已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




状元源 免注册 免费提供中学高考复习各科试卷下载及高中学业水平测试各科资源下 载 状元源打造最全的免费高考复习 学业水平考试复习资料 更多资料请到状元源下载 一 应试目标 对于该题型 新 英语课程标准 和 广东省高考英语考试大纲 皆 有相应的语言和技能要求 1 能使用恰当的语调和节奏 2 在口头表达中逐步做到语音 语调自然 得体 流畅 二 能力目标 具体而言 应对该题型 同学们必须培养以下的能力 1 正确的语音 语调 2 识别语音语调特征的能力 包括识别词汇的轻重读 词汇 的连读 句子意群之间节奏的变化以及语调 3 模仿的能力 三 备考策略三 备考策略 同学们必须在平时的英语学习中 加强模仿朗读 完善语音语调 必须逐个突破语音 关 学会处理句子的语调 意群 停顿 爆破 连读以及流利性等口语基本技能 追求 洋腔洋调 以下两种做法可供同学们参考 1 影子跟读训练法 选取现行教材中的重点段落录音进行强化性的模仿 具体做法是 用 迟于原录音1秒钟的速度跟读 保证在先听清原声的语音语调的基础上进行模仿 同时要紧 跟朗读者的语速 力求语速上也达到原声的要求 模仿过程中 不仅要注意语调 还要特 别注意原声对于句子意群 词汇轻重读的处理 2 录音比较训练法 持之以恒 可以使得自己的语音语调达到质的飞跃 先听一遍标准朗 状元源 免注册 免费提供中学高考复习各科试卷下载及高中学业水平测试各科资源下 载 状元源打造最全的免费高考复习 学业水平考试复习资料 更多资料请到状元源下载 读 不断模仿 力求语音 语调 节奏与原声一致 然后对自己的朗读进行录音 最后把 自己朗读的录音与原声进行比较 琢磨出其中的差距 遵循 听一模仿一录音一比较 的 步骤 多次重复 语音语调会越来越规范 四 强化训练 请使用配套光盘题型训练部分 InIn thisthis part part youyou willwill hearhear a a shortshort passagepassage andand readread afterafter thethe speakerspeaker inin thethe recordrecord 1 1 ListenListen toto thethe passagepassage Many musicians meet and form a band because they 1ike to write and play their own music They may start as a group of high school students for whom practising their music in someone s house is the first step to fame Sometimes they may play to passers by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs for which they are paid in cash Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires 2 2 NowNow youyou havehave oneone minuteminute toto practisepractise readingreading 3 3 NowNow listenlisten toto thethe passagepassage onceonce againagain andand trytry toto readread afterafter thethe speakerspeaker 4 4 NowNow readread aloudaloud thethe passagepassage inin 1 51 5 minutesminutes whenwhen youyou hearhear thethe sign dii sign dii PartPart B B RoleRole PlayPlay 角色扮演角色扮演 一 示例 InIn thisthis partpart youyou willwill actact asas a a rolerole andand completecomplete threethree communicativecommunicative taskstasks listenlisten toto thethe speakerspeaker askask thethe speakerspeaker threethree questionsquestions andand thenthen answeranswer fivefive questionsquestions 情景提示 角色 你是电视访谈节目的现场观众 任务 1 在现场参与节目并向嘉宾提问 2 就所得信息回答你朋友的提问 生词 deadline 完成期限 1 1 NowNow pleaseplease IistenIisten toto thethe speakerspeaker 音频呈现 M Hi Miss Rowling how old were you when you started to write And what was your first book W I wrote my first finished story when I was about six It was about a small animal a rabbit I mean And I ve been writing ever since M Why did you choose to be an author W If someone asked me how to achieve happiness step one would be finding out what you love doing most Step two would be finding someone to pay you to do this I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing M Do you have any plans to write books for adults W My first two novels which I never tried to get published were for 状元源 免注册 免费提供中学高考复习各科试卷下载及高中学业水平测试各科资源下 载 状元源打造最全的免费高考复习 学业水平考试复习资料 更多资料请到状元源下载 adults I suppose I might write another one But I never really imagine what kind of readers to aim at when I m writing The ideas come first So it really depends on the ideas that come to my mind M Now could you answer a few questions from the audience W I d love to Please 2 2 PleasePlease getget readyready toto askask threethree questionsquestions inin EnglishEnglish accordingaccording toto thethe followingfollowing ChineseChinese tipstips 准备时间为每题5秒钟 提问时间10秒钟 1 Please get ready to ask the first question in English 中文呈现 你写一本书要花多长时间 学生提问 How long does it take you to write a book 录音回答 Mylastbook the chirdintheHarry series took about a year to write which iS pretty fast for me If I manage to finish the fourth Harry book by the summer which iS my deadline it will be my fastest yet about eight months 2 Please get ready to ask the second question in English 中文呈现 哈利 波特 这本书的构思从哪里来 学生提问 Where did the ideas for the book Harry Potter come from 录音回答 I ve no ideas where the ideas came from And I hope I 11 never find out For me finding this out means spoiling my excitement 3 Please get ready to ask the following question in English 中文呈现 你是如何给你书中的人物取名的 学生提问 How did you come up with the names ofthe characters ofyour book 录音回答 I invented some of them But I also collected strange names I ve got names from ancient people maps dictionaries plants and people I met 3 3 PleasePlease getget readyready toto answeranswer fivefive questionsquestions inin EnglishEnglish 准备时间为每题5秒钟 答题时间10秒钟 1 Please get ready to answer the first question 录音问 What was Miss Rowling s first book about 学生答 It was about a small animal a rabbit 2 Please get ready to answer the second question 录音问 According to Miss Rowling what would be step one to achieve happiness 学生答 It would be finding out what you love doing most 3 Please get ready to answer the third question 录音问 How long did it take Miss Rowling to write the third book in the Harry series 学生答 It took her about a year to write it 4 Please get ready to answer the fourth question 状元源 免注册 免费提供中学高考复习各科试卷下载及高中学业水平测试各科资源下 载 状元源打造最全的免费高考复习 学业水平考试复习资料 更多资料请到状元源下载 录音问 Miss Rowling doesn t know where her ideas for the book canle from exactly does she 学生答 No she doesn t 5 Please get ready to answer the fifth question 录音问 Besides ancient people and maps where else has Miss Rowling got names for the characters in her book 学生答 She has also got names from dictionaries plants and people she met 二 考试目标 角色扮演部分的话题范围一般界定在 广东省普通高考英语科考试说明 附录5话题 项目表以内 贴近学生的实际生活 即涉及到个人情况 周围环 境 日常活动 学校生活 兴趣和爱好等的方面的内容 语言材料大部分以对话形式出现 但也可能是独白 题目中有简短的情景提示 语言材料长度一般在280个单词左右 包括提 问部分的人机对话内容 一 应试目标 新课标及高考大纲对该题型相应的考察目标主要有以下几点 1 能 听懂有关熟悉话题的讨论和谈话并记住要点 2 能抓住简单语段中的观点 3 能在日常 人际交往中有效地使用语言进行表达 如发表意见 进行判断 责备 投诉等 4 询问或 传递事实性信息 表达意思和想法 5 根据语音辨别和书写不太熟悉的单词或简单语句 二 能力目标 具体而言 同学们应培养 1 宏观了解长段话语 建立语境的能力 2 听懂重要细节的能力 人物 事物 行为 时间 对象 数字等信息以及信息之间的联 系 3 口头索取信息的能力 4 正确理解问题的能力 5 口头传达信息的能力 6 一 定的要点记忆能力 三 备考策略三 备考策略 本题信息来源于考生所观看的有声录像及电脑对三个问题的回答 同学们要重点记录 这两部分的重要信息 一 提问部分备考策略 提问部分侧重考查正确使用语言的能力 提问时 要注意确 定用一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句 注意正确使用疑问词 例 l 住学校宿舍是否较便宜 Is it cheaper to live in the school dormitory 例2 天气如何 What is the weather like 例3 如何从学校到机场 How can we get to the airport from the school 例4 最近的地铁站在哪里 Where is the nearest underground station from here 二 回答部分备考策略 回答部分侧重考查正确传达信息的能力 回答时 要符合实 际交际 问什么 答什么 不必多答 更不能答非所问 注意 可以 状元源 免注册 免费提供中学高考复习各科试卷下载及高中学业水平测试各科资源下 载 状元源打造最全的免费高考复习 学业水平考试复习资料 更多资料请到状元源下载 简略回答 例 l How long does a letter take to reach Japan About ten days 例2 What are they talking about Environmental problems 三 注意事项 1 利用视频信息帮助理解 2 练习用最简洁的符号记录信息 例如 字母 箭头 笔划 汉字 图形等 3 准备提问时 可简单写下问句 特别是疑问词 使 得真正录音时能比较顺畅 4 第一轮提问后听回答时 作简单笔记 记录必要的信息点 如 数量 时间等 5 第二轮回答时 判断问题所涉及的信息点 根据所记 做出恰当回 答 四 强化训练题 请使用配套光盘题型训练部分 In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks listen to the speaker ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions 情景提示 角色 你是 Susan 任务 1 你和朋友 Jim 谈论他最近的旅行 2 向你的其他朋友介绍你了解的信息 1 1 NowNow pleaseplease listenlisten toto thethe speakerspeaker 2 2 PleasePlease getget readyready toto askask threethree questionsquestions inin EnglishEnglish accordingaccording toto thethe followingfollowing ChineseChinese tipstips 准备时间为每题5秒钟 提问时间10秒钟 1 Please get ready to ask the first question in English 学生问 你参观了什么地方 2 Please get ready to ask the second question in English 学生问 有什么收获 3 Please get ready to ask the third question in English 学生问 你准备把你的收获写进新书吗 3 3 PJeasePJease getget readyready toto answeranswer fivefive questionsquestions inin EnglishEnglish 准备时间为每题5秒钟 答题时间10秒钟 1 Please get ready to answer the first question 学生答 2 Please get ready to answer the second question 学生答 状元源 免注册 免费提供中学高考复习各科试卷下载及高中学业水平测试各科资源下 载 状元源打造最全的免费高考复习 学业水平考试复习资料 更多资料请到状元源下载 3 Please get ready to answer the third question 学生答 4 Please get ready to answer the fourth question 学生答 5 Please get ready to answer the fiml question 学生答 PartPart C C RetellingRetelling thethe StoryStory 复述故事复述故事 一 示例 你将听到一段故事 故事播两遍 听完故事后用自己的话复述故事 注意不要背诵故 事 1 1 ListenListen toto thethe storystory 音频呈现两次 A long time ago there was a huge apple tree A little boy loved to come and play around it every day He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him Time went by The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree 0ne day the boy came back to the tree and looked sad Come and play with me the tree asked the boy I am no longer a kid I don t play around trees arymore the boy replied I want toys I need money to buy them Sorry but I don t have money but you can pick all my apples and sell them The boy was so excited He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily One day the boy returned and the tree was so excited But the boy said what he needed was a house for his family So the tree offered a11 his branches to him to build a house One hot summer day the boy returned again saying he needed a boat to go sailing This time he took the trunk of the tree away Finally years later the boy retumed old and tired Sorry my boy But I don t have anything for you anymore the tree said with tears I just need place to rest the boy replied Good Old tree roots are the best place to rest Come and sit down with me The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears 2 2 NowNow retellretell thethe storystory 准备时间10秒钟 复述时间120秒钟 A long time ago there was a big apple tree and a boy They loved to play with each other But when the boy grew up he didn t play with the tree anymore One day the boy came back to the tree But he said what he needed was some money to buy toys The tree loved the boy so much that he had the boy pick all his apples to sell for money The boy didn t return until he needed a house for his family The devoted tree had him take away a11 his branches to build that house The third time the boy returned asking for a boat the tree 状元源 免注册 免费提供中学高考复习各科试卷下载及高中学业水平测试各科资源下 载 状元源打造最全的免费高考复习 学业水平考试复习资料 更多资料请到状元源下载 had him take away his trunk Finally when the boy became old and tired he came back for a place to rest The tree offered the only thing left to him the roots for the boy to sit and smiled with tears be cause the boy could finally stay with him 二 考试目标 本题型的故事体裁一般为叙事和简单的夹叙夹议文章 长度在250个单词左右 故事内 容往往比较贴近生活 包括学校生活 家庭生活 人际交往等 文章结构比较完整 易于 通过听来理解内容 并进行口头表述 一 宏观应试目标 复述故事对听说方面的能力较模仿朗读 角色扮演题型有更高的 要求 除了要达到前两个题型的基本要求之外 复述故事更加 强调对篇章的整体性理解和把握 同时考查能否恰当地运用自己的语言组织要点信息 并 正确而连贯表达的能力 新课标和高考大纲对该题型的相应要求除了 能听懂有关熟悉话题的讨论和谈话并记 住要点 外 还有以下三个主要的要求 1 使用适当的语言形式进行描述和表达观点 态 度 情感等 2 学习 掌握基本语篇知识并根据特定目的有效地组织信息 3 在学习中 借助图表等非语言信息进行理解或表达 二 微观能力目标 具体而言 同学们要具备 1 宏观获取篇章脉络的能力 2 组 织要点的能力 3 连贯表达的能力 4 正确使用语法 词汇的能力 三 备考策略三 备考策略 一 听取故事时 要注意 1 宏观把握 注意开头句 2 记录关键词 二 复述故事时 要注意 1 明确复述时使用的人称或称谓 2 代词 he she 要弄 清 正确使用单复数 时态 句子转承时的连词 3 复述要连贯 不 要连续重复某个词或某句话 三 常规训练建议 1 课堂上大胆发言 把握一切可以锻炼英语口语的机会提高口 头表达能力 2 充分利用课堂教学素材 选取故事性较强的文章或段落进行复述训练 3 有意识地培养速记的能力 积累丰富有效的速记符号 4 礼用旧题型的听力材料 进 行听说训练 忽略旧题型的选项部分 一边听一边记录要点 训练听取大意 获取要点以 及已记录要点的能力 同时用自己的语言进行复述 强化故事复述能力的培养 四 强化训练题 请使用配套光盘题型训练部分 你将听到一段故事 故事播两遍 听完故事后用自己的话复述故事 注意不要背诵故 事 1 1 NowNow listenlisten toto thethe storystory 2 2 NowNow retellretell thethe story story 准备时间10秒钟 复述时间120秒钟 广东省广东省20112011年普通高考年普通高考 英语听说英语听说 考试要求考试要求 根据 广东省普通高校招生考试改革调整方案 广东省普通高考英语


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