八年级英语上册 Module 11 Way of life Unit 1 In Chinawe open a gift later导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第1页
八年级英语上册 Module 11 Way of life Unit 1 In Chinawe open a gift later导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第2页
八年级英语上册 Module 11 Way of life Unit 1 In Chinawe open a gift later导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第3页
八年级英语上册 Module 11 Way of life Unit 1 In Chinawe open a gift later导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第4页




1、Module 11 Way of life课 题Module 11 Way of lifeUnit1 In China ,we open a gift later.主备人课 型Listening &speaking上课日期课时安排2总课时数学 习目 标1. 能正确读出并识记本文的单词:chopstick,gift.surprise,immediately,difference,except,taste,tradition,for example,serious. 2.能熟练的运用can ,must,mustnt来表达意愿。3.学习西方的一些传统,对比东西方传统的不同。 学习过程备注课前自学.看

2、音标,写单词。1. kp 2. tes 3. tpstik 4. ti 5. vidiu6. ift 7. spraiz 8.imi:ditli 9. difrns 10. ksept .短语并在对话中划出来。1.一副国际象棋_ 2.电子游戏_3.例如_ 4.打扫卫生_ 5.What a surprise!_6.注意_7.春节的第一天_ 8.你最好做某事_9. You cant be serious._10.霉运_ III. 翻译句子。1.真是一个惊喜!_2.在春节的第一天,你一定不能大扫除。_3. 你最好不要在春节的那个月理发。_4. 在西方,我们通常不大注意那个。_课堂导学. Show t

3、he learning aims and lead-in . . ListeningTask1. Listen to A1 and number the words and expressions as you hear them.Task2. Listen and fill in the blanks.Betty: Its Linglings birthday tomorrow.Tony: We _get her a present.Betty: Shes too old for a _.Tony: She likes playing chess. How about a_?Betty: Y

4、es, or we _ buy her things to eat or drink.Tony: She likes _.Betty: How about some nice _?Tony: Or a _?Betty: Or how about a _?Tony: Ive got it! A_!Betty: Yes, an English dictionary. She_ look up new words in it.Task3. Listen to A3 and choose the best answer.1. Why does lingling get a gift? A. Its h

5、er birthday. B. Spring Festival2. Does lingling open her gift immediately ? A.Yes,she does B. No,she doesnt.3. What traditions are mentioned (提及)? A.Gifts B.Spring festival C. both of themTask4. Read and finish the table,then retell it.In ChinaIn the USMustopen a gift lateropen a gift immediatelyNee

6、dntMustntHad better (not) do课堂检测Task1. Finish A4.Task2.According to the dialogue on P88, finish the exercises.1.”you neednt wait.“ means_A.You should open a gift later. B.You should open a present immediately.C.You neednt open a gift now.2.“You cant be serious!”means:_A.Are you kidding? B.It must be a joke! C.It cant be true! D.Above of all3.我们最好不要在吃东西的时候说话。We _ _ _ _ food when we are talking.4.Im interested _(know) all the Chinese traditions.课后延学Write a passage about the school rules at your school.内容必须


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