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1、Unit 4,Organizations and Company Introduction机构名称和公司简介,Contents,Company Logo,Project One 机构名称,Warming-up请辨认以下机构、企业名称的缩写 (1) MOTA (2) SANYO(TSAJ) (3) ASEAN (4) APEC (5) HITJ (6) NEC (7) CANON (8) UPS (9) IBM (10) GE,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,摩托罗拉公司(美,三洋公司(日,东南亚国家联盟,亚太经合组织,日立公司(日,国家经济委员会美,佳能,联合包裹服务公司,国际商务机器

2、,通用汽车公司,Company Logo,Project One 机构名称,Warming-up请为以下英文机构名称找到对应的中文: (1) Matsushita Electric Industrial (2) Carrefour (3) Nissan Motor (4) HP, Hewlett-Packard (5) FedEx (6) Hyundai Motor (7) Mitsubishi Electric (8) Samsung Electronics (9) Renault (10) Intel,e. 松下电器,f. 家乐福,d. 日产汽车,j. 惠普,g. 联邦快递,c. 现代汽车

3、,h. 三菱电机,i. 三星电子,a. 雷诺,b. 英特尔,Company Logo,Project One 机构名称,目前,我国的组织机构按其性质可分为国家机关、事业单位及企业三大类。 国家机关是指国家为行使其职能而设立的各种机构,是专司国家权力和国家管理职能的组织,包括国家权力机关、行政机关、审判机关、检察机关、军事机关等。常见的一些机关的名称有:部(Department, Ministry)、局(Bureau, Administration)、委(Committee, Commission)、司(Department)、厅(Department)、处(Division)、科(Sectio

4、n)、 室(Section, Unit)、站(Station)、所(Institute, Office, Center)、管委会(Management Committee)等等,Company Logo,Project One 机构名称,事业单位主要包括教育机构,例如大学(University, College)、学院(College, School)、系(Department)、研究所(Institute)、研究中心(Center)、中学(Middle School, High School)、小学(Primary School)等;医院及各类医疗机构,例如医院(Hospital)、诊所(C

5、linic)、医疗中心(Medical Center)、社区医院(Community Hospital)、保健中心(Care Center)等;研究所及各种科研、检测机构,例如监督检验中心(Supervision that is constantly striving for something fresh and changing to reach international standards.(选自红塔集团公司简介) 译文2:Hongtas growth is a miniature of the development of Chinas tobacco industry,Compan

6、y Logo,Part III. Project Conclusions增译法和省译法,省译法 3省译意义空洞或重复部分 只见交易会上人山人海,人声鼎沸,各种商品琳琅满目,应有尽有。 译文:The commodity fair is filled with seas of people and a wide variety of commodities satisfying various demands.(省译用来渲染气氛而语意重复的“人声鼎沸”和“琳琅满目”,Company Logo,Part V. More Practice 学以致用,词组翻译 (1)广州市交通局人事处 (2)广东省石油

7、化工集团有限公司 (3)广东省建筑材料行业协会 (4)上海航空公司 (5)中美合资金源铜业有限公司,_,_,_,_,_,Personnel Division, Bureau of Communications, Guangzhou,Guangdong Petroleum & Chemical Group,Guangdong Construction Material Industry Association,Shanghai Airlines,Sino-American Joint Venture-Kimyard Coppers,Company Logo,Part V. More Practi

8、ce 学以致用,6)Philippine Association of Paint Manufacturers (PAPM) (7)Tesco Stores (Holdings) (8)British Nuclear Associates (9)Subsea Equipment Associates Ltd. (10)Mutual Broadcasting System,_,_,_,_,_,菲律宾涂料业生产协会,坦斯科百货公司(英,英国核协会,海底设备联合有限公司(英、法、美合办,相互广播公司(美,Company Logo,Part V. More Practice 学以致用,2.句子翻译 (

9、1)According to “Financial Times”, this group was ranked the second most competitive steel producer globally. (2)NISCO is located in the northern suburb of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, covering an area of 3.54 million square meters. (3)The headquarters of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. are l

10、ocated in Mianyang city, which is known as the “technical city of China” in Sichuan province,在金融时报的排名中,该集团名列最具竞争力的钢铁公司第二位,南京钢铁集团位于江苏省南京市北郊,占地面积354万平方米,四川长虹电器股份有限公司(Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.)总部位于“中国科技城”四川省绵阳市,Company Logo,Part V. More Practice 学以致用,4)Haier was ranked 95th after such househ

11、old names as Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Nokia, which were the top three. (5)王氏集团是由家电、信息、通讯三大领域组成的现代企业集团,排行榜上,中国海尔排在第95位,可口可乐荣登榜首,麦当劳排名第二,诺基亚排名第三,Wang Group, as a modernized corporation, is now involved in three fields, household electrical appliances, information and communication,Company Logo,Part V.

12、 More Practice 学以致用,6)海尔已连续三年蝉联全球销量最大的家用电器品牌,被列为美国新闻周刊“全球十大创新企业”。 (7)至2001年底,太原钢铁集团有限公司资产总额达23.711 亿元,钢年产能力达400万吨,Haier has been honored as the worlds largest home appliance brand for three consecutive years and has been listed among the worlds top 10 innovative companies by the website of the Ameri

13、can Newsweek magazine,By the end of 2001, the total assets of Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. is 2.3711 billion Yuan. TISCO has annual steel output capacity of 4 million tons,Company Logo,Part V. More Practice 学以致用,8)我厂能生产大衣、西服、时装、衬衣、毛衣等不同类型服装用的上千个花色品种的纽扣,产品规格齐全、品种繁多、造型新颖,The factory can prod

14、uce various new types of buttons in thousands of different designs for coats, suits, fashions, shirts and sweaters,Company Logo,Part V. More Practice 学以致用,3.段落翻译 (1)ABC公司 ABC集团股份有限公司创办于1981年,是一家综合性大型国有企业。经过22年的发展,ABC集团从一个制作音像磁带的小型地方工厂发展成为自主经营(不用国家资本投入)的大型企业,年销售超过了30亿,ABC Corporation is a comprehensi

15、ve large-scale state-owned enterprise, established in 1981. 22 years has witnessed that ABC has become an enterprise with annual sales exceeding 30 billion from a small audio cassette-made, local factory, into which without state capital plunging,Company Logo,Part V. More Practice 学以致用,同时ABC集团一直稳步发展

16、,在过去十年中以47%的复合年增长率不断增长,是增长速度最快的工业制造企业之一。目前,ABC涉及的家电、通讯设施、信息以及电工四大主导产品都居国内同行前列,Now, ABC is well known from home to abroad, and has developed in many areas such as Multimedia Electronics, Home Electronics Appliances, Telecommunication Equipment, Information Components, and Electronics Components. More

17、over, ABC has undergone a period of substantial progress, and is one of the fastest-growing major industry manufactures, having racked up a compound annual growth rate of 47 percent in the past decade. Today, all the four key industries lead the tide in their fields,Company Logo,Part V. More Practic

18、e 学以致用,从整体上看,ABC集团在全国知名电子信息百强企业中列第4名,2002年其品牌价值达人民币18.769亿元。2002年ABC集团销售总额达人民币31.9亿元,出口创汇1.16亿美元。同时2002年ABC产生利润人民币1.5亿元,纳税人民币1.9亿元,As a whole, ABC is ranked four in a rating for the China 100 prestigious Electronics & IT enterprises and ABC brand value in 2002 reached RMB 1.8769 billion. In 2002, th

19、e ABC Group had total sales of RMB 3.19 billion and export revenue came to US$0.116 billion. ABC also generated a profit of RMB0.15 billion in 2002, and paid RMB 0.19 billion in taxes,Company Logo,Part V. More Practice 学以致用,2)Company Profile of HK Wise Company Ltd. Registered in HK, HK Wise Company

20、Ltd was established in 2003, with its main business as inviting overseas enterprises to advertise, open new markets, visit and make investment in China. Taking advantage of the information, financial and policies in HK, The company organizes Chinese enterprises to participate in foreign exhibitions and to exchange with foreign companies and plans all kinds of international conferences, forums and seminars,香港智展国际有


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