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1、Unit Two2013年中考听力部分有所调整听力部分第一节由5小题调整为4小题,第二节由7小题变为8小题,大对话和短文理解的信息有所增加,指出将注重听力能力的考察。从课本中选进了一些使用频率较高的动词、形容词和副词作为中考词汇,批注了在教材中的出处。阅读理解篇幅有所增加,在300字以上。建议:第一轮复习尤其要注意词汇的全面掌握、易混淆词汇及短语的辨析、交际用语的灵活运用。考察中虽淡化语法的考核,但不能忽视对语法脉络的梳理,要熟练掌握英语词法和句法。单元语法重点情态动词could和should1. should是情态动词shall的过去式,但有时并不表示过去。(1) 表示对别人的一种委婉的劝告

2、或建议,意为“应该”You should hand in your composition kmpzin at once. 你应该立刻上交你的作文(2)(表示可能性,推测)可能,应该 I think they should be there now. 我想他们现在应该在那里(3)用于特殊疑问句中,表示意外、惊奇、无法理解等强烈的感情。 How should you know that? 你是怎么知道那件事的?(4)用于第一人称的疑问句中,用于询问对方的意思,语气比shall更加委婉,客气。 Should I turn it down? 我可以把它调小些吗?2. could是情态动词can的过去

3、式,但有时并不表示过去。(1) 表示提议,比can更客气,委婉。I could do the shopping for you, If you are tired.如果你累了,我可以替你买东西(2)表示向对方提出一种请求,语气比can更客气,委婉。 Could you show me the way to the hospital?你能告诉我去医院的路吗?Section A 课文解析My brother plays his CDs too loud. (1) play 动词 播放:Please play the tape again. (2) 动词,踢,打(球类);下棋. We play fo

4、otball after school every day.Do you like playing chess? Chinese chess、(3) 动词,弹奏(乐器); -which instrument can you play? - I can play piano(4) 动词,做游戏,玩:They often play games on the playground.(5) 名词,戏剧,剧本:I often listen to radio play 我常听广播剧I dont have enough money.(1) Adj.足够的,用来修饰名词,通常放在被修饰词的前面或后面We ha

5、ve enough time to do it.(2) 如果用来修饰形容词或副词时,放在修饰词的后面。I was old enough to work and earn money.He runs fast enough操练:我需要足够的时间去做自己想做的事I argued with my best friend.Argue: 争吵,吵架,争论,辩论(1) argue with sb (与某人争论)Dont argue with your parents. Do what you are told and dont argue with me.(2) argue with sb about s

6、th (为某事与某人争论)They are always arguing with each other about money.操练:我懒得和你吵My clothes are out of style.(1) clothes, 是一个集体名词,通常不与数词连用。 He took off his clothes and went to bed(2) 类似的词还有trousers, glasses等,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。The trousers on the line are Mr Wangs(3) out of style 不时髦的,过时的。 反义词:in styleMum, my ha

7、t is out of style. Could you please buy me a new one as the birthday gift?Many movie stars clothes are in style.Whats wrong?这句话是用来询问发生了什么事情最常用的句型之一 = 怎么啦?类似的句型还有:whats wrong with you? ; Whats the matter (with)? ; Whats the problem (with)? Whats the trouble (with)?I dont want to surprise him!动词使惊奇,使诧

8、异,使感到意外。过去式及过去分词是surprised形容词Surprised, surprising.名词惊奇,诧异常用短语Be surprised; 感到吃惊(惊奇)In surprise 惊奇地To ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是Takeby surprise 使感动意外例句You surprise me!What a surprise to see you here!We are surprised at the news.Rose looked at her mother in surprise.To my surprise the door was unlocked.Hi

9、s answer took us by surprise.I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.Need to do人是主语时We need to rest for a while.Need doing物是主语时Our classroom needs cleaning now.(类似的主动表被动keepdo; havecut)Need to be done=need doingOur classroom needs to be cleaned now.Pay for: 付款买, Did you pay for the book?I pa

10、id 100yuan for the coat.borrowfrom; lendto交际用语询问状况和征询意见回答Whats wrong?Whats the matter?What should we do?What should I do?You should listen to and read English everyday.You could give him a ticket to a ball game.Why dont you?Youd better go to see the doctor.They are the same as my friends clothes.The

11、 same as”与一致,与相同”My sweater is the same as yours.反义词:The weather in Beijing is different from that in America.As 像一样The boy took the chair into the room as his father did.As和like都可表示“像一样”,但as用于引导一个句子;like只能接名词或代词AsI have the same idea as you have.likeI have new coat like yours.As还有:“作为”as a policema

12、n, you should keep the justice of this society.练习:作为的朋友,我必须得给你一些建议。But I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend, and they didnt invite me.Find out查明,发现,了解一般为主观有意识的行为Can you find out what time the train leaves?How can you find out the result? 我必须查出谁偷了我的手机Look

13、 for寻找,强调寻找的动作He is looking for his eraser under the desk.Find找到,强调找到的结果Where did you find my key?Just刚才,刚刚,方才They have just left here.仅仅,只是Dont blame him. He is just a child.正好,恰好It was just four oclock when we got home.Thats just what I was going to say.刚才,不久之前You saw our teacher just now.就在那时Just

14、 then he came out of the room.Everyone else in my class was invited except me, and I dont know why.Else: 其他的,另外的。一般放在被修饰词后面Do you have anything else to say?There may be somebody else in that room.Other: 意义同上,但一般放在被修饰词前面Guess, whats in my other hand?除了,除之外.Except表示:所说的不包括在内,效果等同于“”减号All has gone exce

15、pt Jane. 除了珍妮外,所有的人都走了。Besides表示:除了以外还有,累加关系,效果等同于“+”加号They all went there besides Peter.包括彼得在内,他们都到那里去了。But等同于except的用法 Nobody but you passed the exam.除你之外再也没有人通过考试。歌词中:I dont care anybody but you.注:expect和except ( NCE50: my trip took me longer than I expected)Im very upset and I dont know what to

16、do.Upset, adj, 烦恼的,沮丧的。She felt very upset because she lost her watch.特殊疑问词+动词不定式,构成宾语从句:例句还原 what I should do what to do.例句:新概念50课,Ill tell you where to get offMy friend is angry with me.Be angry with sb. “对某人发怒,生某人的气” the teacher was very angry with the naughty boys.Be/get angry at sth.”因某事而生气”, m

17、y mother is angry at lying to her.Get angry.”生气”. He got angry when he heard this news.Get on well with,与相处得好;进展顺利。 Get on/ alongwith. 与相处的; 在方面进展得.We get on well with each other.How are you getting on with each other?This project is getting on very wellI want to know how hes getting on with his stu

18、dyreturn归还You must return the book to him on time= you must return him the book on time.返回,回来When will you return to Beijing from Shanghai?They often have a fight with each other.Fight with=fight against 打架Ex: have you been fighting with (against) your brother again?Fight for:为而斗争/战斗. Ex : they foug

19、ht for freedom for many years.The tired children dont get home until 7 pm.请用notuntil造句每天夜里他11点才睡觉。直到我亲眼看见我才相信。Until除了作介词引导时间状语(见上),也可做连词引导时间状语从句,此时主句的谓语动词必须是持续性动词She waited for the doctor until he came back.昨天他一直睡到9点钟The Taylors are like many American and British parents. 泰勒夫妇像很多英美国家的人一样。“The Taylor

20、s”泰勒夫妇,泰勒一家人,姓的复数形式前加定冠词the表示一家人或夫妇二人。怀特(White)一家人正在吃早餐。They take their children from activity to activity, and try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives.Fromto“从到.”, 可表示地点,时间,数字等。Children go to school from Monday to Friday.The little boy can count from 1 to 100.Asas possible. 尽可能地He says

21、 he will help us as much as possible.You should return the book to the library as soon as possible.Asas possible=as as one can He is running as fast as possible=he is running as fast as he can.Complain aboutWhat are the workers complaining about?Complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事The people complained

22、to the reporter about the noise in the neighborhood.See sb doing sth 强调看见某人正在做某事I saw the students playing basketball on the ground.I saw the man running on the street.See sb do sth 强调看见某人做了某事I saw a man run into the house.And they are always comparing them with other children.Always与现在进行时,过去进行时连用时,

23、表示赞赏或厌恶的情感。如: he is always borrowing money from others.Compare with 和比较:ex: My parents always compare me with others on study.填词1. Li lei w a letter to his father yesterday.2. I want to b a book from Tom.3. My clothes are out of s , I should buy some new ones.4. Please c me up when you get there.5.

24、I dont have e money to buy the book.同义句转换6. Whats wrong with you? Whats with you?7. He may be our English teacher. He is our English teacher.8. You could writer him a letter. You could .9. My mother bought my brother a new bike. My mother a new bike my brother.10. I spent 18 yuan on the book. I 18 y

25、uan the book.11. Im fifteen, my cousin is fifteen, too. My cousin is me.12. Where is my ID card? Do you know? Do you know where ?13. They are out of style. They arent .14. I dont have any pets because my mother hates them.? 就换线部分提问 You have any pets?15. I dont know what I should do. I dont know what

26、 .16. He has some pictures, too He picture, .17. Please tell us what we should do next time. Please tell us what next time.18. You must speak English as much as you can. You must speak English .19. I need to get a part-time job because I need some money. need to get a part-time job?补全对话A: You look u

27、nhappy. Whats 20 ?B: Ohmy clothes are out of 21 , I dont look cool.A: Well, 22 you should buy some new clothes.B: Yes, but I dont have 23 money.A: Huh, Maybe you could 24 a part-time job in the evening,B: Thats a good idea.选择题25. I cant think .A. what did I do wrong B. what I did wrong C. what was h

28、e doing D. what was his name.26. Sorry, Mr Green. I my English book at home. -That ok, but dont forget next time.A. forget B. forgot C. left D. kept27. My friend is than me in school.A. popular B. popularer C. the most popular D. more popular28. Everyone in my class was invited except me.A. other B.

29、 others C. else D. another29. I dont know to do.A. who B. where C. how D. what30. I dont know to go.A. who B. where C. how D. what31. The boy is to go to school.A. enough old B. old enough C. enough young D. young enough32. He doesnt like swimming, I dont like swimming, .A. also B. either C. too D.

30、neither33. You could give him a ticket a ball game.A. to B. with C. of D. for34.- There is with my eyes. -Dont worry. Let me help you. A. wrong nothing B. nothing wrong C. wrong something D. something wrong35. May I use your mobile phone? - Sorry, I it at home. A. forget B. forgot C. left D. leave情态动词专项(can-could可以; shall-should应该; will-would将; may-might可能(推测); need需要; must必须)36. Schools allow students at least on


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