



二年级上海版牛津英语2B期中测试卷(含答案)【牛津英语】(满分100分、50分钟完成)Part 1 Listening(听力部分)34% 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号:_一.Listen and choose(听录音、选出你听到的单词、将答案写在括号内.) 10% ( ) 1. A. brown B. black ( ) 2. A. hard B. head ( ) 3. A. sheep B. ship ( ) 4. A. hop B. skip ( ) 5. A. colour B. chick ( ) 6. A. cat B. kite ( ) 7. A. three B. tree ( ) 8. A. ride B. read ( ) 9. A. skate B. salad ( ) 10.A. touch B. Rough二.Listen and number(听录音、按顺序给下面的图编号) 7%( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) 三. Listen and judge(听录音、判断所听内容与图片是否一致 ) 4% )( )( )( )四. Listen and choose (听录音、选出你听到的句子、将字母代号写在括号内)7 %( )1.A. I hear a large ship. B. I see a long train.( )2.A. They are pink and brown. B. They are purple and blue.( )3.A. Its soft and smooth. B. Its hard and rough. ( )4.A. He can swim. B. She can swing.( )5. A. What colour are they? B. What colour is it?( )6. A. Is it a pencil case? B. It is a pencil case.( )7. A.Ming can hear a dog. B.Ming cant hear a bird.五. Listen and choose (听问句、选答句、将字母代号写在括号内)6%( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No.I dont.( )2.A. I like eating fish. B. Yes.I do. ( )3. A. I see a hen. B. I hear a bus.( )4. A. It is a zebra. B. They are zebras.( )5. A. Thank you. B. I am fine.( )6. A. Yes, it is. B. No. Its rough. Part 2 Reading and Writing(第二部分 读写) 66%一. Write the letters: (写出字母的左右邻居) 5% 1. _ J_ 2. _s_ 3. Oo _ _ 4. _ U_ 5. _f_二Read and copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子) 8%purple rough giraffe ride a bicycle look tom do you like bears 三Look and write (看图、将单词写完整)6%1. 2. 3. w_t_h ch_ _k_n _l_ph_ _t 4. 5. 6. tr_ _n c_rr_t sn_k_四.Look and write (看图填空、完成句子) 10%1. What are they? _are _. 2.Do you like eating _? _, I do.3. What colour are the pandas? Theyre _ and _.4. Ming_ hear a bird. 5. BeepBeep! I _ a _.6. Touch the ball. It isnt rough. It is _.五.Read and circle (圈出不同类的单词,圈在字母代号上) 12%1. A.giraffe B.hen C.zebra D.lion2. A.orange B.pear C.blue D.yellow3. A.car B.bicycle C.bus D.house4. A.run B.ride C.skate D.hippo5. A.soft B.hard C.hand D.rough 6. A.he B.she C.my D. you六Read and choose(选出正确的答案) ( 10%) ( ) 1.Listen! What can you _? A. hear B. see ( ) 2.Do you like _?Yes, I do. A. sing B. dancing ( ) 3.What can you see ? I can see _ oranges. A. three B. an( ) 4.What do you like eating? I like eating _ . A. apples B. salads( ) 5.Do you like eating bananas? _, I like eating peaches. A. Yes B. No ( ) 6.What can Mary do? _ can sing a song. A. She B. You ( ) 7.We are waiting _ the train. A. to B.for ( ) 8.Can you skip a rope ? No. I _ swim. A. can B. cant ( ) 9._ the lemon. Its rough. A. Touch B. Smell( ) 10.Is this _ ruler? Yes, its _ ruler. A. your your B. your my七.Read and match (问答配对、把编号写在前面括号内)(5%) ( )1. What colour are the bananas? A. No, I dont. ( )2. What can you hear? B. A giraffe, please. ( )3. Is it hard? C. They are yellow. ( )4. Do you like eating meat? D. I can hear a car. ( )5. Can I help you? E. No, its soft.八根据短文判断、正确用 T 错误用 F 表示.(6%)Im Kitty. Im a girl. Im ten years old. Im tall and thin. My eyes are big. I can hop and skate. I like riding a bicycle. I like eating carrots. Look! This is my cat. Its lovely. I like my cat. ( )1. Kitty is eight years old. ( )2. She is short and thin. ( )3. Her ears are big. ( )4. She likes eating carrots. ( )5. She can skate. ( )6. She has got a dog. 九Writing (介绍一种自己喜欢的动物、五句话、用三种或者三种以上句式)5%Animals I likeHi! I am _. I like _.This is a/ an _. It is _. It can _.第二学期二年级英语期中考查参考答案(满分100分、50分钟完成)Part 1 Listening(听力部分现在开始)34%1. Listen and choose(听录音、选出你听到的单词、将答案写在括号内.) 10%AABBBBBBAA 三.Listen and number(听录音、按顺序给下面的图编号) 7%7253641 四.Listen and judge(听录音、判断所听内容与图片是否一致 ) 4%四.Listen and choose (听录音、选出你听到的句子、将字母代号写在括号内)7 %BBAAABB五.Listen and choose (听问句、选答句、将字母代号写在括号内)6%BBBBBAPart 2 Reading and Writing(第二部分 读写) 66%一. Write the letters: (写出字母的左右邻居) 5% 1. I J K 2. rst 3. Oo Pp Qq 4. T U V 5.efg二Read and copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子) 8% 略3 Look and write (看图、将单词写完整)6%1. watch 2. chicken 3. elephant4. train 5. carrot 6. snake五.Look and write (看图填空、完成句子) 10%1. What are they? They are monkeys. 2. Do you like eating salad? Yes, I do.5. What colour are the pandas? Theyre black and white. 6. Ming cant hear a bird. 5. BeepBeep! I hear / see a train.6. Touch the ball. It isnt rough. It is smooth.五.Read and circle (圈出不同类的单词) 12%BBDDCC六Read and choose(选出正确的答案)


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