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1、DISTRIBUTORSHIPAGREEMENT经销协议书This Agreement is made and entered into by and between本协议由以下双方签署COLGATE-PALMOLIVE (CHINA) CO., LTD (“Colgate”)338, Qingnian Road, Economic Developing Zone, GuangzhouTelephone: 020-8510 1888高露洁棕榄(中国)有限公司 (以下简称“高露洁”)地址:广州经济技术开发区青年路338号电话:020-and以及INSERTDISTRIBUTORS NAME_(t

2、he “Distributor”):Insert Distributors addressTelephone: Insert Distributors telephone number(以下简称“经销商”)地址:电话:After amicable negotiations based on the principles of equality and mutual benefits, Colgate and the Distributor have agreed to give the following mutual undertakings in relation to purchase

3、and distribution of Colgates Oral Care, Personal Care and Home Care products (the “Products”) :双方在友好协商,公平互利的基础上,就经销商经销高露洁旗下的口腔护理产品,个人护理产品以及家庭护理产品(以下简称“产品”)事宜达成如下协议:PART ATHE DISTRIBUTORSHIP第一部分经销关系1. Appointmentof Distributor经销商的指定1.1Colgate appoints the Distributor as its non-exclusive distributor

4、to sell and distribute the Products in the Peoples Republic of China (the “Territory”), in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.高露洁根据本协议约定的条款和条件,在非独家的基础上授予经销商在中华人民共和国境内(“分销地区”)的产品经销权。1.2The Distributor shall act as independent contractor and shall not expressly or impliedly car

5、ry out business as a partner, representative, agent or licensee of Colgate or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. 经销商应当作为独立的合同缔约方。因此,经销商不得以或试图以高露洁或其任何关联公司或附属公司的合伙人、代表、代理人的身份开展业务或以明示或暗示的方式作如此表述。1.3The Distributor shall resell the Products in its own name, enter into sales contracts with customers

6、for its own account, and shall independently bear all obligations and responsibilities under such sales contracts. 经销商应以其自身身份进行产品销售,为自身利益与顾客签订购销合同,并且应独立承担其在该等购销合同项下的义务和责任。1.4 Unless Distributor purchases Products directly from Colgate as per this Agreement, Colgate shall not be responsible for any o

7、bligations or warranties under this Agreement.除非经销商按照本协议约定直接从高露洁采购有关产品,否则高露洁对该产品不承担本协议项下的任何义务和保证。1.5On or prior to signing this Agreement, the Distributor shall provide Colgate with a copy of all documents necessary to evidence its lawful operations in the Territory. Those documents shall include, b

8、ut shall not be limited to:在本协议书签订前或同时,经销商应当向高露洁提供其在中国能够合法经营的证明文件,这些文件包括但不限于:(a) a business license;营业执照复印件;(b) proof of identity of its legal representatives;法人代表身份证复印件;(c) an organization code certificate;组织机构代码证复印件;(d) its state tax registration certificate; 国税登记证复印件;(e) if the Distributor is a g

9、eneral taxpayer, a copy of its confirmation as a general taxpayer and permit to open a basic account.如经销商为一般纳税人,还应额外提供一般纳税人认定书复印件和基本户开户许可证。If any of these documents become invalid, are cancelled or are revoked after this Agreement comes into effect, Colgate shall have the right not to pay the Distri

10、butor any discount, rebate or trade support fee owed by it and shall be immediately entitled to unilaterally terminate this Agreement. If the invalidity, cancellation or revocation of such document causes Colgate to sustain any losses, Distributor shall indemnify Colgate of such losses.如果经销商提供的上述文件在

11、本协议生效后失效、被吊销或被撤销,高露洁有权不支付经销商根据本协议可从高露洁获取的任何返利、折扣、费用等,并立即单方面终止本协议。如上述文件的失效、被吊销或被撤销给高露洁造成任何损失,高露洁有权进一步向经销商追偿。2. Distributors Infrastructure and Financial Capacity经销商的投资及财务2.1The Distributors start-up costs and basic day-to-day costs and expenditure including, but not limited to, shall be borne by the

12、Distributor itself.经销商的开办费用及基本日常开支费用均由经销商自行承担,该等费用包括但不限于(a) purchasing office furniture;购买办公家具;(b) purchasing stationery, filing cabinets, telephones, faxes and air-conditioning;购买文件柜,传真,电话,空调等;(c) travel expenses;差旅费;(d) warehousing expenses; 仓储费;(e) transportation fees.运输费。2.2The Distributor under

13、takes to invest sufficient working capital for the sale of Products and will permit Colgate to verify from time to time the Distributors funding capacity for its day to day expenditure and its working capital.经销商承诺对销售高露洁的产品投入足够的流动资金,并允许高露洁不定期对其该等资金能力进行核实。3. Terms and Conditions of Sales销售条款3.1 Produ

14、cts产品Colgate may, at any time, add, remove or change any or all of the Products upon giving the Distributor 30 days notice.高露洁可以在提前30天通知经销商的情况下增加,减少,或者修改任何产品。3.2 Price价格3.2.1Colgate agreed to sell and Distributor agreed to buy the Products as per the unit price set up by Colgates List Price, which i

15、s subject to all discount and rebate as agreed by both Parties in writing in the Distributorship Discount and Rebate Agreement.高露洁将按照其统一的价格表向经销商销售产品,该价格依据双方另行签署的经销折扣及返利协议最终确定。3.2.2Subject to the minimum purchase quantity set up by the Colgate, Colgates List Prices shall include the costof transporti

16、ng the Products to a warehouse agreed by the Distributor and Colgate, loading costs, insurance costs and VAT.高露洁统一的价格表包括达到最低起运量后,运输产品到双方约定地点的运费,装车费,保险费以及增值税。3.2.3Colgate may adjust its List Prices at any time by giving the Distributor at least thirty (30) days prior written notice. If both Parties c

17、annot reach an agreement on the price adjustment, Colgate reserves the right not to process the Distributors order.高露洁可以在提前30天书面通知经销商的前提下更改产品价格。如果双方未能就价格变动达成一致意见,高露洁有权停止处理经销商订单。3.2.4Colgate may recommend to the Distributor the price at which it may resell the Products to its customers (the RRSP). Th

18、e RRSPs are recommendations only and there is no obligation for the Distributor to comply with these recommendations. 高露洁可能会向经销商提供建议的转售价格。该建议转售价格仅为建议,经销商有权根据自己的实际情况,根据自己的意愿和判断决定产品的转售价格。3.3.Orders订单3.3.1The Distributor must place its orders in writing on the fixed ordering date as per the order frequ

19、ency agreed by the Distributor and Colgate. Orders may be placed on-line (/) with the prior consent of Colgate.经销商应当在双方确定的固定下单日向高露洁提交订单。经高露洁许可,经销商也可以通过在线订单系统 (/) 向高露洁发出订单。3.3.2 Colgate will not process the Distributors orders unless the Distributor includes in its o

20、rder the Companys current List Prices. 订单应当包含根据高露洁统一价格表所确定的产品价格,否则高露洁有权拒绝该订单。3.3.3 If there is any shortage in the production or supply of the Products for any reason, Colgate may allocate its supplies of the Products to its distributors and customers as it thinks fit.如果由于生产、储存等任何原因造成缺货,高露洁有权自由分配销售给

21、每个经销商或客户的产品数量。经销商确认由此产生的订单修改符合双方的约定。3.3.4 If Colgate has dispatched the Products to the Distributor in accordance with the Distributors orders, Distributor shall not refuse to receive the Products. 如高露洁已按照经销商的订单向经销商发送货物,则经销商不得拒绝接受货物。3.3.5 The minimum quantity for each combined order shall comply wit

22、h the provision of Distributorship Discount and Rebate Agreement signed by both Parties. Colgate has the option of either not to process the Distributors order or charge Distributor of additional transportation fee if a combined order does not meet such minimum purchase quantity. A combined order re

23、fers to a combination of orders which share the same delivery location and delivery day.除非双方另有约定,经销商的有效合并订单订购数量应达到经销折扣及返利协议所规定的最低订货量。如果有效合并订单的订货数量低于该最低合并订货量,高露洁有权不处理此项订单,或要求经销商支付额外的运输费用。有效合并订单是指订购货品为高露洁正常生产经营的产品,且在同一天内送往同一个送货地点的订单之和。3.4Delivery交货3.4.1Colgate shall deliver the Products to locations o

24、n the fixed delivery date as agreed by both parties. 高露洁将按照双方同意的固定到货日在双方同意的地点向经销商交付产品。3.4.2Delivery of Products includes transportation of Products to the designated place as agreed by both Parties. Any request for additional service will require a written agreement between Colgate and the Distribut

25、or, and will be charged to the Distributor.高露洁交付产品仅包含将产品运送至双方同意的指定收货地点。任何额外的服务须由高露洁和经销商另行签署书面协议,所产生的相关费用由经销商承担。3.4.3Any losses or damages incurred during transportation of the Products to the Distributors warehouse shall be borne by Colgate.产品在从高露洁公司仓库运往指定收货地点的途中所发生的任何损失,均由高露洁承担。3.4.4Delivery of Pro

26、ducts shall be deemed to have been completed and the Products shall be deemed to be accepted after the authorized person of both the Distributor and Colgate have inspected the Products at the Distributors warehouse and have put their seal to the Delivery Note. 一旦产品在指定地点由经销商人员检验并在送货清单上盖章确认后,即视为交付完毕。3

27、.4.5The Distributor shall affix its official seal or delivery acceptance seal in the customer column of the Delivery Note. The Distributor shall provide Colgate with a specimen of such seal for its records. If the Distributor does not confirm acceptance of a delivery, Colgate shall have the right to

28、 require its carrier to cease delivering the Products. 经销商应在送货清单的客户栏处加盖与经销商公司名称完全一致的公章或者收货专用章。如经销商使用收货专用章,经销商应提前向高露洁提交该收货专用章的样鉴以供备案。如经销商在收货时不能根据上述规定进行确认,高露洁有权要求其委托的承运人停止产品的交付。3.4.6The Distributor shall record any objections regarding the product quantity or quality issues on the deliverers page of t

29、he Delivery Note. If the Distributor does not record such issues in writing, the products shall be deemed to have been accepted by Distributor without any quality or quantity issue.经销商对产品数量和质量的任何异议应记录于送货清单之送货方联。如经销商未在高露洁交货时提出书面异议,一经签收送货清单,则视为产品检验合格,经销商认可高露洁提供的产品符合协议的规定,且送货清单所载数目准确无误。3.4.7After Produ

30、cts have been delivered and accepted, ownership of the Products and all risks for any subsequent loss or liability in respect of any part thereof shall be transferred to the Distributor. 产品一经交付给经销商之后,其所有权或损坏灭失的全部风险即转移至经销商。3.4.8If Colgate provides a Vendor Managed Inventory (“VMI”) service to the Dis

31、tributor, both parties acknowledge that the orders suggested by the VMI system are only suggestions generated from the data provided by the Distributor. Colgate shall not accept the order until the Distributor confirms the suggested order. The Distributor may revise the order before it confirms the

32、order with Colgate. Once confirmed, the Distributor shall not cancel the order or refuse to accept the ordered Products. Colgate shall not be liable for any results suggested by the system including but not limited to the result that the Distributor fails to sell all the Products before the warranty

33、 period.双方明确,如果高露洁向经销商提供客户库存管理服务(“VMI”),该服务所产生的订单为系统根据经销商输入的数据进行分析、测算后得出的估计和建议,经销商应在确认该订单前根据自己的财务情况、客户情况和自己对于生意的预测对订单进行分析以确认其合理性,并可以在订单发给高露洁前对其进行任何修改。对于经经销商确认过或修改过的订单将作为最终的订单在双方之间生效,经销商不能单方终止该订单或拒收货物。高露洁不对经销商由于按照系统建议的订单订货而产生的例如未在保质期内销售完毕所有产品等损失作出任何赔偿。3.5 Payment付款The payment terms and the payment di

34、scount are subject to Distributorship Discount and Rebate Agreement which is to be agreed and executed by both Parties.付款条件及付款折扣按照双方另行签署的经销折扣及返利协议的规定执行。PART BDISTRIBUTORS OBLIGATIONS 第二部分经销商的义务4.Customer Service Obligations服务客户的义务4.1 The Distributor shall be responsible for providing good customer s

35、ervice to all its customers, includes but not limit todelivery to, coverage & distribution at hypermarket, supermarket & minimart. 经销商应当为客户提供优良的服务,该服务包括但不限于对大型超市、小型超市及连锁店进行拜访、销售及配送等。4.2 Orders from customers in the city in which the Distributor locates must be fulfilled within twenty-four hours. Ord

36、ers from customers outside the city in which the Distributor locates must be fulfilled within forty-eight hours. 经销商所在市范围内的客户订单必须在24小时内完成交付,经销商所在市范围外客户的订单必须在48小时内完成交付。4.3 The Distributor shall maintain a reasonable inventory in order to effectively serve its customers and fulfill its obligations und

37、er this Agreement.经销商应当保持适当的存货水平,以保证能够向客户交付足够的产品。5. Selling Obligations 销售义务5.1 UseBest Endeavors: The Distributor shall use its best endeavours to sell and promote the Products in the Territory by all reasonable and proper means and inform Colgate of its sales plans.最大努力:经销商应当尽最大努力销售、促销产品,并及时向高露洁告知

38、其销售计划。5.2 SellNo Counterfeit Product: The Distributor shall not sell goods which counterfeit or imitate the Products of Colgate. If this occurs, Colgate shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement and to take legal action to claim any loss or indemnification from Distributor. 不销售假冒产

39、品:经销商不应销售任何假冒或者仿冒产品。如果发生这样的情况,高露洁有权立即解除本协议并采取适当的法律行动,要求经销商赔偿损失。5.3 Dedicated Sales Force: The Distributor must engage full-time personnel to be in charge of sales of and to provide services to its customers in relation to the Products (the “Dedicated Sales Force”). The typeand number of full time pe

40、rsonnel in the Dedicated Sales Force shall be:专门的销售团队:经销商应当安排全日制员工组成专门的销售团队,专门分销产品。该专门的销售团队将包括:(a) Sales managers销售经理(b) Deputy sales managers (bureau directors)销售副经理(主任)(c) Sales representatives (responsible type of customer: _)销售代表(负责的客户类型_)(d) Sales representatives (responsible type of customer:

41、_)销售代表(负责的客户类型_)(e) Sales representatives (responsible type of customer: _)销售代表(负责的客户类型_)(f) Retailers (responsible for small stores)分销员 (负责小店)(g) Administrative / logistics personnel行政/后勤人员5.4 Sales Managers: The Distributors appointment of its sales managers shall be subject to Colgates prior appr

42、oval. Sales Managers shall not be responsible for sales of non-Colgate branded products. 销售经理:经销商的销售经理经高露洁同意后由经销商决定委任担任,该销售经理不能负责其他非高露洁品牌业务。5.5 Other Sales Personnel: The required qualification, duties and tasks of all other personnel in the Distributors Dedicated Sales Force shall be jointly determ

43、ined by Colgate and the Distributor.The Distributor agrees that Colgate has the right to participate in the interview, selection and transfer of all personnel in the Dedicated Sales Force. The Distributor shall employ most experienced sales, administrative, technical and other personnel to perform i

44、ts obligations under this Agreement.其他销售人员:经销商专门销售团队的组成人员所需要的资质、责任和目标将由双方共同决定。经销商同意高露洁有权参与这些销售人员的面试、挑选与调动。经销商应当提供最有经验的售货人员、行政人员、技术人员及其他工作人员,以履行本协议规定下经销商的各项责任。5.6Remuneration: The wages and benefits of the Dedicated Sales Force shall be paid by the Distributor. 薪酬福利:上述专门销售团队的薪酬福利全部由经销商支付。5.7Shared Se

45、rvices: Upon Colgates request, the Distributor shall provide Colgates local sales force aseparate office and relevant furniture free of charge. 共享服务:如果高露洁提出要求,经销商应当免费为高露洁驻当地的销售代表提供独立的办公场所和家具,从而使这些销售代表能够更好的为经销商提供服务。5.8 People Management Obligations: The Distributor shall be responsible for Colgates S

46、ales Representatives (defined by Clause 10.1)travel expenses which incur according to coverage and distribution plan aligned by the Distributor & Colgate.人员管理义务:经销商应该负责高露洁派驻销售代表(定义见本协议10.1条)因执行双方共同协商制定的分销计划而产生的差旅费用。6. Promotional Obligations促销义务6.1In the event that the Distributor agrees to conduct

47、any centralized promotional activities which are supported by Colgate in the Territory, the Distributor shall use its best endeavours to carry out the obligations in each promotional activity.如果经销商同意在其区域中开展任何由高露洁支持的集中促销活动,则经销商应当尽最大努力履行其促销期间的合同义务。6.2 All the promotional expense supportingdocuments, i

48、nclude but not limit to, qualified invoice, shall be submitted to Colgate within 30 days after each promotional activity is completed. Otherwise, Colgate may refuse to make relevant payment.经销商须在每一次促销活动结束后30天内向高露洁提交符合要求的发票。如经销商未能在上述时间内提供合格发票,高露洁有权拒绝支付相关的促销费用。7.Quality Control Obligation质量管理义务7.1The

49、Distributor shall do the following to ensure the on-going good quality of theProducts:经销商应当遵守以下条件,以保证产品在向消费者交付时的质量: (a) Store and transport the Products in suitable warehouses and vehicles in accordance with the instructions of Colgate, and with laws and regulations of the Territory so as to maintai

50、n their stability, integrity, and effectiveness and to ensure the Products remain free from contamination, deterioration and adulteration;按照高露洁的要求以及中国的相关法规规定,使用合适的仓库和车辆运输、储存产品,使得产品保持稳定,免受污染、破坏。(b) Refrain from selling any Products which are defective, expire its shelf life or of substandard quality;

51、 and不向任何人销售任何已经被污染、过期或者有其他缺陷的产品。(c) Properly dispose (at its own cost), in accordance with Colgates reasonable instructions, any Product that is damaged while in the Distributors warehouse or in transit to its customer. The Distributor undertakes to ensure that its disposal of the Products will not

52、cause harm to the environment.自付费用,按照高露洁要求的方法销毁已经被污染、过期或者有其他缺陷的产品。在销毁产品时,经销商应当确保不对环境造成损害。7.2 In the event that the Distributor carries out its obligations under Article 7.1, Colgate will pay the Distributor a Quality Control Discount equal to a percentage of Colgates invoice amount (excluding VAT) a

53、s a deduction from Colgates invoice. This discount is set out in Distributorship Discount and Rebate Agreement.如果经销商遵守上述约定,高露洁将通过在发票上即时扣减的形式,以发票金额(不含税)为基数,按照经销折扣和返利所列的比率支付经销商质量管理折扣。7.3 If the Distributor sells any Products which are damaged or expire its shelf life, Distributor shall stop the sales

54、of such Products upon Colgates notice. 如果高露洁发现经销商销售这些已经被污染、过期或者有其他缺陷的产品,将通知经销商立即停止销售涉及的产品。7.4 If the Distributor is notified by Colgate on more than one occasion to stop selling any damaged or expired Products, Colgate may, in its sole discretion, immediately cease to pay its rebate specified in thi

55、s article 7 and/or terminate its contractual relationship with Distributor upon giving written notice如果经销商在协议期内两次销售被污染、破损、过期或有其他缺陷的产品,高露洁有权通过单方通知的形式立即取消本折扣和/或终止本协议。PART CCOLGATES OBLIGATIONS 第三部分 高露洁的支持8. Trade Support 经销支持8.1 Colgate may from time to time provide the Distributor with various mercha

56、ndising, marketing, promotional and sales support (“Trade Support”) including but not limited to:高露洁将不时为经销商提供各种陈列,市场及促销支持(以下简称“经销支持”)。这些经销支持包括但不限于以下类别:(a) Merchandising and Promotional support;产品陈列和促销支持(b) Sales support; and销售支持,以及;(c) Centralized Marketing and Promotion activities.统一的市场活动支持,以及促销活动支

57、持。8.2 All Trade Support from Colgate (including but not limited to promotional activities which are organized by the Distributor but require Colgate to provide input and bear the relevant expenses) must be confirmed by a trade support expense letter from Colgates Customer Development Resource Planning Manager bearing Colgates official seal.任何经销支持(包括但不限于由经销商自行组织,但需高露洁


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