1、Contrastive Studies on Animal play the fox She is as cunning as a fox, youve got to watch her.,8,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,cf: Fox also means sly crafty and doubtful in Chinese, for example: (1) 狐假虎威: the ass in the lions skin;(fig) bully people by flaunting ones powerful connections.
2、 (2) 狐狸精: fox spirit symbolizing a seductive woman(3) 狐疑: doubt; suspicion,9,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,In English, sheep means meek or a man who is kind. Phrase: a sheep among wolves; to separate the sheep from the goat. She is as lovely as a little sheep. cf: In Chinese, sheep is a s
3、ymbol of luck and kindness. For example: “三羊开泰”( three sheep bring a new start) which means a good luck will be brought about from sheep;,10,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,The words refer to the same animal but with different connotations Some animal words are endowed with the national fea
4、ture because of differences of traditional culture. Dragon, an animal only found in the fairy tale, stands for atrocious and evil in English. However, in Chinese, dragon is an animal that can give people blessedness.,11,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,For example: She is a real dragon, you
5、had better keep away from her . In Chinese, For example: “望子成龙”(to hope ones son have a bright future.) sounds ridiculous to westerners.,12,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,13,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,PhoenixIn Chinese traditional culture, phoenix is a supernatural creature.
6、In English, phoenix stands for immaculacy or renascence. It is an immortal bird. For instance, “Religion, like a phoenix, has been resurrected from the ashes of the war. (宗教就像凤凰一样,在战争的灰烬中又复活了).,14,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,OwlIn English, owl symbolizes wisdom, calmness and steadiness.
7、 For example, “as wise as an owl” is usually used by westerners to praise someone who is pretty clever. In Chinese culture, owl stands for having bad luck or doom. Most of time, owl appears in night and its wow is sad and shrill. So, owl stands for death in Chinese. cf: 夜猫子,15,参考内容,Contrastive Studi
8、es on Animal Words,DogWestern people all like dogs. In their opinion, dogs are friends of human. It stands for loyalty and smartness importance. For examples: 1) a dog-like affection(忠实的爱)2) an old dog(上了岁数的人)3) a top dog(胜利者)4) a gay dog(快乐的人)5) lucky dog(幸运儿),16,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal
9、Words,In China, “Dog” is not a “good” word. Most time it conveys derogatory sense. Sometimes it is used to describe “a bad person; evildoer” There are some idioms made from dog, such as :1) 狗杂种:“bastard”2) 狗腿子:“lackey”.3) 狗娘养的:“son of bitch”4) 狗胆包天:“monstrous audacity” 5) 狗急跳墙:“a cornered best will
10、do something desperate”,17,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,6) 狗屁:“bullshit”7) 狗嘴吐不出象牙:“A filthy mouth cannot utter decent language” cf: “搜狗”-“Sogou”, “看门狗”-“Windog”, “酷狗”- “Kugoo”, etc.,18,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,Magpie Magpie means gab, tragedy and doom in English culture,
11、 so magpie is a kind of animal that everyone hates. Most time it conveys derogatory sense.For example: 1) She is a magpie of a woman. 2) a magpie collection (大杂货堆), 3) to magpie together (鱼龙混杂),19,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,In Chinese : 鸦鸣凶,鹊鸣喜; 灯花结彩,喜鹊闹枝; 喜鹊叫,贵客到; 喜鹊嘈,有喜兆 Bat,20,参考内容,
12、Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,The words refer to different animals with the same connotation Different animal words stand for the same cultural connotation, which means that we use different words to express the similar meaning. Although animal words used are different in these two languages,
13、their cultural connotations are similar.,21,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,For example: 象热锅上的蚂蚁( like a cat on hot bricks) 他壮得跟牛一样(he is as strong as a horse) 吹牛( talk horse) 蠢得像头猪(as fool as a goose),22,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,The words refer to the same animal but only h
14、as connotation in English or Chinese. Although some animal words are bound with rich connotations in English, there are few connotations in Chinese. Therefore, these animal words will become the barrier of understanding the cultural connotation. Such as:,23,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,C
15、at let the cat out of the bag ( 无意中泄露秘密); cat burglar(梁上君子); A cat may look at king (猫也有权利看国王,即小人物也有权利),24,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,BeaverA beaver is a furry animal with a big flat tail and large teeth. Beavers use their teeth to cut wood and build dams in rivers. As beavers are acti
16、ve, people call them “eager beaver”. So beaver stands for the active and studious man.,25,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Animal Words,SilkwormFor example :春蚕到死丝方尽 ( the silkworm till its death spins silk from its love-sick heart) . This sentence is used to praise a man who is devotional and self-giving
17、. For English people silkworm is something that is exotic, so in their opinions, silkworm is a worm. Turtle “龟儿子”or “龟孙子”(son of bitch) is used to curse someone by Chinese people. Crane,26,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,关于英、汉动物词汇形象处理的翻译标准,最重要的是达意传神,形义兼顾。即忠实地表达原语的字面意义、形象意义和隐含意义。但是,任何两种语言文化都不可能完全对等,
18、要把原语中的三种意义全部再现于译文常常是不可能的,况且并不是所有的动物词汇同时有三种意义。有时同样字面意义、形象意义的话语文章可能具有完全不同的隐含意义。,27,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,这时首先要保证原文的隐含意义,在没有文化冲突的情况下,兼顾形象意义或字面意义,并视具体的语境正确译出原文的褒贬意义,尽量避免得“意”而忘“形”、“意”得而“神”丧。综上所述,我们把英、汉动物词汇互译中形象处理的翻译原则和方法加以具体化。(林继红,2002),28,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,1、形象再现(直) 尽管各国民族的语言表达
19、手段各具其特点,但由于文化的共性,词汇也有其融会贯通之处。若词汇作用大同小异或字面意义完全一致,则完全可以借助双方所共有的语言表达方式,自然地再现原语的信息、风格和韵味。比如,“浑水摸鱼”与“to fish in the troubled waters”在语言形式和喻体形象上有着惊人的相似之处,给人以不谋而合、天造地设的感觉。,29,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,再如, (1) And the whinning schoolboy , with his satchel and shinning morning face, weeping like snail
20、 unwillingly to school. (莎士比亚全集) “然后是背着书包,满面红光的学童,像蜗牛一样慢腾腾地拖着脚步,不情愿地呜咽着上学堂。” 通过形象再现,例(1)惟妙惟肖地描绘出这个学童厌恶上学的心情和姿态。,30,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(2)山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。(毛泽东诗词选) “Mountains like silver serpents dancing, Highlands like waxy elephants advancing, All try to match the sky in height.”,31,
21、参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(3)“不要动声色,不要打草惊蛇。”邓秀梅低声地、机密地说道(周立波:山乡巨变) “Don t say anything about it; we mustn t beat the grass and startle the snake, ”said Teng Hsiumei in a confidential tone. 例(2)原文磅礴的气势依旧在;例(3)“打草惊蛇”中的“蛇”比喻侦察或捕捉的对象,与“a snake in the grass”中的“snake均表示“敌人”或“危险”,两者的喻体形象有着惊人的相似。,32,
22、参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,2、形象移植(直) 即译语中无现成的词汇形象与原语中的词汇形象相对应,只好将原语的形象移植到译语中,但这种待译语的形象必须是能够被移植,且能够为译语读者所理解和接受。这种处理方法有利于不同文化的交流和语言的融合,提高译语语言的表达能力。比如,,33,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(1) An after all her bringin up what I tol her an talked wid her. She goes the d bad, like a duck teh water.(
23、街头女郎玛吉) “我生她养她,叮呼来嘱咐去,她还是去做那伤风败俗的事儿,跟鸭子下水一样有瘾头。” 例(1) “like a duck to water”在原文中是一个很贴切的比喻,与汉语“如鱼得水”有着语义差异,因而翻译时进行形象移植,它既容易被中国读者所接受,又保持了异域文化色彩,给人耳目一新的感觉。,34,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(2)他连看都不看他们一眼,他想你他妈猫哭老鼠充什么好人? (方方:埋伏) “He did not so much as look at them, thinking, whats the good of you cats
24、 crying for the death of a rat?“ 例(2)中“猫哭老鼠”与“shed crocodile tears”所表达的喻义极其类似,但是此处译文保存了原文中“猫”、“鼠”的比喻形象,语气通达、自然,是通过形象移植向译语读者介绍汉语表达方式的很好例子。,35,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(3)孩子们这么大了,没吃过猪肉,也见过猪跑。(曹雪芹:红楼梦) “The boys grown up now. Hes old enough to have seen a pig run even if he hasnt yet tasted por
25、k himself.” 例(3) 是中国民间的俗语,译文移植了原文的生动形象,利于汉语民族文化的交流。,36,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,3、形象替换(意) 由于文化因素的影响和语境的制约,有些待译词汇形象无法再现或移植,可以采取换喻的形式将原文的形象转换成另一个符合译文读者期待视野的形象,将内在思想和动机依旧形象地表达出来,使译语读起来比较地道和生动。比如,许多英文报刊顾及英美读者的习惯,译文经过形象转换处理,“亚洲四小龙”成为“four Asian tigers”,堪称妙译。,37,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,再如
26、, (1) Romeo : what has thou found? Mercutio : No hare, sir. (莎士比亚全集) 罗: “ 你发现了什么? ” 墨: “倒不是野鸡,先生。” 例(1)中hare原为野兔,俗语是娼妓之意,相当于汉语中的“野鸡”;“野兔”转换成了“野鸡”,恰好又要与“野妓”谐音双关,形象替换相当成功。,38,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,( 2)我叫魏吉祥,是赶鸭子上阵,将就材料。(蒋子龙:一个工厂秘书的日记) “My name s Wei Jixiang . I m a square peg in a round hol
27、e , not very qualified.” 例(2)的语际转换形似“改弦更张”,实则异曲同工,达到殊途同归的表达效果,原文的信息功能得以创造性的发挥。,39,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(3)瓮中之鳌,手到拿来。(施耐庵:水浒) “A rat in a hole is certainly caught within the reach .” 例(3)“瓮中捉鳖”与“a rat in a hole”两者形象均可表示无法逃脱之意。,40,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,4、形象省略(意) 由于不同语言之间的种种差异,有的
28、原语的形象无法在译语中再现,译语中也没有形象能取而代之,译者应考虑舍弃它们,在透彻理解原语的基础上用精炼有力的语言转译出隐含意义,将内在思想和动机准确地表达出来,同时力争将语义信息的损失减少到最低限度,以缩小译语与原语对各自读者所产生的语义联想和艺术感受的差距。比如,A pig in a poke(盲目购买);“呆若木鸡”(to be petrified with astonishment)等等。,41,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,再如, (1) Say, I think Minister Green in Personnel, just got that
29、 promotion hes been wanting so much, I saw him walk out of the bosss office like the cat that just ate the canary.(美国英语成语俗语续编) “喂,人事处那个格林先生好像升了一级,这是他迫切祈望的。我看见了从老板的办公室出来,得意非凡。” 例(1)原文划线部分形容一个人满足的神态,就象那只将期待已久的、关在鸟笼里的金丝雀吃完后感到满足的猫。直译冗长累赘,既缺语言功能美,又不达意,因而意译点明隐含意义。,42,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(2)To
30、 keep alive now, with high tariffs high freight isles, and the boll weevil destroying a quarter of the crop, it was dog eat dog down to the naked bone. (F.Yerby, A Woman Called Fancy) 很高的关税很高的运费,加上棉象虫毁了四分之一的庄稼,要维持生存可要进行极端残酷的竞争。,43,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(3)宝钗独自行来,顺路进了怡红院不想步人院中,鸦雀无闻。(曹雪芹:红楼
31、梦) Pao-chai walked on alone to Happy Red Courtto her surprise, his courtyard was utterly quiet.” 例(2)中dog eat dog往往指“你死我活的斗争”,强调的是“残酷无情”,与汉语“狗咬狗”有着语义差异,因而译文重点捕捉其信息内容。例(3)翻译时同样放弃了原文的美学功能,保留了其信息功能。以上例子中形象省略后的译文虽然没有了原文的生动形象及其意象联想,有迫不得已之举,但语气通畅,可读性强。,44,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,5、形象增添 有些动物词汇直译后虽
32、不会产生文化冲突,却会造成语用失误,译者可透过表层深人领会,进行语用语整,作必要的语用增补。即直译其字面意义,再点出隐含意义,使译文清晰地表达原意,即形象生动又避免读者误解,增加译语读者的欣赏效果。比如 “盲人瞎马” ( A blind men on a blind horse-rushing head along a disaster); 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年(The weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen-not with the best wish of intentions)等等。,45,参考内容,Translation of Animal Wo
33、rds,再如, (1)He is sheep in wolfs clothing.美国谚语词典 他是披着狼皮的羊,外强而中干。 例(1)的he为何是.披着狼皮的羊”,而不是“披着羊皮的狼”呢,“外强而中干”的增添使其形象跃然纸上。,46,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(2) Fine feathers don s make fine birds .(英汉寓言选读) “羽毛美丽不等于鸟儿好人不可貌相。” 例(2)译文中“人不可貌相”的增补一语道破该则寓言的寓意。,47,参考内容,Translation of Animal Words,(3)可知我“井底之蛙”,
34、成日家只说现在的这几个人是有一无二的;谁知不必远寻,就是本地风光,一个赛似一个。(曹雪芹:红楼梦) “I ve been like the frog living at the bottom of the well who thought the world was a little round pool of water, imagining that our girls here were unmatched ; but now, without seething for a field , here on this very spot I see others who surpass t
35、hem.” 例(3)中“井底之蛙”给英文读者的概念是很模糊的,译文中形象的增添使其概念明朗化。当然,形象增添并非随意而为,必须是有必要且能与上下文浑然一体。,48,参考内容,他狼吞虎咽地吃早饭以免上课迟到。 那时特务在跟踪他。 不要骗我! He wolfed down (cf: He had his breakfast hurriedly) Spies were dogging his steps (cf: follow) fox (cf: cheat),How to Vivify Sentences by Adding Animal Words,49,参考内容,他胆子小,不敢爬树。 车上的乘
36、客探出头来看发生了什么事。 他们找了个借口想逃避责任。 什么叫你烦恼啦? He chickened out of climbing up (cf: too timid to) Passengers on the bus craned their heads out of (cf: put) weasel out of (cf: shirk) bug (cf: disturb),How to Vivify Sentences by Adding Animal Words,50,参考内容,他慢慢地爬进灌木丛。 那些男孩在公园里嬉闹,结果一个人受了伤。 他没有自己的观点,只是鹦鹉学舌罢了。 火车在群
37、山中蜿蜒穿行。 wormed its way (cf: crawled slowly) monkey (cf: play) parrot (cf: repeat) snaked its way through (cf: move through),How to Vivify Sentences by Adding Animal Words,51,参考内容,别假惺惺地为他的不幸难过了。 他们政客在他的每篇演说中都发假警报。 Dont weep crocodile tears. (cf: show hypocritical sympathy) cry wolf (cf: make false st
38、atement),How to Vivify Sentences by Adding Animal Words,52,参考内容,他总是善于乘人之危大捞一把。 老板有时对职员很凶,事实上他是嘴刻心软。 fish in troubled waters (cf: take advantage of others misfortune) his bark is worse than his bite (cf: sound very angry, but does not fire the men),How to Vivify Sentences by Adding Animal Words,53,参考
39、内容,Contrastive Studies on Plant Words,The words refer to the same plant with the same connotations The words refer to the same plant but with different connotations The words refer to different plants with the same connotation,54,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Plant Words,The words refer to the same pl
40、ant with the same connotations 由于英汉民族的自然和生活环境具有一定的相似性,其植物词汇所反映出来的文化有时亦可能具有相似性,即:在这两种语言中,相同的植物词汇所反映的社会文化内涵亦相似。,55,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Plant Words,例如:grass(草)在英汉两种文化中都可引起“众多、默默无闻”的联想,如英语grassroots表示基层,相当于汉语中的“草民”或“草头百姓”。“草”可喻多,如“草木皆兵”,亦可喻贱,如“草菅人命”。李白的“腹中藏书一万卷,不肯低头在草莽”中“草莽”指未取功名的白丁身份。,56,参考内容,C
41、ontrastive Studies on Plant Words,The words refer to the same plant but with different connotations 诚然,在英汉两种语言中,相同的词汇,其社会文化含义也可能完全不同。例如:red bean(红豆),其字面意义在英汉语中相同,但所联想的文化含义却大相径庭。汉语中的红豆又名相思豆,象征着爱情和思念,语出王维相思:“红豆生南国,春来发几枝;愿君多采撷,此物最相思”。,57,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Plant Words,但在英文中,red bean却使人想起圣经中以扫(
42、Essau)为了一碗红豆汤(red bean stew)而出卖长子权的故事,成语sell ones birth right for red bean stew表示“为了眼前的微小利益而出卖原则,见利忘义”。因此,在汉译英中,人们把红豆译为love bean或red berry,以免引起外国人错误的联想。,58,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Plant Words,又如:lily(百合花),状如喇叭,通常呈白色,每到夜晚叶片成双成对地闭合,中国人称之为夜百合,往往用它象征夫妻恩爱,琴瑟和鸣,而在英文中lily white表示“纯白”,并无爱情的联想。在信奉基督教的国家里
43、,百合花象征纯洁,漂亮白哲的姑娘常常被比作a white lily。正因为百合花洁白无瑕,不需要任何修饰,如果有人想给它上色,那纯粹是“多此一举”,英文paint/gild the lily相当于汉语中的“画蛇添足”。,59,参考内容,Contrastive Studies on Plant Words,The words refer to different plants with the same connotation 在英汉两种语言中,也可用不同的植物词汇反映同一社会文化含义。例如:mushroom after rain(:雨后蘑菇)。在英语中,人们用该词比喻新生事物涌现,蓬勃发展,而
44、汉语中的“雨后春笋”有相同的含义。,60,参考内容,Translation of Plant Words,1、移植法 移植法是指在符合译文语言规范的基础上,在不引起误解的前提下,保留源语中的形象化语言,即保留词语在源语的比喻、形象以及民族色彩。采用移植法时,译者首先应考虑原文的联想意义是否易于被译入语文化的人民所接受。对于人们都熟悉的形象可以保持原来的形式移植进译入语中。,61,参考内容,Translation of Plant Words,这样,译文既可以充分传达原作的“异国风味”,还可以引进一些源语的表达方式,丰富译入语的语言词汇。如: sour grape 酸葡萄 a stick and
45、 carrot policy 大棒加胡萝卜政策 Truth and roses have thorns about them. 真理如玫瑰,全身都带刺。,62,参考内容,Translation of Plant Words,由于源语的联想意义到了译入语文化里常常会产生错位,所以字面的翻译有时不能准确地传达隐含在原文中的意义,这时,译者需要对可能影响读者理解的文化信息进行适当地增补。如: The crafty enemy was ready to launch a new attack while holding out the olive branch. (狡猾的敌人一边伸出橄榄枝,表示愿意讲
46、和;一边准备发动新的进攻。) olive branch(橄榄枝)在西方文化里是和平的象征,“伸出橄榄枝”表示愿意和解,如仅采用移植法,中国读者未必能完全接受,而增补隐含的文化信息后.原文意义立刻显现出来。,63,参考内容,Translation of Plant Words,2、借用法 借用法指的是借用译入语中现有的词汇来传译源语内涵。对于源语和译人语在意思和形象上相似或二者形象不同但意思相同的表达,翻译时可舍弃源语中的形象化语言而借用译入语读者所熟悉的形象。虽然借用的形象各异,但喻义相似或对应,所以同样能保留原词语的生动性和鲜明性,达到深层意义等值的效果。如:,64,参考内容,Translation of Plant Words,Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm.(疾风知劲草。) 原句中reed(芦苇)与oak(橡树)两词本身的形象形成了鲜明的对比,旨在说明芦苇在暴风雨中仍然挺立的情形。汉语中虽无此形象
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