1、应用文体的翻译 Translation of Applied Writings,应用文一种用途非常广泛的功能性文体,从内容到形式丰富多样,适应不同的目的和要求。 应用文的特点是实用性强,不管用于什么目的,都有很强的针对性,应用文翻译应注意要语言简练、直截了当、条理清楚、表达准确、用词恰当、明白易懂。一般就事论事、不求虚饰、不作修饰和自由发挥,避免晦涩难懂的词语,广告是一种最常用的应用文,主要由标题和正文两部分组成。标题说明广告对象,正文是主体,主要提供信息,1 广告 (Advertisements,广告的特点: 提供信息 争取顾客 保持需求 扩大市场 确保质量,在翻译广告时,要用醒目易懂的简单
2、句,简洁明了的并列句,语言凝练的省略句,感情强烈的祈使句以及印象深刻的平行结构等。 注意运用修辞手段,体现并保持其各自的风格与特点; 充分体现原文的语言特色,语言力求准确清晰、朴实客观,形象生动保持良好的广告效果,5,AVON Perfect Day Moisture Cream Nourishes skin with the moisture it needs for a softer, more healthy appearance,雅芳保湿营养霜蕴含丰富维生素和天然保湿成份,具滋养和保湿功效,为肌肤提供养份和水分,令肌肤滋润亮泽、平滑柔软、保持健康的动人光彩,例1:化妆品广告,例2:住宅
3、广告,FUEN SING ele., pkg., A / C appl.,Xint cond. $160. wk. call mgr. eve.现有一套配有家具的单人公寓,有电梯,停车场,空调以及完好的电器设备,每星期租金为160美元,有意者,请于晚间与代理人电话联系。 电话号码Ads. advertisements广告 A/C air conditioning空调 appl. appliances 电气设备 appt.appointment面谈 ba. bathroom卫生间 bach.bachelor apartment单人公寓
4、bdrm.bedroom卧室 balc. balcony阳台 cpt. carpet地毯 din. rm. dining room餐厅 ele. elevator电梯 eve. evening晚间 flrs.floors楼层 fplc. fireplace壁炉,广告常见缩略语,frig.refrigerator冰箱 gard. garden花园 hdwd.flrs.hardwood floors硬木地板 kit. kitchen厨房 lse. lease租借 lux.luxury豪华 mgr. manager经理 nr. near附近 pkg. parking停车场地 st. street街道
5、 unf.unfurnished 内无家具 utils. utilities水、电、垃圾处理等公用设施 vu. view风景 wk. week每周 Xint. excellent完好的,广告常见缩略语,9,有一套未配置家具的公寓,内有三间卧室和两个卫生间,有一个可停放两辆汽车的车库,公寓内有壁炉和电冰箱,有意者可通过电话联系面谈,电话号码广告练习,UNF. APT 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 2car gar fplc., frig. call for appt.1) 住宅广告,10,WANTED look after childre
6、n (1 1/2 to 2 years) in my flat 5 days a wk. 9 to 12 a.m. St. Paul Street 3-2-2022) 聘请保姆广告,聘请保姆 我处有几个孩子(一岁半至两岁)需人照顾。每周约工作5天,每天上午9点至12点。如有愿者,请与圣保罗大街 3号楼 2单元202联系。 电话11,Shenyang Institute of Technology Invites You to Your Future And that future is now. Were in the countdo
7、wn to a new and exciting century. Let SIT responds to all your needs for a college education that culminates in the career of your choice. With affordable tuition plus generous financial aid/scholarship packages, sports programs, and over 50 majors, SIT can put you on the road to success,3) 招生广告,沈阳理
8、工学院造就你的未来 未来就在眼前。我们即将步入一个令人神往的崭新世纪。沈阳理工学院会帮你完成你必不可少的大学教育!这最终会使你在自己选择的事业上有所作为。沈阳理工学院的学费一般人都可以支付得起,加上学院慷慨的经济资助(奖学金),以及各种体育活动和50门课程,定会使你走上成功之路,请柬(帖),就是邀请客人时送去的通知。其主要的部分是时间、地点和目的。 英文正式请柬(帖)和复函,格式比较严格,每项内容占一行:邀请者、被邀请者、内容、时间和地点,主词用第三人称。 汉译英时应按英语请柬(帖)的格式规范作相应调整,不应局限于原文的格式,2 请柬 (Invitation Card,请柬 谨订于6月12日(
9、星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南三邮区威斯特寇姆公园路10号举行晚宴,敬请布莱克先生和夫人届时光临! 安康 敬请回复。 电话: 03-454-5802 服装: 礼服,例1:邀请,译文: Mr. An Kang requests the pleasure of the company of Mr. whereas Party B has been a leading trading company in the field of the said products and is willing to arrange for the manufacture, assembly and marketing
10、 of the said products, and whereas both parties are desirous to establish a joint venture company to manufacture, assemble and market the said products; Therefore, in consideration of the premises and conventions herein contained and other good and valuable considerations flowing from either party t
11、o the other, the receipt whereof both parties by their execution of this Contract do hereby acknowledge, the parties hereby agree as follows:,40,译文】 This contract is made by and between the Employer and the Contractor. Whereas the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the
12、construction of the Bridge; whereas the Contractor is willing to provide the manpower for the work. It is agreed as follows,合同练习,合同 本合约由雇主与承包人达成。鉴于雇主希望承包人提供劳动力以建筑桥梁,鉴于承包人愿意为此提供劳动力,特此达成协议如下,电报电传是一种远距离交流信息的手段,是一种常用的文体,用于重要而紧急的业务联系,目的是为了争取时间,是最为常用的贸易交流手段。 电报电传的特点: 往来快捷、传递速度快,能引起收报人对有关事情的紧迫性的关注与重视; 内容文字
13、简洁,8 电报电传 (Telegrams,电报电传的翻译应注意其语言风格和特点,做到译文语言的言简意赅,其中要注意对一些缩略词和商业术语的含义理解与表达,例1:船明日起航。 【译文】 SHIP LEAVING TOMORRO 【解意】The ship will be leaving tomorrow,例2:我已于10月5日抵达。 【译文】 ARRIVED 5 OCT 【解意】I have arrived on 5 October,例3:上述问题如接受,请电告。 【译文】PLS TLX IF ABV QSTN ACPABLE 【解意】Please telex us if the above qu
14、estions are acceptable,例4: 28日来电收悉。 【译文】 YR TLX 28th RCVD 【解意】Your Telex of 28th has been received,例5:何时航寄的,复。 【译文】 WHEN AIRD REPLY 【解意】When was the mail sent by air? We are expecting for your reply,例6:请告样品于何时寄出。 【译文】PLS TELL WHEN SMPLS SENT 【解意】Please tell us when are you going to have the samples
15、sent out,例7:我们计划下月初寄样品。 【译文】SENDING SAMPLES EARLY NEXT MONTH 【解意】We plan to have the samples sent out early next month,例8:请即电告规格,否则不能及时装运。 【译文】 TEL SPECIFICATIONS IMMDLY OTHRWS CNT SHIP IN TIME 【解意】Tell specifications immediately otherwise the cargos cant be shipped in time,例9:如欲订购,将再与您联系。 【译文】WL CO
16、NTACT YOU AGAIN WHEN READY TO OFFER 【解意】We will contact you when we get ready to offer,A/Oat once 立即 A/Sat sight 见票即付,即期 ABTabout 关于 AFas follows 如下 ARVDarrived 到达 ASAPas soon as possible 尽快 AWBairway bill 航空运单 B/Dbank draft 银行汇票 BGbag 包 BKbank 银行 B/Lbill of lading 提货单 BRSbrass 铜 C&Fcost and freight
17、 成本加运费价 CEOchief executive officer 首席执行官 CNTcant 不能,电报电传常用简化词和国际商贸标准术语缩写词,CIFcost, insurance, and freight 到岸价 CODcash on delivery 货到付款 CYcopy副本 D/Pdocuments against acceptance承兑交单 EECEuropean Economic Community欧共体 ETAestimated times of arrival估计到达时间 ETCand so on等等 ETDestimated times of departure估计出发
18、时间 ETSestimated times of sailing估计开航时间 EXPexport 出口 FALLINGin the absence of 缺少 FOBfree on board 离岸价 FYCfor your consideration供你方考虑 FYFfor your file供你方存档 FYIfor your information供你方参考 FYRfor your reference供你方参考,GLDgold 金 HVhave有 IMPimport 进口 IOTin order to为了 IVO in view of鉴于 IYFin your favor以你方为受益人 J
19、ANJanuary 一月 L/C letter of credit 信用证 M/Tmail transfer信汇 MINminimum 最小 MAXmaximum 最大 MDmanaging director 总经理 NUnew新的 OWINGowing to由于 PCpiece件 PKGpackage包件 PLSplease 请 PTpart部分 PYMTpayment 付款,QLYquality质量 QTYquantity数量 REPreference参阅 REYOURTELreferring to your telegram 据来电 RYCreferring to your cable关
20、于你方电报 RYLreferring to your letter关于你方信件 RYTreferring to your telex关于你方电传 SLRsilver 银 SUBJECTsubject to以为条件 THRUthrough 由于 TKSthanks 谢谢 T/Ttelegraphic transfer 电汇 TWOPCTtwo percent 2% Uyou 你,你的 UOSunless otherwise specified 除非另有规定 USCunder separate cover另邮 USDUS dollar美元 W/Twith transshipment允许转船 WTw
21、eight重量,YCyour cable 你方电报 YC 12/6your cable of June 6月12日电悉 YOURS 15thyour letter/cable dated 15th 15日来函(电) YLyour letter 你方信件 YRyour你的,你们的 YTyour telex 你方电传 * 保留单词的后缀形成的简化词,如: -d-ED -G-ING -BL-ABLE -MT-MENT -SN-SION -TN-TION,求职信是指为了谋求一个工作职位而推介自己的一种最常用的商务性信函。 求职信类似自我推荐信,是一种比较正式的文体,又不像推荐信那样严肃,但要求格式规范
22、,9 求职信 (Application Letters for Jobs,求职信的主要作用是向供职者提供求职者的有关信息,使供职者了解求职者的基本情况以便确定是否满足求职者的愿望,例 1: 尊敬的负责人阁下: 从星辰晚报上获悉贵公司招聘兼职译员,特来应聘。本人的基本情况如下: 姓名:王芳 性别:女 年龄:23岁 出生地:吉林长春 主修专业:在吉林大学主修英语 从业经历:在环球贸易公司兼职译员两年 薪金要求:每小时160元 若有意可面谈。盼早复为感。 王芳敬呈 2007年5月26日,译文】 Application Letter May 26, 2007 Gentlemen/Sirs, In an
23、swer to your ad in Star Evening for a Part-time Interpreter, Id like to apply for the post. My qualifications are as follows: Name: Wang Fang Sex: female Place of birth: Changchun, Jilin Education: English major in Jilin University Experience: Two years Part-time Interpreter in Universal Trading Com
24、pany Payment wanted: RMB 160 per hour If these meet your requirements, please grant me an interview. Thank you in advance of your early reply. Yours obediently, Wang Fang,推荐信是一种非常正式的向个人或单位推荐某个自己熟悉的人而写的公务性信件,10 推荐信 (Letter of Recommendation,推荐信的内容是推荐人向有关机构或个人提供的关于被推荐人的学历、经历、能力、为人、工作、品行、优点、特长及语言水平等方面情
25、况的书面材料。措辞精炼、语气中肯、叙事客观。翻译时,应注意用朴实的语言组织译文,敬启者: 兹向您介绍,持信者宋恒先生是我校外语系毕业生,主修英语语言文学。宋恒先生在我执教的班中学习一年,在此期间,他表现得聪明、勤奋和正直。 我作为英语专业教授,乐意介绍他来贵校英文系进修研究生课程。宋恒先生是个有作为的青年,希望能来贵校进修英语语言文学。若能允许,他定能充分利用这一良机。 北京大学英语教授 马金东 2007年5月27日,May 27, 2007 To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that the holder of the letter, Mr
26、. Song Heng is a graduate of the Foreign Languages Department of our university, majoring in the English language and literature. Mr. Song Heng studied English in my class for one year, during which time he showed himself to be intelligent, hardworking and upright. Being one of the professors of the
27、 English Faculty, I have the pleasure to recommend him as a graduate student in the English Department of your university. He is a promising young man, and with a view to more advanced studies to register in your university. If given such an opportunity, he will utilize it to the best advantage. Sin
28、cerely Ma Jindong Prof. of English Peking University,译文,附件 enclosure (Encl.) 再启/又及 postscript (P.S.) 敬启者(致有关人士) To whom it may concern 兹证明 This is to certify that 本人愿申请之职 I wish to apply for a position as a 本人冒昧申请请予以考虑 I should like to be considered for the post of 本人渴望在谋求一职 I would like to apply fo
29、r a place in 本人申请在任之职 I want to make an application for the position ofin,求职信、推荐信常用术语,请允许我申请到任职 Permit me to apply as a candidate for the vacant appointment in 写信举荐(某人) write to recommend somebody 乐意举荐(某人) take pleasure in recommending somebody 持信人 the bearer of the letter 冒昧向你推荐(某人) take the libert
30、y of recommending to you 恳切举荐某人被录取到 strongly recommend ones admission to,求职信、推荐信常用术语,愿意毫无保留地举荐(某人) be pleased to recommend somebody without reservation 热诚地推荐某人 heartily recommend somebody 兹推荐某人前来请予以考虑 wish to present somebody for your favorable consideration 兹举荐(某人) be to recommend sb. 有幸举荐(某人) cons
31、ider it a great honor to recommend sb. 前面文件上所盖的_公司之印鉴属实 The official seal affixed by the _Company to the above document is genuine,求职信、推荐信常用术语,申请出国深造 application for further study abroad 求职申请 application for a job/position 证明人, 介绍人 reference 简历 resume /curriculum vitae(CV) /autobiography 个人情况 person
32、al information/ personal data 婚姻状况 marital status 申请入学 apply for admission to a school 科技发明之星/创新之星奖 Star of scientific/technological invention/innovation,求职信、推荐信常用术语,63,亲爱的何先生: 您将来或许需要一位新的私人秘书。我之所以毛遂自荐,极感兴趣的原因是:我听说您工作头绪繁多,可效率很高,在您手下工作的人无疑是一种挑战。这种挑战正是我所企盼的,因为毫不夸张地说,我在文秘方面受过严格的训练,唯有对高难度的工作才感兴趣。 至于机械性工
33、作能力,我可以每分钟笔录180个词,誊写100个字,这个速度使我赢得了辽宁省初级誊写竞赛第一名。我在鞍山商业学校教过书,教过簿记、档案和基础会计。 我对您那里的业务很熟悉,因为家父曾在鞍山市开过一家小印刷厂。在我22岁离开家以前,曾在那里当过一段时间的秘书并管理过公司的财务。 我想不出还有什么工作能比当您的私人秘书更能发挥我的特长的了,因为我不但受过职业训练,有工作经验,我还在印刷业的环境中长大,学到了处理日常具体事务的方法,可以为您和您的企业服务。 此致 敬礼 杨梅梅,推荐信练习,64,Dear Mr. He, Someday in the future you may have a nee
34、d for a new private secretary. Here is why I should like to offer myself for the job, and here is why I am so much interested in obtaining it. For one thing, I know that you do an enormous variety of work very fast and well. This offers a real challenge to whoever works for you. It is the kind of ch
35、allenge I like to meet because, with all due modesty, I have so trained myself in secretarial work that only exacting problems are interesting to me,译文,65,As to my mechanical abilities, I can take dictation at the rate of l80 words a minute, and transcribe at the rate of l00 words per minute, a spee
36、d which won me the Junior Transcribing Championship in Liaoning province. I taught at the Business School in An Shan, covering the subjects of book-keeping, filing, and elementary accounting. I am familiar with your type of work because my father ran a small printing business in An Shan and for some
37、 time before I left home at the age of 22, I was acting secretary and the treasurer of his company,推荐信【续,66,I cannot think of any job in which I would be so useful as that of private secretary to you, since, in addition to my business training and experience, I could put to work for you and your org
38、anization the know-how of practical everyday business handling that I acquired in growing up in the printing industry. Sincerely yours, Yang Meimei,推荐信【续,对任何人的帮助,都要向他(她)表示感谢。除了当面和电话致谢之外,最好的方式就是写一封感谢信。这种信简短而真诚。真心实意的感激之情应是主旋律。感谢信一律用手写。 而由于自己方面的原因引起对方的不方便时,都应向对方致函道歉。写道歉信时,一般先道歉,然后写明理由,翻译也一样,11感谢信与道歉信(L
39、etter of Thanks & Letter of Apology,译文】 Dear Mr. Foster, David and I think it was most generous of you to send us such a beautiful gift! We love the little carved Chinese figures, and theyll be just perfect on our mantel! Im delighted to know you are coming to Guangzhou for the wedding. David has ta
40、lked of you so often, and with such great affection, that Im looking forward to meeting you. Many thanks for the gift, from David and me! Sincerely yours, Juliet,例1:感谢信 福斯特先生: 您好!承蒙厚爱寄来贵礼,我和大卫由衷地感谢您。礼物上面的中国式小篆刻画十分美丽,放在壁炉架上真是蓬荜增辉! 您说要来广州参加我们的婚礼,我们欣喜若狂。大卫老是说起您,一副亲切的样子。我们翘首等候您的到来。 我和大卫再三感谢您的礼物。 朱丽叶 字,例
41、2:道歉信 尊敬的邮政用户: 您的邮件可能属于以下两种情况之一:袋内装的邮件可能原来并未封好,也可能是在邮局处理过程中遭到损坏。 我们知道您的信件对您十分重要,您完全有权利希望完好无损地收到。邮政部门尽了最大努力妥善处理委托给他们的邮件,但由于邮件量大,偶尔的损坏是难免的。 由于邮局每天要处理大量的邮件,为确保工作的顺利进行和邮件的快速投递,必须使用机械设备。事实上,现代化的生产方式不允许特别关注每一份邮件。如果信件未封好,或者邮件内装的东西太多,都可能破损。出现这种情况时,机器就会发生堵塞,常会对其他封好的邮件造成损坏。 我们正在努力改进工作方法,以保证类似的损坏事故不再发生。我们十分感谢您
42、的关心,并对给您带来的不便深表歉意。 邮政总局,译文】 DEAR POSTAL CUSTOMER, The enclosed was found loose in the mails or has been damaged in handling in the Postal Service (whichever is applicable to the enclosure). We realize your mail is important to you and you have every right to expect it to be delivered intact and in g
43、ood condition. The Postal Service makes every effort to properly handle the mail entrusted to it but due to the large volume, occasional damage may occur,When a Postal Office handles large quantities of mail daily, it is imperative that mechanical methods be used to maintain production and insure pr
44、ompt delivery of the mails. It is also an actuality that modern production methods do not permit personal attention to individual pieces of mail. Damage can occur if mail is insecurely enveloped or bulky contents are enclosed. When this occurs and our machinery is jammed, it often causes damage to o
45、ther mail that was properly prepared. We are constantly striving to improve our processing methods to assure that an occurrence such as the enclosed can be eliminated. We appreciate your concern over the handling of your mail and sincerely regret the inconvenience you have experienced. General Post
46、Office,72,译文】 April 6, 2007 Dear Li Ming, Thank you very much for the pleasant evening I have had. I liked the restaurant we went to very much. I enjoyed the delicious Indian food and also the fair-sounding Indian folk songs. Thanks again. Love Wang Dan,练习: 感谢信,亲爱的李明: 非常感谢您让我度过了一个愉快的夜晚。我很喜欢所过的那家餐馆。我
47、喜爱那里美味的印度菜肴以及动听的印度民歌。再次感谢! 王丹 字 2007年4月6日,73,练习:道歉信,亲爱的苏珊: 礼拜六忘记去机场接你,深表歉意!因期末考试成绩不错,前一天晚上宿舍同学举行聚会,大家彻夜狂饮。我喝得迷迷糊糊, 便忘了第二天的事。到了晚上我才突然想起要去机场接你之事。随后我一个劲儿地给你打手机,我想你一定很生我的气,所以一直不接。 我答应你决不再发生这类事,请你原谅! 急切希望很快见到你! 詹志强 亲笔 2007年1月7日,74,7 January, 2007 Dear Susan, Im awfully sorry I forgot to meet you at the a
48、irport last Saturday. We had an end-of-term party in our bedroom the night before. We were so proud of our final exam results that everyone drank like a fish all night. I felt dizzy all day Saturday and had little sense of what I should do that day. It was in the evening that I realized I forgot to
49、meet you at the airport. Since then, Ive tried to call you several times, but I feel you are still angry with me and wouldnt answer my phone call. I promise this will not happen again and wish you would forgive me. Hoping to see you soon. Love Zhan Zhiqiang,译文,欢迎辞和欢送辞都是为迎送海外留学生、外国专家、企业公司的来访者或客人等所举行的
50、专门欢迎仪式上的讲话。 欢迎辞和欢送辞一般是用口头表达的,比较简短,用词严谨。要求用词亲切,表达出依依惜别之情,略叙彼此相处时的友谊,并向对方表示祝愿等。 翻译也要充分体现这些特点,12 欢迎辞与欢送辞 (Welcoming Speech & Farewell Speech,例1:欢迎辞 亲爱的同学门: 欢迎你来北京大学教育学院学习! 多年来,学院营建良好的科研氛围、关注学生良好的学习环境。 或许这是你第一次离开温馨的家庭和可爱的祖国, 或许你因此正在经历着你一生中最为艰苦难熬的时期。如果是这样的话, 实际上你正在经历着文化冲突。必须承认人人都会遇到这种文化冲突,特别是当移居异国他乡的时候。还
51、必须承认谁都无法避免这种冲突,但是能够逐步地减少由这种文化冲突所带来的影响。重要的是我们一定要努力去了解这种文化。当你身处这种文化环境,又不想接触这种文化,会使你的国外生活更加艰难。 我知道你眼下比在你一生中的任何时候都需要帮助。请尽快与留学生咨询服务处联系,它会给你提供帮助。 最后,我代表学院,再一次欢迎你,并希望你尽快地克服文化冲突方面的困难、尽快适应这里的学习和生活环境,译文】 Dear Students, Welcome to Peking University and the Faculty of Education. Over the years the Faculty has n
52、ot only pursued a policy of academic excellence but has also held a concern for the welfare of students studying in the Faculty. You are now probably having your first experience of living outside the intimacy of your family and your country. Owing to this, you are also probably experiencing the har
53、dest time in your life. If its true, you are actually experiencing culture shock,It must be admitted that everyone will experience culture shock to a greater or lesser degree especially when they move to live in another culture. It must also be admitted that we cannot avoid culture shock but we can
54、take steps to reduce its impact. It is important that we try to understand the culture. Trying to alienate the foreign culture while you are in it will make life abroad much harder. I know at present you need help more than at any other time in your life. Dont hesitate to contact the International C
55、ounseling Office, which always aims to give overseas students advice. Finally, on behalf of the Faculty, I would like to welcome you once again and hope that you will recover quickly from the culture shock and will enjoy both studying and living here very soon,例2:欢送辞 女士们, 先生们: 今晚我十分高兴地在这里对我们的经理马龙先生致
56、辞送行,马龙先生将很快离别赴任。 首先, 让我们回顾一下马龙先生曾在我们公司工作时所做的贡献。他十八岁时作为实习生来我们公司工作,并很快晋升。他在来这里任总经理之前,曾在公司的四川和济南分部任职。 他的工作能力、和蔼可亲的人格魅力给我们每个和他一起工作过的人都留下了深刻的印象,这一点有口皆碑。我相信大家都认为他是位不可多得的人才。他将离任,大家依依不舍。 另外,今日虽是离别,又值得庆贺。因为新的事业和新的工作正等待着马龙先生,毫无疑问他将要迎接未来的挑战。 最后,我相信大家和我一道向马龙先生的未来谨致良好的祝愿,并感谢他在这里为我们所做的一切。马龙先生,十分高兴向你赠送礼物,因为它代表着我们的
57、感激之情,译文】 Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to be here tonight to say a few words about our manager, Mr. Ma Long, who is leaving us soon for another career. First of all, let me remind you how valuable Mr. Ma Long has been to the company. He joined the firm at the age of eighteen as a trainee and was soon promoted. He worked in
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