀,spoon勺句子1. Pass me the bowl. 把碗递给我

35、。2. Pass me the knife. 把刀递给我。3. Cut the vegetables. 切菜。4. Use the spoon. 使用勺子。5. Use the fork. 使用餐叉。6. Now lets try it! 现在我们尝一尝!句型1. 询问他人想吃/喝的食物或饮品:What would you like? What would you like for dinner? 及其回答:Id like some soup and bread.2. 询问他人是否需要食物或餐具:Would you like some soup? Would you like a knife

36、and fork? Yes, please. No, thanks.3. 发出传递与使用餐具的指令用语:Pass me the bowl/ knife Cut the vegetables/ Use the spoon课文翻译What would you like? 你想要些什么?Id like some beef. 我想要一些牛肉。Id like some vegetables. 我想要一些蔬菜。Five yuan, please. 五元。Would you like a knife and fork? 你想要一副刀叉吗?No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. 不

37、用,谢谢。我会使用筷子。Cheers! 干杯!Help yourself. 请自便。Part ALets talkMum, Im hungry. Whats for dinner? 妈妈,我饿了。晚餐吃什么?What would you like? 你想吃什么?Id like some soup and bread, please. 我想要汤和面包。What would you like for dinner? 晚餐你想吃什么?Some fish and vegetables, please. 一些鱼和蔬菜。Dinners ready! 晚餐准备好了!Thanks! 谢谢!Lets surve

38、yWhat would you like for dinner? 晚餐你想吃什么?Id like some rice and vegetables. 我想要一些米饭和蔬菜。fish vegetables rice bread juice soup others鱼 蔬菜 米饭 面包 果汁 汤 其他Lets learnWhat would you like? 你想要些什么?Id like some vegetables, please. 我想要一些蔬菜。OK. Five yuan, please. 好的,五元。Lets play What would you like? 你想要些什么?Id lik

39、e some vegetables, please. 我想要一些蔬菜。 OK. Here you are. 好的。给你。 课文翻译Part BLets talkDinners ready! Help yourself. 晚餐准备好了! 请自便。Thanks. 谢谢。Would you like a knife and fork? 你想要一副刀叉吗?No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. 不用,谢谢。我会使用筷子。Would you like some soup? 你要一些汤吗?Yes, please! 是的。Lets playHere are todays spec

40、ials. 这些是今天的特价。Would you like some beef? 你想要一些牛肉吗?Yes, please. 是的。Lets learnJohn, would you like some beef? 约翰,你想要一些牛肉吗?Yes, please, and pass me the knife and fork please. 是的。请把刀叉递给我。chopsticks bowl fork knife spoon筷子 碗 餐叉 小刀 勺子Lets doPass me the bowl. 把碗递给我。Pass me the knife. 把刀递给我。Cut the vegetables. 切菜。Use the spoon. 使用勺子。Use the fork. 使用餐叉。Now lets try it! 现在我们尝一尝!Part CStory timeHello! What would you like? 你好!你想要些什么?Id like some rice and fish, please. 我想要一些米饭和鱼。Your rice and fish. 你的米饭和鱼。Now Id like some noodles and beef, please. 现在请给我一些面条和牛肉。Your noodles


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