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1、.,Unit 2,Using Language,.,Atlanta princess glory bargain prince hopeless,n. 亚特兰大(女名;城市名) n. 公主 n. 光荣;荣誉 vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货 n. 王子 adj. 没有希望的;绝望的,Words preview,.,foolish goddess pain deserve,adj. 愚蠢的;傻的 n. 女神 n. 痛苦 vi. & vt. 应受(报答或 惩罚);值得,Words preview,.,one after another,陆续地;一个接一个地,Expressions previ

2、ew,.,1. Talk about the two pictures. 1) What can you see in the picture? 2) Can you guess the relationship between them? 3) What is the girl giving to the man?,Reading,THE STORY OF ATLANTA,.,4) What are golden apples used for?,.,The race,.,The unbeaten Atlanta captivated Hippomenes. Venus was determ

3、ined to help him by giving him three golden apples,.,which he dropped as he raced Atlanta, who lost time by stopping to pick up each treasure. With this trick, Hippomenes won the race and his bride.,.,(1) Who was Atlanta? (2) What was she good at? (3) Who did she want to marry? (4) How could Hippome

4、nes win Atlanta?,Skimming,.,Main idea Its about Atlanta who races to marry the man who can run faster than her. In order to win the race, Hippomenes asked for help from the Goddess of Love.,.,True or False questions. She practised running to compete in the Olympic Games. ( ) 2. At first Hippomenes u

5、nderstood why men ran against Atlanta. ( ) 3. Atlanta was not sure she could win. ( ),.,4. She was so angry about the fact that she could not run in the Olympics. ( ) 5. She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( ) 6. Her father did not understand her wish to compete in the Olympics. ( ) 7.

6、 He did not refuse her wish to choose her husband in a race. ( ),.,1. What will happen during the race between Hippomenes and Atlanta? 2. Who do you think will win the race?,.,The correct Order: 4 11 7 5 1 3 9 6 10 8 2,Before you listen, try to work out the order of the sentences on page15. Then lis

7、ten to the tape and check whether you were correct.,Listening,.,Listen to the tape and write down the main idea in one sentence.,This is a story of how a man marries a princess by winning a race with a Goddesss help.,.,1. If you were Hippomenes, would you run against Atlanta? 2. Do you think Hippome

8、nes deserved to win the race? Why or why not?,.,3. How do you think Atlanta felt when she discovered Hippomenes had had the help from Goddess of love? If you were Atlanta, would you agree to marry Hippomenes?,.,1. bargain vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货,1) He made a satisfactory bargain with them. 他和他们做了一笔满意的交易

9、。 2) He bargained with them for the property. 他就财产与他们进行商议。 3) The salesman refused to bargain over the price. 推销员拒绝讨价还价。,Language points,.,2. one after another陆续地;一个接一个地,1) It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another. 现在是休息时间, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。 2) The lights went out on

10、e after another. 电灯一个接一个灭了。,.,3. deserve vi. & vt. 应受(报答或惩罚);值得,1) Youve been working all morningyou deserve a rest. 你已经干了一个上午了,该休息一下了。 2) He deserved to be punished. 他应当受到惩罚。,.,3) He richly deserved all that happened to him. 他得到这一切确是受之无愧。 4) The article deserves careful study. 这篇文章值得仔细研究。 5) You de

11、serve it. 这是你应得的。,.,Work in pairs or groups, and interview at least 5 students about their hobbies and why they like it. Whats your favorite hobby?,An interview,Speaking,.,.,Atlantas favourite sport was running. What is your favourite sport?,Do you like sports?,.,Events of sports,ball games,.,basket

12、ball,.,football (soccer),.,volleyball,.,table tennis,Singles match,Doubles match,.,badminton,.,Sampras,tennis,.,baseball,.,ice hockey,.,golf,.,track and field,Events of sports,.,relay race,.,Olympic 110m hurdles champion,.,running,high jump,long jump,.,Events of sports,gymnastic,beam,.,horse,.,doubl

13、e bars,rings,.,high and low bars,free exercise,.,Events of sports,wrestling,ice sports,.,boxing,.,shot,shooting,.,swimming,diving,.,weightlifting,speed skating,skiing,.,judo,athlete,competitor,compete,competition,.,.,Helpful expressions,I likebecause My favourite athlete / footballer / sportsman is

14、I practise I became interested in it when I like him / her because In the future I hope to,.,Asking about interests and hobbies,Possible answers,Which do you like, or? Whats your favorite sport? Which sport do you like best? Which do you prefer, or? What about? Are you interested in?,Sure. I love sp

15、orts. Yes, very much./ Not really. Shooting, I think. I likebest. I preferto I like watching Id rather watch it than play it.,More expressions,.,S1: Now Li Rong you said that your hobby was history. How do you go about finding out the period that interests you most? S2: I really find the Tang Dynast

16、y fascinating. I love the poetry and wanted to find out more about life,Sample dialogue:,.,at the time. So first I went to the History Museum in Tiananmen Square. I found they have an exhibition of objects from everyday life of the people who lived at the time of the Tang Dynasty. It was very intere

17、sting and I got talking to one of the volunteers who takes you,.,round and tells you about the objects. She said she did it in her free time and just because she loves the period just like me. So I decided I would follow her example. So now I go to the Museum every Saturday and try to help visitors.

18、 The Museum Gives me information on the objects, so I have learned a lot.,.,The visitors also ask a lot of questions and this makes me think a lot about the period too. Sometimes I cannot answer their questions but then I try to find out the answers later. So if I am asked that question another time

19、, I will be able to give the correct answer.,.,S1: That is a great way to learn. I would never have thought about doing that. Please can I use your experience in my talk to the class? S2: Of course you can. Good luck!,.,Write a passage about your hobby. A sample Swimming is my favorite sport. I like it because it can bring


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