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2013秋永太镇中七年级上期英语半期测试题一、听力测试题。(20分),(一)、听录音,选出听到的信息。( ) 1. A.DB B. FE C.AH ( ) 2. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ( ) 3. A. pen B. pencil C. jacket( ) 4. A. how B. what C. where( ) 5. A. he B. she C. her(二)、听录音,选出正确的答语。( ) 6. A. Im fine, thank you. B. How are you? C. Im good.( ) 7. A. Its my brother. B. Its a pencil C. This is my mom.( ) 8. A. Its my mom. B. Its my chair. C. Im Jenny.( ) 9. A. Its 7633456 B. OK C. Thanks.( ) 10. A. Watch B. What C. White.(三)、听对话,选出正确的答案。( ) 11. Whats Lindas family name? A. Green B. Brown C. Smith( ) 12. The ruler is _ A. blue B. yellow C. red( ) 13. Nicks telephone number is _ A. 8793-251 B. 8793-125 C. 8793-521( ) 14. Whats that in English? A. A phone B. A clock C. A watch ( ) 15. The boy is Marys _ A. cousin B. brother C. son(四)、根据听到的对话,选择单词填空。 Aeraser B. pencil C. ruler D. pencil case E. bookTom: Excuse me, Jack. Is this your _16_?Jack: Yes, thank you. And that is my _17_.Tom: And Anna, Is this your _18_?Anna: No, it isnt. Its her ruler. Tom: OK, and this is my _19_. And this is your _20_, Anna.16_17_18_19_20_二、单项选择题。(20分)( ) 21. Spell it, please. _ A. P-E-N B. Pen C. P-e-n( ) 22. Good afternoon! _A. Good afternoon! B. OK! C. Hello!( )23. Whats that in English? _ a car. A. That is B. It C. Its ( )24. _ is it? Its green. A. What B. What color C. How( )25.You can call Mike _ 871-8283. A. in B. at C. on( ) 26. _ Im fine, thanks. A. How are you? B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you.( ) 27. Excuse me, are you Lisa? _ A. Im Lisa. B. No, I am C. Yes, I am.( ) 28. Im Kate Green. My first name is _. A. Kate B. Green. C. Kate Green.( ) 29. I like the photo _ your family. A. to B. for C. of( ) 30. Lucy and Lily _ sisters. A. is B. am C. are() 31Whats _ name ? _ am Eric. A your I B his her C her his() 32 Have a good day .A. Yes, it is. B. Thank you. C. Its good()33 -Who are they? -_A. Thats my parents. B. Theyre her brother. C. Theyre my sisters()34 . Alan and Mary are my _.A. cousins B. sister C. friend()35 Is this_ pencil? - Yes, it is. Its _.A. you / mine B. your / my C. your / mine()36 .-_ - Youre welcome.A. Whats this? B. Is that your book? C. Thank you.()37. Thank you _ your help.A. in B. of C. for()38.where is my pen ? its _ the floor . A in B on C under() 39 -_ -Its 286-4752.A. Is this your number? B. Whats her name? C. Whats his telephone number?() 40 .- _ is he? - Hes my grandfather. A. How B. Who C. What三、完形填空题。(10分)Mom: Hello.Tommy: _41_, Mom. I need some things for class this afternoon . Can you bring them _42_ school for me, please?M: Sure.T: I need _43 math book.M: Math book? _44 your math book?T: Oh. _45 on the dresser. And I need my ruler. Its _46_ the bed. And my notebook. M: Wheres your notebook?T: Oh, I dont _47 . Ohyeah,it s on the bed. And my CDs. _48 in the bookcaseM: OK.T: And the video tape. Its on the table. I need to take it _49 the store after school.M: OK. Ill meet you _50 12:00 oclock. ( )41. A. Hi B. Yes C. Good ( ) 42. A. in B. to C. on ( )43. A. the B. my C. an ( ) 44. A. What B. Whats C. Wheres ( ) 45. A. It B. They C. Its ( )46. A. under B. in C. of ( )47. A. need B. know C. can ( )48. A These B. Those C. Theyre ( )49. A. to B. in C. on ( ) 50. A. in B. at C. on 四、阅读理解题。(30分) A Whats this? Its letter “P”. What color is it? Its green. Whats this and what color is it? This is letter “E”. Its yellow. Whats this letter? Its letter “N”. Its red. P-E-N. Is it “pen”? Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil box. My pencil box is orange. This is my English book. Its in my bag. My bag is black. Look ! The bag is in the brown desk. The chair is yellow. Its nice. I like it.( 51. What color is letter “P”? A. Green B. Yellow. C. Red. D. Blue.( )52. The letter _ is red. A. P B. E C. N D. M( 53. Whats in the pencil box? A. An orange case. B. A blue pen C. A black bag. D. A yellow chair.( ) 54. Where is my English book? A. Its in my bag. B. Its in my desk. C. Its on my chair. D. Sorry, I dont know.( )55. _ is black. A. My pen B. My desk C. My bag D. The chair B Look at the photo. Its Mr. Smiths family. The man is Mr. Smith. Hes 45. And he is a teacher. The woman is Mrs. Smith. She is 39. She is a teacher, too. The boy is Jim, their son. He is 14. He looks like his mother. The girl is Lucy. She is 12. They are middle school students. Mr. Smith is American, but Mrs. Smith is English. All the family are in the USA now. They like China. They are our friends.( )56. This is a photo of _ family. A. Jim B. Lucy C. my D. Mr. Smiths( )57. The parents are _ A. teachers B. students. C. American D. English( )58. There are(有) _ people(人) in the family. A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 6( )59. Mr. Smiths daughter is _ years old. A. 45 B. 14 C. 39 D. 12( ) 60. The family are _ now. A. in England B. in China C. in the USA D. at a middle school CFound: Gold ringIs this your ring? Please call Jenny.Phone 256-8754Lost: My keyMy name is FrankPlease call 586-8957( ) 61. Where can you see(看见) these notices(通知) A. At home. B. In the street. C. In the lost and found case. D. On TV.( ) 62. You lost a ring. Call _ A. Jenny B. Frank C. 586-8957 D. 110( )63. _ found a gold ring. A. Jenny B. Frank C. Jane D. Feifei( ) 64. _ lost a key. A. Jenny B. Frank C. Jane D. Feifei( )65. _ telephone number is 586-8975.五将问句和答语正确地搭配起来。(10分)( )66. Good evening! A. Thank you.( )67. How are you? B. Hi.( )68. Nice to meet you. C. Its red.班级:_姓名:_考号:_( )69. Whats this in English? D. Its under the table.( 70. Sit down, please. E. Good evening.( ) 71. Hello, Im Tom. F. M-A-P, map.( )72. What color is your ruler? G. Yes, it is.( )73. How do you spell it? H. Nice to meet you, too.( )74. Is this your computer? I. Im fine, thanks.( )75. Wheres my backpack. J. Its a jacket.六、补全对话题。(10分)Dave: _76_ is my mother. Mom, this is Lin Hai.Lin Hai: _77_ _78_ _79_ _80_ Mom: Nice to meet you, Lin Hai.Dave: And _81_ _82_ my grandparents.Grandparents: _83_, Lin Hai.Lin Hai: Hello.Dave: And this _84_my sister Mary and this is my _85_ Jim. 76 _77_78_79_80_81_82_83_84_85_ 、七,句型转换。(10分)1 This is my sister.(改为复数句)_ _ my _ .2 My pen is blue._ _ is your pen ?(对划线部分提问)3 That is a ruler。(改为一般疑问句)_ _ a ruler?4 Are these your book?(请作肯定回答)_ ,_ _.5 bed under is baseball the my.(连词成句)_.八、书面表达。(10分)根据所给的信息,介绍你和你的表弟。不少于八句话。ICousinFirst nameMaryJimLast nameBrownGreenTelephone number.9782-3318621-347_七年级上期英语半期测试题答卷 2016级 班 考号 姓名 总分一、听力题号12345678910答案题号1112131415答案16、_ 17、_ 18、_ 19、_ 20、_ 二、单项选择题号21222324252627282930答案题号31323334353637383940答案三、完形填空题号41424344454647484950答案四、阅读理解题号51525354555657585960答案题号6162636465答案五、搭配题题号66676869707172737475答案七年级英语半期测试题听力材料(一)、听录音,选出听到的信息。1、DB2.


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