Unit ThreeLesson Two Never Give Up(Book 3)教学设计_第1页
Unit ThreeLesson Two Never Give Up(Book 3)教学设计_第2页
Unit ThreeLesson Two Never Give Up(Book 3)教学设计_第3页




1、Unit Three Lesson Two Never Give Up(Book 3)教学设计一.设计理念 本节课是一篇阅读课,我以阅读教学为主线,进行Lesson 2里的Reading部分.把阅读与写作整合到一起,分析写作方法,积累阅读材料,为更好的语言输出做准备。阅读课以阅读教学为线,让同学们认真阅读,通过跳读,寻读,细读的阅读技巧,用精读和泛读相结合的方法来进行阅读教学,同时整合了教材,把阅读与写作整合到一起,分析写作方法,积累阅读材料,为更好的语言输出做准备,这样学生就有章可循了。 2、 学习需要(分析)(一)教材分析 本册书前3单元的中心功能项目为Talking about life

2、 experiences,让学生学会根据自己的亲生经历表达生活中的困惑及感悟,学会表达心中的偶像;让学生在不同的时间、场合使用恰当得体的英语进行交际;了解西方人的生活方式和生活习惯。通过语言实践活动体会英语学习的乐趣,激发学生学习英语的积极性,培养相互了解、交流和关爱的情感,培养解决生活中的问题的能力。(二)学生分析 初三学生经过两年的英语学习,有了初步的阅读能力,能借助于老师给的语言点提示正确理解课文,通过阅读能对课文所讲的情景也有所了解。他们也有能力通过阅读,理解,然后转变成写作。1. 知识目标 (1)能掌握Its time for .? It is/was +adj+for sb + t

3、o do 的用法,以及ability,quit ,stop,happen,free等词的含义及用法(2)掌握give up,keep up with,help sb with sth,at last,harder and harder 等常考短语。2.能力目标:掌握简单句的5种基本句型四.教学重点:11个单词和3个短语五.教学难点:单词的扎实掌握和活学活用六.教学方法和教学手段(1).情景教学,通过讲一个成功的故事,引出英雄王焕升的永不放弃的故事,激发学生的学习兴趣。(2).根据描述猜词,提高学生的参与热情,融入听说读写的综合训练。(3).教学步骤循序渐进,由单词,短语到句子,最后到文章,逐步

4、深入。(4).采用多媒体教学手段,更直观,更生动,为学生搭建语境的平台。七.教学过程 上课问好后我会以Do you have good computer skills?提问,训练学生的听说的同时,复习第一课的词汇,加强巩固学过的生词,为下面的词汇扩展和延伸做好铺垫. 本课新词的讲解采用根据提示逐步猜词对应英文释义的环节,猜测句中的词,词义以及单词的用法。此环节一可以提高学生主动学习的积极性,二可以给学生想象的空间,引发学生的快速思考。一. Before Reading Write the lesson goals on the board.Lesson Goal:Understanding t

5、he story of Wang Huansheng in time order. Vocabulary Preview Read the 11 sentences and answers all together as a group.Have the students match the words with the meanings.Give about 20 seconds for the students to check the meanings.Then let the students read the sentences together.Vocabulary Preview

6、 Match the word with its meaning. 1_He has a handicap,so he cant walk2 _This is my private phone .Nobody else uses it. 3 _Are you ill? Do you need medicine? 4 _He goes to school every day . He is getting an education. 5 _She has the ability to read Chinese. 6 _The baby boy is trying to stand up. Do

7、you think he will succeed? 7 _How much is this sweater? Its free! 8 _It was time for dinner, so we quit playing soccer. 9 _She is learning new computer skills. She is learning how to use the Internet and e-mail. 10_My sister can run very fast. I cant keep up with her. 11_She is going to the library

8、to get information about flowers. a stopped g a thing a person can do h doesnt cost anything h do the thing he or she wants to do c sick i a problem with body or mind d knowledge from learning j for one person f facts k have the same ability Answers 1.i 2.j.3.c 4.d.5.g.6.h.7.b.8.a 9.e 10.k.11.f 二Rea

9、ding - Never Give up? 1)Before playing the tape,explain the story. T:The main reading is a kind of a success story.The hero is Wang Huansheng,who never gives up.Even though he was in a wheelchair,he didnt give up learning.Althoufh he was physically challenged,he managed his situation well.He truly i

10、s a hero of our world. T:Now lets listen to the tape and try to understand the main text. 2).The first reading should be done inividually.After that ,make sure the students get some chances to read the passage aloud. 3).The story develops in chronological order.Therefore it would be useful to point

11、out some links and connections between events: When he was seven years old; At first;But;Then,when he started middle school;Thanks to computers. 4.) Explain the words and expressions. 5). Have the students make a list of what happened to Wang Huansheng and how he overcame every difficulty .He became

12、 ill and lost the ability to walk. -He used a wheelchair Traveling was hard. -He didnt give up schooling. Expensive private teachers. -Free online learning. 三 After Reading 1.Call on a row of the students to stand up and start asking them how they answered the comprehension questions. Additional Que

13、stionsT: Why couldnt he get a private teacher?S: Because a private teacher was too expensive.T: Who first found out about online schooling?S: His mother found out about it while she was reading a newspaper.T: How was he able to start online schooling?S: His family bought a computer.T: Were online cl

14、asses expensive?S: No, the Beijing Online School let him study for free.T: What did he learn?S: He learned different computer skills.2.T: Okay, its time to complete the charts about Wang Huansheng.3.1). Have the students begin the writing activity. Arouse students interest with the following questio

15、ns.T: What are you good at?S: I am good at ice skating/ riding a bike/ making new friends.T: Good. That means you have ice skating skills/ bike riding skills for making friends.T: Who usually gives you something for free?S: My parents.T: Yes, thats probably right. Think of the last things your parents bought you.S: Yesterday, they bought a new bag for me.2). Allow enough time for students to think of things they are good at, and ask the students to write their answers in their notebooks.四Feelings To work hard brings success.5 Homework Read the text and remember it.六教学板书Lesson 2 Nev


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