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八 动词时态 现在完成时与过去完成时 现在完成时表示的动作在过去发生 对现在产生的影响和结果1 构成 have has 动词的过去分词 ed 2 标志词 since for already yet 自从有已经 肯定句 还 否定 疑问句 just ever never once twice threetimes刚刚曾经从不一次两次三次howlong多久howmanytimes多少次Eg 用for since填空1 Ihavelivedhere threeyears 2 Ihavelivedhere 20033 Ihavelivedhere threeyearsago 4 Ihavelivedhere Iwasborn forsincesincesince 用already yet填空 1 Ihave seenthefilm Haveyouseenit 2 Hehasneverbeenthere 3 Theyhave riddenthehorse alreadyyetyetalreadyhasgonetohasgoneto Havebeenhavebeen 3 have hasbeento曾经去过 人回来 have hasgoneto已经去了 人没回来 1 Hisfather Shanghai sohegoestoschoolhimself 2 WhereisJim He theoffice 3 you toBeijing I there 4 Ourteacher Japan Shewillstaythereforayear 5 We theGreatWalltwice Whataboutyou 6 你父亲去过英国吗 7 他去了南京了 hasgonetohavebeentoHasyourfatherbeentoEngland HehasgonetoNanjing 4 瞬间动词不能与for since howlong连用Eg buy bought have hashad买borrow borrowed have haskept借die died have hasbeendead死leave left have hasbeenaway from 离开begin began have hasbeenon开始join joined have hasbeenin参加 have hasbeena party membergo went have hasbeenthere in去come came arrive have hasbeenhere in来 到达Eg I thebookforaday A boughtB haveboughtC havehadHisfather since1999 A diedB hasdeadC hasbeendead CC 1 这辆单车他买了三年了He thebike threeyears 2 这本字典我借了一星期了I thedictionary aweekago 3 这只狗死了一个半小时了Thedog halfanhour 4 他爷爷离开家乡20年了Hisgrandpa thehometown 20yearsago 5 我父亲入党10年了Myfather theparty tenyears 6 会议开始5分钟了Themeeting fiveminutes 7 我叔叔去北京两天了Myuncle Beijing twodays 8 我感冒一天了I foraday hashadforhavekeptsincehasbeendeadforhasbeenawayfromsincehasbeeninforhasbeenonforhasbeeninforIhavehadacold 过去完成时1 用法 表示在过去某个时间之前已经完成的动作或状态 即过去的过去 2 标志词 bythetime bytheendoflastweek when before after3 构成 肯定式 主 had 动词的过去分词 ed 否定式 主 hadn t 动词 ed疑问式 Had 主 动词 ed 如 Wehadcleanedtheroomwhentheteachercamein HadyoulearnedUnit6bytheendoflastweek 1 Bythetimehe hiswork Ihadgonehome A hadfinishedB isfinishingC finishedD finishes2 I himalready whenIwas15yearsold A knowB hadknownC knewD haveknown3 Whenhegottoschool herealizedhe hisbookathome A leftB hasleftC hadleftD hadforgotten4 Bythetimehearrivedhome hismother cook 5 We nineunitsbytheendoflastweek study6 Thefilm begin whenthey arrive atthecinema 7 WhenIgothome Myfather leave 8 Byth


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