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精品文档 1欢迎下载 第三人称单数练习题第三人称单数练习题 姓名 在一般现在时中 当主语是第三人称单数时 谓语动词要用第三人 称单数形式 即常在动词原形后加 s 或 es 但有些同学们对于哪 些主语是第三人称单数还不十分清楚 现归纳总结如下 一 人称代词 he she it 是第三人称单数 如 1 He likes cars 他喜欢车 2 She goes to school at seven 她七点去上学 3 It has a good name 它有一个好名字 二 单个人名 亲朋好友等称呼作主语 是第三人称单数 如 1 Pat never throws rubbish on the floor Pat 从不在地板上扔 垃圾 2 Miss Wang waters the flowers once a day 王老师给花一天 浇水一次 3 Aunt Mary usually makes cakes 玛丽阿姨经常做蛋糕 4 My mother washes the dishes everyday 我妈妈每天都洗碗 三 第三人称单数形式的构成 1 一般直接在词尾 s 如 work works live lives make makes 精品文档 2欢迎下载 2 以 s x ch sh o 等结尾的单词加 es 如 miss misses fix fixes finish finishes teach teaches go goes do does 3 特殊变形的有 have has 四 问句 问句中遇到第三人称单数时 需要用助动词 does 动词 变为原形 What does she like When does he brush his teeth How often does your sister comb her hair 练习一 将括号里动词的适当形式填入横线上 1 I in the corridors walk 2 He in the corridors run 3 She her face once a day wash 4 They their teeth once a day brush 5 You up your clothes once a day hang 6 We our home work once a day finish 7 He rubbish in the classroom throw 8 She rubbish on the floor throw 9 I rubbish in the bin throw 10 They the table once a day set 11 Peter never in the corridors run 12 Mary usually the table set 精品文档 3欢迎下载 13 Pat and Ken the plants in the morning water 14 The boy his hair once a day comb 15 Miss Cheng TV at home watch 16 My sister his schoolbag once a day pack 17 My mother dinner for me cook 18 My parents the house at Chinese New Year clean 19 My teachers us some gifts give 20 My friends the table with me set 练习二 选择正确的单词填到括号里 1 What does Candy wants want to be 2 You should shouldn t be quiet in the library 3 He shouldn t throw throws rubbish on the floor 4 Peter help helps his mother at home 5 She never run runs in the corridors 6 We should walks walk in the corridors 7 He don t doesn t get up early 8 How often do does your father go to bed 9 Mike and Tom be friends 精品文档 4欢迎下载 练习三 将下列句子改成第三人称 He 的句型 看例句 例句 I brush my teeth once a day 改 He brushes his teeth once a day 1 I comb my hair twice a day 2 They go to school at six in the morning 3 You wash your face and put on your clothes 4 When do you get up 5 How often do you hang up your clothes 一 人称代词 he she it 是第三人称单数 如 He likes watching TV 他喜欢看电视 She has lunch at twelve 她十二点吃午餐 It looks like a cat 它看起来像只猫 二 单个人名 地名或称呼作主语 是第三人称单数 如 Han Mei looks like her mother 韩梅看起来像她的母 亲 Beijing is in China 北京在中国 Uncle Wang often makes cakes 王叔叔经常做蛋糕 三 单数可数名词或 this that the 单数可数名词 作主语时 是第三人称单数 如 精品文档 5欢迎下载 A horse is a useful animal 马是有用的动物 This book is yours 这本书是你的 That car is red 那辆小汽车是红色的 The cat is Lucy s 这只猫是露茜的 四 不定代词 someone somebody nobody everything something 等及指示代词 this that 作主语时 是第三人 称单数 如 Everyone is here 大家到齐了 There is something wrong with the watch 这块手表 有毛病 This is a pen 这是一支钢笔 That is an eraser 那是一块橡皮擦 五 不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数 如 The milk is in the glass 牛奶在玻璃杯里 The bread is very small 那面包很小 六 当数字或字母作主语时 看作第三人称单数 如 6 is a lucky number 6 是个吉利数字 I is a letter I 是个字母 动词第三人称单数动词第三人称单数 s s 或或 es es 的规则 的规则 1 一般情况下在动词后直接 s 2 以 ch sh s x o 结尾的 es 3 以 辅音字母 y 结尾的把 y 变 i 加 es 4 have 的第三人称单数为 has 关于 do 和 does 的使用方法 1 第三人称单数用了 does 后面就不用动词的 s 形式了 而 精品文档 6欢迎下载 用动词原形 2 变为疑问句 要在句首加 do does 变为否定句 要在动词前面加 do not does not 可以简写为 don t 背 I do you do we do they do Jack and Tom do He does she does it does lily does 1 Do Does he watch TV at night Yes he does 2 Do Does you go to school everyday No I don t 3 Do Does Jack and Peter like apples 4 Do Does Tina go swimming on Sunday 5 Do Does they play football Yes they do does 6 Do Does we have a good teacher Yes we do does 7 Do Does they jump rope No they do not does not 8 Do Does your dog walk in the zoo 9 Do Does I have a big nose No you do not does not 精品文档 7欢迎下载 10 Do Does your cats eat fish Yes they do does 11 Do Does their mothers go shopping No they do not does not 12 I do not does not speak Japanese Do Does you speak Japanese 用 have 或 has 填空 1 I a nice picture 2 He a good friend 3 They some kites 4 We some flowers 5 She a duck 6 My father a new bike 7 Her mother a vase 8 Our teacher an English book 9 Our teachers a basketball 10 Their parents some story books 11 Nancy many skirts 12 David some jackets 13 My friends a football 14 What do you 15 What does Mike 精品文档 8欢迎下载 16 What do your friends 17 What does Helen 18 His brother a basketball 19 Her sister a nice doll 20 Miss Li an English book 巩固练习题 巩固练习题 按要求分类 A we B Jack C the goose D the boy E our city F my grandparents G the twins H my friends I Daisy and Mary J Paul K they L you M you and I N one of the teachers O the only child P those girls Q that man R these women S your pants T those people U the foot V the flies over there W the sheep X your teeth Y a baby Z many countries 直接写动词原型的主语 需要用单数第三人称的主语 1 Let him play basketball 2 Everyone know what he really like 3 Tose girls be my sister 4 That girl call me evety Sunday 5 How do she spell the word 否定句 在动词前 doesn t 或 don t 1 She do her homework every day 精品文档 9欢迎下载 2 He live in ShangHai 3 He need a pair pf shoes 4 Danny see the apple tree 5 She come from America 6 The girl look out of the window and sees many bieds in the sky 7 Jenny runs home and sit on the chair 一般疑问句 1 the desk have four legs Yes it does 2 she do her homework every day Yes she does 3 he live in Huanggang No he doesn t 4 he need a pair of shoes NO he doesn t 5 Does Danny see the aoole tree 6 she come from America Yes she 7 the girl look out of the window and sees many birds in the sky No she 8 Jenny runs home and sit on the chair 选出正确的答案 精品文档 10欢迎下载 1 She like likes to play football 2 He like likes drinking milk 3 I like likes to watch TV 4 We like likes to play badminton 5 They like likes to sing songs 6 She read reads books every day 7 He play plays computer games every day 8 It listen listens to the radio every day 9 Linda draw draws pictures every day 10 Jane and Linda play plays football every day 四 选择题 1 I to school every day A go B goes C going 2 He teeth every morning A brush B brushes C brushing 3 The birds singing A like B likes C like to 4 What does Lily doing A like B likes C to 5 you like eating apples A Do B Does C Doing 6 he swim every afternoon 精品文档 11欢迎下载 A Do B Does C Doing 7 Tom likes in the classroom A singing B sing C to singing 8 Does Sally like swimming No she 9 Peter and Mary milk every day A drink B drinking C drinks 10 they read English every day A Does B To C Do 五 把下列句子变为否定句 1 She draws pictures every day 2 We like playing football 六 把下列句子变为一般疑问句 并做肯定回答 1 Linda swims every day 2 They like playing games 1 He TV every evening watch 2 We always to school on foot go 精品文档 12欢迎下载 3 Tom with his classmates often football after school play 4 Your shoes under the bed be 5 here and by me come stand 6 His uncle usually to work by bus go 7 I always up at six in the morning get 8 John like his father look 动词第三人称单数形式的练习动词第三人称单数形式的练习 一 写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink go stay make look have pass carry come watch plant fly study brush teach 二 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 精品文档 13欢迎下载 1 He often have dinner at home 2 We not watch TV on Monday 3 Nick not go to the zoo on Sunday 4 they like the World Cup 5 What they often do on Saturdays 6 your parents read newspapers every day 7 The girl teach us English on Sundays 8 She and I take a walk together every evening 9 There be some water in the bottle 10 Mike like cooking 11 They have the same hobby 12 My aunt look after her baby carefully 13 You always do your homework well 14 I be ill I m staying in bed 15 She go to school from Monday to Friday 16 Liu Tao do not like PE 17 The child often watch TV in the evening 精品文档 14欢迎下载 18 Su Hai and Su Yang have eight lessons this term 答案 写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drinks goes stays makes looks has passes carries comes watches plants flies studies brushes teaches 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1 has 2 don t watch 3 doesn t go 4 Do like 5 do do6 Do read 7 teaches 8 take 9 is 10 likes 11 have 12 looks 13 do 14 am 15 goes 16 does 17 watches 18 have 第三人称单数练习第三人称单数练习 填空 1 Let him play basketball 2 Everyone know what he really like 3 Tose girls be my sister 精品文档 15欢迎下载 4 That girl call me every Sunday 5 How do she spell the word 否定句 在动词前 doesn t 或 don t 1 She do her homework every day 2 He live in Huanggang 3 He need a pair of shoes 4 Danny see the apple tree


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