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1、牛津英语八年级上学期 Chapter 1 单元测试题 In .单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)1. His ambition an astronaut in the future .A. is B. is going to beC. is to be D. becomes2. My father football before he left school.A. is keen on B. was keen on C. is keen to D. was keen to3. A farmer _ Ben gave his son a lot of money.A. is calledB. is

2、 calling C. to call D. called4. What does your cousin like doing ?My cousin enjoys _ computer games and _the radio in the evening.A. playing ,listening B. playing ,listening to C. to play ,to listen D. to play ,to listen to5. Her grandpa _ August 10, 1950_Shenyang.A. is born in , on B. was born in ,

3、on C, was born on ,in D. was born in ,in6. He _ some photos of his family in his letter just now.A. puts B. enclosed C. encloses D. inside7. It took _European about _hour to get to the hotel from the airport.A. the, an B. a, a C. an, a D. an, an8. We can see many students _ on the playground.C. to p

4、lay the badmintonD. playing badminton9. How tall is your brother?He is only three feet .A. tallB. high C. long D. height10. They are keen _ machines.A .in, make B. in making C. on make D. on making11. I hope _come back soon .A. you to B. you are going C. to D. you will to12. I often play _ with my f

5、riends.A. pianoB. the rugby C. football D. violin13. My father works _ a worker in a factory.A. for B. as C. of D. like4. -do you read English books?-Twice a day.A. How many B. How muchC. How long D. How often5. Lily usually starts the day _breakfast.A. with B. from C. at D. of三、补全对话练习MOTHER: ?MAY:I

6、t s from my new friend.MOTHER:?MAY :His name is Li Ping.MOTHER:?MAY :He lives in Beijing.MOTHER:?MAY :14 years old.MOTHER:?MAY :Oh, he has no brothers or sisters.MOTHER:?MAY :His hobbies are playing football and camping.MOTHER:?MAY :He walks to school.A. Whats his name?B. How many brothers or sister

7、s does he have?C. How does he go to school?D. What are his hobbies?E. How old is he?F. Who is the letter from?G. Where does he live?H. How are his parents?三、用词的适当形式填空:1. Ann (go) to the police station this morning.2. Look! The students (swim) in the river.3. Li Lei often (help) me with my Chinese.4.

8、 Where (be) you last night?5. What about (play) football now?1. His (arrive) made everyone happy.2. What s her (high)?3. We were all (great) surprised.4. I (be) to my hometown twice.5. My ambiti on is(travel) around the world.6. Her hobby is(cook) family dishes.7. It s too hard. Can you make it a li

9、ttle(easy)?8. Never ask about a lady s(weigh).9. He made a long(speak) at the meeti ng.10. .His birth brought great(happy) to the family.D)按要求改写句子。(每空一词)(20分)4. What is his favourite subject ?What subjecthe ?31. My sister usually does her homework at 7 o clock.(改为否定句)My sister her homework at 7 o cl

10、ock.32. We go to the cen ima on every Mondays and every Saturdays.,对划线咅 B分提问) youto the cen ima ?33. They are actress.(改为单数)isactress.34. They have got one big house.(对划线部分提问) bighave they got?37.Which is your favourite sport?( 改为同义句 )Which sport you ?38.Lucy is 13 years old.Betty is 13 years old,to

11、o. ( 改为同义句 )Lucy is Betty.3. My sister s hair is long and brown. ( 改为同义句 )My sister hair.4. The boy is my young brother. He is wearing a pair of trainers.( 合为一个定语从句 )The boy wearing a pair of trainers is my young brother.VII. 翻译下列句子,每空一词 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)1. 这座桥大约 150 米长。The bridge is about .2. 她们的业余爱

12、好是曲棍球。Her hobbies .3. 汤姆说你可能爱好橄榄球运动。Tom was saying you might rugby.4. 他的理想是在英国当一名工程师。His ambition engineer in England.5. 我希望你不久随信附一张你的全家福照片。I hope you a photo of your family your letter.二、完形填空(共10小题每小题I分;满分10分)It took Mike a few months to save seven dollars He wanted to40 amodeI pIane , so he went t

13、o the shop with the money On the way to the 41 , Mike saw a IittIe boy crying on the street ”42are you crying? ” Mike asked “ Three big boys 43 my four doIIars just now ,”the boy said ”I was on 44 way to buy some exercise books , but now I can t”Mike thought of the 45 doIIars in his pocket (口袋) He t

14、hought ofMike wanted to walk away47 he did not At last he48 fourdollars to the boy and went homeMike felt 49 Do you know why? He was happy because the little boy was happy 40A sellD bringBbuyC hold41 A schoolD airportB hospitalC shop42AWhyD WhereBHowC What43A went outD took awayB turned onC mixed up

15、44A myB theirCmineDtheirs45A fourB fiveCsixDseven46 A girlBboyCteacherDdoctor47A andBasCbutDso48 A savedBgaveCborrowedD made49 A happyBsadCfriendlyDsurprisedV.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)(A)Every one n eeds frien ds. What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Here are some opinions.NickI think a good

16、 friend should always support(支持)me. Also he should know my likes and dislikes. When 1 rm wrong he should tell me about it and not worry that I might be an gry.Gi naI like to make friends with those who are the same as me. The similarity does nt have to be about looks, but about hobbies ad interests

17、. But the most important thing is that they must be honest( 诚实 的).JennyI want to make friends with people who bring me happ in ess, give me a hand and support me.MarkI would like to make friends with people who are differe nt form myself. We maybe sometimes dont agree with each other, but with frien

18、ds like these I can lear n differe nt ways of thi nking.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案.()1. thinks that being honest is the most important thing for mak ing friends.A. NickB. Gi naC. JennyD. MarkB. make him happyD. be the same assimilarity ” mean in Chinese?C.相似点 D.不同点)2. It necessary toto be Nick friend.A. know hi

19、s dislikesC. be differe nt from him)3. What does the un derl ined wordA.缺点B.优点()4. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mark thinks that differe nt friends teach him many thin gs.B. Nick doesn like his friend to tell him about it if he is wrong.C. Gina wants to make friends with people who have the

20、 same hobbiesas she does.D. Jenny like to make friends with people who can help her. )5. What the best title for this passage?A. What Does Your Friend Look Like?B. Making Frie nds Is Importa nt for Every oneC. Differe nt People Need Differe nt Ki nds of FriendsD. Everyone Likes Making Frie nds(B)Fri

21、ends are not easy to come by. True friends are harder to find. So we should do our best to make friends and keep our friendships alive( 有活力的).When we talk to some one, ask questi ons to help him or her keep talk ing. Don ask questions that are too personal(私人的),or they may want to walk away.Ano ther

22、 importa nt part of com muni cati on(交流)is liste ning. Liste n carefully to what people are saying, and respond in the right way. It doesn have to be with words. Body Ianguage can also show that you re listening.It easier to make friends and keep frien dships with people who have the same interests

23、and hobbies as you. You can spend hours and days together, talk ing about your com mon in terests.Frie ndship should be for life. We should try to keep frien dships as long as we can.根据短文内容,回答下列问题.6. Why should we try to keep frien dships alive?7. How many ways of making friends and keep ing frien d

24、ships does the passage tell us?8. Which people is it easy to make friends with?9. What does the underlined word respond mean?10. What does the writer thi nk of frien dship?四、回答问题Jackie Chan came into this world in 1954, the son of a poor couple who went to Hong Kong from Shandong, China. When he was

25、 born, his parents did not have eno ugh money to pay the hospital. They almost had to ask a doctor to adopt him. But the good ome n of his birth - an only child born in the Year of the Horse- was destined to change his fortune. His parents tried very hard to raise money for the hospital bill and too

26、k Jackie, their only child, home. They named him Chan Kong-sang, which means born in Hong Kong, to celebrate their safe arrival in Hong Kong.The family lived in the French Embassy where Jackies father worked as a cook and his mother a housekeeper. Jackie disliked school and left after finishing Grad

27、e One.When Jackie was seven years old, his father went to Australia and worked as chief cook in the American Embassy there to earn more money. Jackies life was destined to change greatly from the moment his father decided that the boy should learn some skills, and sent him to the China Drama Academy

28、.1. When and where was Jackie Chan born?2. How many children have the couple got?3. What was his fat her s job in Hong Kong?4. How old was he when his father worked in Australia?5. Why did his parents name him Chan Kong-sang?一、综合填空Dear MayHi! I your name and address in Pen-friends magazine, and I wo

29、uldlike to be your pen-friend. First, I will you some things about myself.My name is Sidney Li Pei-chun. I m fourteen years .Im about five feet . I have short black hair and brown eyes. My favourite is playing computer games. 1 also enjoy chess.I livemy parents. They came to England about 30 years a

30、go. Theycame from Hong Kong, A 但是我从未到过那儿。 . Now my parentsaChinese restaurant in Newcastle. We live in a small house near our restaurant. I was born in Newcastle1986. I can speak Chinese, but I cannot write very well. I have a brotherEdwin. He is 23. He worksan architect, in London.I m in Form One a

31、t Walker School. It is near my house, andI canwalk to school. I like my school because the teachers are very friendly. My school has many sports fields. B I am keen on sports. I enjoyrugby andbadminton in the winter, and tennis in the summer. My best at school isphysics. My ambition is to be an engi

32、neer.I enclose a photo of myself and some school friends. I am in the middle. Iyou will write to me soon, May, and tell me all about yourself.Best wishesSidney1. 文中 I would like to be your pen-friend. 可改为 I be yourpen-friend.2. 文中 I have a brother called Edwin. 可改为 I have a brother Edwin.3. 文中 I can

33、 walk to school. 可改为 I can go to school .4. 将 A 处译为英语。 .5. 将 B 处译为汉语。 .There was a guy in a bar, just looking at his drink. He stayed like that for half an hour. Then, this big trouble making truck driver stepped up next to him, took the drink from the guy, and (A) it all down.The poor man started (

34、B) . The truck driver said, “ Comeon,man, I was just joking. Here, I ll buy you (C) one more drink. I just can t ”man crying. ” No, it s not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, (D) I was late getting to my office. My boss was very angry, and fired me .When I left the building to go to my

35、car, I found out (E) it was stolen. The police said (F) 他们 无能为力 . I took a taxi to return home, and when I left (G) it , I remember I had left my wallet and credit cards there . But the taxi drivers just drove away. When I got home , my wife said she had (H ) made a decision to leave me. I left home

36、 and came to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life , you show up and drink my poison ( 毒药 ).1.分别在(A)和(B)的空白处填入一个适当的词:,2. 写出可以替换划线部分(C)和(H)的同义词或者是近义词: 3. 将划线部分(D)改写成:Ito my office.4. 将划线部分(F)译成英语:5.写出划线部分(E)和(G)分别指代的内容:答案:1. drank , crying 2. another decided 3. got, l

37、ate4. they could do nothing 5. my car, the taxiVIII.书面表达 (20分)假如你的名字叫 Mike。今天在网上看到下面这则征笔友的帖子,请根 据帖子内容与一封词数为70左右的回信。要求:1.表达交友愿望;2.陈述交友理由;3.提供个人的信息。Post: pen friend wan ted: 14 or 15 years oldPosted by Kayla on 6/21/2010Hello! I m 14 years old. My name is Kayla. My birthday is May 13.I liketo read, cl

38、imb trees, do maths, and I like to watch football games. I love En glish and I want more cha nces to touch it. I thi nk I n eed to do what I like to do. I d like to have a pen friend who has different hobbies from me so that we can lear n from each other. Please write to me. My email address is Kayl

39、ahotmail. comTha nks!KaylaVIII.书面表达。(10分)根据下列班级活动调查表,用英语写一篇文章。Class 12,Grade 8: Activity SurveyActivityEvery DayTwice a WeekFour Times a WeekWatch TV60%20%20%Have Sports10%20%70%inDo homework100%0%0%(All students=100% Most students=599 % Some students = 1 %50 % No students = 0% )VIII. A Possible Ver


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