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梧台校区201级英语期末试题(第一册1-2单元)第一卷(选择题,共50分) 一、 英语知识运用(本大题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分)1一How are you doing?_.AFine,thanks BIm Lily CYes, please DN0,thanks2She is a good classmate of_.Ahis Btheir Cmy Dyour3She is_ _in computer games Ainterest Binteresting Cinterested Dinterests4This is my bookWhere is_? Ayou Byour Cyourself Dyours5一Your English is very goodMrWang _. AThank you BNo CPleased to meet you DThatS all right 6一What _Bill look like? He is handsome Ais Bdoes Cdo Dare7Please_ me Mary Acalling Bto call Cnot call Dcall8一Let me help you move the sofa 一N0thanksI can do it.by_ Ame Bmy Cmyself Dmine9一Where do _come from?一_come from Australia Ayour,My Byou, My Cyour,I Dyou,I10This is_car, _number is 37816 Amy,its Bmy,itS Can,its Da,it11一Which school do you study in?一I_in Qingdao Vocational Sch00lAstudy Bstudies Cstudying Dstudied12He often_on Sundays Adoes a shopping Bdoes any shopping Cdoes some shopping Dgo shopping 131 found it _to work out this problem Aeasy Beasily Cslowly Dquickly 14She is a happy girlShes happy_ her life Aof Bwith Con Dfrom 15The teacher told the students that the earth _round the sunAmove Bmoves Cmoved Dhad moved 16. I had a long chat _him about his job Awith Bto Cin Dat 17Our history teacher always makes his classes_ A1ive and interesting B,lively and interest C lively and interesting D1ively and interested 18It is impossible for so _workers to do so _ work in a single day A1ittle,many Bfew,many C1ittle,much Dfew,much 19He felt so_ to see such a_ film Aboring,bored Bbored,boring Cbored,bored Dboring,boring 20There _some pupils in the reading loom Ahave Bhas Carle Dis 21一Youre very _Whats up? 一Our class has won the football matchAexcited Bworried Csad Dafraid 22一why do you like Yang Mi,the movie star? -Because she _beautiful and _well Ais,act Bare,acts Cis,acts Disacting 23My mother_ going for a walk,but my father_ A1ikes,doesnt Bdont like, do C1ikes,didnt Ddidnt likedo 24What _you usually_ at school?I take classesAdo,do Bare,do Cdo,doing Ddoes, do 25The old man was helped by a young man _across the street Ato go Bgo Cwent Dgoes26He and I _school football members Aam Bis Care Dbe27There _a book and two pencils on his desk just now Ais Bwas Care Dwere28Thank you for_ me so much Ahelp Bhelpful Chelped Dhelping29They are busy _their lessons Aon Bwith Cat Dby30Please come over for dinner_ Asometimes Bsometime Csome times Dsome time二、阅读理解(本大题10个小题,每小题2分,共20分)A篇People often greeteach other with“Helloor“Hi”Other forms of greetings are“Good morn ing”,“Good afternoon”,“Good evening”according to different time of the dayWhen talking will foreign friends,we should pay attention to their social conventions(习俗)For example,we should not ask people questions;about their private activitiesSo we may talk about the weather, sports or show our concern about their childrenIn general introductions,a man is usually introduced to a woman,and the young are introduced to the oldThe titles of Miss,Mrs,Mr,Professor,or Doctor etc. can be used with the surnameNewly acquainted(相识的)people will shake hands and greet each other with “How do you do”or“Im glad to meet you”31When people are introduced for the first time,:they usually greet each other with_.A“How are you? B“How do you do?”C“Nice to see you again D“Good morning”32. People usually greet each other with all of the following except_.AGood morning! BIm glad to meet you! CHow are you? D. Good night33We usually reply to“How do you do?with“_”A. Hello! B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. Im fine,thank you 34When we talk with native speakers of English(母语是英语的人),we should not ask them the question”_” AHow are you? BWhat do you think of the football match? CDo you like the weather here? DAre you married?35Newly acquainted people usually_besides the greeting of How do you do?”Ashake hands Bnod head Ckiss each other Dsmile at each otherB篇Quantity(数量) Item(物品) Price(价格)1 magazine $3753 pen $050 each1 tape $1251 pencil case $2501 notebook $100Subtotal(小计) $1000Tax(税) $050Total(合计) $1050Seller: The total:is$1050How will you pay?Mrs Green:Do you take credit cards? 、Seller: Sorry,I dontCash only Mrs Green:OK,heres $20Sellen : ThanksHeres your changeDo you need a bag?Mrs Green:Yes, pleaseSeller: Here you are.Mrs Green:Thank youHave a nice day Seller: You,too 36Mrs Green wants_ Ato use a credit card Bto pay with a check ; Cto get a discount(折扣) Done bag for each item 37The seller gives Mrs Green_ A$950 8$1000 C$1050 D$2000 38The tax is_ Afifty dollars B1ess than a dollar C10of the total D.more than the price of a notebook 39“Here you 90”is the same as“_” AThisis for me BPlease leave CThis is your bag DThe door is over there 40Which of these sentences is true?_ AA pen costs more than a tape BThe seller doesnt take credit cards C. Mrs Green bought five things DThe seller doesnt have any bags第二卷(非选择题,共30分)三根据情景内容,补全对话(本大题共5个小题,每空只填1词,每词1分,共10分)将答案写在试卷最后第10页,否则不得分。41一_ _she like math? 一Because she thinks its boring 42一What _do you_?一We study Chinese,English,math,computer,PE and so on 43一Whlere does Mr Smith_ _? 一He comes from England44一Whats_ _ sport? 一I like swimming best45一_does your mother_?一She is a teacher 四、职场应用(本题分为2个部分,第一部分10分,第二部分10分,共20分)美国ABC公司总裁Smith先生一行将来青岛瑞普新能源汽车有限公司进行考察,并洽谈合作事谊。 本次活动主要考察瑞普新能源汽车有限公司生产经营规模、主要产品、管理特色以及企业文化等方面的情况。 假如你是瑞普公司接待负责人 Yang fan请根据ABC公司的要求做好接待安排。 任务一: 请阅读ABC公司的需求信息, 完成行程安排表。Please read the following requirements of ABC company. The group will arrive in Qingdao on the afternoon of May 18th,2016. There are seven people in the group. We need at least three single rooms. Most of us want to try local food while two young ladies prefer western food. On the second day, we hope to have a meeting about the management and the investment(投资) environment of your company. After that, we would like to take a look at the production line. Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city, so we expect to experience th e local culture. As we know, your company is famous for your company culture. We hope to have a seminar(研讨会)about company culture. We will leave Qingdao on the morning of May 21st. Please complete the following schedule. SCHEDULETimeActivityMay 18th16:00Pick up at the airport17:00Check in at Haitian Hotel(at least _4


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