



1、名校名 推荐unit 3 under the sea单元知识点练习多项选择1. ordinary woman though she is, she had won the award because she tries every means to make people_ of the importance of the environmentconservation.a. awareb. carefulc. sensibled. awesome2. on feelingthe earthquake, the teacherstayedcalm in thefrontof the class

2、room ,_allthe studentsto rushout of the classroomas quickly as possible.a. encouraging b. hoping c. demanding d. urging3. the 1930s, when he was in his twenties, _ the sufferings that the chinese were bearing from the war.a. observed b. witnessed c. proved d. supplied4. just as the clothes a person

3、wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house _ his personality.a. resembles b. strengthens c. reflectsd. shapes5. when the war broke out, people had to _ their unnecessaries and put away the valuable to flee away with the necessities.aabandon brelease c discourage

4、d resign6. the lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a majorof global climate change.a. resultb. causec. warningd. reflection7. after the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families.a. accommodation b. occupation c. equipmen

5、t d. furniture8. opening the window, we saw a high mountain _ us going up into the sky, just like a skyscraper.aagainst bacross c opposite d through9. his _ description of his adventure in the forest made us want to have a try ourselves.amagic b vivid c relevant d awesome10. we hadn t planned to mee

6、t at that party. in fact,we met there by _ chance.atrue b real c sure d pure11. when most of his family, including his brothers, _ from their homeland to mexico or the us after 1949, he stayed.aflowed b flied c fled d followed12 we are now enjoying the cool air in the room._ , the farmers are harves

7、ting crops in the hot sun.a therefore b besides c as a result d in the meantime13. the school should spend some time training students to _ in any emergency, especially with all in the buildings.atest out b bring out c squeeze out d help out14 customers should learn to _ advertisements so as not to

8、be misled by them.apick out b reflect on c make use of d test out15. had early explorers come from the southern hemisphere, would our maps appear _?ainside out b all over c upside down d down through完成句子1 _ of is that providing the best education possible is very important for theirchildren s future

9、. (aware)很多人没有意识到的是提供可能最好的教育对孩子的未来非常重要。2 the reason_thesearchon a largescalewas thatthe lostchildhad littlechance of survival.(abandon)他们放弃了大规模搜寻的原因是失踪的孩子生还的机会很小。1名校名 推荐3 he was obviously in some kind of trouble, but i didnt know _. (help)他显然遇到了麻烦,但我不知道应怎样帮他。4 _ all the picture postcards ive collect

10、ed over the past 25 years is quite a job. (sort)整理过去 25 年我收集的所有明信片是件相当大的工作。5.over the last six years ive had time to reflect on the extraordinary events _ _(winess)在过去是六年里我有时间回忆了亲眼目睹的离奇事件。6.while shopping, peop le sometimes _ into buying something they don t really need. (persuade)购物时,人们有时经不住劝说,买了他们

11、其实不需要的东西。7.the little boy _ at home. (scared)那小男孩害怕被独自留在家里。8.everyone present at the meeting should _ the risks involved. (aware)该让出席会议的每个人都知道所涉及的风险。9.mark often _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. (attempt)无论什么时候违犯交通规则,马克经常企图逃避罚款。10. what made alice so angry? _ in the rain for an hour. (keep)

12、- 是什么使 alice 这么生气? - 让她在雨中等了一小时。11. _for several days, these flowers finally died. (water)因为好几天没浇水,这些花最终死了。12. i urged that we _to prevent such things happening again. (take)我极力主张应该立刻采取措施阻止这样的事情再发生。13. the decision _, the next problem was how to make a good plan. (make)既然已做出了决定, 下个问题就是如何制定一个好的计划。14.

13、 never in my wildest dreams _ these people are living in such poor conditions. (imagine)我从来不敢想象这些人的生活条件如此之差。15. i just dont understand _ that leads to so many teenagers becoming addicted to playing computer games.(it)我就是搞不懂究竟是什么使这么多的青少年沉溺于网络游戏。unit 3 under the sea单元知识点练习参考答案多项选择1-5 adbca 6 10 bacbd 11-15 cddbc完成句子1. what many people havent been aware2. why they abandoned3. how i could help him out4. sorting out5. (that / which)i have witnessed6. can t help being persuaded7. is scared of


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