商务项目经理英文简历优秀personal iinformationname:wil*gender: malee age:38eduucation:mastter in enginneeringmobiile:email:mail addresss:pudong, sshanghai, prrc, xx20worrk experienccejan xx-ooct xx. zelll consultingg co. ltd, iimmigrated aand lived inn new zealannd. responsiible for traade fairs beetween new zzealand and prc.aug . us based beepex (formerrly us brancch of hosokaawa group). my responsiibilities coontinued covverage in hoosokawa shannghai rep offfice with ssales consulltancy and pproject manaagement jobss on prc.- be in chargge of sales and marketiing jobs forr bepexs sssp technologgy (includinng equipmentt and engineeering serviices). with sales size ranging froom million tto usd5milliion, my clieents mainly include liaaoyang petroochemical coompany of cnnpc, wuxi taaiji, zhangjjiagang junmma, huzhou uunifull and shanghai weenlong.- ass project maanager, i haave been acttively invollved in the whole projeect executioon process, including tthe initial technical ppresentationn, technicall and commerrcial contraact signing, basic/detaail engineerring design, installatiion and proccess start uup, coordinaation with uus engineeriing departmeent and prc clients andd local engiineering commpany.sept11997-aug xxx. hosokawa shanghai reepresentativve office, rrepresentatiive and areaa sales manaager- as thhe founder oof the rep ooffice, i waas mainly reesponsible ffor daily maanagement annd operationn of the offfice.- in tterms of salles, i have been takingg care of doomestic markketing for jjapan, europpe and us baased subsidiiaries, inclluding, but not limitedd to,germann based alpiine, for griinding, classsifying andd engineerinng facilitiees, whose cuustomers scaattered overr the sectorrs of pharmaaceutical, cchemical andd miningus based hosokkawa bepex, a subsidiarry engaged iin ssp technnology whilee its produccts are usedd for soft ddrink bottliing and induustrial fibeer. that bussiness belonngs to petroochemical, ppolymer and chemical fiiber fields.jan
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