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1、【英语】英语试卷英语连词题分类汇编及解析一、初中英语连词1my mother doesnt like stories _have sad endings.a. thatb. whoc. whered. those【答案】a【解析】 【分析】句意:我 不喜 有悲 的 局的故事。that引 定 从句,指物;who 指人; where 指地点,在从句中作地点状 ,those 那些,不引 定 从句, 是含有定 从句的主从复合句,先行 是stories ,指物,在从句中作主 ,关系代 用that/which ,故 a。【点 】此 考 定 从句。注意定 从句的关系 的使用。2my mother has l

2、ittle interest in football _ she didnt watch the live match on tvyesterday evening.a. sob. ifc. thoughd. when【答案】a3you like football _ she likes reading.a. whenb. orc. becaused. while【答案】d4i think you should be against the situation, _, of course, you are happy with it.a. becauseb. howeverc. anywayd

3、. unless【答案】d5in shopping centers of most foreign countries, we can see many products made in china.what we need is _ made in china, _ created in china. there is still a longway to go.a. both andb. not only but alsoc. neither nord. either or【答案】b6my parents are crazy about running man. how about you

4、r parents?_ my dad _ my mum likes it. instead, they prefer the voice of china.a. neither; norb. both; andc. not only; but also【答案】a7_it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.a. althoughb. becausec. unlessd. however【答案】a8mark felt very bad today. _, he kept working all day and said nothing about it.a.

5、 howeverb. thereforec. otherwised. besides【答案】a9learning to love is like learning to walk.yes, _ we step out bravely, well find its not so difficult.a. as a resultb. even thoughc. as long as【答案】cd. as far as10 i dont like western food. i seldom eat it _ to mcdonalds with my daughter.a. ifb. whenc. a

6、sd. unless【答案】d11 study hard, _ our parents will be disappointed. a. and b. but c. ord. because【答案】c12 she got up very early that day _ she could catch the first train.a. becauseb. ifc. thoughd. so that【答案】d13 _ the teacher came in, the students stopped reading at once.a. whenb. whilec. befored. /【答

7、案】a14 tom wont play computer games _ he finishes his homework. a. if b. so that c. unlessd. although【答案】c15 yesterday morning a. wheni was just leaving the telephone rang.b. whilec. becaused. since【答案】a16 my best friend and i havent seen each other _ she went to the usa 10 yearsago.a. whenb. ifc. al

8、thoughd. since【答案】d【解析】 【分析】句意:自从我的朋友十年前去了美国,我和我的朋友 就没有 面。a.当 候; b.如果; c.尽管; d.自从。本句 状 从句,主句 在完成 ,从句 一般 去 ,因此使用 since。故答案是 d。【点 】考 辨析,注意 since 接的 状 从句,主句 在完成 ,从句 一般 去 。17 the film seems interesting _ we all want to see it.a. andb. butc. unlessd. if【答案】a【解析】 【分析】句意: 部 影似乎很有趣,我 都想看。a:and又,和,表示 接;b:but

9、但是,表示 折;c:unless除非。表示条件;d:if如果,表示假 。根据interesting和want to see ,可知前后两句是 接关系,要用and。【点 】考 辨析。根据前后句的关系, 正确的 。18 do you know _grandma is going to visit us ?next saturday. she told me on the phone.a. whereb. whyc. whend. whether【答案】c【解析】 【分析】句意:你知道奶奶什么 候来看望我 ?下周六。她在 告 我 的。where哪里;why 什么;when何 ;whether是否.根

10、据答 nextsaturday,可知 的是 ,用when提 ,故 c。【点 】本 考 疑 辨析。根据答 确定所使用的疑 。19 _ you know the answer, please _ your hand quickly.a. if; riseb. if; raisec. whether; rised. whether; raise【答案】b【解析】 【分析】句意:如果你知道答案, 快速 起手。if 如果; whether 是否; rise起, ;raise 起, ,raise ones hand 起某人的手,固定搭配。 起手的条件是知道答案,所以用if,如果,故 b。升【点 】考 辨析

11、和 辨析,首先 其 ,然后根据句意确定。20 you arent able to lose weight _ you change your eating habits.a. ifb. unlessc. afterd. since【答案】b【解析】 【分析】句意:除非你改 你的 食 ,否 你不能减肥。a.如果;b.除非 .否 ;c.在 .之后;d.自从。除非改 食 ,否 不会减肥,所以用unless,故 b。【点 】考 辨析,首先 意思,然后根据句意确定。21 jim, how do your parents like country music?_ my dad _ my mom likes

12、 it. they both like country music.a. either, orb. neither, norc. not only, but alsod. both, and【答案】c【解析】 【分析】句意:蒂姆,你的父母 得 村音 怎么 ?不但爸爸喜 ,而且 也不喜 ,他 都喜 村音 。根据后半句:他 都喜 村音 ,either or或者 或者,表示两者之一;neith er nor 两者都不,既不,也不;not only but also 不 而且; both and两个都,主 是两个人。not only but also 句型要根据最近的主 确定 ,本 中的likes 是

13、第三人称 数,故答案 c。【点 】考 和主 一致。注意 not only but also句型中 的用法。22 take more exercise, a. butyou will be healthier.b. orc. and【答案】c【解析】 【分析】句意:多 ,那么你将会更健康。a.但是,表示 折。b.或者,表示 。 c.而、又、和,既可以表示并列也可以表示 。因 干前半句和后半句是 关系,故答案 c。【点 】考 的用法。,注意 祈使句中and 是表示好的 果的用法。23 _ my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.what

14、 a clever girl!a. becauseb. whetherc. though【答案】c【解析】 【分析】句意:尽管我女儿 10 ,但是她知道很多。多 明的女孩啊!根据my daughter is only ten years old和 she knows a lot之 的关系,可知是“尽管 ”;because 因 ,whether是否,though尽管;故答案 c。【点 】考 的用法,注意 though表示 折关系的用法。24 _ you sit in front of the computer all day while working, youd better take exe

15、rcisefor at least an hour every day.a. even ifb. even thoughc. sinced. as if【答案】c【解析】【分析】句意:既然你整天坐在 前工作,你最好每天 至少一小 。a.even if即使,一般引 的是把握不大或假 的事情;b. even though即使,引出的是事 ;c. since由于,表已知的事 或 的原因;d. as if 好像,引 表 从句或引 方式状 从句;从文字的表 意思推断,根据you sit in front of the computer all day while working你整天坐在 前工作,表示已

16、知的事 ,判断空格用since,故 c。【点 】考 辨析。弄清所 短 意思,根据上下文的 系确定所使用的 短 。25 a little monkey might feel sad because of having a new baby sister or brother!yeah. i didnt know thati saw the filmborn in china.a. ifb. untilc. sinced. although【答案】b【解析】 【分析】句意: 一个小猴因 有新生的妹妹或弟弟可能感到 心。 是的。我直到看到 影我 生在中国才知道。if如果;until直到;since自

17、从;although 然, not.until.直到 才 ,固定短 ,故 b。【点 】考 辨析。根据上下文的 系确定句子中所使用的 。26 she is a teacher _ has much teaching experience.a. whoseb. whoc. whomd. which【答案】b【解析】【分析】句意:她是一名有丰富的教学 的教 。定 从句先行 是teacher ,从句中缺少主 ,故指代人用【点 】考 定 从句,注意关系代 whowho做主 , 故 的用法。b。27 she stopped talkingher mother came into the room.a. a

18、s soon asb. unlessc. thoughd. but【答案】a【解析】 【分析】句意: 她母 一走 房 她就停止 。一 就, as soon as, ,引 状 从句, a 一 就, b 除非, c 尽管, d 但是,故答案 a。【点 】考 状 从句和 。注意 几个 的区 。28 what subject do you prefer? i prefer science _ its difficult.a. orb. thoughc. sod. as【答案】b【解析】 【分析】句意:你更喜 哪个科目? 我喜 科学,尽管它很 。根据itsdifficult,我又喜 ,前后是 不的关系,故 b。【点 】考 辨析。注意 各 意思。29 what shall we do_ it rains tomorrow?a. ifb. w


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