湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学八年级英语下册《unit 5 revision》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学八年级英语下册《unit 5 revision》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学八年级英语下册《unit 5 revision》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第3页
湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学八年级英语下册《unit 5 revision》学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第4页




湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学八年级英语下册unit5 revision学案(无答案) 人教新目标版【学习目标】:(一)知识目标:Master words、phases and sentences. (二)能力目标:培养学生运用if引导的条件状语从句的能力。(三)情感目标:通过本单元学习,培养学生在对事物的后果或影响的判断中,获得事物是非判断的标准。【学习重难点】 if引导的条件状语从句【Task 1】: 根据句意及提示写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。 1、There are many beautiful f in the park now.2、His father is an a .3、Many famous people give money to c .4、If you have a c to go abroad, take advantage of it.5、Who broke the w last night?6、The students are having lunch in the d room.7、I will e the meaning of the words.8、Could you tell me how to i my English?9、He makes a l by selling newspapers.10、Well play a the football team from No.2 Middle School.【Task2】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. If you dont go to the party, you _(be) sorry for it. 2. Remember to let him call me if he _(get) back tomorrow. 3. Tell him not to bring food here. If he _(do), Ill take it away. 4. I have to ask you _ (leave). 5. The news made us _(excite). 6. We _ (climb) the mountain if it _(not rain) tomorrow.7.Theteacher_(take)awaymymobilephonebecauseIuseditinclass. 8.Itrainedveryhard.Anditmadeafewdrivers_(injure)intherace.【Task 3】单项选择1. If the rain _, well go for a drive. A. stopped B. stop C. stops D. will stop 2. He is helping me _. A. all the same B. all the time C. at that time D. always 3. If you do, well let you _. A. out of B. out C. outdoors D. into 4. He plays sports _. A. for a living B. for a life C. for a live D. make a living 5. _ run at the party, Jim. They asked you _ any noise now. A. Dont, not to make B. Dont, dont make C. No, not to make D. No, dont make 6. Dont do that again, Sam. No, I _. A. mustnt B. dont C. wont D. cant 7. I _ to bed until I finished my homework. A. went B. didnt go C. dont go D. go 8. We have friends all _ the world. A. in B. of C. over D. around 9. Half of his books _ story books. A. is B. are C. have D. has 10. I have four brothers. One is in China, _ are in America. A. others B. the others C. other D. the other 11. If you dont go to the party, I _, either. A. dont B. didnt C. wont D. will 12. The shoes are dirty, _. A. take it away B. take away it C. take them away D. take away them 13. You can play with your friends. Dont _ me here and there. A. worry B. follow C. look D. with 14. The teacher told us to take _. A. many exercises B. exercise enough C. enough exercise D. enough exercises15. If you get up _ tomorrow, how can you finish _ that book? A. late, reading B. late, to read C. lately, reading D. lately, to read 【复习诊断】1、“How old are you?” Jack asked Kate.(合并为一句)Jack asked Kate .、Lucys sister is good at swimming.(同义句转换)Lucys sister swimming.、Jim is so young that he cant do it.(改为简单句)Jim is young it.、I like English. He likes English, too.(同义句转换)I like English, .、I think Ill go back to Mars.(改为否定句)I think I go back to Mars.【限时作业】 1、He can make many dollars a year.(对划线部分提问) money he make a year?2、Hurry up, or youll be late.(改为条件句) you up, be late.3、Wang Lin said to me, “Im doing my homework.”Wang Ling me that doing homework.4、Li Ping said, “My brother doesnt want to go there.”Li Ping said that brother want to go there.5、The teacher asked, “Why are you late for class, Jim?”The teacher asked why late for class.Homework :1、 When you ?(去参加聚会)In an hour.、This movie a lot of in American in 1997.(赚钱)、When will you help me learn skating?(能够)、His legs .(受伤了)、I you this afternoon.(拜访)、The teacher (拿走)his mobile phone yesterday beca


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