已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、字母组合发音规律元音音标表(20个)5个元音的字母音 a ei e i: i ai o u u u:5个元音的短元音:a e bag cat hat mape e pen bed ten henI i big pig sit hillo box hot dog frogu u but mum bus mug12个单元音:短元音e e i u 长元音 i: : a: u: : 8个双元音:ei ai u au i i e u 元音发音规则表:1.单元音/i:/ see me be she need read meal eat seat deep keep开音节中的e/i:/ me be she

2、ee /i:/ see sleep deep feet needea /i:/ read eat meal seat2.单元音 /i/ in it is fit pin bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid 闭音节中的i /i/ if, his, film(闭音节指以辅音结尾的音节) 闭音节中的y /i/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym位于词尾的y /i/ city, pity, willingly, possibility3.单元音 /e/ get let bed pen best rest wet never better bes

3、t闭音节中的e /e/ bed, peg, set, tellea /e/ dead, heaven, feather4.单元音/e/ hat cat rat cap map fat man thank stamp fact闭音节中的 a / e / bad, lad, rat, cab5.单元音 /a:/ heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn passar /a:/ arm, ark, lard, dark, car, card, hard, harm6.单元音 / / lot got job shop soft song top hot b

4、ox pot lock闭音节中的o / / hot, got, not, lost, on, soft7./ :/ tall fall wall Paul Maud walk call yawn thoughtor / :/ or, sport, bored, horse, more, beforea(+ll或lk) / :/ all, fall, talk, walkaw / :/ law, paw, draw, flaw, claw8.单元音 /u/ cook book look put good full foot wouldu /u/ put, full, pull, push, su

5、gar, cushionoo /u/ good, took, wood, wool, stood, bedroomou /u/ could, would, should9.单元音 /u:/ too soon rule boot fool school soup cool lose newoo /u:/ fool, booth, room, foodou /u:/ soup, you, groupo /u:/ do, to, who10./ / cup bus gun hut sung duck lung luck cut stuck闭音节中的u / but, hunt, sun, duck,

6、luck闭音节中的o / son, once, colour, other, moneyou / rough, enough, touch, cousin, young11.单元音 /:/ shirt hunt burn girl bird nurse work worm curseer /:/ herd, verb, mercyir /:/ thirty, shirt, third, firur /:/ turn, church, burn, nurse, curseor /:/ word, work, world, worseear /:/ heard, earth, search12.单

7、元音 / ago about asleep above again among mother brother许多元音在非重读章节中读成/,所以/的拼写形式多种多样。如:about, sofa, doctor, colour, figure13.双元音 /ei/ May pay way day same hay great gain pain spadea /ei/ save, face, paleay /ei/ day, pay, mayai /ei/ wait, fail, straitea /ei/ break, great14.双元音 /u/ no go so hole hope roa

8、d home slow load foe soulo /u/ go, hello, no, open, over, joking, Octoberoa /u/ coat, soap, boat, road, coastow /u/ snow, throw, blow, show, know, window15.双元音 /ai/ bye lie try eye cry die my five time mine like开音节中的i /ai/ time, crime, rite, fineigh /ai/ high, might, night, light, brighty /ai/ cry,

9、my, sky, fly, July, replyie /ai/ eye, dye, bye16.双元音 /au/ how now cow out mouse down house brown foundou /au/ about, around, found, sound, mouseow /au/ down, crowd, town, brown, now, how17. 双元音 /i/ boy joy toy voice noise join coin oil soil toiloi /i/ oil, boil, join, coin, spoilt, voice, choice, no

10、iseoy /i/ toy, boy, enjoy, destroy, annoy, loyal, employer18.双元音 /i/ ear here fear hear dear pier tear near really ideaear /i/ ear, dear, hear, clear, beardea /i/ idea, real, theatreere /i/ here, mere, severeeer /i/ beer, queer, engineer19.双元音 /e/ care wear hair there fair careful various are /e/ ca

11、re, share, fare, hare,carelessair /e/ air, fair, chair,repair20.双元音 /u/ tour sure poor pure cure tourist ur /u/ cure, pure, fury 26个字母常见发音及字母组合发音规律1 26个字母发音规律a /ei/ name able cake tabletake date / apple cat map ammatch matter sad and angry /: / dance last pass plant / / want what watch washb /b/ boo

12、k big bag boxc /k/ clean climb cup clock cook collect curtain clothes /s/ face nice pencil city cinema d /d/ desk doll dog dad day dont dish does deepe/i:/ he she me evening meter /e/ elephant egg bed pen best get empty Feb. next then send /i/ enjoy English eleven because forestf /f/ fine friend fly

13、 foot fan fall fight favourite fruit funny g / gun glass glad go get /d / age orange villageh /h/ hat her house honey happy have heavier hurt hobby hospitali /ai / fine bike five ice climber hiking kind /i/ is sit miss pig picture interesting ill dinner him listen pick riverj / d / jeep jacket jump

14、Jan. July Junek /k/ kite cake thank kangaroo speak take walk work lake like l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp longer relax play /l/ apple bowl tell old tail whale m /m/ am map my mouth milk n /n/ no know new hand / thank think thing uncle swingo /u / old home nose coke tomato tofu over hold piano/ dog

15、not clock box robot on from forest often stop/ / son month mother love young/u:/ who do whosep /p/ map jeep pig pen apple plant play potato please policemanq /kw / quite quilt quick r /r/ red radio brother rain read run rabbit write mirror librarys /s/ sit miss this salty books spring swim sleep som

16、etimes grass /z/ nose those rose rulers seasont /t/ it sit not that table little tired take left fruit but plantu /ju: / use usually excusemenu / / bus us sun duck uncle up trunk funny must/ u / put pull helpfulv /v / five vapour very seven village livew /w/ we window watch want wait water Wednesday

17、 winter withx /ks / box six fox relaxy /ai / my fly why bye/ j / yes yellow young yesterday/ i / happy baby very windy snowy study z / z / zoo zero学英语26个字母及字母组合发音规律32010-01-28 10:19元音组合ai /ei/ wait paint ay /ei/ may play day say air / / air hair chairal / : / tall small ballar /: / farther farm car

18、arm garden hardly party ea /i:/ meat please tea read cleaner east easy leaf season /e/ head bread ready/ i / theater4. /ei / great ear / i / ear hear near/ / bear/ : / earth learnee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep seed weekend sweet sweep eir / / theirer / / worker teacher November later / : / herere /i

19、 / here / / where thereew /ju: / new few/u: / flew grewigh /ai / right high bright ir /: / bird girl shirt thirty third oa /u / boat coat road goat ong / / long songoo /u/ book foot good look /u:/ moon balloonor / : / short fork pork north /: / word world work oor /o: / door floor ore / :/ more stor

20、e soreou / au / out house mouth cloud south bounceour / :/ four your /au / ourow / u / bowl window know row/au / now cow flower down howOy /i/ boy toyur / : / turn 辅音组合th / thank mouth thin think twelfth / / this that with together tr /tr/ tree train trip dr /dr/ dress driver sh / shirt wash short s

21、hip shine shop show freshch /t/ child chair catch teach watch/ k / school Christmastw /tw/ two twin twentywh /w/ white wheel what /h/ who whose whomts /ts/ jackets kitesds /dz/ birds friend常用字母或字母组合发音规律一与元音字母A相关的单词:1ei a在开音节中:发字母音,后面有不发音的e face脸; grade年级;cake蛋糕; lake湖; make制造;take拿到;snake蛇; name名字;

22、same相同;plane飞机;grapes葡萄;date日期; Kate 凯特; plate盘子; mane鬃毛;2 a在闭音节中: black黑色的; dad爸爸; sad悲伤的; bag书包; am是;Sam萨姆 lamp灯; an一(个-);can能; fan电风扇;man男人;and和; hand手; thank感谢; map地图; has有; cat猫;fat肥胖的;that那个;hat帽子;rabbit兔子 family家庭 camel骆驼3a: ar组合: car小汽车;far远的;star星星;card卡片;scarf围巾;marker水彩笔 market市场 departme

23、nt store百货商店 apartment building公寓;hard努力地,硬的;park公园;arm胳臂;farm农场;4ei ai组合; tail尾巴; rainy下雨的; train火车;wait等;waiter男服务员; waitress女服务员5 air组合: air空气;hair头发;chair椅子 stairs楼梯6ei ay组合: day天,日;today今天;play玩;may可以;May五月;say说;way道路,方法; stay逗留 7. i ay组合:Sunday 星期日 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四

24、 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六8: al组合: talk说话;walk走;chalk粉笔;9. :l all组合: all所有的 ball球;small小的;tall高的;wall墙; mall大厅;call称呼,打电话; fall秋天,跌落10 a:s as或ass组合 ask问;class班级;glass玻璃杯;pass传递;grass草;last最后的;11. awash洗 what什么 watch看,手表 want想要12. : aw组合 paws爪子 draw画 二与元音字母E相关的单词:1i: e在开音节中:发字母音 be是;he他;she她;me我;we我们; th

25、ese这些;Chinese汉语; 2e e在闭音节中: bed 床; red红色的; leg腿; spell拼写; hen母鸡; then那么;when什么时候; pen钢笔; ten十; dress女裙; let让; 3i ere组合; here这儿 4. ere组合 there 那儿;where哪儿4i: ea组合; sea 海洋;tea茶;peach桃子;teacher教师;read读; please请; eat吃;meat肉;seat座位; beak鸟嘴 dream做梦 leaves树叶5e ea组合; head头;bread面包;feather羽毛; weather天气; 6i ea

26、r组合: ear耳朵; dear亲爱的; hear听见; near在附近7 ear组合: bear熊;pear梨8: ear组合: early早; year年;learn学,学会9i: ee组合: bee 蜜蜂; three三; tree树; see看见; need需要; week周,星期;feel感觉; green绿色;thirteen十三; sheep绵羊; sleep睡觉;feet脚(复数);meet遇见; feed喂养三与元音字母I相关的单词:1ai i在开音节中:发字母音 hi 喂; I我; ice冰;nice好的;rice米饭;ride骑;beside在-旁边;bike自行车; l

27、ike喜欢;time时间;fine(身体)好; nine九;white白色的; write写; kite风筝; five五;drive驾驶 inside在里面 outside在外面 2i i在闭音节中: which 哪一个;chick小鸡;sick病的; big大的;pig猪;milk牛奶; him他; swim游泳; in在-里面; begin开始; sing唱歌; pink粉红色;drink喝;ship轮船; is是; his他的;this这个; fish鱼; Miss女士; it它; sit坐;six六3: ir组合: bird鸟; shirt(男)衬衫; skirt短裙 sir先生 g

28、irl 女孩 circle圆圈 thirty三十 thirteen十三 thirsty渴的四与元音字母O相关的单词:1u o在开音节中:发字母音 go去;no不;so这样,这么;phone电话机;those那些;close关闭;nose鼻子; rose玫瑰花 home家 rope绳子 hole洞2 o在闭音节中; clock钟; dog狗; on在-上面; long长的; song歌曲;shop商店; stop停止; hot热的; not不; donkey驴 hop双脚跳 orange橘子 ostrich鸵鸟 rock岩石 3. o mother妈妈 brother哥哥,弟弟 come来 so

29、me一些 other其他的 stomach胃,肚子 Monday星期一 monkey猴子4: or组合: or 或者;for为了;short短的,矮的;forty四十; horse马; store商店5u oa组合; road 路; boat小船; coat上衣; goat山羊; soap香皂6u: oo组合; too也;zoo动物园;cool凉的;school学校;room房间;moon月亮;afternoon下午; spoon汤勺; kangaroo袋鼠7 u oo组合: good好的;foot脚;classroom教师;look看;book书;cookies饼干 好脚丫在教室看书。 8、

30、au ou组合: cloudy多云的; house房子; mouse老鼠;about大约;mouth嘴; blouse女式衬衫 mountain大山10、au ow组合:cow母牛; how怎样,多少; now现在; brown棕色的;down向下 flower花11. u ow组合: slow慢的; know知道; 五与元音字母U相关的单词:1 ju: u在开音节中:发字母音 excuse 原谅;use使用; 2 u在闭音节中: much 很; jump跳; run跑; sun太阳; up向上; cup小茶杯;but但是 bus公交车; umbrella雨伞; hundred百; cut剪,切;mum妈妈;un


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