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Unit11 1 杂务 杂事n 2 伙伴 搭档n 3 盘 碟n 4 洗餐具5 扫除 清除v 6 垃圾 废物n7 取出8 折叠 折起来v 9 整理床铺10 起居室 客厅11 会议 集会n 12 从事 忙于13 憎恨 憎恶v 14 干家务15 洗衣店n 16 洗衣服17 小吃 快餐n 18 青少年n 19 借 借用v 20 邀请 恳请v 21 唱机n 22 照顾 关心n 23 照看 照顾25 喂养 饲养v 26 我的 所有物 pron Unit11Couldyoupleasecleanyourroom Nancy thank for take careofmydog Couldyoupleasedo this thingseveryday Take he forawalk Givehimwaterand feed him Thenwash he bowl Playwith he Don tforget clean hisbed Have fun Seeyounextweek Thanks Thomas Unit111 洗餐具2 扫地3 倒垃圾4 整理床铺5 叠衣服6 打扫客厅7 处理琐事 干家务 9 忙于做某事 8 邀请某人做某时 10 请你 好吗 do washthedishes sweep cleanthefloor takeoutthetrash makethe one sbed foldtheclothes cleanthelivingroom dochores dothehousework Couldyou please dosth please Yes sure Yes Ican No Sorry Ican t bebusydoing withsth 11 在外呆很晚12 搭车13 去开会开会14 需要做某事15 休息16 从事 忙于17 外出18 讨厌做某事19 洗衣服20 做早饭21 叫某人 不要 做某事22 买一些饮料和零食 stayoutlate getaride gotoameeting haveameeting needtodosth havearest rest goout hatetodosth hatedoing dothelaundry washtheclothes makebreakfast ask tellsb not todosth buysomedrinksandsnacks let makesb not dosth 23 向某人借某物 借进 把某物借给某人 借出 借用某物一段时间 借一段时间 24 邀请某人做某事 到某地25 好好地 照看 26 带 去散步27 喂养 28 与某人一起玩耍 玩耍某物29 忘记要做某事忘记已做的事30下周见 31 我需要一些帮助 borrowsthfromsb lendsthtosb lendsbsth invitesbto dosth 地点 take good careof lookafter well take forawalk feed playwithsb sth forgettodosth Seeyounextweek Ineedsomehelp keepsthfor 一段时间 forgetdoingsth 适当形式 1 Letme help you make fruitsalad 2 Areyou have anEnglishclassnow Yes weare 3 Thankyoufor come here 4 Youneed wear lotsofwarmclothesinwinter 5 Couldyouplease make akiteforme 6 Today we llgoonlearningthe one lesson 7 Mymotheroftendoesthe wash onSaturdays help to make having coming towear make first washing 8 Thevisitorsallfoundithard go acrosstheriverinasmallboat 9 Tom sfatherhated travel bytrain Hesaiditalways take alotoftime 10 Couldyoupleaseturndowntheradio I talk tothepandababynow 11 LiLeiandBob sweep thefloorwhenIlefttheclassroom 12 Nothingcouldstopthemfrom take partinthesportsmeeting togo traveling totravel took amtalking aresweeping taking Unit12 1 无线电n 2 无线电台3 舒适的adj 4 座位n5 屏幕n 6 接近的adj 7 服务 招待8 品质 特质n 9 剧院 戏院n 10 电影院n 11 衣服n 12 牛仔裤n13 时髦的adj 14 青少年n 15 时髦的adj 16 安逸的 adj 17 调频18 调幅19 爵士乐n 21 更坏更差的adj 22 最坏最差的adj23 特价商品n 24 餐 饭25 积极肯定的adj 26 消极否定的adj27 乏味无聊的adj 28 响亮喧闹的adj29 天才 才干n30 演员 演奏者31 成功n 32 表演者 短节目n 33 无 没有prep 34 在一起adv 35 音乐的adj 36 距离 路程n 37 近的 靠近的adj 38 最远的 地 39 省份n 40 南方的adj 41 还 仍然adv 42 15摄氏度43 美丽的 可爱的adj 44 北方的adj 47 充足的 充分的adj 48 零下10摄氏度 Whatdoyoungpeople think about place intown We do asurveyof us readersandthisiswhatwelearned Allthemovie theater aregood buttheScreenCityis good inourtown Ithasthe big screensandthemostcomfortable sit However TownCinemaisthe cheap andithas friendly service Themostpopular cloth storeisJason s It have thebestqualityclothing It salso cheap FunkyFashionsisthe bad Ithas real badservice Asforradiostations mostpeoplethinkthatJazz107 9FMisreallygreat It play themostinterestingmusic Last week talentshow be agreat successful There be fifteen act ElizaClark win theprizeforthe good performer Sheplayeda beauty pianist piece HuYuewasthequietest perform He dance with music Theprizeforthe funny act go toSteveTianandhisdog Fido them sangacutesongtogether Unit121 最 舒适的座位2 最大的屏幕3 最友好的 糟糕的服务最友好的 糟糕的服务4 靠近 5 在城的闹市区6 电影院7 服装店8 有好 最好质量的服装9 在镇上在城里 在乡村 themost comfortableseats thebiggestscreens friendly badservice becloseto near inafunpartoftown movietheater clothingstore havegood thebestqualityclothes intown inthecity inthecountryside thefriendliest theworstservice 10 觉得 如何 11 做一个 的调查12 这就是我们所获知的 13 播放最有趣的音乐14 乘公交车10分钟的路程15 褒义词16 贬义词17 我妹妹是我所认识的人中最有趣的 18 才艺表演19 巨大的成功 Whatdo doessbthinkof about doasurveyof Thisiswhatwelearned playthemostinterestingmusic 10minutesbybus positivewords negativewords MysisteristhefunniestpersonIknow talentshow agreatsuccess 20 15个短节目21 赢得 奖项22 最出色的表演者23 弹奏一首美妙的钢琴曲24 没有某物 不做某事 25 奖颁给某人26 一起做某事27 你认为什么 谁是 28 音乐组合29 最无聊的30 更多一些 fifteenacts wintheprizefor thebestperformer playabeautifulpianopiece withoutsth doingsth dosthtogether What Whodoyouthinkis musicalgroup somemore themostboring Theprizefor goes wenttosb 31 的最佳城市32 海南省33 在中国的南部 北部34 在冬天35 的价格36 每晚320元37 冰雪节38 不经常下雨和下雪 39 降价 砍价40 足够 去做某事 HainanProvince thebestcitytodosth theProvinceofHainan insouthernChina inthesouthofChina inthesouthernpartofChina inwinter thepriceof 320yuananight anIceandSnowFestival Itdoesn toftenrainorsnow cuttheprices be adj enough todosth 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 TheYellowRiveristhesecond long riverinChina 2 Doyouhave many booksthanTom 3 Hedrank little juicethanyou 4 Tomisthe tall ofthetwoboys 5 IthinkEnglishis interesting ofallthesubjects 6 Theradiosaysit llbeeven cold tomorrow longest more less tallest themostinteresting colder 7 Whoisthe good inphysicsinyourclass 8 Allthemovietheatersaregood buttheBigScreenComplexhas comfortable seats 9 Idon twanttogoJasper sclothesstore Ithasthe bad clothesintown 10 Whatdoyouthinkisthe creative ofallthemus


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