



is responsible for Organization training and implementation and check 12 master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation reporting to financial health on a regular basis 13 is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds 14 responsible for all Department statistics collecting sorting reporting of accounting reports 15 the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury including the third grade library a library of materials products for regular inventory handling sampling storage monitoring the picking work and provide the inventory report and make the appropriate accounting treatment 16 responsible for waste and recycling transportation and settlement 17 is responsible for all product sales accounting functions 18 responsible for the company s raw materials auxiliary materials account management 19 is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company wide special inspection of asset management 20 according to the company s business activities monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company including expenses business management cost control cash flow revenue etc financial analysis provide a basis for decisions for the company the business of the company responsible for monitoring forecasting and risk analysis 21 responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank 22 is 环保热电安装调试工程 过热器 主蒸汽管道吹洗方案 目 录 一 吹洗的目的 二 编制依据 三 点火冲管前应具备的条件 四 吹洗的方法及参数 五 吹洗的质量标准 六 吹洗的系统布置 七 吹洗的安全注意事项及安全措施 八 冲管的组织与分工 九 主要机具及材料 十 主蒸汽冲管 K 值计算书 一 吹洗的目的 安装调试工程锅炉为哈尔滨锅炉厂生产的循环流化床锅炉 目前 1 锅炉水压试验 烘煮炉结束 1 机主蒸汽管道安装完毕 新装锅炉范围内的 过热器及蒸汽管道 因结构和布置方面的原因 一般不宜化学清洗 因此 新 安装锅炉在正式运行前应采用物理的方法 清除积留在上述管路系统内的残留 杂物 如 沙 泥灰 铁屑 焊渣 氧化铁皮等 以获得洁净的蒸汽管道系统 保证机组的安全经济运行 二 编制依据 1 电力建设施工及验收技术规范 管道篇 DL5031 94 2 电力建设施工及验收技术规范 火力电厂焊接篇 DL5007 92 3 电力建设施工及验收技术规范 汽轮机机组篇 DL5011 92 is responsible for Organization training and implementation and check 12 master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation reporting to financial health on a regular basis 13 is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds 14 responsible for all Department statistics collecting sorting reporting of accounting reports 15 the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury including the third grade library a library of materials products for regular inventory handling sampling storage monitoring the picking work and provide the inventory report and make the appropriate accounting treatment 16 responsible for waste and recycling transportation and settlement 17 is responsible for all product sales accounting functions 18 responsible for the company s raw materials auxiliary materials account management 19 is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company wide special inspection of asset management 20 according to the company s business activities monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company including expenses business management cost control cash flow revenue etc financial analysis provide a basis for decisions for the company the business of the company responsible for monitoring forecasting and risk analysis 21 responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank 22 is 4 电力建设施工及验收技术规范 锅炉篇 DL5047 95 5 北京国电华北电力工程有限公司设计图纸及设备制造厂随机图纸 6 国家建筑安装工程质量评定标准 7 我公司有关施工技术标准 三 点火冲管前应具备的条件 1 给水泵 给水操作台及除氧器等给水系统全部安装完毕 并具备启动条 件 需开孔的管子全部开好 2 化水处理能够生产足够的除盐水 3 锅炉减温水 加药 取样 排污 疏水系统安装保温完毕 水压试验合 格 4 各处的膨胀间隙正确 膨胀位移时不受阻碍 各联箱 汽包的膨胀指示 器安装正确 牢固在冷态下调整到零位 5 水位计的标志清晰 位置正确 照明良好 电源可靠 能清楚看到水位 控制室内能可靠地监视水位 6 吹洗管道安装保温完毕 经严密性试验合格 7 有关工业水 排水系统按设计安装完 能投入使用 8 必须的热工仪表均已调校完毕 能投入使用 9 锅炉机组范围内各辅机的事故按钮 连锁和保护的检查试验合格 10 所有参与吹洗管路系统已安装完毕 吹洗的临时设施安装完毕并经验 收合格 支吊架安装正确经检查无误 必要时应进行加固 11 完成试运前联合检查所确定的消缺整改项目 12 锅炉房 主厂房要经过较彻底的大扫除 13 通讯电话安装就位 试用正常 配备两套手持式对讲机 14 吹扫临时管道应具有牢固的支撑以承受排汽的反作用力 其内径不宜 小于被吹洗管的内径 长度应尽量缩短减少阻力 1 5 用于检验吹洗质量的靶板已准备好 靶板的焊口采用氩弧焊工艺 is responsible for Organization training and implementation and check 12 master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation reporting to financial health on a regular basis 13 is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds 14 responsible for all Department statistics collecting sorting reporting of accounting reports 15 the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury including the third grade library a library of materials products for regular inventory handling sampling storage monitoring the picking work and provide the inventory report and make the appropriate accounting treatment 16 responsible for waste and recycling transportation and settlement 17 is responsible for all product sales accounting functions 18 responsible for the company s raw materials auxiliary materials account management 19 is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company wide special inspection of asset management 20 according to the company s business activities monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company including expenses business management cost control cash flow revenue etc financial analysis provide a basis for decisions for the company the business of the company responsible for monitoring forecasting and risk analysis 21 responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank 22 is 16 吹扫蒸汽的排放口应设置于室外无设备及走道处 排放管应妥善连接 临时管道按蒸汽管道的技术要求安装 排汽管管口应朝上倾斜 15 300 左右 排向空处 四 吹洗的方法及参数 1 本次吹洗的方法采用降压蓄热法 本次吹洗包括 1 锅炉高低温过热器及 1 机组主蒸汽管 吹洗系统图 附后 吹管时必须保证吹管系数 K 1 K 值表征了在冲管情况下和额定工 况下气流冲刷力之比 K 值计算式如下 吹管蒸汽流量 2 吹管时蒸汽比容额 定蒸汽流量 2 额定负荷时蒸汽比容 K 为保证冲管时在主蒸汽母管处不形成 死角 留有杂物 本次吹洗按前面所述的系统依次吹洗 具体方法和程序如 下 点火前 对锅炉进行全面检查 然后按运行规程生火 逐步投入燃料 预 先关闭 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 阀 当锅炉升温升压时 疏水阀门 开启后 全开 3 5 阀 关闭 2 4 7 8 阀 稍开 1 阀暖管 当汽包压 力升至 1 0Mpa 时开 2 4 7 阀进行第一次降压予吹洗 观察水位 燃烧及 压降情况 升压至 1 5Mpa时进行第二次降压吹洗 并观察吹出蒸汽的透明度 在排汽口处置一块铝板 板上无大的冲击斑痕后 升压至 2 4 Mpa 全开主蒸 汽电动阀 阀 1 2 4 7 吹洗主蒸汽管 待压力降至 2 0Mpa 左右 全关主 蒸汽电动阀 阀 1 重新准备升压吹洗 每次降压吹洗时间控制在 10 15 分钟 适当时间冷却一次 时间 8 小时以上 再进行一次冲管 是否再次进行冲管 应根据冲管质量检查结果决定 五 吹洗的质量标准在保证吹管系数的前提下 连续两次更换靶板检查 板 上冲击斑痕粒度 不大于 0 8mm 且点数不多于 8 点 即认为吹洗合格 管路 吹洗合格后 应即时整理记录 办理签证 六 吹洗的系统布置管路吹扫布置如下图所示 具体走向为 进汽机主汽门 的最后一段管不接 从此处接临时管引至汽机房西侧墙外 作为吹洗气出口 吹洗流程如上图所示 1 考虑到 1 炉 1 机先启动 而主蒸汽主管道干线与其它锅炉和汽 机的投入运行尚需时日 为保证 1 机 炉提前启动运行 所以必须保证预先将 与 1 机 炉连接的主蒸汽管道吹扫洁净 又必须保证以后的 2 3 机和 is responsible for Organization training and implementation and check 12 master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation reporting to financial health on a regular basis 13 is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds 14 responsible for all Department statistics collecting sorting reporting of accounting reports 15 the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury including the third grade library a library of materials products for regular inventory handling sampling storage monitoring the picking work and provide the inventory report and make the appropriate accounting treatment 16 responsible for waste and recycling transportation and settlement 17 is responsible for all product sales accounting functions 18 responsible for the company s raw materials auxiliary materials account management 19 is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company wide special inspection of asset management 20 according to the company s business activities monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company including expenses business management cost control cash flow revenue etc financial analysis provide a basis for decisions for the company the business of the company responsible for monitoring forecasting and risk analysis 21 responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank 22 is 2 3 4 炉的主蒸汽管道能顺利与 1 机 炉并网 为此我们考虑在 1 2 锅炉的主蒸汽母管之间设置 DN250 的截止阀 因 2 炉与 3 炉主蒸汽管道中间 有 DN250 截止阀 4 只 建议将其中一只移至 1 炉与 2 炉中间主蒸汽管道作为 切断阀 其中一只移至 3 炉与 4 炉主蒸汽管道作为切断阀 具体该建议是 否可行 请监理 业主确定 2 以后其它锅炉与汽机投入运行时 只要将与锅炉和汽机相对应 的主蒸汽管道吹扫洁净后即可并入总管 3 汽机轴封管道吹扫 利用 5 减温减压器出口至均压箱管道 先 吹净均压箱 再吹洗汽机前后轴封管道 七 吹洗的安全注意事项及安全措施 1 注意事项 1 吹洗结束后 不得再在管上开孔 2 吹洗过程中 应检查所有支吊架的位移状态 重点检查临时固定支架 3 进行吹洗时 控制阀门的开关操作均应缓慢进行 以避免损坏阀门 4 吹洗过程中 汽包中水位波动较大 故要严格监视水位变化 尤其是 即将开始冲主蒸汽管时 应将水位调到正常偏低水位 防止在冲管时因蒸汽压 力下降水位被拉的太高 5 在升压过程中 应小心调整进水 保持水位稳定 避免大幅度调整 间断进水 引起省煤器中的水汽化 6 升压应缓慢平稳 一般控制在与压力相应的饱和温度 每小时温升 不得超过 500 2 安全措施 1 被冲管路附近脚手架应绑扎牢固 并离开一定距离 周围应无易燃物 防止火灾 2 厂房外的排汽管应有专人看管 与冲管无关的人员应离开管路系统中 有法兰连接的地方及焊口处 3 冲洗管路周围不得站人 应设有安全警告牌 防止烫伤 is responsible for Organization training and implementation and check 12 master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation reporting to financial health on a regular basis 13 is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds 14 responsible for all Department statistics collecting sorting reporting of accounting reports 15 the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury including the third grade library a library of materials products for regular inventory handling sampling storage monitoring the picking work and provide the inventory report and make the appropriate accounting treatment 16 responsible for waste and recycling transportation and settlement 17 is responsible for all product sales accounting functions 18 responsible for the company s raw materials auxiliary materials account management 19 is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing settlement and asset monthly report s


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