九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页
九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第5页
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1、UNIT8 语法篇_熟练掌握本模块语法知识。 情态动词表推测 用法 情态动词中的must, can, could, may, might都表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can/could次之, may/might最小。具体用法如下: 1. must的用法 (1) 表示推测“可能性”时,意为“一定,准是”,语气较肯定,较有把握。如:He must be an American. 他肯定是美国人。 (2) must表推测只能用于肯定句。如果要表示“一定不,肯定不”的意思时,应用cant,若询问某种可能 时,应用can。如: He must know my address. 他肯定知道我的地址。

2、 He cant know my address. 他不可能知道我的地址。 Can he know my address? 他可能知道我的地址吗? (3) must表示推测时,可以推测现在/正在发生的动作/过去发生的动作。如: He must have a car now. 他现在肯定有车。 He must have finished the work. 他肯定已经完成工作了。 注:must表示推测时很少用于将来时。(4) 在反义疑问句中,当附属部分含有表示推测意义的must时,疑问部分的助动词应与must后面的动词 在非推测情况下的用法保持一致。如: He must be a worker,

3、 isnt he? 他肯定是工人,是吗?It must have rained last night, didnt it? 昨晚肯定下雨了,是吗? You must have learned English for many years, havent you? 你肯定已经学英语很多年了,是吗? 2. can & could (1) can表示推测“可能性”时,往往用于否定句或疑问句中。Cant意为“一定不”,语气很肯定。Can在疑 问句中的意思是“会,可能”。如: He cant be at home. 他不可能在家。 (2) can/cant后可接进行时/完成时,表示对现在发生的动作或过去

4、发生的动作进行推测。如: They cant be reading in the library. 他们不可能在图书馆读书。 He cant have gone to Shanghai for I saw him a minute ago. 他不可能去上海了,因为我一分钟前见他了。 Its so late. Where can she have gone? 太晚了,她能去哪儿了呢? (3) 在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分含有表示推测意义的cant时,疑问部分的助动词应与cant后面的动词在 非推测情况下的用法 保持一致。如: He cant be a teacher, is he? 他肯定不是教师

5、,是吗? She cant have finished her homework, has she? 她肯定没有完成作业,是吗? (4) could可用于表示某事有可能发生可能是事实。如: Dont eat it. It could be poisonous. 别吃,可能有毒。 The plane could be delayed by fog. 飞机可能因为大雾晚点。 3. may & might (1) may, might表示推测“可能性”时,意为“可能;也许”,语气没有must肯定。如: He may/might be American. 他可能是美国人。 注:might不表示过去时态

6、,只是语气上比may更委婉,表示的可能性更小。 (2) may, might表推测时,可以用于否定句,意为“可能不、也许不”,但不用于疑问句。如: He may/might not be at home. 他也许不在家。 (3) may, might可以推测现在正在发生的动作或过去发生的动作。如: He may/might be sleeping now. 他可能正在睡觉。 These students may/might have seen the film before. 这些学生之前可能看过这部电影。(4) may, might还可以推测将来的情况。如: I think we shoul

7、d take raincoat with us, it may rain. 我觉得我们应该带雨衣,可能会下雨。 She might not come this afternoon. 她今天下午可能不来。1.Why did Miss Wang look so worried?Because she wondered .A. where did the other students goB. when would the policeman comeC. what her students have done during the tripD. if her students had surviv

8、ed the earthquake2.Must I finish my homework now?No,you .You may have a rest first.A. mustnt B. cant C. may not D. neednt3.Remember off the light and dont forget the door when you leave the room.A. to turn;to close B. to turn;closingC. turning;to close D. turning;closing4.Is that girl Susan?It be he

9、r. She left for Beijing yesterday.A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. may not5. In spring, the park with travellers.A. crowds B. crowded C. is crowded D. crowding解析:1.本题考查宾语从句的时态通常与主句时态保持一致,故可排除C项;宾语从句应用陈述语序,故选D。2. 本题考查以must提问的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must(必须),否定回答用neednt或dont/doesnt have to(不必)。故选D。3. 本题考查remember/fo

10、rget to do sth.“记得/忘记去做某事”,事情未做;remember/forget doing sth.“记得/忘记做了某事”,事情已做。由句意“在你离开房间时,记得关灯,别忘了关门”。“关灯”“关门”都未做,故选A。4. 本题考查neednt “不必”,cant“不可能”,mustnt“禁止”, may not“可能不”。由答语后句句意“昨天她动身去了北京”可知那个女孩不可能是Susan。故选B。5. 根据句意:春天,公园里挤满了游客。be crowded with“被挤满”,是固定短语。故选C。基础演练一用所给词的适当形式填空1. Its difficult for a per

11、son to deal with a group of(wolf). 2. He lost his bag. Luckily there isnt anything(value)in it. 3. The boy often feels(sleep)in class. 4. Look! Theres a monkey(jump)up the tree. 5. All the children are having fun(play)games in the park.6. -Whose bike is this? -It must be _ (John). He has a black bik

12、e.7. The guitar could _ (be) my cousins. She plays it every day.8. We were extremely (极其,非常) _ (worry) by these results.9. The noise-maker is having too much fun _(create) fear in the neighborhood. 10. -Today is Sunday. The students _ (possible) dont go to school. -I agree with you.11. Its time to g

13、o home. Your mother must be _ (wait) for you at home now. 答案:1. wolves2. valuable3. sleepy4. jumping 5. playing 6. Johns 7. be 8. worried 9. creating 10. possibly 11. waiting巩固提高二、用must, could, might, cant, belong to填空。1. Youd better take an umbrella. It _ rain this afternoon.2. Gina _ come to the p

14、arty tonight, but Im not sure.3. Is this Yang Yangs notebook? It _ be his. His name is on it.4. The telephone is ringing, but nobody answers it. He _ be at home. 5. The hair band _ Alice. She left it here just now.答案:1. could/ might 2. could/ might 3. must 4 cant5. could/ might一单项选择。1. Is that Kates

15、 car? It _ be hers. She has just gone for a meeting.A. cantB. shouldC. mustntD. may2. Lets go climbing, shall we? You _ be joking! Dont you know Im afraid of high places?A. mayB. canC. mustD. should3. Listen. Is that Millie playing the violin in the art room? No. It _ be her. She has gone to the tea

16、chers office.A. may notB. mustntC. needntD. cant4. Nancy, is this blue bag Toms? It _ be his. His is black.A. mustB. mayC. cantD. mustnt 5. Is the man over there Mr. Brown? It _ him. He has gone to Brazil to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup.A. may notB. cant beC. shouldntD. mustnt 6. Hi, Mike I saw Jim

17、 in the zoo just now. It _ be him. He has gone to Beijing.A. canB. mustC. cantD. mustnt7. What are you doing this weekend? Im not sure, but I _ go to the museum.A. needB. mustC. mightD. should8. Whos singing in the garden? It _be Mr. Brown. He always practices singing at this time.A. mustB. cantC. n

18、eedD. mustnt 9. Whose is the dictionary? It _ be Alices. Look at her name on the cover.A. canB. mustC. mayD. cant 10. There _ a girl singing next door. Cant you hear her beautiful voice?A. must beB. must haveC. cant beD. cant have11. My father doesnt like smoking, so the cigarette _ be his.A. mustnt

19、B. cantC. shouldntD. neednt 12. The girl in the classroom _be Maria. She called me from the library just now.A. mustntB. may notC. cantD. neednt13. Bob, Where is Linda? She _ be in the library, but I am not sure.A. mustB. mayC. needD. has to14. Is the long-haired man Bruce? No, it _ be him. Hes in N

20、ew York now. A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. may not15. Look, someone left a book on the chair. It _ be Kittys. Only she likes to read this kind of books.A. canB. mustC. mayD. might答案: 1-5 ACDCB 6-10 CCABA 11-15 BCBAB二. 完形填空。先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。One afternoon just before Christma

21、s it was cloudy with strong wind. An old man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy 1 in front of a beautiful shop window. The old man asked 2 he was crying there. The little boy said that he had lost the 3 dollars given by his mother. When the old man heard this, he put his hand 4 his p

22、ocket, took out a small wallet and gave the boy what was inside. The little boy looked at 5 and stopped crying. Then the old man walked away. An hour 6 , the old man was going back home by the same route. To his surprise, he saw the same boy at the same place. The boy was standing in the 7 wind. He

23、went up to him and asked if he had really lost his 8 . The little boy said that he had found his ten dollars. He was waiting for him there. He wanted to 9 the ten dollars to him. The old man was so moved that he could say 10 .1. A. crying B. speaking C. shoutingD. looking2. A. what B. where C. how D

24、. why3. A. ten B. eight C. six D. five4. A. on B. behind C. into D. over5. A. me B. it C. you D. her6. A. ago B. before C. later D. after7. A. shy B. hot C. warm D. cold8. A. money B. mother C. book D. wallet9. A. borrow B. lend C. return D. keep10.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 答

25、案:15. ADACB610. CDACD_一 选择恰当的答案。1.Whose book is this? It _ our geography teachers. You see, his name is on it.A. cant beB. can beC. mustnt beD. must be2. Is that girl Susan? It _ be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.A. needntB. cantC. mustntD. can 3. That T-shirt _ be expensive because its by a fa

26、mous designer. A. cantB. mustntC. mustD. should 4. Excuse me, whose book is this? It _ be Johns. It has his name on it. A. mustB. needC. cantD. may 5. Whos the man over there? Is it Mr. Black? It _ be him. Hes much taller.A. may notB. cantC. will notD. mustnt6. Oh, its raining hard. Be careful! The

27、road _ be wet.A. couldB. mustC. mightD. mustnt 7. Look at the boy playing basketball on the ground. Is it George?It _ be him. He told me he would play basketball after class, but hes not sure.A. mustntB. mustC. cantD. may8. Someone is knocking at the door. Is it Ann?It _be her. She is giving a perfo

28、rmance at the theater now.A. mayB. mustC. cantD. mustnt9. The woman who is talking with Mr. Brown _ be Miss Li. She has gone to England.A. cantB. mustC. mayD. mustnt10. The man _ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada.A. mightB. mustC. cantD. mustnt 11. Look at the young lady in red. Is it Mrs

29、. King? No. It _ be her. She is wearing a white dress today.A. canB. mayC. mustD. cant12. Jim is reading a book under that tree. It _ be Jim. Hes ill in hospital.A. mayB. mustntC. cantD. could 13. After a long walk, the old man _ be tired now. A. cantB. mustC. has toD. need14. Someone will come to o

30、ur music club tomorrow. I guess its Mary. It _ be her. She left for England yesterday and will stay there for a week.A. mustntB. needntC. cantD. couldnt 15. The lady in the sitting room _ be over sixty. She looks so young.A. cantB. mustC. mayD. neednt16. Is Jack on duty today? It _ be him, its his t

31、urn tomorrow.A. mustntB. wontC. cantD. neednt17. I think the girl who is cleaning the yard must be Alice. No, it _ be her. She is in the gym now.A. cantB. mustntC. mayD. may not答案:1-5 DBCAB 6-10 BDCAC 11-15 DCBCA 16-17 CA 二阅读理解。AChinese writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012. Mo, wh

32、o was born in 1955 into a farmers family in Gaomi County in Shandong Province, is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. In his early years, life was not easy and he experienced hunger (饥饿). These things have influenced Mo Yans later writings.60-year-old Park Geun-hye (朴槿惠)

33、 was elected (选举) the new President of South Korea in December 9 2012. She becomes the countrys first female head of state and her term will last five years from 2013. I will become a president who puts peoples living before anything else, she told the cheering people in central Seoul as she accepte

34、d her win I will keep my promises.”Barack Obama ( born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961), who was elected the 44th President of the United States in 2008, has been elected again to a second term, fighting against Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard La

35、w School. His father was from Kenya. And his mother was born in Wichita, Kansas.1. When Mo Yan was young, his family might be _. A. big B. poor C. rich D. small2. When was Park Geun-hye born? A. In 1952. B. In 1955. C. In 1961. D. In 1987.3. Where was Barack Obama born? A. In Kansas. B. In Kenya. C.

36、 In Columbia. D. In Hawaii.4. Which of the following is NOT true about the passages? A. The writer Mo Yan lived in a big city before he got the prize. B. Park Geun-hye will lead South Korea till the year 2018. C. Obama fought against his challenger Mitt Romney in the election. D. Among the three per

37、sons9 Park Geun-hye is the oldest.5. The three passages may be from _. Aan email Ba letter Cnews Dan ad答案:BADAC(2014-2015年人教新目标九年级期中测试题)CWith the development of peoples living, more and more people concentrate on their health. The death of 30% of people in the world is caused by heart disease (心脏病).

38、 In China, there are thousands of people who die of heart disease every year. Its necessary for people to know the way to prevent (阻止) heart disease. Heres some advice.First, when you are under pressure, you should learn to get away from it. Too much pressure is bad for heart. Dont be angry, and kee

39、p a good mood. For example, laughing is important for health. Second, eat more healthy foods such as corn, wheat, rice and potatoes. To keep a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruit. Third, do exercise. You can get up early in the morning, go outdoors, breathe (呼吸) the nice air and do exercise

40、. Having exercise can make the heart stronger. Then, dont smoke. Smoking makes the heart jump faster and prevents more oxygen (氧气) reaching the heart. Finally, you also have to have your heart checked once a year. The doctor will give you good advice to keep a healthy heart. If you dont feel well, y

41、ou should go to see the doctor at once.These things sound easy, but not many people can really do them. In a word, if you want to keep a healthy heart, please live a healthy lifestyle, eat healthily, take plenty of exercise, learn to relax and never smoke.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。( )1. causes 30% of peoples de

42、ath in the world.A. Heart disease B. SmokingC. Unhealthy eating D. No exercising( )2. The underlined word “mood” means “” in Chinese.A. 习惯B. 关系 C. 心态D. 身材( )3. Smoking makes .A. the heart jump more slowlyB. the heart jump fasterC. no oxygen reach the heart D. no oxygen reach the head( )4. The passage tells us pieces of advice to prevent heart disease.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five( )5. Which of the following is NOT true according to th


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