



Unit 2 What time do you go to school?Words and phrases:1. 洗澡:_2. 许多家庭作业:_3. After school:_4. 刷牙:_5. On weekends:_6. Take a walk_7. 尝起来不错_8. 或者. 或者._9. At night _10. Get up _11. Get dressed_12. 从周一到周五_13. 用 dress, put on, wear, in 填空 My mother often _ my little sister.He _ a cool T-shirt today.I am _ white shirt.It is cold today, please _ your sweater.14. Tina finds a good _.She _ very hard.(job,work)15. Mary wants to be a singer, and she thinks its an interesting _.(job,work) Grammar :1. He wants to know about my life.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_?No, he _.2. She goes to school at seven thirty.(改为否定句)She _school at seven thirty.3. My father takes a shower at eight in the evening.(对划线部分提问)_?4. I go to bed at 9:00.(对划线部分提问)_?5. We often go home after school. (对划线部分提问)_?6. When do your parents usually go to work every day?They usually go to work _ _ _ _(在八点半)常考点:1. Do you like _ (play) chess?2. Jim usually _ (do) his homework after dinner.3. He _ (brush) his teeth after he gets up every morning.4. I have a lot of _ (work) to do.5. My father always _ (go) to work by car.6. What do you usually do _ school days.?A. at B.in C.on D.to 7. _ your father _watching TV in the evening.A. Does,likes B.Does,like C.Is,likes D.Do.likes8. -When does your father go swimming?-_ Saturday night.A. At B.In C.On D.To 9. The English speech contest is _ October.A. at B.in C.on D.to 10. My sister often _at six twenty in the morning.A. get up B.gets up C.go up D.goes up11. - when do you go to school?- We go to school _ Monday _ Friday.A. on,to B.in,to C.from,to D.to, in12. Do you want to know _ my school?A. in B.about C.for D.to 13. The old man is _ Japanese _ Chinese.A.both.and B.either.or C.not only.but also D.neither.nor翻译:1. -你几点钟锻炼?-我通常五点锻炼。_2. 他经常8点洗澡。_3. 小孩子通常不喜欢吃蔬菜。_4. 在大约九点,我们回家了。_5. 在早晨我吃一顿不错的早饭。_6. 我从周一到周五没有时间散步。_7. 你最好不要上学迟到了。_8. 他上学从不迟到。_9. 他在周末要么游泳,要么跳舞。_10. 我爸爸通常六点半到家。_一想想译译what time_ go to school_get up_take a shower_go to bed_ usually_ oclock_ work_ hour_ brush_ job_二 Scott works very long hours. He usually _起床at 17:00.He_刷牙 and_洗澡.Then he _吃早饭.After breakfast he _弹吉他.Then he _去上班.To get to work, he _乘公交车to a hotel. Then bus usually _带他去上班at 19:15.He _整夜工作.People love to_和他交谈)He_到家 at 7:00,and he _看电视.He _睡觉at 8:30. Can you think what his job is?三 (1)我六点一刻起床。 I _ _ _ 6:15. (2) 我妈妈八点去上班。 My mother _ _ _ at 8:00. (3) 然后我吃早饭。 Then I _ _ . (4) 我7:30 去上学。 I _ _ _ _ _ . (5) Mike九点去睡觉。 Mike _ _ _ at 9:00. 四.介词填空。 1. What time do you have breakfast _ _the morning? 2.I usually get home _ five in the morning. 3.Thanks _ your email. 4.Please tell me _ your class. 5.We all love to listen _ the music.五.综合填空 A: Hi, Peter! You are early today. B: Yes. I come to school early every day. A: What_1_do you get up_2_ weekdays? _3_ seven oclock? B: No, that is_ 4_ late. I _5_ _6_ at 6:10. A: Oh, but I usually _7_ _8_ at six forty. I live _9_ my school. I can _10_ lunch at school. B:I usually have lunch _11_ school._12_ lunch, I often play basketball_13_ my friends. A:Great!What 14_Lucy? B:I dont know. Maybe she _15_ lunch at home. Her home is near the school, too. 六.句型转换。1Mr Li usually goes to work at 7:45. 就划线部分提问) 2I want to run in the morning. (就划线部分提问) 3He does his homework at home. (变为否定句) 4School starts at nine oclock. (变为一般疑问句) 5I think the job is boring. (变为否定句) 七.单选( ).e _ his sweater and begins to sing.A. put on B. puts on C. wears D. wear ( )2.Mary is not _Chinese girl, she is _English girl. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an ( )3._you usually go to bed late in the evening? A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Did ( )4._ stars at 8:00. A. School B. Schools C. The school D.A school ( ) 5. A: Can you tell me _? B: Sure. It is two thirty. A. time B. the time C. age D. Number任务型阅读 Dick is 7 and his sister Mary is 5.On Sunday they often play in the park. They can fly a kite and throw a frisby (扔飞盘). Today is Sunday. They are in the park with their father and mother. They play and play. Now Mother asks Dick to come and gives him a big cake, and says to Dick, “Dick, here is a cake and a knife. Cut(切)the cake in half, and give a half to your sister, but don t forget to do it like a gentleman(绅士).” “Like a gentleman?” Dick asks. “How does a gentleman do it? ” “Give the big half to the other.”Father says. “Oh, great.” says Dick. He takes the cake to his sister and says to h


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