加州小学教材课文教师书treasures teachers edition g5treasures teachers edition g5unit6_wrapup_第1页
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1、Expository: How-to ArticleRead Like a WriterObjectivesIdentify features of a how-toarticlePlan and organize ideas fora how-to articleDraft and revise expository writing that explains howto do somethingProofread, publish, and presenta how-to articleLA.Read aloud the following excerpt from “The

2、 Science of Hot-AirListen to gain Balloons,” on Student Book pages 712713. Explain that thisand share informationis an example of expository writing. It gives information aboutballooning and explains steps involved in a balloon launch. Ask students to listen forMaterialsUnit Writing Transparencies31

3、36the task or activity that is explainedinformation presented step-by-step in a logical order andtime-order words or spatial wordsFeatures of a How-to Article It explains or gives information on how to complete a specific task or activity. It presents step-by-stepinstructions in a logical order. It

4、provides clear details that are easy to understand and follow. It uses time-order words, such as first or next, or spatial words, such as under or above. clear details that are easy to understandHow the air is heated to inflate the hot-air balloonhas changed a great deal since the early days of ball

5、ooning. Back in 1783 fire from damp straw and wool heated the air as the balloon remained anchored to the ground. Usually,abravemanorwoman and acompanion would climbintothe basket, cut the line, and soar into the air.Now balloonists use propanethe same gas used inmost outdoor grillsinstead of straw.

6、 For hot-air balloons, it is piped from a tank to metal tubes. Once there, a small fire heats up the tubes and the propane. When the propane flame is released, it creates hot air that fills the inside of the hot-air balloon.&-Participate in Hands-on Activities Make a set of cards with spatial words

7、and phrases, such as on top, under, here, there, next to, and over. Then divide the cards among students. Call on volunteers to read their cards aloud. Assist them in using the wordor phrase in a sentence while demonstrating an appropriate action to match the sentence.For example, “I put thebook und

8、er the desk.”DiscusstheFeaturesLA.5.3.1Use prewriting strategiesAfter reading, discuss the following questions with students: What is explained in this excerpt? (how the air in hot-air balloons was heated in the past and how it is heated now) What time-order and spatial words or phrases are used?(ba

9、ck in 1783, now; into, inside)Remind students that a good writer chooses a focus and organizational structure based on purpose, audience,length, and required format. They will often write several drafts, categorizing ideas, organizing them into paragraphs, and blending paragraphs into longer composi

10、tions.763AUnit6Unit 6 WritingWorkshopPrewriteSet a Purpose Remind students that one purpose or reason for writing a how-to article is to explain or give information onLA.Make a plan forwriting Writing Topic Think about a task or project that youthat addresses how to complete a specific task o

11、r activity.mainideaKnow the Audience Have students think about the audience for their how-to articles, such as friends, family, or classmates. Invite them to consider how much a reader might already know or will need to learn about the task they are explaining.Choose a Topic Tell students that they

12、will be writing anwould like to explainto other fifth-graders.Choose one that youthink is important orinteresting and thatLA. you think will appealto your audience.Generate ideas article that explains how to do a specific task. Ask the followingbased upon teacher- directed topicsquestions to

13、help them focus their ideas: What do you like to do or make? Consider a game you play, a food you make, or a project youve completed. How many steps does it take to do this task? What clear details and time-order or spatial words can make your instructions clearer?Remind students to focus and plan t

14、heir writing by choosing a main idea, details, and organizing their information. Write a how-to article that explains how to do this task or project. Remember to use step-by-stepinstructions that are organized in a logical way.LA.5.4.2 Develop technical writing that provides information related to r

15、eal-world tasksLA.Prewrite by organizing ideas using strategies and toolsDisplay Transparency 31 and point out that together you will follow Alejandro H.s progress as he develops a how-to article. Point out the following details in Alejandros sequence chart: He presents step-by-step instructi

16、ons in a logical order,listing each step on a separate line. He provides clear details that are easy to follow. He uses spatial words, such as inside and on the surface of.Ask students to create their own sequence charts to plan their how-to articles.Organize Ideas Use the transparency to demonstrat

17、e how to organize ideas.Transparency 316e b ;OYS 4abAbS( ZOQS WQS QcPSa W O ZOabWQ POUAbS( CaS O VOS b PSOY WQS WbaOZZ WSQSaAbS !( ;OYS O ZOgS T WQS OPcb bVSSQSbWSbSa RSS W O QOAbS ( cb O ZOgS T aOZb W bVS QOSS SdWSeThink, Pair, Share Havestudentsthink about how to helpsomeone understand the task th

18、ey are explaining. Then have partners read the list of steps in each others charts. Invite pairs to point out any steps that are confusing and suggest ways to clarify them.Flexible Pairing Option Have students choose a partner who is writing about a task that is unfamiliar to them.AbS #( 4WZZ bVS QO

19、 eWbV S ZOgSa T WQSOR aOZbAbS $( 0SObVS aTbZg bVS acTOQS T bVS QO b ORR S eObS dOb bVS OWEObQV bVS Tab T bVS QOUnit Writing Transparency 31Great Ideas 763B Mini Lesson OrganizationDraft&-Create a Flow Chart Choose a process with which students are familiar, such as making a sandwich. Assist them in

20、generating a list of steps necessary to complete the task. Write each step on a sentence strip and invite students to create a flow chart by ordering the steps logically. Help studentsto see how this process is useful when planning their how-to articles.Display Transparency 32 and read it with stude

21、nts. As youLA.Evaluate draft discuss Alejandro H.s draft, point out the following features:forlogicalorganization It is clear from reading this draft that Alejandro chose to explainhow to make frost to someone unfamiliar with this task. Alejandro includes step-by-step instructions in a logica

22、l order. He provides clear details that are easy to follow. For example, he explains that the layer of ice in the can needs to be three centimeters deep. He uses time-order words, such as first, next, and then, andspatial words, such as inside and on the surface of.Note that Alejandro will have the

23、opportunity to revise and proofread his draft in later stages.Review Your Sequence Chart Have students review their sequence charts. Tell them to refer to their charts often as they write to help keep their steps in order.Write the Draft Help students to remember that the purpose of writing a first

24、draft is to get their ideas on paper. Share the following tips as students begin to write: Choose a specific task that you can explain well. Picture yourself doing the task. Then write what you see.Give step-by-step instructions in a logical order. Include clear details as well as time-order and spa

25、tial words to clarify your instructions.LA.Organize information into logical sequenceTransparency 32EM JE7A; HEIJPg /ZSXOR 66OdS gc SdS bWaSR bVS Tab bVOb Ta eWRea W bVS EWbS- 2WR gc Ye bVOb gc QO OYS Tab- Tab eOa S T T eObS 7b Wa ORS T ObVS T T eObS QOZZSR eObS dO4Wab ZOQS WQS QcPSa WaWRS O

26、ZOabWQ POU CaS O VOS b PSOY bVS QcPSa Wb aOZZ WSQSaSS SdWSeThink, Pair, Share Have partners read their revised drafts to each other, listening for clarity of instructions. Encourage them to point out any confusing statements. Have pairs share with the class an example of one good and one confusing i

27、nstruction.Flexible Pairing Option Consider pairing a student whose work needs extensive editing with a student whose work requires minimal editing.SS SdWSeThink, Pair, Share Invite students to think about and name some prepositions and prepositional phrases. Then have them read a partners paper and

28、 circle examples of both. Invite them to check that these words and phrases are used correctly.Listening Strategies Prepare to listen. Listen for each step in the instructions. Focus on time-order words and spatial words.TEACHER CONFERENCEUse the rubric on page 763G to evaulate student writing and h

29、elp you formulate questions to foster self-assessment:Transparency 34 Did you explain how to complete a specific task? Did you include step-by-step instructions? Could a reader perform the task based on your explanation? What time-order or spatial words did you use?EM JE7A; HEIJPg /ZSXOR 66OdS gc Sd

30、S bWaSR bVS Tab bVOb Ta eWRea W bVS EWbS- 2WR gc Ye bVOb gc QO OYS Tab- Tab eOa S T T eObS 7b Wa ORS T ObVS T T eObSOPUJDFEJTPublish LA. Use appropriate digital tools for publishingAsk students to write or type a final copy of their how-to articles on a computer. Remind students to use approp

31、riate spacing and to use standard margins. Students can also publish one of the weeks writing assignments.MM ZPV OFFE BSF JDF DVCFT B QMBTUJD CBH B IBNNFS BO FNQUZ DPGGFF DBO BOE TBMUQOZZSR eObS dOBOE TFBM UJHIUMZ4Wab ZOQS WQS QcPSa WaWRS O ZOabWQ POU CaSO VOS b PSOY bVS QcPSa Wb aOZZ WSQSaQMBDFDSVT


33、asking students to give “how-to” demonstrations, complete with props and supplies. Students can also independently explore opportunities for publication.Authors Chair Invite students who feel confident about their how-to articles to present them from the Authors Chair.EObQV Oa Tab OSOa bVS QO BVS Ta

34、bTT eVS bVS eObS dO TSShSa QbOQb eWbV bVS QZR acTOQS T bVS QOUnit Writing Transparency 34763EUnit6Unit 6 WritingWorkshop Mini Lesson ConventionsTest StrategyRaising ScoresREAD AND SCOREDisplay Transparency 35 and invite students to follow along as you read the how-to article aloud. Then have student

35、s use their student rubric on page 158 of the Teachers Resource Book to assess the writing sample.Guide students to understand that this how-to article is only a fair writing sample, which would score only a 3, and that they will work together in groups to improve it.RAISE THE SCOREDiscuss the follo

36、wing shortfalls in the writing sample:Objective Revise a how-to article to raise the writing score from a 3 toa 6LA.Evaluate draft for development of ideas, content, and voiceNow allow students to work in small groups and revise thehow-to article to raise the score. Remind them to refer to th

37、e student rubric.SHARE AND COMPAREAsk groups to share their revised versions with the class, explaining how they improved the writing. Then display Transparency 36 to show the same how-to article written at an excellent level. Have each group compare this with their revised versions. Remind students

38、 that although the two papers vary, they may both be considered excellent. Then havestudents review the how-to articles they wrote to raise their scores.Transparency 30HowTwto KMinadkes oafGWlailsds WHaearmthoenricaby GJulednidtha MG.Did Wyohuickhnowweatthhaetrycoouncdaitniomnadkoe ymoustichiwnkithi

39、sgslcaasrsiearn, d hwuartreicr?anBeesnojarmtoinrnFardaonks?linHfuirgruicraendeosuatrheofwasto, wdiothita. wind sHpeemedadoef 1s5o0me2t0h0inmg icleasllepdert hougrl,abssuthtaorrmnoandiocsa.can be eAvheinghfa-sptietcr,hwedithsosupnededths aotfwupastoal3m0o0stmliiklesspinegrihnogur. wasWthheilreeasuhltu.rricane can last a week, tornados are usuaYlolyuocvaenr minamkeinyuotuesr .oYwent bgolatshswheaarmthoenric


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