VB 源码字符排列组合_第1页
VB 源码字符排列组合_第2页
VB 源码字符排列组合_第3页
VB 源码字符排列组合_第4页
VB 源码字符排列组合_第5页




效果图编程界面所有源码Option ExplicitPrivate newStr As String, tempNewStr As String, cont As LongPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Enabled = False RichTextBox1.Enabled = False RichTextBox1.Text = Dim tempStr As String tempStr = Trim(Text1.Text) newStr = : tempNewStr = cont = 0 If Check1.Value = 0 Then GetStr tempStr If Check1.Value = 1 Then GetStr2 tempStr, RichTextBox1.Text = newStr Frame1.Caption = 总个数: & cont Text1.Enabled = True RichTextBox1.Enabled = True RichTextBox1.FindEnd SubPrivate Sub Text1_Change() RichTextBox1.Text = Frame1.Caption = 总个数:End SubPrivate Function GetStr(ByVal str1 As String) As String str1 = Trim(str1) If str1 = Then Exit Function Dim i As Integer, tempStr As String, tempChr As String, tempLen As Integer Dim mytempStr As String mytempStr = tempNewStr For i = 1 To Len(str1) DoEvents tempChr = tempChr = Mid(str1, i, 1) 取一个字符 tempNewStr = tempNewStr & tempChr 单组组合 tempStr = Left(str1, i - 1) & Right(str1, Len(str1) - i) 剩余新字符 If Len(tempStr) 1 Then GetStr tempStr Else newStr = newStr & tempNewStr & tempStr & IIf(cont + 1) Mod 200 = 0, Chr(13), Chr(9) 终组组合 cont = cont + 1 Frame1.Caption = 执行中: & cont End If tempNewStr = mytempStr Next End FunctionPrivate Function GetStr2(ByVal str1 As String, ByVal str2 As String) As String Dim tempStr As String Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(str1) DoEvents If Len(str2) + 1 = Len(str1) Then newStr = newStr & str2 & Mid(str1, i, 1) & IIf(cont + 1) Mod 200 = 0, Chr(13), Chr(9) cont = cont + 1 Frame1.Caption =


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