萨摩耶选购萨摩耶的后背不能太长,软弱的后背使它无法胜任其正常的工作,失去了工作犬的价值,但与此同时,太紧凑的身体对一种拖曳犬来说,也非常的不利。基于这样的共识,爱好者在选购的时候可以以此作为参考。对于一只称得上上品的萨摩耶而言,身体不长但肌肉发达是允许例外的;并且要求胸部非常深的同时肋骨扩张良好,颈部必须结实。前躯直而腰部非常结实。雄性外貌显得雄壮,而没有不必要的攻击性;雌性的外貌或构造显得娇柔但气质上不显得软弱。雌性的后背也许比雄性略长一些。它们的外观都显得具有极大的耐力,但不显粗糙。由于胸很深,所以腿部要有足够的长度,一条腿很短的狗是不受欢迎的。后臀显得非常发达,后膝关节适度倾斜,而且后膝关节存在任何问题或牛肢都将受到严厉的处罚。和卷毛比雄一样,萨摩耶拥有双层被毛,身体上覆盖一层短、浓密、柔软、絮状、紧贴皮肤的底毛,披毛是透过底毛的较粗较长的毛发,披毛直立在身体表面,决不能卷曲。披毛围绕颈部和肩部形成“围脖”.毛发的质量关系到能否抵御各种气候,所以质量比数量要重要。下垂的被毛是不受欢迎的。抓住这些基本的要点再结合相关的标准数据,就可以选购到一只比较不错的萨摩耶了。购买萨摩耶的实战宝典一、尽量选择出生在40天左右的幼犬。因为这一时期的幼犬还未脱离母体,在今后与主人关系的培养,起着至关重要的作用。狗对于离开母体后的第一个主人有着强烈的记忆力,以至于即使分开多年也还会认识并保持感情。但要注意的是,由于5个月之前的狗各方面品相还未确定,所以有一定的风险,所以要自己仔细权衡后做出选择。(以下经验也是针对40天左右萨摩耶幼犬的选购而写)二、注意父母的品相是否优良,同窝中应选择最壮硕的幼犬。应选择既不在陌生人面前退缩,也不激进的狗,你可以把幼犬肚皮朝上仰放,如果幼犬能够积极的翻身起来,则视为通过。三、应选择毛色纯洁,少杂色的幼犬。不要听信任何关于脱毛之类的解释,狗的脱毛是正常的,就像人掉头发一样,但你能说秃头也是正常吗?所以要选择毛量丰富,一把抓上去很有手感,并且能自动弹开的幼犬。这一时期在耳部或有少量胎毛,并不影响观瞻,可以选购。四、眼睛一定要呈明显的杏仁状。不知道杏仁什么样子的,去买包美国大杏仁,去看看就知道了。眼睛的颜色一定要呈黑色,且清澈透明,没有浑浊。五、鼻子不能太长,还有一定宽度,鼻镜应为黑色。但这一时期可能还未完全黑,不用害怕。六、萨摩是要立耳的,但三个月之前就立耳的萨摩肯定不是优秀的萨摩。所以不要选择这一时期就立耳的。七、看四肢是否水平向前,没有内八或外八。八、此外还要检查身体是否有肿块之类的。萨摩耶年龄和体重对照表萨摩耶宝宝在最初8周内的体重(数据基于25年来的统计和汇集):出生时14盎司18盎司(0.8斤1斤)1个星期1.5磅2磅(1.3斤1.8斤)2个星期2磅3磅(1.8斤2.7斤)3个星期3磅4磅(2.7斤3.6斤)4个星期4磅5磅(3.6斤5.6斤)5个星期5磅8磅(5.6斤7.25斤)6个星期7.75磅8.75磅(7斤7.9斤)7个星期9磅12磅(8.1斤10.8斤)8个星期11磅14磅(10斤12.7斤)萨摩3个月后的体重标准:(公母犬)3个月7.512.5公斤4个月11.518.5公斤5个月15.525.5公斤6个月15.528.5公斤狗78月体重基本不再增长中国宠物交易网萨摩耶AKC标准英文原版Samoyed Breed Standard General Conformation(a) General Appearance - The Samoyed, being essentially a working dog, should present a picture of beauty, alertness and strength, with agility, dignity and grace. As his work lies in cold climates, his coat should be heavy and weather-resistant, well groomed, and of good quality rather then quantity. The male carries more of a “ruff” than the female. He should not be long in the back as a weak back would make him practically useless for his legitimate work, but at the same time, a close-coupled body would also place him at a great disadvantage as a draft dog. Breeders should aim for the happy medium, a body not long but muscular, allowing liberty, with a deep chest and well-sprung ribs, strong neck, straight front and especially strong loins. Males should be masculine in appearance and deportment without unwarranted aggressiveness; bitches feminine without weakness of structure or apparent softness of temperament. Bitches may be slightly longer in back than males. They should both give the appearance of being capable of great endurance but be free from coarseness. Because of the depth of chest required, the legs should be moderately long. A very short-legged dog is to be deprecated. Hindquarters should be particularly well developed, stifles well bent and any suggestion of unsound stifles or cowhocks severely penalized. General appearance should include movement and general conformation, indicating balance and good substance.(b) Substance - Substance is that sufficiency of bone and muscle which rounds out a balance with the frame. The bone is heavier than would be expected in a dog of this size but not so massive as to prevent the speed and agility most desirable in a Samoyed. In all builds, bone should be in proportion to body size. The Samoyed should never be so heavy as to appear clumsy nor so light as to appear racy. The weight should be in proportion to the height.(c) Height - Males-21 to 23½ inches; females-19 to 21 inches at the withers. An oversized or undersized Samoyed is to be penalized according to the extent of the deviation.(d) Coat (Texture and Condition) - The Samoyed is a doublecoated dog. The body should be well covered with an undercoat of soft, short, thick, close wool with longer and harsh hair growing through it to form the outer coat, which stands straight out from the body and should be free from curl. The coat should form a ruff around the neck and shoulders, framing the head (more on males than on females)。 Quality of coat should be weather resistant and considered more than quantity. A droopy coat is undesirable. The coat should glisten with a silver sheen. The female does not usually carry as long a coat as most males and it is softer
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