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1、打钱英语写范文 打钱,是指无赖代人挨打所索取的报酬。语出清 褚人获 坚瓠五集哈打打:“ 吴中 无赖为人代比较者,计笞数索钱,曰打钱。”那么,你知道打钱的英文怎么写吗? collect cash from the viewers 这句按我的理解是他们是否咒骂欧洲的打钱者 I wonder if theyre cursing at European gold farmers there 从上图中,我们看到一个男人满意地躺在一打钱上,这些钱象征了他父母的遗产。 From the above drawing, we find a man lying satisfactorily on a pile o

2、f moneywhich symbolizes his parents legacy. 英雄在6级之前去gank不是很好,比如说在4级时不应该去浪费时间拿神符,而应该专注于中路的敌人和打钱。 Heroes that cant gank good before level 6, and for example got a rune on lvl 4shouldnt be wasting their time, and should be focusing on mid lane enemy andfarming instead. 打钱,最好的方式,卖金砖8-10元宝,金条2元宝,升级赚钱两不误。

3、重点推荐。 Play money, the best way to sell gold ingots 8-10, 2 gold bars, ingots , the correctupgrade to make money. Key remendation. 我以前经常玩魔兽世界,有时你需要自己打钱,以便能买到昂贵装备。 I used to play Wow a lot, and at times you had to do your own gold farming toafford expensive mounts etc. 为了更有效的打钱,你需要等到一组敌方小兵的血量都比较低的时候再施

4、放黑暗之风。 In order to farm gold effectively as Fiddlesticks, you want to wait for a group ofenemy minions to get low on HP, then unleash dark wind. This will easily get several killing blows. 资金流就要先让国外供货商先打钱给你们国外的母公司,然后再让母公司打钱给国内采购商。 But the capital, overseas supplier should remit it to parent pany, an

5、d thenremit to inland purchaser. 当他到达6级拥有割裂时(只有70秒CD)就能在任何时候去抓人,同时他打钱能力很好。 When he gets lvl 6 he ganks whenever his rupture is on CD (70 sec only) and hecan farm very good. 到6级你就能让所有gank破灭。所以只要生存下来和打钱获得一些基础撑血装就好了。 From level 6 onwards, you turn every gank into massacre, so just survive and getsome f

6、arm with some basic hp items and it should be alright. 卷轴对于打钱、武器、盔甲、和其他非石头类的是很有用的。 The scrolls are good for getting money, weapons, armors and other non gem items. 也应该能够处理和打钱真钱。 Also It should be able to handle Real Money and Play money. 这些打钱的人一个月挣$250,对他们而言是比不错的收入。 The gold farmers can make $250 a

7、month playing MMORPGs - a good living forthem. 但是,如果你在市场销售上减少投入,你会发现在一天结束时桌子上有一打钱(减少了损失,且有收益)。 But if youre cutting back you marketing efforts, youll find you will be leavingmoney on the table at the end of the day. 贼也是被打钱者经常使用的职业。 However rogues are also known to be used. 起初,叮当还是很信守承诺的按时打钱,但随着加入的人高

8、达30多个时。 At first, dingdong or very those who abide by aeptance make money on time,but be as high as 30 as affiliation person many when. 在这个中,你就可以有很多的一个真正的老虎机上打钱的乐趣。 In this game youll be able to have lots of fun with play money on a real slot machine. 当然你也可以不给我们打钱,那么我们也不可能第二次的合作机会了; Of course you can not fight for our money, then we can not second opportunitiesfor cooperation; 加入一个打钱者在你旁边,很容易鉴别他。 If the farmer is on your side, identifying it is easier. 如果他是一个挂机或者打钱的,他不会理解你的话。 We are an organised resistance movement,


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