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Unit 7 How do you make a banana shark ?第一课时教学目标1. 学习重点词汇和短语: peel , cut up, pour into, turn on / off, blender, yogurt, plate, bowl, mixup。2. 学会描述混合饮料、沙拉、三明治等食品的制作程序。3. 了解美国的饮食文化。教学重难点1.重点词汇和短语: peel , cut up, pour into, turn on / off, blender, yogurt,2.学习如何用以下过渡词描述一种制作过程: First Next . Then . Finally .教学过程Step1 Warming up T: Nice to meet you. Im happy to have an English class for you .Lets listen to a song and sing along with it .Play the flash ,If you are happy, grasp the interest of the students以歌曲的形式,引起学生对这节课的好奇心,调动学生的积极性.Step 2 lend in Show some pictures of western food, introduce some food culture. And show pictures of milk shake to teach milk shake and lead-in new lesson . 利用媒体资源课件,学习更多的单词.T: Okay. We all like delicious food ,but healthy food is more important for us. Can you tell me what you would like for breakfast?S1:I would like some milk.S2:Id like some bananas. EtcT: Would you like the following things? Play the pictures.S1: Yes .Id like some ice cream.S2: Id likeT: Id like some milk shake for breakfast.(Teach the new words: milk shake )Milk shake is very delicious. Would you like to drink?S: Yes.T: Okay. Lets learn how to make a banana milk shake.Step3. Presentation : How to make a banana milk shake?Play the flashing card, show the first task: Group work_ Discussing利用人教版8年级7单元媒体资源课件, 完成下列教学活动Show the first question: If we want to make a banana milk shake, what kind of ingredients do we need? Let the Ss to discuss in groups of fourThen check the answers and teach the new words.(Ingredients: bananas /milk/yogurt/ice cream Tools : plate /knife/cup/blender)Show the second question: How do we make a banana milk shake? (Discussing together)As teaching as doing, teaching the following words: peel /cut up/ put into/pour into. 教师利用多媒体展示答案.说明:通过多媒体课件展示出的丰富多彩的图画,刺激学生的视觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,激发了学生的学习积极性,让学生在轻松好奇的氛围中学习本节课的目标语言.Step 4 ListeningPlay the flashing card , show the fourth task_ listening.Play the tape , let the Ss to put in the right order. Play the next card ,then check the answers together. 利用人教版8年级7单元媒体资源课件, 播放对话语音,让学生听第一遍,按要求给打乱的句子排序,再播放遍,教师检查学生答案,更正答案,然后利用媒体资源中课件中的内容展示答案。Step5 Exercise _group work教学Section A -2a, 2b1.导入。教师利用媒体课件,展示两水果沙拉。接着提问三个问题:Do you like fruit salad?/What makes up of the fruit salad?/If you want to make a fruit salad, what do you need?学生就这三个问题分别作答。2教师继续引导:T: Today We will listen to a dialogue about the ingredients of a fruit salad.教师在开始播放语音前,带领学生复习本部分所涉及到的新词。例:ingredients, cinnamon, teaspoon, yogurt, watermelon, honey.3. 教师利用媒体课件播放对话语音,听第一遍,了解大意,再听第二遍,完成 2a。教师利用课件展示答案。4继续播放语音,完成2 b,要求学生将食物与数量相对应。教师利用课件展示答案,针对比较难懂的部分进行解释。Have the Ss to practice in groups of four. Tell them as speaking as doing. Then check one group. One is saying how to do ,the other is making in class.Step6 Teaching important pointsPlay the flashing cards ,show the sixth task ,encourage the Ss to try to answer the following questions. Are they right ?1.Lets do a banana milk shake.2. cut up ”means 打破 in Chinese.3. Please put the milk into the blender.4.We need three yogurt s. 5.Then pour the bananas and the ice cream into the blender6. How much bananas do we need ?Encourage the Ss to answer the questions ,teach the language points by asking and answering the questions.Show the pictures to teach Grammar FocusCountable nouns( How many) Things you can count.Uncountable nouns ( How much)Things you cant count.apples orange (s) yogurt honey milk cakes hamburgers bread hair ice cream (s) salad (s)ice cream salad Lead the Ss learn how much and how many.Step7 Summarize Today we have learnt how to make a banana milk shake .We must understand: make /peel/ pour into/ put in /cut up. And we also should learn Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns, when we talk about Uncountable nouns we usually use many , and much usually be used with uncountable nouns.Step8 Writing activity(Show pictures of different milk shake)What kind of shake does your parents like? Try to make a kind of milk for your parents .Write down the introductions.六、作业(homework)1. 记忆单词和词组。2. 词汇填空(1). Please _(剥)an orange for your grandma.(2). I want some _(糖)in my coffee.(3). My mother puts _ _(两勺)of cinnamon in it.(4). How do you _(做)the fruit salad?3Make a milk shake for your family. And describe the process and write it down.教学反思:通过多媒体资源课件,展出一幅幅有趣的实物图,学生可以自由回答所爱好的东西。教师可顺势呈现相应图片,教授新单词。通过观看录像,学生能加深印象,并容易记忆。在教学section A -2c部分,根据图片上的提示做动作,其他人猜这个动作的含义。这样,既能活跃课堂气氛,又能锻炼学生的表演能力和口头表达能力。 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?第三课时教学内容Section B(1a4) 教学分析 本节谈论人们生活中所抱怨过的事情,学会运用关于抱怨话题的句型,并能够做出礼貌的回答和表达歉意;同时想出解决的办法。学习主要句型:The store clerk gave you the wrong size ,Would you mind giving me a smaller one ? 以及回答:用Certainly not,Of course not,Not at all等表示赞同, 或者用I am sorry. Here it is.等等。教学目标1 知识目标:学习词汇短语1) wait in line 排队 2) Could you please not do sth.? 请不要做某事,好吗? 3) get mad/get annoyed 变疯/使恼怒 4) all the time 一直5) in the future 将来,未来 6) try not to do sth. 试图不做某事。2 能力目标:学会运用关于抱怨话题的句型,并能够做出礼貌的回答和表达歉意。会使用以下“给对方提要求”的句型: Your barber gave you a terrible haircut . Would you mind (not) doing sth .? Would / Could you please (not) do sth .? Please do sth . You have to do sth . 3情感目标:通过本单元的学习,学生们的品质有所提高, 在学习和生活中能有礼貌地和他人交际,学会讲”礼节”。教学重点 通过听力继续练习主要句型:Would you mind (not) doing ? 以及回答:用Certainly not,Of course not,Not at all等表示赞同,表示反对时不用yes ,而是用I am sorry. 用所学的目标语言解决人们生活中抱怨的事情, 要求学生熟练掌握该句型并应用。教学难点1. 将任务型教学和情景教学融合起来,让学生在活动中学;在乐趣中学;有目标的进行练习。2. 对学生进行听力技术指导:学做简单笔记,带着问题去听 。教学准备Power point : practice the dialogue Recorder: listening practice 课时划分1课时教学流程(Teaching procedures)Step 1Review some words and sentences:-Would you mind (not) doing ? -Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all./I am sorry. .复习上一节所学内容 Step 2Presentation Show three pictures to the class and talk about them: Picture 1- .The room is very dirty.Picture2 - He is too tired (he is still asleep at11:00 ).Picture 3 They shouldnt park many cars here .And ask the students if they have complained about these things in life ? (Finish1b after class) Then give the solutions using the sentences : “ Would you mind (not) doing ? ” Talk about next picture like the following :- Would you mind cleaning the room/ doing the dishes/ washing the clothes/ taking out the trash ?- No, not at all. / I am sorry. / Ill do it right away . 1.通过三幅图片导出新课-人们生活中所抱怨的话题。2.学会用学过的目标语言解决“抱怨”的事情。3.体现语言的交际功能。Step 3Task 1Pair work: ask and answer about the five pictures using the goal language: “Would you mind (not) doing ? No, not at all. / I am sorry. / Ill do it right now . ”Show five pictures to learn the complained things for 1a and finish 1a .Pay attention to the red words (Theyre new words) .继续复习本单元的目标语言。学会运用抱怨话题的句型。所呈现的五幅图片为1a和听力作准备。Step 4Task 2 ListeningListen and number the sentences in the order you hear them in activity 1a .(2a)Listen again and fill in the blanks in the chart.(2b)Check the students answers, at the same time tell them the listening skills - Let them do some easy marks while listening ; take the questions to listen. Pair work:Look at the problems in activity 2b.Role play the requests with your partner. (2c)通过听力练习,了解对话内容并完成听力任务。掌握听力技巧,提高听力水平。另加一栏”answers”体现它们和前三栏一样重要,让同学们掌握本单元目标语言。学生在小组练习中进一步掌握“提要求”句型。.Step 5 PresentationTalk about the three pictures to show the new words in the reading at the page56 (3a) .Task 3 Discussion (four in group) Do you often get annoyed? What often annoys you? Who do you often get annoyed with? What are you often annoyed for? When you meet with annoying things, what will you do?通过三幅图片导出短文中的重要短语,为学生阅读短文扫清障碍。联系学生实际谈论所抱怨的事情,并学会运用“提要求”句型解决问题。 Step 6Task 4The students must answer the five questions through reading the first and second passages. Why the woman was annoyed?And what can she say to the sales clerk? What annoys the man? Why does he still answer the person? Does the person know he is annoyed? What will he perhaps do in the future?提高学生阅读能力。培养学生讲礼节的好品质。 Step 7HomeworkMake a survey and finish the chart . 提高学生的灵活运用所学知识和书面表达能力,同时结合了学生实际。针对现八(下)学生现状,联系实际,以提高学生学习兴趣。寓思想教育于语言教育之中。并体现语言的交际功能。教学反思:收获:本课以素质教育为目的,结合教材重点、难点及英语学科的特点,利用多媒体辅助教学,使学生听、说、读、写的能力得到全面提高。让学生在愉快、轻松的氛围中温故而知新,达到初步运用英语进行交际的目的。不足:面临八(下)英语学生现状英语学习兴趣淡薄,学生成绩两级分化严重,只有一部分同学参入到课堂教学中,所以教学效果不理想。还有待在以后教育教学工作中,继续研究,继续探索一条适合各种学生的教学模式,能够吸引所有学生参入到教学活动中来。Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park ?第二课时教学内容Section A(2a2c) 教学目标1. Knowledge and Ability Objects(1)Key vocabulary: have a good time(2)Target language: Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have. No, I havent. No, Ive never been to an amusement park. Ive never been to a water park. Me, neither.(3)Listening practice.(4)To train students listening and speaking skills.2. Method Objects in Teaching(1)Listening method.(2)Speaking methods.(3)Communicative approach.3.Sensibility and ValueTo raise students interest of learning English.教学重点1.Key vocabulary: have a great time2.Target language: Have you ever been to? Ive never been to教学难点 1. How to improve listening skill.2. Make conversations freely.教学准备1. A tape recorder.2. A computer for multimedia use.Teaching ProceduresStep Greetings and Revision Greet the class and check the homework.Step Learn the new words Show the new words on the screen and ask students to read. Correct the pronunciation. Step 2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Read the instructions. Point to the map. Tell the students they will hear three conversations. Each conversation is about a different place on the map. Circle the places they hear. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to circle places on the map. Correct the answers.Step 2b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Read the instructions. Point out the sample answer. Point out the statements about the three conversations. Ask a different student to read each set of students. Play the recording again. Ask students to circle the word true or false after each statement. Correct the answers.Step V 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions.Point to the map and tell students they can talk about any of the places on the map.Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue.Have students work with their partners. Talk about where they have been and where they want to go. And talk about how they will get to these places.Have several pairs of students say their conversations to the class.Step VI Optional Activity If students need more help with Activity 2a, teacher can ask one or two students to write on the board the names of all the places listed on the map. Say the name of each place and ask students to repeat. Then play the recording before asking students to circle the places on their maps. By the first time, ask students to point to each places name on the board as they hear it on the tape.Step VII Grammar FocusReview the grammar box. Ask students to say the statement and responses.T: What does the word “ever” mean in the question “Have you ever been to an aquarium?” Do you know?SS: “曾经”.T: Yes. In English it means at some indefinite time in the past, possibly a year ago, possibly several years ago. Contrast that sentence with this sentence without the word “ever” on the screen.Step VII Summary T: This class weve learned some key words and the target language. And also weve reviewed the grammar box. Please read the target language together on the blackboard.Step VIII Homework Ask students to work together to make a large wall map of places of visit to their own and forums of transportation they can use to get to these places.Unit 1 Will people have robots?Section A ( 1a-2c)教学目标知识目标 (Language goals):1.To teach the Ss how to read and write the new words: will, robot, wont, theyll, everything, paper, fewer, pollution, tree2.The Ss can listen, read the new sentences: Will people have.? Yes, they will. / No, they wont. People will have / wont have. There will be / wont be. And the Ss can use these sentences to make predictions.能力目标 (Ability goals): Encourage the Ss to think and talk in English about making predictions through communicative tasks and provide the Ss with the chances of cooperation and act.情感目标 (Emotion goals):1. Let the Ss talk about their predictions about the future.2. By asking other people some questions about the future to encourage the Ss to study harder for the great life in the future.教学重点1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Learn to talk about the future using the sentences:“Will people have . ? Yes, they will./ No, they wont. People will have / wont have. There will be. .教学难点1. How to learn the new words by heart and how to use them freely without mistakes when they talk about the future.2. How to make different predictions using the correct sentences. 教学准备教具学具,补充材料A tape, a recorder, CAI slides ( 包括一些图片及影象资料) 供学生对话时参考使用的一些材料(如单词,话题等)Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in1. Ask the Ss to watch a short video to guess what it is. See if the Ss can tell what it is. Lead in the new word “ robot”. Ask the Ss Do you have such a robot? If you dont, when can you have one. Then lead in the future tense. Say: “ People will have robots in the future.”2. Look at the screen carefully and answer the questions.The Ss can easily guess out what it is through the video on the screen. It can lead in the new word and new topic-the Simple Future Tense naturally. (学生在刚进入课堂时注意力一定还没有完全集中, 通过观看短片这种形式可以很快吸引学生的注意力,使其快速进入学习状态,同时也达到了提高学习 兴趣的目的。)Step 2 Presentation1.Let the Ss look at the pictures of different robots on the screen. Ask if they have such robots in the future what will they do to help people? Guide the Ss to express their opinions using “will do” structure. If necessary, give an example first to let the Ss know how to use “will do”. Then choose some Ss to give their reports.2. Summarize the use of the future tense on the screen for the Ss in order to help them master it.3. Ss look at the screen carefully and try to guess what kinds of robots they are and think about how to use “will do” to answer the question. 4.Ss look at the screen carefully, when necessary write down. Using the pictures to help the Ss practice the future tense, and make predictions about the future is an easy but good way.(给学生提供一个可谈论的话题来协助完成将来时态的模仿表达练习, 可通过老师的进一步指导使其更快更好地掌握将来时态的用法。)5.Help the Ss review the use of the future tense so that they can use it better.(再次明确总结出将来时态的用法给学生,既直观又便于记忆。对初次接触will do结构的学生是快捷有效的方法。)Step 3 Practice1.Ask the Ss to look at the exercise in 1a. There are six predictions about the future, see if they agree or disagree. At the same time teach the new words and phrases “every-thing, paper, be free and live to be. years old”2.Let the Ss listen to the tape to finish the exercise in 1b. Check with the class at last。1. Do the exercises by themselves first. Next choose some Ss to talk about their opinions.3.Listen to the tape and finish the exercise. The exercise in 1a can help the Ss review what they learned just now. 4.If the Ss listen to the tape carefully, it can be easy for them to finish the exercise.Step 4 Listening 1.Before the Ss listen to the tape, ask them to look at the exercise first. Review countable nouns, uncountable nouns, the uses of “few, little, many and much”and teach the other two forms( 比较级,最高级) as well. Explain the new word “pollution” to the Ss ,if you like, you can introduce different kinds of pollution. Then ask the Ss to do the exercise according to the rules.2.Let the Ss listen again to do the exercise in 2b, then check with the whole.Follow the teacher to review what they have learned before. Then listen to the tape to finish the exercise. The exercise can help the Ss master the rules easily and remember the new words at the same time.(学生通过连续两个训练不仅加强了听力能力也有助于更好地掌握将来时态。) Step 5 Pairwork1.Let the Ss discuss the life in the future about 100 years from now and make their own predicions to make conversations. 2.Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. Work in pairs to ask each other questions about the future.Perform the conversations.Pairwork can help the Ss learn the conversation better, it also can teach the Ss how to take care of others and coorperate with others.3.Performing can raise the Ss interests, it also can give us some surprises sometimes.Step 6 SummaryHelp the Ss to review what they learned in this class.Follow the teacher to review the future tense.It can help the Ss remember what they learned better.Step 7 HomeworkAsk the Ss to write an article about heir future life and report next time Do the exercise in the exercise-bookThe homework can help the Ss consolidate and master the new language they learned. At the same time, we can know about the Ss plans for their future.Unit 5 If you go to the party, you will have a great timeSection A(1a1c)教材分析通过学习,使学生能掌握本单元的重点词汇及句型,能运用所学知识谈论人们做事可能出现的


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