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1、Unit 4,Dont eat in class,Language goal: Talk about,rules,School rules,1,Dont,arrive late for class. You,must,be,on time,2,Dont,run in the hallways,3,Dont,eat in the classroom. You,must,eat in the dining hall,4,Dont,listen to music in class,5,Dont,fight,What,can,you do at school,What,cant,you do at s

2、chool,情态动词,can,表许可,意为“可以,cant,不可以,we,cant,but we,can,2a,Practice,Can we ,Yes, we can,No, we cant,eat in class,listen to music,outside,wear hats at school,fight in class,talk in the library,John: Hi, my names John,Its my first day at school,Alice: Hi, John. Im Alice. This is a great school, but,there

3、 are a lot of rules,John: Really? What are some of the rules,Alice: Well,dont be late for class,This is very,important,John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we,bring,music players to school,Alice: No, we cant. And,we always have to wear the,school uniform,John: I see,Alice: Oh, and,we also have to be

4、 quiet in the library,2d.Role-play the conversation,5,情态动词,have to,的用法,必须、不得不,它侧重于客观上,的必要和被动。有人称和数的变化,1,结构,主语,have to,动词原形其他,主语是第三人称单数时,用,has to,如,我们每天必须穿校服,We,have to,wear school uniforms every day,汤姆每天必须练习弹吉它,Tom,has to,practice the guitar every day,2,否定形式,主语,dont/doesnt,have to,动词,原形其他。如,尼克不必戴帽子,

5、Nick,doesnt,have to,wear a hat,今天我们不必做作业,We,dont,have to,do our homework today,3,疑问句,Do (Does,主语,have to,动词,原形其他,如,你必须在餐厅吃饭吗,Do,you,have to,eat in the dining hall,Yes, I do. / No, I,dont,他必须打扫房间吗,Does,he,have,to clean his room,Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt,Grammar,Focus,按要求改写句子,每空一词,1. Paul has to e

6、at outside,改为一般疑问句,_ Paul _ _ eat outside,2. They can wear hats in the hall,改为一般疑问句,_ they _ hats in the hall,3. The students have to wear the school,uniforms.,对划线部分提问,_ do the students _ _ _,Does have to,Can wear,What have to do,4. You cant,listen to music in the hallways,改为祈使句,_ _ to music in the

7、hallways,5. Eat in the dining hall.,改为否定句,_ _ in the dining hall,6. Dont arrive late next time.,改为同义句,_ _ late next time,Dont be,Dont,listen,Dont,eat,Unit 4,Dont eat in class,Section B,1a-1d,go out,practice the guitar,help mom make,breakfast,clean his room,do the dishes,see friends,New activities,Do

8、nt _ _on school nights,FAMILY RULES,go out,He,cant,go out on school nights,FAMILY RULES,Dont _,_ on school days,see friends,He,cant,see friends on school days,FAMILY RULES,_ _ _on Saturdays,Clean his room,He,has to/must,clean his room on Saturdays,FAMILY RULES,_ _ _ after dinner,Do the dishes,He,has

9、 to/ must,do the dishes after dinner,_ _ _every day,FAMILY RULES,Practice the guitar,He,has to/ must,practice the guitar every day,Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow,the rules in the chart in 1b. Choose from the,phrases in the box,1c,on school nights,every Saturday,before dinner,in the even

10、ing,on school days,after dinner,after school every morning,Read the letters. Underline the rules for,Molly,Dear Dr. Know,There are,too many,rules! At 6:00 a.m., my,mom says,Get up now and,make your,bed,After breakfast, my mom always says,Dont leave the,dirty dishes,in the kitchen,2b,After that, I ru

11、n to school,because,I cant be,late. At school, we have,more rules,dont,be noisy,dont eat in class,My dad says I cant play basketball after,school,because,I must do my homework,I can play,only,on weekends. After dinner,I cant,relax either,I must,read a book,before,I can,watch TV,But I have to,go to b

12、ed,before,10:00. Rules,rules, rules,Its terrible! What can I do,Dr,Know,Molly Brown, New York,Dear Molly,I know,how you feel,People always tell us,Dont do this,or,You cant do that!” But,think,about,it, Molly. There are a lot of things you can,do. You can play basketball on weekends,You can watch TV,

13、after,you read a book,Parents and schools are sometimes,strict,but,remember,they,make rules,to help us,We have to,follow,them,Good luck,Dr. Know,Dear Dr. Know,_ you help me? Im not happy because,there too many rules at home. Every,morning, I _ get up at six oclock. At,school, I _ wear a school uniform,and I _,keep my hair short,After,school,Complete Zhao Peis letters to Dr. Know,using,have to / must, can or cant,3a,Can,have t


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