.第二次作业本次作业为统考词汇常考试题的部分内容,请大家务必认真完成。1. there have been many b in their marriage but they still love each other.a. right and wrongb. back and forthc. ups and downsd. right and left2. the sports meeting was put off till the next week d rain.a. in spite ofb. soc. becaused. because of3. farmers use water in many ways. b , they use water to grow crops.a. in factb. for examplec. besidesd. because of this4. he is not a child d .a. no moreb. no longerc. any muchd. any more5. the policeman needs to see c your id card or your drivers license.a. everyb. eachc. eitherd. both6. neither john _a his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.a. norb. orc. butd. and7. she is not only my classmate b also my good friend.a. orb. butc. andd. too8. on average, a successfullawyer has to talk to several d a day.a. customersb. supportersc. guestsd. clients9. what is the train c to birmingham?a. feeb. tipc. fared. cost10. you can take as many as you like because these handouts farreee of b .a. fareb. chargec. moneyd. pay11. that company doesnttake credit cards, so customers have topay d .a. dollarsb. financec. coinsd. cash12. some famous singers live on the d from their record sales.a. salaryb. pricec. billd. income13. the students were all entertained in a mexican restaurant, at professor brians c .a. moneyb. payc. expensed. loss14. youll find this map of great c in helping you to get around beijing.a. priceb. costc. valued. useful15. she wasawardedthe highest c for his contribution to world peace.a. priceb. pressc. prized. pride16. if by any chance someone comes to see me, ask the personletoave a a .a. messageb. letterc. sentenced.notice17. if we could learn english in the same b , it would not seem so difficult.a. roadb. wayc. theoryd. means18. - how is he getting along with his work?- oh, he is on the a to becoming the most highly paid man in the;.company.a. wayb. roadc. pathd. route19. every society has its own peculiar customs and b of acting.a. attitudesb. behaviorc. waysd.means20. its bad b for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.a. behaviorb. actionc. mannerd. movement21. weve missed the last bus. im afraid wehave no b but to take a taxi.a. wayb. choicec. possibilityd. selection22. tom, what did you do with my documents? i have never seen such a b and disorder!a. massb. messc. guessd. bus23. our manager willlookinto the matter as soon as possible. just have a little c .a. waitb. timec. patienced. rest24. if she wants to stay thin, she musmt ake a a in her diet.a. changeb. turnc. rund. go25. before the final examination, some students have shown a oftension. they even have trouble in sleeping.a. anxietyb. marksc. signsd. remarks26. helen was seriously injured in acar b .a. incidentb. accidentc. eventd. matter27. fortunately, jack was only slightly injured in the traffic d .a. incidentb. eventc. cased. accident28. one day while mr. king was working, he had a/an b :his left leg was badly injured.a. businessb. accidentc. matterd. event29. many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and othefor rms of a .a. energyb. sourcec. powerd. material30. it has been ten years since the labour partcyame into c in that country.a. controlb. forcec. powerd. charge31. you should take the medicine after you read the c .a. linesb. wordsc. instructionsd. suggestions32. why he did it will remain a d for ever.a. strangeb. passc. publicd. puzzle33. as they cant afford to let the situation get worse, they willtake some necessary d .a. decisionsb. sidesc. directionsd. steps34. one needsa good sense ofc to ride a bike.a. levelb. skillc. balanced. ability35. at the a of the police, those people ran off in all directions.a. sightb. lookc. watchd. view36. heres my card. letskeep in a .a. touchb. relationc. connectiond. friendship37. on formal c , people pay more attention to manners.a. situationsb. casesc. conditionsd. occasions38. i saw that she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so i offered my a .a. serviceb. moneyc. used. chance39. there will be a soon. im afraid i cant go.a. rainb. rainyc. rainingd. rains40. we are next-door d .a. neighborhoodsb. neighborc. neighborhoodd. neighbors41. will you a me a favor, please?a. dob. makec. bringd. give42. i dont know the park, but its a to be quite beautiful.a. saidb. toldc. spokend. talked43. he b me do the work.a. givesb. helpsc. mindsd. cares44. i took the medicine, but it didnt b .a. workb. helpc. maked. affect45. i didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly c to me.a. appearedb. happenedc. occurredd. emerged46. tom b more than twenty poundson the novel.a. spentb. paidc. costd. took47. he b less timereading storiesabout film stars than before.a. takesb. spendsc. costsd. pays48. measles d a long time to get over.a. spendb. spendsc. taked. takes49. i am going to b the meal, i insist.a. payb. pay forc. pay aboutd. pay on50. a police officer claimed he had attempted to c paying his fare.a. avoidb. rejectc. refused. neglect51. c her and then try to copy what she does.a. mindb. seec. stare atd. watch52. how can he b if he is not ?a. listen; hearingb. hear; listeningc. be listeningd. be listening; listened to53. how often do you d your brother?a. hear aboutb. hear ofc. hear tod. hear from54. - is the library d now? - no, its .a. open;closeb. opening; closingc. open;closedd. opened; closed55. it was well known that thomas edison a the electric lamp.a. inventedb. discoveredc. foundd. developed56. he spoke so quickly that i didnt d what he said.a. receiveb. acceptc. listend. catch57. professor, would you slow down a bit, please? i cant a you.a. keep up withb. put up withc. make up tod. hold on to58. the factory has turned out more and better bicycles since the new techniques were a .a. adoptedb. adaptedc. adjustedd. assisted59. charlie thinks money will b all his problems.a. scoreb. solvec. forced. perform60. how much has the company c this year?a. brought inb. brought downc. brought outd. brought about61. the old houses are being pulled down to a a new office block.a. make room forb. make use ofc. take the place ofd. supply with62. the young actor who had been thought highlyof b to be a great disappointment.a. turned upb. turned outc. turned downd. turned in63. thecomputersystem a information on the internet.suddenlywhilehewassearchingfora. broke downb. broke outc. broke upd. broke in64. - its a good idea. but whos going to a the plan?- i think john and peter will.a. carry outb. get throughc. take ind. set aside65. he a finding a taxi for me, even though i told him i lived nearby.a. insisted onb. insisted atc. insisted thatd. insisted in66. i was talking with my mother on the phone when we were b suddenly.a. cut downb. cut offc. cut acrossd. cut back67. singing these songs, i could not help c the good old days.a. thinking overb. thinking outc. thinking ofd. thinking up68. the chinese women volleyball players b both in and out of china.a. are thought ofb. are highly thought ofc. are well thoughtd. are ill thought of69. the plane was about to a , and yet i left my ticket behind.a. take offb. take onc. take upd. take in70. dont d your study. we are going to help you.a. worryb. be afraidc. be worriedd. worry about71. bread a wheat.a. is made ofb. is made onc. is made up withd. is made in72. - when shall we meet again?- d it any day you like. its all the same to me.a. dob. getc. meetd. make73. you shouldnt d your time like that, bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.a. cutb. doc. killd. kick74. i cant find my book. perhaps i b it behind in the office yesterday.a. forgotb. leftc. putd. set75. the tall man is b with robbery.a. chargedb. accusedc. doned. dealt76. the atmosphere c certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.a. composes ofb. is made upc. consists ofd. makes up of77. professor smith promised to look d my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.a. afterb. overc. ond. into78. as the bus came round the corner, it ran a a big tree by the roadside.a. intob. onc. overd. up79. in c , the northerners have a particular likingfor dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.a. commonb. totalc. generald. particular80. its c that he was wrong.a. clearlyb. clarityc. cleard. clearing81. i wont make the b mistake next time.a. likeb. samec. neard. similar82. the patients are quite d to the nurses for their special care.a. enjoyableb. helpfulc. confidentd. grateful83. henry looked very much b when he was caught che
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