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精品教育Unit9Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and AccentPoliceman: Can you tell me anything, madam?Woman: Well . erm . I didnt . er . well . really . er . see anything, you know.Policeman: Now you, sir. Did you see anything?Man: You see . I . nm . well . wasnt . er . looking . you see . at the time.Policeman: Well, Miss, you saw something. Whose fault was the accident, do you think?Gift: Well, I mean . it was . er . I mean . it was the lorrys . er, well . fault, I meanBoy: Can I . er . go now? I mean . Im . Im . you know . late.Policeman: All right. Off you go, son.Man: You know . if I can . erm . help . you know . in any way, Id be . er . glad, you know, to . er . do so.Policeman: Thanks very much, sir. Ill get in touch with you if theres anything. Woman: Um . perhaps we can all um . you know . well um . go now. Exercise: 1. Woman: I didnt really see anything 2. Man: I wasnt looking at the time. 3. Girl: It was the lorrys fault. 4. Boy: Can I go now? Im lata 5. Man: If Ican help in any way, ld be glad to do so. 6. Woman: perhaps we can all go now.Part 2 Listening and Note-takingCan Light Affect your Health? Can light affect your health? Many researchers now believe that it does affect both your physical and your mental state. From daylight, our bodies absorb vitamin D through the skin. Old people especially need this vitamin to strengthen their bones. Certain skin diseases also benefit from exposure to sunlight. Less directly, light absorbed through the eye can stimulate hormone* production, which in turn affects our mood. Recent research has established that some people become depressed in winter, when the days are dark and most people spend less time in the open air. These people find that they lack energy, have difficulty concentrating, and often gain weight in the winter months, When spring comes, these symptoms disappear. Reseamhers have called this condition SAD - seasonal affective depression. The condition can be treated by exposing patients to special lights, known as full-spectrumlights. Ordinary light bulbs produce light at the red end of the spectrum, and fluorescent lights are in the green-yellow range. Full-spectrum lights*, on the other hand, reproduce more accurately theeffects of natural sunlight. As well as helping sufferers from seasonal depression, this lighting hasbeen used to treat patients suffering from jet-lag. It is also being tried as a means of improvinglearning in school-children in Russia and America, and improving the efficiency of Japanese factory workers. If you spend a lot of time in artificial light or indoors, or if you feel depressed in winter, you should try to spend more time in the open air. Young people need at least fifteen minutes a day in real daylight in summer, thirty minutes in winter. Old people, who risk vitamin D deficiency, should spend even longer exposed to natural daylight.Exercise A:1. Many researchers now believe that it does affect both your physical and your mental state.2. Old people especially need this vitamin to strengthen their bones.3. These people find that they lack energy, have difficulty concentrating, and often gain weight in the winter months.4. Full-spectrum lights reproduce more accurately the effects of natural sunlight!.5. If you spend a lot of time in artificial light or indoors, you should try to spend more time in the open air.Exercise B:Can Light Affect Your Health? Many researchers believe that light can affect both your physical and your mental state. From daylight, our bodies absorb vitamin D through the skin. Certain skin diseases also benefit from exposure to sunlight. Light absorbed through the eye can stimulate hormone production, which in turn affects our mood. Some people become depressed in winter, when the days are dark and most people spend less time in the open air. When spring comes, these symptoms disappear. Researchers have called this condition SAD - seasonal affective depression. The condition can be treated by exposing patients to special lights, known as full-spectrum lights. This lighting has also been used to treat patients suffering from jet-lag, to improve learning in school-children in Russia and America, and the efficiency of Japanese factory workers, Young people need at least fifteen minutes a day in real daylight in Summer thirty minutes in winter. Old people, who risk vitamin D deficiency, should spend even longer exposed to naturaldaylight.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart t DialoguesDialogue 1 BrainA: A brain is like a walnut, with two halves, a left side and a right side. The left-hand side we use for language, we speak with that side, we read, we make sums, do calculations, keep time, allthe kind of practical sides, and as a result thats the side most people use most of the time. The right-hand side is the imaginary side, the side we use for dreaming, for (urn) enjoying abstract things maybe like colours and nature, and that kind of things. Its also the side we use for drawing. What you must learn to be able to see like an artist is to shift from the left side to the right side, and that is something everybody can learn.B: So how do you move from using one side of the brain to using the other side?A: Well, its just a question of learning to reuse that side, because we all used the right side when we were children, and everybody could draw without worry everything that they wanted to draw. And then when youre about 12 suddenly you want to draw it exactly right, as what you think is exactly right, and discover you cant do it any more, and stop drawing, so you have to learn again to use your brain in that free and open way.B: Why is it that children stop using that side of the brain? What happens to them at that age to make them stop using both sides of their brain?A: They go to secondary school, and they suddenly have to do lots of homework, lots of mathematical things, and their whole education is geared towards* using the left side, and the right side is simply not considered important.Exercise:F 1. Mathematicians use the right-hand side of the brain a lot, (The left-hand side we use . do calculations.)T 2. There is a special part in the brain that controls language learning. (The left-hand side we use for language, we speak with that side .)T 3. You have to use your imagination when enjoying abstract paintings. (The right-hand side is the imaginary side, for um enjoying abstract things .)T 4. People use left-hand side of the brain for dreaming. (The right-hand side is the imaginary side, the side we use for dreaming .)F 5. Everyone can be an artist if you have learnt to shift from the left side to the right side. (What you must learn to be able to see like an artist is to shift from the left side to the right side, and that is something everybody can learn.)T 6. The best time for human beings m learn drawing is when they are children. (We all used the right side when we were children, and everybody could draw without worry every- thing that they wanted to draw.)T 7. Children begin to use left-hand side more at the age of 12. (B: . What happens to them at that age to make them stop using both sides of their brain? / A: They go to secondary school, and they suddenly have to do lots of homework, lots of mathemati- cal things.)T 8. It seems that something has to be done so that children can develop both sides of their brain. (,. their whole education is geared towards using the left side, and the right side is simply not considered important.)Dialogue 2 Do you Believe It?Interviewer: Erm, do you believe in spacemen?Mark and Sarah: Yes!Interviewer: OK, Why do you believe in spacemen?Sarah: Because Ive heard of lots of people going up to the moon.Interviewer: And how about you, Mark? Why do you believe in spacemen and not in, enMm superheroes?Mark: Well, because superheroes, you know theyre not true.Interviewer: How do you know?Mark Because youve never seen them outside the TV, and none of your friends have, and because on the titles of the film, it tells you that people made the film, so you know thats not true.Interviewer: I see. Now how about the tooth fairy*? Why do you believe in the tooth fairy? Yes?Sarah: Because I always end up with money.Interviewer: Uh-huh. And how about you, Mark?Mark: Same.Interviewer: Mhm. And youre sure that its the tooth fairy that puts the money there?Girls: Yes,Interviewer: You dont think it could possibly be anybody else?Mark, Sarah: No.Interviewer: OK. How about Father Christmas?Mark: Cause I dont believe that anyone else could bring us presents at Christmas time. I dont think anyone else would try and jump down the chimney except Father Christmas. Interviewer: OK. Why, do you believe in dinosaurs and or iii dragons? Sarah: Because 1 havent seen any dragon bones. And Ive seen lots of dinosaur bones. Interviewer: Oh? Where was that? Sarah: In museums. Of course. Mark: Same with me. Interviewer: OK . ls there anything else you believe in? Yes? Mark: I believe a bit in sea-monsters. Interviewer: Why is that? Mark: Because they could be the last descendants* of the dinosaurs as it says in my First Book of Facts. Interviewer: Mmm. Do you believe in sea-monsters? Sarah: No. Interviewer: No? Why not? Sarah: Because, erm, Ive been to the seaside lots of times, and I havent seen a seamonster yet. Interviewer: OK. Mark: But maybe theyre out farther than youve seen. And you cant see them. Sarah: If theyre monsters theyre big, arent they? Mark: Yes. Sara_h: So youd probably see them, wouldnt you? Mark: Yes, but if they were so far away, they were in the middle of the sea, that you couldnt - you could see them, but you would think they were just fish, cause they would be so small, because you would be so far away from them. Sarah: But I havent ever seen any fish in the sea at the moment.ExerciseThings MarkSarahspacemenIve heard of lots of people going up to the moon superheroesBecause youve never seen superheroes outside the TVtooth fairyThe same reasonBecause I always end up with money.Father Christmasl dont believe that anyone else could jump down the chimney and bring us presents at Christ- mas time.dinosaursThe same reason.Ive seen lots of dinosaur bones in museums.sea-monstersBecause they could be the last descendants of the dinosaurs.Ive been to the seaside lots of times, and I havent seen a sea-monster yet. Part 2 PassagesPassage 1 The Office Lady An estimated 70% of single working women in Tokyo live with their parents and only about half pay some rent. These women did not return to the nest after college, they never left. Their incomes are mostly disposable and spent on leisure and luxury. The main reason for this phenomenon is that life at home is comfortable. They dont cook, do laundry or housework. Their mothers take care of them. These young women are in no hurry to get married. Getting mamed means less money and lower standard of living. The problem with marriage is that the husband usually doesnt want the wife to work, says 26 year old Yuriko Kuramochi, who is employed by a movie distributor*. In the United States and Europe, its possible to pursue a career even after marriage, even after having a baby, added Tamako Sarada, a writer. But in Japan, if after marrying a woman then realizes there is something she wants to do, she has almost no chance to come back to it. / This is the first significant group of Japanese women to stay single beyond their early twenties. In the past 15 years, the number of women who are single into their late twenties has risen to 50%. They are targeted by the travel market as Office Ladies. According to the JTB,in 1998 they held an impressive 11% share of the total outbound* leisure travel market from Japan.Miki Takasu is a typical Office Lady. She is 26, drives a BMW*, carries a $2,800 Chanel* purse, and vacations in Switzerland, Thailand, Los Angeles, New York and Hawaii. She earns $28,000 a year and frequently makes quick shopping trips to South Korea, Hawaii, Malaysia and Egypt, traveling with her girlfriends, who are also Office Ladies. In the spring of 1998, the JTB* organized a shopping tour of Italy that attracted 800 Office Ladies in three months. The tour concentrated solely on shopping at Italian outlets*, and featured none of Italys famous tourist attractions. The participants didnt even partake of Italys celebrated food, but grabbed snacks on the run. The Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel offers the popular Cinderella Night* that includes a deluxe* room, aromatherapy* session, use of the pool, gym and sauna, and room service breakfast for $225 per person.Exercise A:These office ladies with good education usually have their own life-style. They prefer freedom and spontaneity, privacy and leisure. They aim high and work diligently. They are smart and intelligent with firm determination.Exercise B:1B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. DExercise C:1. About 70%.2. Because they were taken care of by their mothers.3. 11% share.4. $2,8005. Because they were interested only in shopping in Italy.Passage 2 Simple Choices Can Boost Nutrition in 2004 Instead of making a New Years resolution for a diet overhaul, how about making some simple eating choices that improve health in the long run? Here are some picks* that can be easily worked into diets. Most people probably havent even thought about these foods as being super healthy. Many try to cut down on the intake of carbohydrates*, staying away from pasta* and refined sugars. But the next time youre at the supermarket, eliminate pasta from that guilty-pleasure list by choosing Whole wheat pasta, which is high in fiber. Choosing wholewheat pasta contributes to a lowered risk of heart disease, reduced comphcations linked to diabetes*, a lower likelihood of having cancer and better gastrointestinal* health because of more fiber. For snacking, pick out a whole-wbeat pretzel* or whole-wheat tortillas* instead of white. Other good choices? Having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or trying whole grain crackers such as Triskets instead of regular saltier, buttery choices. Another favorite food of 2004 has to be salmon. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids*, which reduce the risk of heart attacks and help lower blood cholesterol*. Its vitamin A and carotenoids* may also prevent cancer. And theres much less saturated fat* in salmon than in equal amounts of just about any meat or poultry protein source. Beans and other legumes* such as lentils* and peas are inexpensive to buy, but they are rich in protein, iron and folic acid* and fiber. Unlike other vegetables, they can step in for meat, poultry, eggs or other protein foods, cutting down on the risk for heart disease and cancers that some of those meats might have. Another winning choice is a cup of chili, containing only about two grams of saturated fat. Choosing bean dip or hummus* over cheese or cream-based clips can also be a healthy alternative. Or how about throwing some garbanzo beans into a salad? The sweet potato has been ranked continuously as the most nutritious vegetable source around. Theyre loaded with four times the recommended daily allowance of beta carotene, which is critical for healthy vision, bone growth, tooth development and good skin and hair. And for Atkins dieters who are cutting down on sugars and carbs*, sweet potatoes are on the safe list as a great substitute for other starches such as rice, potatoes and corn. So instead of vaguely resolving to eat healthy, take some simple, but specific steps such as learning to recognize good fat over bad fat and good carbs over bad carbs. Pay attention to the calories but also know which foods stand out for their high nutritional content.Exercise A;They might be tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, carrot, onion, potato, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, lettuce, parsley, mushroom, leek, pea, bean, cauliflower, lamb, beef, pork, chicken, duck, and all kinds of fish.Exercise B:I.A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. DExercise C:1. He suggests to make some simple eating choices that improve health in the long run.2. Because choosing whole wheat pasta contributes to a lowered risk of heart disease, reduced complications linked to diabetes, a lower likelihood of having cancer and better gastrointestinal health because of more fiber.3. He thinks of salmon as the best food of 2004 which contains some very healthy ingredients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and carotenoids.4. Because they are loaded with four times the recommended daily allowance of beta carotene, which is critical for healthy vision, bone growth, tooth development and good skin and hair.5. There are several picks whole wheat pasta, salmon, beans and other legumes, a cup of chili, sweat potato, etc.Part 3 NewsNews Item 1 As Iraqi and co


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