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1、Key to ExercisesUnit 6 How Do We Deal with the Drug Problems?,l Translate the following expressions. Into Chinese 1 吸毐者;瘾君子 2 毒瘾 3 令人上瘾的药物 4 滥用毒品 5 毒品交易 6 毒品贩子 7 与毒品有关的犯罪和死亡 8 既得利益 9麻醉药品管理局,10 黑社会 11 去掉犯罪的污名 12 禁果的诱惑 13 治疗中心 14 令人讨厌的大漏洞 15 执法 16 废除一条法律 17合法化的赞成者和反对者 18使吸毒失去魅力 19发动一场毫不手软的禁烟运动,Into En

2、glish 1.kick drug addiction 2.disprove the theory 3.start/launch a crime wave 4.get hooked on alcohols 5.push drugs 6.further criminalize drug-taking 7.legalize gambling 8.pump funds into education 9.bail out the ocean with a teaspoon 10.eliminate drug addiction,repeal the law miss the boat underest

3、imate the seriousness of the consequence confiscate property dwarf the previous achievements undercut the price deglamorize cigarettes project a new image ban TV ads take more repressive measures,2 Supply words that can form a collocation with the word in bold type. 1.take/abuse/push/inject/legalize

4、/glamorize/prohibit/ban/carry/fight/confiscate/ get hooked as/ declare war on / stamp out / crack down on 2.makc/pass/repeal/enforcc/violatc/break/obey/change/enact/revise/observe/respect 3.the prohibition / a finger / his head / her eyes / the sanctions,4.a campaign / a frontal attack / an expediti

5、on / the steps / a horse 5. a ban / a sanction / an embargo / a sales tax / a heavy fine / a heavy burden / ones will/ ones values / ones ideas 6. a cultural impression / the process / the verdict / the role / the trend / the chair / the car / the normal order,3 Translate the following sentences int

6、o English. 1.We all know that cocaine is addictive. So is heroin. But actually power and money are addictive too. Those who get addicted to them are really very sick people. 2.Scientists have been advocating returning reclaimed land to rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows. 3.According to many economis

7、ts, it is not always a good idea for the government to bail out financially insolvent companies. Sometimes, a company on the verge of bankruptcy is better allowed to go bankrupt.,bail out v.保释, 帮助;跳伞, 往外舀水 例句: In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pre

8、ssure. 在最近的这次危机中,没有一家银行能帮助那些处于困境的公司渡过难关。 He was bailed out for500. 他是用五百镑保释出来的。 The boat will sink unless we bail out. 我们要不把积水清除掉,船就要沉了。,4.He has been caught red-handed. There is indisputable evidence that a whole chapter of his book was bodily lifted from a book written by another professor. 5.Thei

9、r government long since passed a law to ban the import and export of rare species of birds and animals. But the law is not easy to enforce. 6.It is hard to make young people believe nowadays that there was a time when Chinese women were banned from wearing skirts. Jeans, foreign movies and Western m

10、usic were all forbidden.,7.In the darkness our ship hit a hidden rock, which left a gaping hole in the bottom. We all tried desperately to bail out the water, but the boat was sinking fast. Luckily a fishing boat was nearby and saved us from drowning. 8.The demonstrators demanded that economic sanct

11、ions be lifted immediately because they usually only hurt ordinary, innocent people. 9.At the meeting, both the advocates and opponents gave strong arguments, but most participants favored having further reforms placed on the agenda immediately.,4 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, arou

12、nd 2.down, from, in 3.out, of, from, away 4.into, for 5.for, out, on, on 6. after, on 7. from, on, from 8. for, in 9. off/out, up 10. out, in,5 Replace the italicized parts with appropriate words and expressions from the text. proponents: advocates/supporters starting: launching play down: minimize/

13、underestimate disastrous: catastrophic/ruinous/devastating 2.gave rise to: led to 3.give people the impression that he was: project the image of being get. go after 4.viewed as: regarded as / considered admission: confession/recognition harsh: repressive 5.persistent: relentless forbid: ban/prohibit

14、/outlaw,6.transportation: traffic far surpass: dwarf/exceed 7.approval to: permission for met with: encountered/drew 8.say: maintain be considered more important than: be given priority 9.become easily addicted to: get easily hooked on 10.finally became: ended up being 11. sacred task: divine missio

15、n wipe out: crack down on,6 study the following sentences and point out where, if anywhere, the satire or irony lies. 1.Will Rogers is being sarcastic about the American government which is providing endless raw materials for humorists by the silly things they say and do, thus making the job of humo

16、rists perfectly easy. 2.This is also a satirical remark directed at government, which calls its use of violence as law although it is not always justifiable. 3.This is a satirical remark about the fact that most people are guilty of plagiarism without being discovered.,4.Irene Peter is obviously unh

17、appy about the situation today. He uses confused and thinking clearly ironically. 5.This is an ironical way of saying that it is useless trying to convince an ignorant man. Ignorant people usually have neither meaningful arguments nor the ability to understand other peoples arguments. Therefore in a

18、n ironical sense, they are invincible. This is a satirical remark about political or religious fanatics who easily become mobs because they do not understand what they arc doing.,7.This is an ironical remark. According to the Bishop, there is no difference between a hero and a villain except the fac

19、t that the former kills one person and the latter kills millions. They are both murderers. Obviously the Bishop is against all violence. 8.The irony lies in the fact that many human tragedies are caused by well-meaning people. 9.This is satirical about human society which often can not tolerate geni

20、us because it tends to consider anything new dangerous.,10.Mark Twain is sarcastic about the fact that people are often gullible and it is extremely difficult to make them see the truth. 11.There is an implied satire in this witty remark about people who consider themselves so important that they fi

21、nd it necessary to pretend to be modest when they face an audience so as to set them at ease or give them a favorable impression. 12.This is a well put sentence, but there is no satire or irony involved. 13. Another quotable remark of a famous scholar, but no irony or satire can be detected.,Grammar

22、 1 Study and learn ways of enumeration (listing items). 1Note ways of enumeration and point out the type of enumeration used. 1.Precedence (descending order of importance) 2.Precedence (ascending order of importance, using three phrases of there be instead of ordinal numbers) 3.Equal importance,2Put

23、 in the blanks suitable expressions of enumeration. 1.The next best, The very worst 2.For one (thing), For the other, Finally / First, Second, Finally / In the first place, Then, Finally 3.First, Second, Third / Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly (Note: Some native speakers consider -ly poor style.),2 Compl

24、ete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets using either of the structures below. 1.It looked as though a compromise had been reached when actually it had never proved effective on humans 3.such was the advice that he gave his only son 4.he didnt sound as though he was ready to lend a h

25、elping hand 5.when in fact in order to raise money for his fathers operation he had quit college and was working at a restaurant, mother felt as though her life also ended seems as though the rain would never stop 8.when in fact she is a policewoman whose job is to protect VIPs in times of

26、emergency 9.which made me feel as though I was a swan rather than an ugly duckling 10. such was the depth of the feelings between them,3. Study the grammatical structure of these involved sentences. 1. This is a complex sentence. Main clause: it might be good for our citizens to recall Qualifier: al

27、ong with exhortation and warning (an adverbial modifying the main clause) Subordinate clauses: Object clause: that the United States was the creation of men (the direct object of recall) Relative clause: who believed that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life (modifying men) Adverbial clause of


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