安徽省安庆市第九中学七年级英语上册《Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic》Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第1页
安徽省安庆市第九中学七年级英语上册《Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic》Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第2页
安徽省安庆市第九中学七年级英语上册《Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic》Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第3页
安徽省安庆市第九中学七年级英语上册《Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic》Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第4页
安徽省安庆市第九中学七年级英语上册《Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic》Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第5页




安徽省安庆市第九中学7年级英语第1卷Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic节c指南(没有答案)爱情版The main activity is 1a。本单元的重点活动是1a。.Teaching aims and demands培训目标1.Learn the useful phrase:Have a picnic2.Talk about the invitations:(1)would you like to have a picnic with old MC Donald?-是,Id love to。-Thanks。That would be very nice。(2)what about having a picnic with old MC Donald?-Id like that,thanks。(3)how about having some apple juice?-好的idea!/All right。.吉庆艾滋病教育辅助设备小黑板/图片/幻灯片/中断图/记录器.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指培训计划检查Step 1 Review第一阶段(时间:7分钟)探讨、总结、观察、总结、应用语言知识的方法和答案,培养学生的能力。1.(老师提出了一个小黑板,让学生们按照示范练习练习。),以获取详细信息t : we have learnt would you like to.How about.Whatabout.”.lets practice them。please look at the small blackboard . makea dialog using the expressions on it .after practice,please act it out in front of the class。(小黑板如下。)Would you like to.How about.Why not.是,Id like/love to .Id like that .good idea。All right .Id like that,thanks。Sorry,I can t否,thanks。(使用以下球体:),以获取详细信息Have a picnicgo fishingWatchtgo shoppingDrink watereat fishHave some juice(请黑板和学生掌握。),以获取详细信息Have a picnicExample:s 1: would you like to go fiming this afternoon?S23360 yes,Id love to。would you like to watch TV this evening?S 1: sorry,I can tS2:Why not?S1: I have no time。how about having a picnic this Sunday?S23360古德idea。would you like to drink water?1:常开触点,thanks。Id like to have some juice。2.老师让两三组学生上台演出,然后总结了学生们的练习情况。表彰优秀,鼓励落后。),以获取详细信息Step 2 Presentation 2阶段演示(时间:15分钟)用两张照片引出本课的内容,集中提出征求意见的方法和对其的回答,引起学生的学习兴趣。1.(第1a课)。老师展示了两幅画:一幅画只有一个人在荒岛上,他很伤心;另一边有很多动物在岛上做饭吃。),以获取详细信息T:What can you see in Picture 1?Ss:We can see a man。T:Is he happy?Ss: no,he isn tT:Why?Ss:Because he has no friends。T : yes,he has no friends。so he is not happyy.now,lets lookat the next picture。学生可能对“下一个”有疑问,老师可能指向第二幅画,解释“下一个”的意思。),以获取详细信息t : look at this picture . what can you see?S1:I can see many animals。S23360i can see some food。T:What do they do?Ss:They have a picnic。T:Are they happy?Ss: Yes,they are。2.(让学生们翻开书读1a。),以获取详细信息T : now,open your books and read 1a。then answer these questions。(老师用幻灯片演示下一个问题。),以获取详细信息(1) Who is not happy?(2) What would they like to do?(3) What would they like to have?(4) Are they happy?3分钟后,老师确认答案。),以获取详细信息T:Who has the answers?s 1: let me try . MC Donald is not happy。T:Good!You are clever!下一个。s 23360 they would like to have a picnic。T:Yes。Youre clever,too!The third one。s 3: they would like to have hamburgers,cakes,fish and breakd。T:Yes!The last one,the whole class。Ss: Yes,they are。3.(学生们重读1a,回答1b的问题。),以获取详细信息(确认答案,1b完成。),以获取详细信息4.(让学生听1a录音,注意语音和语调。),以获取详细信息三阶段整合三阶段整合(时间:8分钟)模仿1a制作一部话剧演出,培养学生的语言迁移能力,让学生学习并实际使用,最终达到灵活使用语言的目的。1.(让学生看1a截断表,分角色朗读。),以获取详细信息2.(让学生根据1a的内容演出类似的话剧,5个人完成1c。),以获取详细信息一个学生假装很孤独,另一个学生邀请了别人和这个同学一起去野餐,带来了自己最喜欢的食物。),以获取详细信息t : now suppose one of your friends is not happy。you will invite oth friends to have a picnic with him/Her。you must take your favorite food。lets put on a short play about it .there are five students in one group。do you understand?Ss:Yes,we do。t : ok . let s begin . then I ll ask some of the groups to act it out in front of the class .Example:S 1: Im not happy。I d like to have a picnic with my friends。s 23360 would you like to have a picnic with S1?S3:Yes,Id love to。S4: thanks。that would be very nice。s 23360 what about having a picnic with S1?S5:Id like that,thanks。s 3: I d like to take some breakd and eggs。S4:My favorite food is chicken。S5:I want to take some cakes。3.(学生们演出后鼓掌鼓励。),以获取详细信息T:Look!They are all very happy!Step 4 Practice第4阶段练习(时间:5分钟)听录音,集中训练征求意见的方法及其回答,使学生熟练掌握本课的目标语言。1.(播放2段录音,结束2。),以获取详细信息t : ok . let s listen to 2 and fill in the blanks。老师确认了答案,写了板书。),以获取详细信息(1) would you like.(2) how/whatabout.老师用小黑板提示练习题,练习使用短语和句子。),以获取详细信息从a、b和c三个选项中选择最佳答案,并填充水平线。(1)I would like to the zoo with my parents today。A.goB。to goC .going(2)Mom,what about to the zoo today?-好的idea!A.goB。to goC .going老师和学生确认答案。),以获取详细信息2.(两个学生读一组对话,复习本课的目标语言。),以获取详细信息Step 5 Project 5阶段综合探索活动(时间333610分钟)假设邀请同学野餐,然后根据这种情况进行对话,概述对话内容,培养学生的口头表达能力和写作能力。1.假设你叫了桌子上三个同学中的一个去野餐,根据表格信息进行电话会话。),以获取详细信息康康尼姆鱼和蛋Guitar玛丽亚Look after her brother珍Go to the zoo with her parentst : if you want to invite one of the three students in the form to go for a picnic,please make a telephone call to him/her。(“means”can”、“means”can t”、“the next two are about favorite food and hobbies”)。Example:(S1:康康,S2: You)s 1: hello!S23360 hello,康康!This is S2。Are you free this Sunday?S1:Yes,whats up?s 23360 would you like to go to west hill for a picnic?S1:Oh,Id love to。S2:Whats your favorite food?S1:Fish and eggs。s 23360 don t forget to bring your guidtar。S1:All right。See you then。S2:See you。.2.(口头讲述对话内容,先在学生之间交谈,还请几个流利的学生专门负责班级,口头完成3。鼓掌鼓励优秀的人。),以获取详细信息Example:On Sunday,I go to west hill for a picnic with my best friend kangkang。Jane goes to the zoo with her parents and Maria has to look after her brother,So they cant go with us。we take some fish、eggs、hamburgers and drinks there。康康plays the guitar and I sing songs。we also fly kites。we are both happy there。集团活动:接力赛。要把班里的学生分成4组,每个组的学生都要用表示邀请的句子邀请组内的学生,要求使用的句子不能重复。),以获取详细信息T : now,boys and girls . let s play a game . I divide our class into four groups . in each group there are ten stuents。the first student begins with would you like to.”the second answers and asks : how about.”Or whatabout.”and you should n t repeat the sentences . ok . let s be


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