



1、自荐信英文模版my appiliantdeartrver, hel!y nis xu hoke im studentin queensway seoary cool. i ad been a junor shoo udet in xiamenforeg angue chol, and e rnsere to h ss a ottheen cardin sngore. though there extsmeiffereces dcaon ystembeten cinaadsinape, i adjusted myelf n ashot erma qicly gt acustod o the sc

2、ol lfe in sigpore, forexmpe, gt e firtlac in heclas,d ikeo tke thisopprtuiy t recmend self be tasfred toyo schoo. i hnk im compet to b chon as a member o yurs. i lovemy ajor d i have bee orknhard since ientredthe univrity. an in ery et,iotygradsvr 85 prcent thnk that sarecoitioand ncouragemt t me in

3、 th mantim, ispnt l of mesudyig enih ter cs the workidid in y leisutimely enhanced mylitening a peaking slls. ls, i blds upmycnidene tqickly get acutome to the lfe brad. ds, these ar nthati id s in mollege. peope tht m aenergeti grl.xeptf thestudy pr, i alo partiipate n many stunt clus. r instance,

4、last ar i oin i ane clu awo a pre a cher squampetitihen,thre cme theshols ne yar perforce. s m rend a directedhe whoe clss doing a ance how. itwa ey uccessul ad h yea, irisomethin n-i te na modertae ply. i like w things, d lways be eegtic an atie. ts is stye in my pont of i, aivties ike hse can ke m

5、y ollege lifemor clful. i ally get fun, mae a lt offriend,a ern hw o cooprae wt ohers. what mora, igrally knew howo keealanc with lfeand work. aways hvig dream to bece an ngneer.n orer to realze my dream, i wl pare no efotto mprve mysel. and ow, hk going the stuy abradisthe best choie for memyfiy s

6、also infrofmy tuyinabrad.th ant meto gain accss to the cltur i oter count. si beivedmy panto tud arodwillbe succesi m ver lucky o beaceptd,ill work evn harr and be sric ih mysel. sincrly yours, ne您好!我叫徐洪珂,我现在就读于新加坡女皇道中学。我曾经是厦门外国语学校的一名初中生,因获得新加坡的绿卡而转学至gs。虽然中新的教育体制存在着一定的区别,但我仍然在短期内调整自己,并快速适应新加坡的学习,成为全

7、班第一,年段前20的优等生。我的socail studie的老师mr.ori toski见证了我的成长和转变后,觉得我如果能转学到美国更好的高中就读,对于我将来申请美国知名大学的帮助会更大,因此,我想申请转学至贵校完成我的高中学业。我在新加坡女皇道中学就读的这段时间里,不仅将我的学术成绩保持在全班第一的位置,同时也不忘参加各种社会及文娱活动。我曾代表我校参加新加坡全国初中女生足球比赛,并获得了团队第一名的好成绩;也在孤儿院里做过义工,并策划了为孩子们提供数学及英语特色课程的活动;同时也参加了养老院的义工活动,帮助老人准备餐,陪伴老人谈心聊天。通过参加各种各样的活动,我不仅强健了身体,也明白了“老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼”的含义。申请到美国念高中,甚至于将来到美国念大学,对我来讲,不仅可以拓宽我的眼界,也能让我树


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