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1、绝密 启用前 |试题命制中心2019-2019 学年上学期期末原创卷b 卷八年级英语(考试时间: 90 分钟试卷满分: 90 分)本试卷分卷i 和卷 ii 两部分,卷i 为选择题,卷ii 为非选择题。卷i ( 选择题,共 50分)注意事项: 1. 答卷 i 前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。2. 答卷 i 时,每小题选出答案后, 用 2b铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效。a. as soon asb. unlessc. althoughd. until5. he _ to bed until eleven la

2、st night.a. wentb. not goc. didntgod. goes6. the two old men _ each other since 1970.a. didn tseeb. don tseec. haventseend. won tsee7. jason, would you please _ this notice?no problem. i ll do it right away.a. put onb. put offc. put upd. put out笔试部分i. 单项选择 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. w

3、hat would you like, tea or coffee?, thanks. i just prefer a glass of water.a. bothb. neitherc. eitherd. so2. i think dragons are theof china. do you think so? i agree with you.a. situationb. symbolc. promised. shape3. i think it is _ for a man to pull the plane with his teeth.a. importantb. necessar

4、yc. easyd. impossible4. _ the tv programi am a singercame out, music fans all over the country became interested in it atonce.8. has tom finished reading his book yet?ive no idea, but he _ it the whole morning.a. readb. was readingc. has doned. would read9. emily is glad that she _ for her honesty a

5、t that meeting.a. praisesb. praisedc. is praisedd. was praised10. could you please tell me _ now?a. where do you liveb. where did you livec. where you lived. where you livedii. 完形填空 (共 10小题,每小题 1分,计 10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。an old saying says that near neighbors are better than relative

6、s far off. i never had that feeling _11_ i gotto visit my grandfather in the countryside.it was quite beautiful. and _12_ of the roads are narrow in the mountains. i walked through them and第 1页breathed in the fresh air. i saw planted corn everywhere, and dogs were _13_ in front of the house.my fathe

7、r and i visited the house my grandparents live in. my grandfather told me that two families livedhere. i saw a(n) _14_ neighbor, who was over 90, sitting outside their house.in fact, our real _15_ was to visit this old couple. though their house was wet and dark, it reminded myfather of his sweet ch

8、ildhood memories. when he was a kid, the neighbors _16_ him to cut paper, climb treesand recognize plants. they _17_ gave him candies and apples. now, they were getting older, and my fatherwanted to thank them.when they saw me, they quickly stood up with a smile and greeted me. i gave them a warm sm

9、ile back and_18_ their questions patiently. they handed me a few candies just like they had to my father a long time ago.later, my grandfather remembered the stories of the _19_, and the two neighbors laughed happilytogether. these things made me think of the warm relationships _20_ people. we donth

10、ave ties of bloodwith these neighbors, but they still seem like family. it inspires(激励 ) me to help and care for others more.11. a. sinceb. becausec. untild. although12. a. allb. bothc. neitherd. either13. a. dancingb. arguingc. cryingd. lying14. a. oldb. strangec. youngd. angry15. a. purposeb. secr

11、etc. valued. choice16. a. offeredb. requiredc. taughtd. allowed17. a. seldomb. alwaysc. neverd. hardly18. a. choseb. preparedc. answeredd. expressed19. a. futureb. presentc. momentd. past20. a. acrossb. throughc. betweend. amongiii. 阅读理解 (共 15小题,每小题 2分,计 30分)阅读 a 、b 、 c三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。aif

12、you are like me and you love drawing a lot, then i am sure you will lovedrawing with mark . drawingwith mark is a great show and mark is really helpful. mark gives kids some tips on how to draw and oftenteaches kids some history about the thing they draw. kids can also learn three or four fun facts

13、about what they aredrawing. happy tails is about cats and dogs. mark shows how to draw them and talks about how to look after them, too.in a day with the dinosaurs , mark visits the museum of boston and speaks to an expert to learn whatthe dinosaurs ate and how long they lived. in reach for the star

14、s mark is also in the museum of boston. hespeaks to another expert about the stars. i learned how far we are from the stars. i thought that the stars were justabout 100 miles from us, but they are millions of miles from us. that s really far.if you love drawing, you can watch this show. you can have

15、 fun with the tips. the tips willhelp you tobecome an artist.21. how does mark learn how long the dinosaurs live?a. by reading a book.b. by talking with an expert.c. by surfing the internet.d. by watching tv.22. where does mark go to learn about the stars?a. to a zoo.b. to a museum.c. to a library.d

16、. to a gym.bmany people have to work on the weekend. some people do not mind. other people think it is terrible.graham coates thinks that working on the weekend can be dangerous. he works in an office in brighton,england.on saturday, may 24, 1986, he went to the office to do some work. when he got o

17、n the elevator(电梯 ), itstopped between floors. mr. coates could not get out of the elevator. he started to shout, but no one heard him.then mr. coates remembered it was a holiday in england. no one was going to come to work until tuesday.there was nothing for mr. coates to do. he had to wait. with n

18、othing to eat or drink, mr. coates had to sleepfor most of the time.early on tuesday morning, his workmates came into work and found the elevator was not working. when theelevator was opened, mr. coates came out cold, weak, and tired. he was in the elevator for 62 hours.23. why couldn tmr. coates ge

19、t out of the elevator?a. because it was broken.b. because it was the weekend.c. because it was in an office.d. because it was a holiday.24. in the elevator, there was no _.a. foodb. waterc. telephoned. a, b and c25. how long was he in the elevator?a. on saturday.b. sixty-two hours.c. the weekend.d.

20、never.26. who helped him get out of the elevator?a. his mother.b. his office.c. his workmates.d. the elevator.chere is a notice( 告示 ) about a healthy programme. nancy reads it in the school and tells it to her parents.they all want to go to the sun star programme.27. the sun star programme is about_

21、.a. shopsb. sportsc. jobsd. health28. the sun star programme lasts for _ hours.a. 6b. 5c. 4d. 329. 24th november 2019 is_.a. mondayb. tuesdayc. saturdayd. sunday30. nancy cant_ at the sun star programme.a. see any photosb. meet any actorsc. listen to talksd. eat healthy foodda teacher from america v

22、isited a school in china. in one class, she watched sixty children learn to draw a cat. the teacher drew a big circle on the blackboard, and sixty children copied it on their paper. the teacher drew a small one on the top of the big one and then put two small triangles( 三角形 ) on the top of it. the c

23、hildren drew inthe same way. the lesson went on until there were sixty-one cats in the classroom. each students cat lookedexactly the same as that on the blackboard.the visiting teacher watched the lesson and was surprised because the teacher methods were different fromthose in her country. a childr

24、en s art lesson in her country produced a lot of pictures, and each one is quitedifferent from the others. why? what makes this difference in educational methods? in a classroom in any country,a teacher teaches more than art or history or language.in a country such as the united states or canada, st

25、udents are asked to work and find answers by themselves. the students are helped to learn to have their own ideas. in countries such as china and japan, students often worktogether and help each other in the classroom, but the teachers teach, and the students listen. the students are asked to memori

26、ze a lot. they have to learn the same textbook, do the same homework and give the same answers.第 3页31. which of the following looks like the cat on the blackboard?a.b.c.d.32. the students in _ are helped to find answers by themselves.a. japanb. chinac. americad. japan & china33. the wordmemorize mea

27、ns _ in the passage.a. rememberb. forgetc. gived. read34. which of the following is true?a. there are sixty-one students in the class.b. all the students in the class are good at drawing cats.c. the visitor was surprised at the art lesson.d. the students in china and japan are helped to learn to hav

28、e their own ideas.35. the writer of the passage thinks that the students should _.a. have the same answers as their teacherb. learn knowledge by themselvesc. learn the same textbook.d. be asked to memorize a lot卷ii ( 非选择题,共 40分)iv. 任务型阅读 (共 5小题,每小题 2分,计 10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成3640题。computers are very import

29、ant to modern life. many people think that in the future computers will be used alot in everyday life. maybe we wonthave to go shopping because we will be able to buy most things on theinternet. there will be fewer books because we will be able to get all texts from computers. the internet will beus

30、ed to play games and see films. most telephone calls will be made by computers, too.some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating(交流 ). others do not think thatcomputers will replace (代替) our old ways.let s take books for example. some people think that one day we wontread

31、books made of paper. instead,we will buy and read books by using computers. we will read texts on small pocket computers. the computerswill keep many different books in them at the same time. we wontneed to turn lots of pages and paper will besaved. computerized books(电子图书)will be used more and more

32、.is internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? many people say it is not. it is pleasant to go intoshops and look at things you want to buy. it is also impossible that many people will want to read large texts onour computers. because paper books will perhaps be more friendly. maybe com

33、puters wontchange these twohabits.36 题完成句子;3738 题简略回答问题;39 题找出并写下文章第一段的主题句;40 题将画线句子译成汉语。36. many people think they will use computers for shopping, reading, _, seeing films, and even making phone calls according to the first paragraph.37. why do many people like reading paper books?_38. what are th

34、e two habits computers won tchange according to the last paragraph?_39. _40. _v. 词语运用 (共 10小题,每小题 1分,计 10分)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。bill and simon were good friends. one summer they were on v41. they wanted to sail around thecaribbean sea in their boat42two weeks.during their trip, they saw many whales(鲸 ). bill and simon were very e43because they had wantedto see them very much. unluckily, w44they were watching them, the whales began to hit(撞 ) the side ofthe boat.suddenly, w45started to come in, and they realized(意识到 ) they w


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