1、Foreign Policy,Week 7-8,I. Background InformationChinas Independent Foreign Policy of Peace,(1) China consistently adheres to the principle of independence and taking the initiatives in its own hands. (2). China opposes hegemonism and safeguards world peace.,Chinas Independent Foreign Policy of Peac
2、e,(3) China actively promotes the establishment of a just and rational new international political and economic order. (4) China respects the diversity of the world.,Chinas Independent Foreign Policy of Peace,(5) China would like to establish and develop friendly and cooperative relations with all c
3、ountries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, namely, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each others internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence. 和平共处五项原则(互相尊重主权和领土完整、互补侵犯、互补干涉内政、平等互利
4、、和平共处),Chinas Independent Foreign Policy of Peace,(6) China pursues an all-dimensional opening policy. (7) China takes an active part in multilateral diplomatic policy.,Interpreting Exercises C-E(唐家璇首席委员在第五届中日友好21世纪委员会首次会议开幕式上的主旨演讲),1. 首席委员 chair 2. 第五届中日友好21世纪委员会 The Fifth China-Japan Friendship Co
5、mmittee for the 21st Century 3. 西室泰三 Taizo Nishimura 4. 咨询机构 advisory body 5. 建言献策 contribute ideas and wisdom 6. 邦交正常化 normalization of diplomatic relations 7. 联合宣言 Joint Declaration,Interpreting Exercises C-E,8. 核心利益和重大关切 core interest and major concerns 9. 着眼大局 focus on the big picture 10. 慎重冷静 t
6、ake a prudent and calm approcach 11. 自民党 Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) 12. 鸠山首相内阁 Prime Minister Hatoyamas cabinet 13. 民主党 Democratic Party of Japan 14. 东亚共同体 East Asia Community 15. 经济转型 economic transformation 16. 求大同,存小异 seek common ground while putting aside minor differences,Interpret
7、ing Exercises E-CAustralia- China Relations: A Long-term View,1. Australian National University (ANU) 澳大利亚国立大学 2. ANUs China Institute 中国学院 3. high-profile 高调的,引人注目的 4. ramification 衍生物,结果 5. extrapolate 推断 6. the Whitlam Government 惠特拉姆政府 (1972年赢得澳大利亚大选并组建政府的工党领袖) 7. bipartisan 两党的 8. starry-eyed 不
8、切实际的 9. burgeoning 迅速发展的 10. responsible stakeholder 负责任的利益相关方,Selected Exercises:王毅在外交部2014新年招待会的致辞,Wang Yi(1953-) Foreign minister of PRC a professional diplomat BA: Japanese MA: international relations,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para. 1-4),国务委员:state councilor 外交使节:diplomatic envoy 同辞旧岁,共迎新年:bid f
9、arewell to the old year and usher in the new 表达敬意:pay tribute to 国际社会:the international community 相互交织: interweave with 把握主动、开创未来:seize the initiative and find the way to the future,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para.1-4),因时而变、与时俱进:to be highly adaptive and keep pace with the times 中共中央: the Central Com
10、mittee of the Communist Party of China(CPC) 进取意识: enterprising 开创精神:innovative 打开新局面:open up a new vista 签署自由贸易协定:conclude free trade agreements 切实成果:tangible benefits 共同的责任:a shared responsibility,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para.5-8),大国关系:major-coutry relationships 走出一条和平共处、良性互动的新路:blaze a new path
11、of major-country relationship based on peaceful co-existence and sound interaction 加州安纳伯格庄园:the Annenberg Estate, California 不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢:non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para.5-8),良性互动:sound interaction 中俄全面战略协作关系:China-Russia com
12、prehensive strategic partnership of coordination 掀起新高潮:set up a new upsurge 召开周边外交工作座谈会:convene a neighborhood diplomacy work conference 体现亲、诚、惠、容的理念:embody the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. 丝绸之路经济带:the Silk Road Economic Belt 21世纪“海上丝绸之路”:the 21st century Maritim
13、e Silk Road,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para.5-8),开创先列:set the precedent 深情厚谊:profound goodwill 正确的义利观:a right approach on morality and interests 义重于利:attach great importance to morality 构建命运共同体:build a community of shared destiny,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para.5-8),亚洲基础设施投资银行:the Asian infrastructure
14、 investment bank 南海行动宣言:the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea 南海行动计划:a Code of Conduct in the South China 坚持半岛无核化:be committed to denuclearization of the Peninsula 重启六方会谈:early restoration of the Six-Party Talks,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para.5-8),联合国维和行动:the UN peacekeepi
15、ng operations 联合国千年发展目标:the UN Millennium Development Goals 提出方案,贡献智慧:put forward plans and offer Chinese wisdom 中国共产党十八届三中全会:Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee,Lead-in : Vocabulary work(para.9-10),吹响号角:sound the clarion call for 造福中国,惠及世界:keep deliver benefits to China and the rest of the world 注入强大动力:inject powerful impetus into 开拓进取,勇于担当:act boldly and in a pioneering manner 民族复兴:
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