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新概念英语第一册第73课 The way to King Street 到国王街的走法【课文+译文】Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. 上星期米尔斯夫人去了伦敦。她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop. I can ask him the way. She said to herself. 突然,她在公共汽车站附近看到一个男人。“我可以向他问路,”她想Excuse me, she said. Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?“对不起,您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?”她说。The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He spoke German. He was a tourist. 这人友好地笑了笑。他不懂英语!他讲德语。他是个旅游者。Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook. 然后他把手伸进了衣袋,掏出了一本常用语手册。He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly. 他翻开书找到了一条短语。他缓慢地读着短语。I am sorry, he said. I do not speak English.“很抱歉,” 他说,“我不会讲英语。” Word and expatiationsweek wik n. 周;工作日,上课日,普通日London lndn n. 伦敦suddenly sdnl adv. 突然地bus stopbs stp 公共汽车站smile smal vi. 微笑;笑(+at)+to-v;(命运、天气等) 有利,惠及(+on/upon); vt.露出笑容pleasantly plzntl adv. 愉快地;和蔼地understand ,ndstnd v. 懂,明白;认识到;获悉;将理解为(+that)speak spik v. 讲,说hand hnd n. 手pocket pkt n. 衣袋phrasebook frezbuk n. 短语手册,常用语手册phrase frez n. 短语slowly slol adv. 缓慢地不规则的动词过去式:speak - spoke;understand understood;stand - stood,站立。 知识点讲解:1. 今天还是继续熟悉一般过去式。我们看到在课文一开始就用Last week来点明事件发生的时间,把整个语境都摆到了过去的状态里。有同学可能会问:那第二句也用到 She does not know London very well. 这里也是一般现在时态啊!我们要注意的是,这里说“米尔斯夫人不熟悉伦敦”是一个持续的状态,不是说米尔斯夫人在上周才不熟悉伦敦,而是她一直以来都不熟悉,所以这里前半句用的是一般现在时态,紧跟着的一句“she lost her way” 又回到一般过去式了。2. 还是第二句中“.and she lost her way.” 这里我们看到中文的翻译是“所以她迷路了”。这并不是说and的意思可以是“所以”,and还是“以及、和”的意思,这里只是用中文惯式的连词“所以”来翻译了这个意思而已Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way.Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop. I can ask him the way. She said to herself.Excuse me, she said. Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He spoke German. He was a tourist.Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook.He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly.I am sorry, he said. I do not speak English.上星期米尔斯夫人去了伦敦。她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。突然,她在公共汽车站附近看到一个男人。“我可以向他问路,”她想“对不起,您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?”她说。这人友好地笑了笑。他不懂英语!他讲德语。他是个旅游者。然后他把手伸进了衣袋,掏出了一本常用语手册。他翻开书找到了一条短语。他缓慢地读着短语。“很抱歉,” 他说,“我不会讲英语。”课后习题答案1 He read the phrase slowly 2 He worked lazily3 He cut himself badly4 He worked carefully5 The door opened suddenly He does not know me very wellShe worked very hard She smiled pleasantlyThe bus went hurriedlyHe shaved slowly She drank a glass of water thirstilyHe greeted me warmlyWe enjoyed ourselves very much新概念第一册73-74 课文详解及练习答案课文详注 Further notes on the text1She does not know London very well. 她对伦敦不很熟悉。knowwell这一短语意为“对了解”。又如: I dont know him very well. 我不太了解他。2, and she lost her way. 因此她迷路了。句中的 and当“所以”讲,表示结果。 lose ones way, 迷路。3ask(sb.) the way, (向某人)问路。4say to oneself, 心中暗想。注意:talk to oneself意为“自言自语地说”。5Can you tell me the way to King Street, please? 您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?tell sb. the way(to), 告诉某人(去的)路。6cut himself cut his face。以整体代替部分是英语中的一种修辞格,叫提喻(synecdoche )。语法 Grammar in use1副词副词(adverb)这个词的本意是补充动词的意义。这就是许多副词的作用。它们可以通过修饰动词告诉我们有关句中某个动作的情况,也就是告诉我们某事是如何、何时、何地等发生或进行的。副词可以是单个的词(如 slowly)或词组(如 very well)。单一副词既有以-ly结尾的也有不以-ly结尾的(如 quickly, fast)。形容词向副词的转换一般遵循3个规则:(1)在形容词后面直接加-ly,如:quick-quickly hurried-hurriedly pleasant-pleasantly warm-warmly(2)以-y结尾的形容词,则把-y改成-i,再加-ly,如: thirsty-thirstily happy-happily(3)形容词与副词形式相同:如: late-late fast-fast hard-hard well-well2部分不规则动词的过去式形式go-went see-saw understand-understood take-took read-read red drink-drankrun-ran know-knew say-said put-put cut-cut eat-ate meet-met come-camelose-lost tell-told speak-spoke find-found give-gave swim-swamhave-had词汇学习 Word study1lose v.(1)迷失;(使)迷路:She did not know London very well, and she lost her way. 她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。Its very easy to lose your way in a strange city. 在一个陌生的城市里,你很容易迷路。(2)失去;丧失:He lost his sight in a car accident. 他在一起汽车交通事故中失明了。She has just lost her job because of carelessness. 她刚刚因疏忽大意而丢了工作。(3)遗失;丢失:I cant enter my house because Ive lost my key on my way home. 我进不了自己的房子,因为在回家的路上我把钥匙丢了。We lost her in the crowd. 我们在人群中找不见她了。2understand v.(1)理解;懂:He doesnt understand English and you can try French. 他不懂英语,你可以试试法语。I dont understand what you mean. 我不明白你的意思。(2)明了;了解;得知:How the machine works is still not fully understood. 这台机器到底是如何运转的仍未被完全弄清楚。Only today have I begun to understand the political situation in Northern Ireland.直到今天我才了解了北爱尔兰的政治局势。练习答案 Key to written exercisesLesson 74A1 He read the phrase slowly. 2 He worked lazily.3 He cut himself badly. 4 He worked carefully.5 The door opened suddenly
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