教学设计(322) Unit4 Topic2 Section A_第1页
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1、教 学 设 计课题Unit4 Topic2 Section A课型听说课课时2主讲人学案编号42A授课时间Teaching aims 一知识目标: Learn to make telephone calls and master the expressions of invitation and reminding二情感目标:培养学生的表达交际能力三教学方法:情感交际法四学习重点:打电话,邀请,建议及回答的表达法五突破策略:小组讨论,对比,总结六教学流程:1.Prereview: new words:free, up, West Hill, picnic, call, when, tomorr

2、ow (1)free :空闲的时间_ _免费的午餐_ _ _ _ this Sunday.(这个星期天我是有空的) (2) up: whats up? 怎么了? (3)West Hill _ _ the West Hill (4) picnic: _ _ the West Hill for _ ( 去西山野餐 ) (5)call: _ Maria/her. ( 给玛利亚或她打电话 )2. presentation: Step 1 :Listen to 1a and fill in the blanks in 1b. Step2: 提炼知识点并让学生用知识点做句子,然后练习打电话等交际用语 Be

3、 free tell sb about sth call sb go to .for a picnic see you then(1) 打电话 Hello! Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. Ill call her. (2) 约定 Are you free this Sunday? Yes. Whats up? (3) 邀请 Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? Oh, Id love to. (4) 提醒 Please tell Maria about it. Step 3: listen to the

4、tape and mark T or F Steo5: discuss in groups and fill in the chart in Page 90.Step6: listen to 4a and 4b 七习题检测 :(时间10分钟)一 补全对话Jane : Hello!Kangkang : Hello,Jane ! This is _.Jane : Hi, Kangkang Kangkang : _ you _this Sunday?Jane : Yes, _ _ ?Kangkang : Would you like to go to the West Hill _ a picnic

5、 ?Jane : Oh, Id _ to.Kangkang : Please tell Maria _ it.Jane : _ . Ill _ her.Kangkang : _ you _ .Jane : See you.二 单项选择( ) 1. Do you have any time this afternoon?Yes. _A. What are you? B. Whats going? C. Whats up? ( ) 2. Why not have a picnic _ this Sunday?A. in B. for C. at D. /( ) 3. Hello, Mike! _

6、Wang Wei.Mike? There is no Mike here. A. Im B. Thats C. This is D. Its ( ) 4. Please ask Jane _. Ill wait for her.A. call me B. give me a call C. to call me back D. giving me a call ( ) 5. Would you like to go _ a picnic?A. for B. to C. at D. out( ) 6. Lets go shopping, OK?That would _ very nice.A. are B. is C. be D. am三. 把下列句子排列成对话的顺序 ( )Hello, Lucy! This is Linda. ( )Yes, Whats up?( )Are you free tomorrow ? ( ) See you. ( ) Would you like to go shopping with me ? ( )Yes,Id love to


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