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银行实习总结英文篇一:英文版银行实习报告11 introduction of China Everbright Bank1.1 BackgroundChina Everbright bank was built in August 1992, is the national state-controlled joint-stock commercial banks, is governed by China Everbright (Group) Corporation, the China Everbright Ltd, the Asian Development Bank and other nearly 130 foreign shareholders units becoming shareholders, as the first international financial organization shares of the bank. China Everbright Bank has a solid financial strength, distinctive features of the ownership structure, perfect management system, reasonable layout of the network of institutions, advanced electronic business support system and standardized management system. It has been rated as one of the best profit of bank in China, the worlds 1000 largest bank ranked 210th place.Since its inception, with Chinas financial industry development process, China Everbright Bank, the pioneering and innovative, forge ahead, for the community to provide quality financial services at the same time, achieved good operating results, in the comprehensive management, business, international business, financial services, cultivate a strong comparative advantage, basic formation of the main business lines of balanced development, retail business contribution spends ceaseless promotion, risk management and gradually improve, innovation capability is enhanced operating pattern.At the end of 2010, China Everbright Bank had Loan of about 5.83 billon ,2.3 less than the year; non-performing loan rate of 0.75%, dropped 0.5 percentage points than last year; credit provision coverage rate is 313.38%, increase by 119.39 percentage points than last year. Asset quality improved significantly, the ability to withstand risks significantly improved.In 2010, China Everbright Bank completed IPO core capital effectively supplement. At the end of 2010, the capital adequacy rate for 11.02%, increase by 0.63 percentage points than last year; the core capital adequacy ratio is 8.15%, 1.31 percentage points higher than last year.By virtue of excellent innovation capability and excellent performance, ChinaEverbright Bank won the “top ten Chinese banks”, “Bank of the years most innovative” and other honorary awards; sun sign business financial management was rated as “the peoples most recognized financial brand”, “the most popular finance product”.China Everbright Group (China Everbright Group, Everbright Group) is the Central Government Management of state-owned enterprises in China, established in Hong Kong in May 1983, country of the State Council approved the China Everbright Group hair 198389 date the constitution makes clear: China Everbright Group is directly under the State Council and the Ministry of company. The(转自:wWw.bdF 千 叶帆 文摘:银行实习总结英文) group is currently operating the banking, securities, insurance, investment management and financial business of large state-owned enterprise groups.1.2 Organization Structure of the BankChina Everbright Group consists of China Everbright (Group) Corporation and China Everbright Group Limited (Hong Kong) management inside and outside the business. The highest decision-making body for the group board of directors, by the state authorized investment group, operating state management of state-owned assets. Party committee of group plays the political core role in the group. Group supervisors appointed by the state council.At present, group in China wholly owned 6 enterprises, holding 2 company, share 7 enterprises, joint venture 1, including the China Everbright Bank, China Everbright Securities Limited by Share Ltd, Sun Life Everbright life-insurance company and China Everbright Investment management companies and other financial institutions and enterprises. Everbright Holdings in Hong Kong, China Everbright International 2 listing Corporation, 37 fully owned company, joint venture and Associate Companies. China Everbright Holding Company Limited was established in Hong Kong in 1983. It acquired several listed companies and restructured to form China Everbright Limited and China Everbright International Limited .China Everbright Limited was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1997.The Company, through its subsidiaries and associates, is principally engaged in investment activities and the provision of financial services. Prior to 2002, Everbrighthad no asset management department. Mr. Guo You, the CEO at the time set a goal to make Everbright one of Chinas premier investment firms. Now, Everbright conducts its business activities in three areas: short-term investments, financial services and long-term investments plus other operations. The Company provides portfolio management services for institutional and individual clients, such as China Everbright Dragon Fund. The first sere that was launched in 2004 in a joint venture with Seagate Global Advisors, LLC provides financial advisory services, such as share placements, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), privatization and project financing. 2 Practice in the China Everbright Bank2.1 Work as a ManagerAs a management department of China World Trade Center professional college students, I always look forward to having the opportunity to banking, securities, insurance and other financial areas of the company to practice. This long-awaited dream came in the summer of this year to achieve: in China Everbright Bank summer intern. Although the practice is only a short period of one month, but in the knowledge of finance, banking, corporate management, give me a profound practice course. In particular, each department manager on my guidance with caring, let me feel the beauty and warmth of the big family, I was full of gratitude and admiration on the Bank of china!The internship work as a manager on duty, the work involved the basic content. Teach customer to account, fill in the documents, the foreign exchange program, to the public, the private business guide. And to give customers the deposit loan advice, introduces customer financing channels, to provide customers with financial information. Also teach clients how to use ATM, automatic payment machine, online banking using method and so onEspecially fill in the forms, the Everbright Bank as a small commercial bank, unlike in agriculture, engineering, construction, pay, as well as rural credit cooperatives. It and other small banks such as Bank of Ningbo, Bank of the peoples livelihood of some aspects of the preferential policies, namely: because of their use is the bankclearing system, the China Everbright Bank access in Ningbo bank card money without the need to pay the fee, the cost for customers to pay by a bank. In addition, the transfer to go to the 5 major state-owned banks, are required to fill the USW single for inter-city transfer, need to fill in strange land transfer; with the China Everbright Bank money transfers between there is no need to fill in a form. As for the other, such as debit cards for business, loss and unlock password, are required to fill in the form below. And guide customers to fill out a form and help customers to take, I became a part of the workThe Everbright Bank culture is the concept of service with a smile. For every customer to come and request to enthusiastic welcome and treats, especially in some older customers are the financial details of slowly not to mind taking the trouble to the enterprise, to win a better reputation, another is the bank related business funds for every customer effort, we must to our sustenance and trust is responsible earnestly. The bank requires not only our customers for every one of all with a smile, every one of their colleagues is to care for, care about. Commendable is the colleague to every customer requirements things will be on the heart and seriously, and the work of all has a good habit of frugality, dont waste. Every morning when the morning is a summary of the days work and check each others appearance, and then to a new state of mind and began to look for a days work. I think no matter what a business, if have good corporate culture, employees have a positive mood, then the enterprise development will be on the upgrade, also is the place where more people yearn for.2.2 Some Basic Business of the Bank that I TouchedSavings businessThe savings department implements at present is the cabinet responsibility system, each teller can handle all of the savings business, that is to open an account, access to cash, savings card, Certificate did not want to corporate banking services departments did in accounting between the transmission, but each teller alone accounts processing, bookkeeping, and produced documents must be handed over to the relevant person in charge of the audit within the line first, and then passed to the superior line of “post audit”.The bank accounting settlement businessBank accounting with the bank appear and born at the same time. The bank every business operation process, is also the bank accounting operations, accounting process, must realize through accountant. That is to say, the bank accounting process is specific for the banking business and the realization of the basic functions of the process of bank.Bank accounting is not only the important basic work for banks, and can objectivelyreflect the operation of banks, accounting and supervision, and bank accounting of these three functions can also be counter-productive in the banks operations, they are complementary to each other. In the Bank of practice a month, has to learn how to open a basic deposit account, temporary deposit account, a general deposit account, and the different accounts require different data; how to handle the settlement account household, how to handle the increase.In the settlement, I learned various instruments of liquidation and transfer procedures, including bank draft, commercial bank draft, promissory and notes, although these notes, the transferring procedure and liquidation, In the “international settlement” and “financial accounting” and other courses are learned and mastered very skilled in the University, but real operation and ISBN theoretical knowledge is still very different. In the actual operation, the bank accounting is not only known to the draft, promissory notes and items, but also to accept the bill audit matters did not leak: Bill is prompt payment terms; the bill payee or recorded whether indeed the holder units or individuals; the amount of writing consistency, bank draft and promissory notes of the lowercase amount is pressed for several machine impression; the drawer, acceptor, signature with bank signature match; and so on. Specifically assigned to do practical work, help bank accounting is primarily on the notes, chapter corporate and financial chapter; learn how to knock chapter, each accounting staff, there are a lot of stars at different chapter, a receipt chapter void, bank to wait, want to be in the right place knock on the appropriate chapter; learn how to use the pressure number machine and check the printer; and so on, all these knowledge could not be learned in the school class篇二:中国银行实习报告 原创 英语专业 财经专业英语综合技能培养 专 题 汇 报班级: 英语0902学号: 3091701038 姓名:骆文月得分: 时间:2011-2012学年第一学期题目: 2011中国银行镇江分行营业部实习报告一、基本情况概述作为英语专业的大三学生,在认知实习开始之前,我认为自己会去的实习单位多少也应该和我们的专业方向外贸方向,多多少少有些关联。但当分配到中国银行镇江分行实习的时候,觉得可能还可以接触一些有关国际贸易的事项。但是,最后是在一楼对私营业部实习,协助大堂经理帮助客户办理各项业务,所涉及的工作内容基本有:帮助客户领号,叫号,办理存取款,教客户开户填单,办理存折,办理银行卡,如何开通使用网上银行,电话银行,手机银行等;帮助客户填写单据,主要有:汇款单据,进账单,结算业务,开立银行本票等,兑换外币,对公国际汇款,残缺货币兑换。对私业务和对公业务的分流引导,以及给予客户存款贷款建议,介绍客户理财渠道提供给顾客一些财经信息。还有教客户ATM自动取款机,存取款一体机,自助服务终端,自动缴费机,网上银行的使用方法,介绍贵金属和理财产品等等。1.初来乍到刚开始实习的第一天上午,我们一行十七个人是由曹霞老师带队的,到了中国银行以后,我们是在大厅内等的。可是因为中行镇江分行总部作为一个统领性的机构,主要的并不是营业性业务,所以当我们这群人都在大厅里时,多少造成了一些不便。后来保安让我们到客户休息区等,但是座位毕竟不多,所以我们只小坐一会,当客流高峰到了的时候,连忙起身,后来曹老师进来,我们才知道她一直在外面等我们,我们互相都岔开了,反而在银行里给中行造成了不便,出来乍到,是我们失态了。我想这也是一个小教训,告诫我们要在事前了解相关信息,确定可能发生的状况,要准备好应急的方案,做事呢,都要主动一点,不要给别人造成不必要的麻烦。接着曹老师联系人力资源部的主任,在和我们签订了实习协议之后,我们十七个人有被分配到镇江其他支行网点的,也有分配到与中行有合作关系的证券公司的,最后还有包括我在内的三名学生留在总行实习。到营业部找杜主任请他安排实习的时候,他说很感谢江大给中行提供实习生,让我们下午一点半前到他的办公室里报道再安排。因为时间比较紧张,中午我们便没有回去,我们一点就到中行等候了,可是一直到接近两点上班时间都没有人来联系我们。最后还是另外一个学生到会议室去看主任在不在,才给我们安排了工作。我被安排到一楼大厅,也就是对私营业部,开始了为期十天的认知实习。大堂经理陆经理负责安排我的工作,因为刚来也不没有独立上柜台操作的能力,所以她让我先做一些简单的客户分流工作,给我简单地介绍了一下基本业务,我就开始工作了。2.手忙脚乱中行实习是要求穿正装的,但因为是实习生的原因,又没有多余的服装,所以我是现借的一件上衣。只有一件毛衣加一件很薄的春装外套,而中行大厅里的暖气又坏掉了,我几乎冻得不行,保安大叔让我多活动活动,不用一直站在领号机旁边,会受不了的。我真是深刻领会到那些做前台的又没机会坐着的人的辛苦了。每一个客户进来的时候,我都要忙着问:“请问需要办理什么业务?”“帮您问一下大堂经理好吧?”“师傅这个业务属于什么?”“经理这个业务怎么说?”“是外汇换人民币还是什么?”“请这边看一下楼层指引。”“电梯这边。”“厕所请上三楼或四楼。”因为中行领号机上是有四种不同的业务号码,分别是:私人业务,个人贷款,国际汇兑,还有公司业务,分别以A,B,C,D为起始字母,如果不事先问清要办理什么业务的话,客户领错号码就会到错误的窗口,而那个窗口又不办理那个业务,就只能重新取号,重新排队。当天实习刚好是元旦三天假期后上班的第一天,所以客户非常非常多,而我又是刚刚上岗,完全是业务能力空白,零起点,所以当很多客户咨询我一些专业问题的时候,我完全是丈二和尚,只能一个个地跑去问大堂经理。一般客户都比较和善,看我是实习生,答不上来问题也不恼,就一笑而过,但是有的客户就比较没耐心了。比如有个比较彪悍的阿姨:“怎么这么多人啊!”我说:“其实没那么多。有些是空号。您取号坐会等下吧。”“你看到他们走了?”“没有。”“那你怎么知道是空号?!”“哦,有的就是取了没用的。”“你们昨天是不是放假了?”“恩,元旦三天假。”“你们凭什么放3天啊!我昨天来你们就没开!人家建行(建设银行)就只放两天!你们就不该放!”“恩。这个我不了解。”阿姨我想说我今天下午刚来好吗。还有个叔叔问我,什么什么业务是不是要到二楼。我说:“我不知道,您可以问问大堂”我话还没说完,他就很气愤地说:“你连这个都不懂啊!”然后直接奔二楼。还有问:“二楼可以拿外汇吗?”“这个我不知道诶。”“你怎么什么都不懂啊。”就这么混乱地站了三小时半后,除了累还是累,下班回学校。3.渐入佳境接下来的几天里,早晨8点15分参加晨会,12点下班休息。中午休息两个小时,然后5点半下班,每天都要站上这么几个小时,一开始两天还好,到后来就受不了了,小腿发胀,脚疼。但是这些又是不好避免的,年前业务高峰,确实是走不开的。但因为慢慢熟悉了各种业务,处理起来也渐渐减少了跑去问大堂经理的次数,等大堂经理有空的时候,也过来问我是不是冷,说我上手蛮快的,现在业务也都慢慢熟悉了,很不错。接下来的几天,几乎都没有出现差错,基本上也都能说出个条条道道,什么业务该领什么什么号码,什么不用领号,什么窗口办理什么业务,像是:外汇兑换人民币,人民币兑换外币算私人业务,要填结算单核外汇兑换水单;住房公积金,打信用卡明细上二楼,拿补办卡,注销挂失都要去2号窗口,13号窗口兑换现金支票,12号往公款账户打钱,理财产品每天都可能不一样,汇率每天也有所波动,要兑换外币的话问清楚币种再去柜面上问问金额够不够,如果不够的话再帮客户预约登记等等。我回去以后和舍友讲,舍友开玩笑说,以后再去中行办理业务就直接问我好了。4.完美收工认知实习的最后一天,又来了一个实习生。经理跟她讲有什么不清楚的可以问我,说我现在已经蛮熟悉业务了,我没想到自己确实也可以跟跟别人慢慢介绍中行的业务了,把我之前搞错的事情都告诉她,应该都算是亲身经历之后获得的第一手的经验吧。中午中行是不休息的,因为是实习最后一天,所以我中午没有休息,就直接吃完饭就继续站堂了,然后下班前一小时,去找主人签字,然后写了实习鉴定,又去人力资源部盖了章,还了衣服,实习证,头花和丝巾,给王主任,陆经理,曹经理留了一张便条表达感谢,就跟大家再见了。陆经理王主任都说要是有机会的话欢迎我到中行工作,我想,这也是对我实习的肯定吧。二、实习中的收获和体会虽然实习只有十天,但却在金融知识、银行业务、公司内部管理等方面给我上了一堂意义深远的实践课。特别是中行经理,主任对我的照顾,比如到饭点的时候让我,另一位大堂经理,曹经理让我和他一起去吃饭,不要客气,让我感受到了服务业工作人员的热诚。大家彼此间的默契合作,休息时的和睦融洽,又让我感受到这个团体的和谐与我温馨。实习对在校大学生有重要的意义。从宏观上讲,众所周知,通过实习,我们能够不断充实,以实践检验所学,锻炼适应能力和社交能力,从而积累社会阅历和工作经验。从微观上讲,这次实习我每天要早起,几乎没有时间化妆,因为我知道以微笑服务为理念的服务业应该是要求淡妆的,而陆经理呢,几乎每天都有略施粉黛,神采奕奕,我在她身上看到了那种蓬勃向上的对待工作的激情。这也是我要学的,做一行,爱一行,不怨苦,不怨累,拿出激情,不断前进。三、自我评价及今后努力的方向这次认知实习,我不仅仅是了解了银行的对私业务流程,更是锻炼了我的耐心,细心,诚心,热心。与形形色色的客户交流,我看到了社会的千奇百态,也提升了我的的情商,打磨了我为人处世的态度。我觉得,在以后的工作中,当然,不只是工作,在学习,生活,交往中,情商都在扮演着一个至关重要的角色。有一点遗憾就是当留学生来办理业务的时候,我身为英语专业的学生,很多专业的英文术语都不知道如何表达,只是让我惭愧的地方。语言很多时候只是一种载体,必须要和其他专业知识结合,才能发挥出最大的效用。加强专业知识而不仅仅停留在语言能力的打磨上,就是我今后要努力的方向。篇三:银行实习总结建行北分实习总结苏烜从7月16日正式实习开始至今,三周的实习已近尾期。在这三周中,按照实习安排,我先后在大堂经理助理、个人客户经理助理以及公司业务一团队客户经理助理这三个岗位上实习,参加了两次与分行导师的座谈,并参观了建行北分私人银行与营运管理部。实习总结主要对这三周中的实习与一系列活动进行梳理总结,分析个人收获及对实习的建议。(一)大堂经理助理(7月9日至7月10日)1、 工作简述;大堂经理助理的工作类似于引导员,主要责任在于分流客户,同时解答客户疑问、帮助客户取号、指导填单,做到“来有迎声、问有答声、走有送声”,同时对理财产品做一些初步了解,能够解答基本问题。2、个人收获;两天的大堂经理助理最大的收获就是心态的转变,从一个大学生的角度换为一个银行工作者的视角来服务客户,体会到了银行从业者的辛苦。同时作为客户接触银行的第一人,初步对银行业务有了很直观的了解。其次,应急能力有所提升。在担任大堂经理助理时有一次取号机由于故障无法取号,同时柜台无法叫号,我们只能手写取号并且人工叫号。那两天正好附近一个小区一百多户居民集中办理燃气卡,再加上金卡用户优先办理的政策,导致工作量上升,有很多客户我们都没时间做到及时询问。还好之前大堂经理对我们做过关于这种情况的提醒,因此虽然工作量大,但是还没有造成场面混乱。这种情况让我们对大堂工作的重要性有了更深的认识,同时碰到特殊情况时候的组织能力有所提升。3、对银行的建议;首先,应改进ATM取款机识别系统。很多人之所以不喜欢在ATM上存款是因为ATM对纸币的识别能力较差,很多真币只是稍稍有点污渍或者褶皱就无法识别,客户需要反复存款,降低了存款效率。因此,ATM应提升纸币的识别能力,这样才能真正让客户体会到ATM的便捷,以做到客户分流。其次,应解决保险公司推销人员站大堂问题。在我们做大堂经理助理的两天中,有三位保险人员一直在充当“引导员”的角色,其业务纯熟程度让我们一度以为他们是银行正式员工,进一步接触后才了解到他们是保险公司工作人员。在与分行导师的沟通中我们得知保险人员现在是不允许充当“引导员”角色的,造成现在这种局面主要是因为客观上银行引导员需要他们的帮助以解燃眉之急,主观上保险人员亦希望自己可以了解客户需求,以便推销产品。但保险人员的推销有时会降低客户体验,对建行的形象造成一定的损失,并且其在解答疑问失误时客户亦会把责任归咎于建行之上。因此银行
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