七年级英语下册 测试Unit 2 Where’s the post office 人教新课标版_第1页
七年级英语下册 测试Unit 2 Where’s the post office 人教新课标版_第2页
七年级英语下册 测试Unit 2 Where’s the post office 人教新课标版_第3页
七年级英语下册 测试Unit 2 Where’s the post office 人教新课标版_第4页
七年级英语下册 测试Unit 2 Where’s the post office 人教新课标版_第5页




1 UnitUnit 2 2 Where sWhere s thethe postpost office office 一一 MatchMatch thethe EnglishEnglish wordswords withwith thethe ChineseChinese words words 中英文词汇配对 中英文词汇配对 1 post officeA 图书馆 2 pay phoneB 中心街 3 restaurantC 超市 4 Bridge StreetD 邮局 5 supermarketE 银行 6 libraryF 第五大道 7 Center StreetG 餐馆 8 bankH 公园 9 Fifth AvenueI 公用电话 10 parkJ 大桥街 二二 单项选择单项选择 1 Please look around What can you see your right A inB on C at 2 Excuse me to get to the airport Take a taxi A WhatB When C How 3 Let Jane the art club She likes drawing A joining B join C joins 4 The park is across the supermarket A in B on C from 5 We can buy some in the food market A breadB baseballs C clothes 6 there a bank along the street A Is B Are C Am 7 The pay phone is the post office and the library A in B between C near 8 Martin is sitting next me We are good friends 2 A to B onC around 9 there orange juice in the fridge I don t know A Am B AreC Is 10 My uncle will Beijing next Sunday A getB arrive inC arrive at 三三 句型转换句型转换 1 There are some cars on the street there cars on the street 2 The video arcade is across from the bank is the video arcade 3 Turn right and go straight along the Bank Street Turn right go straight the Bank Street 4 Excuse me How can I get to the post office Excuse me get the post office 5 The English club is next to the library The English club is the library 四 四 FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks withwith thethe wordswords inin thethe box box 用方框中的介词或介词短语填空 用方框中的介词或介词短语填空 acrossacross from from behind behind between between inin frontfront of of nextnext to to near near onon 1 A Is there a pay phone here B Yes there is a pay phone Center Street 2 A Where s Xinghua Park B It s Hongqi Supermarket and Bank of China 3 The restaurant is the post office 4 The library is the pay phone 5 Forest Hotel is the park 6 The pay phone is the small supermarket 3 五 完形填空五 完形填空 I work in a small shop It s near an English 1 Every day students come to 2 things In the morning I get up 3 six and then have breakfast I go to 4 by bike 5 to the shop at about six forty The shop 6 at seven We sell things 7 food and drink We have school things too So there 8 many people in our shop 9 morning to evening I have 10 in the shop At seven in the evening the shop is closed 1 A farm B factory C school D river 2 A buy B sell C take D want 3 A on B in C at D from 4 A school B bed C class D work 5 A go B get C stay D look 6 A opens B open C is opening D is opened 7 A with B like C for D about 8 A are B have C see D come 9 A in B on C at D from 10 A supper B breakfast C milk D lunch 六 阅读理解六 阅读理解 A Seumas is a very busy man He is 60 and he has a lot of jobs He is a postman 邮递员 a police officer a taxi driver 司机 a school bus driver a boatman and a sales assistant a cook and a milkman Also he and his wife Margaret have a shop and a small hotel Seumas lives and works on an island 岛 near London Only 120 people are on the island but in summer 150 tourists 旅游者 come on Seumas s boat every day So Seumas gets up at six and makes breakfast for the people in the hotel At eight he drives the island s children to school At nine he gives letters 信 to all the houses on the island He also sends 送 milk to them Then he helps in the shop He says Margaret likes to be busy too We are busy and we don t like watching TV in the shop He says I cook the dinner and Margaret heips At ten we have some milk and them we go to bed 4 Perhaps 可能 our life 生活 isn t very interesting but we like it 1 How many jobs does Seumas have A 12 B 10 C 8 2 Does his wife like to be busy A Yes B No C I don t know 3 What time does he get up A At 6 30 B At 7 C At 6 4 What nationality 国籍 are they A American B British C Chinese 5 Which is right A Seumas is busy but his wife isn t B They don t watch TV C Their life is not exiting but they like it B Hello boys and girls I am a doctor My name is Peter Brown I am here to know something about your breakfast Please answer my questions Do you have breakfast every day What do you have for breakfast My name is Helen I have breakfast every day I have some milk hamburgers potatoes And some ice cream So I am not hungry at school My name is Dick I have no time to have breakfast You know I get up very late I only have a little bread and a bag of milk on the way to school My name is Alice I have very little food for breakfast every day I don t want to eat any food after I get up I only drink some milk I am Jack I like food very much I eat a lot for breakfast I have three glasses of milk some potato chips four hamburgers two eggs and a bottle of orange juice 6 Where is Peter Brown He is A at home B at school C at a food shop D I don t know 7 has ice cream for breakfast A Helen B Dick C Alice D Jack 8 Dick has food at home for breakfast A some B a little C no D different 9 They four all have for breakfast A hamburgers B ice cream C potatoes D milk 5 10 Which is the right one A Helen is always hungry at school B Alice eats a lot for breakfast C There is no time for Jack to have breakfast D Jack eats too much food for breakfast 七 写作七 写作 写一篇短文介绍你一家人的工作及他们的饮食习惯 要求通顺 流


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