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1 九年级英语第一次月考试卷九年级英语第一次月考试卷 1 4单元 单元 一 选出与句中划线部分意义最相近的解释 每题1分 共5分 1 What do you think of the football match A How do you think of B How do you like C What do you think D What do you like 2 No matter what you do you can t change the situation A whoever B wherever C whatever D what ever 3 Mike doesn t like science He thinks it is less interesting than English A as as B so as C not so as D not very as 4 She closed her speech with a funny joke A had B gave C ended D began 5 The man buys a number of books on animals and plants every year A many B lot of C a few D much 二 单项选择 共30小题 每小题1分 满分30分 6 He is too tired any longer A not to walk B to walk walking D not walking 7 He is afraid to speak in public A the B a C an D 8 This question is easy all the students can answer the question A too much B too many C much too D many too 9 This book Tom s father s because his name is on the book A maybe B may be C must be D must 10 Please try English if you want to learn English well A practise B to practise C practicing D practices 11 I prefer watching TV to music every day A listen to B listen C listening to D listening 12 Beijing is one of the in the world today A busiest city B busiest cities C busy city D busy cities 13 I didn t know A where does he live B where do he lives C where he lives D where he lived 14 My parents want to go on vacation A somewhere peaceful B dangerous somewhere C somewhere boring D fascinating somewhere 15 Would you like a walk with me after supper A taking B take C to take D took 2 16 What about a rest A taking B take C to take D took 17 Students should learn how problems A solve B solving C to solve D can solve 18 an English club can help you A Joining B Joins C Joined D To join 19 clever girl she is A What B what a C How D How a 20 Bad the weather is A What B what a C How D How a 21 Li Lei runs A What fast boy B How fast C What fast D How a fast 22 Do you know if he tomorrow If he I will invite him to my home A come comes B will come comes C comes comes D will come come 23That poor man has been for several years A died B die C dead D death 24 I used to the piano after school A play B playing C be playing D played 25I want to know A where are they going B where they are going C they are going where 26 She asked me A when will the train arrive B when would the train arrive C when the train will arrive D when the train would arrive 27He said that he the Great Wall tomorrow A will visit B is going to visit C would visit D went 28 I used to spend time in the river A swim B swam C swimming D swim 29 If you don t know how to spell new words look them in a dictionary A up B for C after D at 30 Most young people find exciting to watch football game A one B this C that D it 31 I think the best time to Hainan is in summer A traveling B travel C traveled D to travel 32 It s a new word You can in a dictionary A look at it B look after it C look for it D look it up 33 I used to in the morning but now I m used to before going to bed 3 A read read B reading read C read reading D reading reading 34 I found very easy to learn English well A that B one C it D this 35 What do you think of your Chinese teacher She is kind and with us A patient B mad C angry D bad 三 用所给词的适当形式填空 每题1分 共15分 36 They are active than before 37 He was interest in watching English movies when he was young 38 Teachers said that the earth go around the sun 39 she refused receive that expensive present 40 Why not go to the mall 41 T he Italy restaurant isn t open on Tuesdays 42 I need plan my time well 43 I look forward to live in the beautiful house 44 There are two different pronounce for this word 45 He is often worry about his future 46 I felt very excite when I heard the excite news 47 The radio says it be cloudy tomorrow 48 Learning more English is help 49 He reads very slow 50 I m sorry trouble you 四 句型转换 每空 分 共 分 51 I used to wear glasses You to wear glasses 52 I wonder where we should go first 同义句 Could you please where we should go first 53 Could you tell me where I can buy a stamp 同义句 Could you tell me buy a stamp 54 The students are playing happily in the park 感叹句 The students are playing in the park 55 Little Tom is too young to go to school 同义句 Little Tom is he can t go to school 56 She usually studies by making word cards does She usually 57 She doesn t come from China 4 58 I used to be afraid of the dark 59 I don t think she has gone to Beijing 60 I used to be thin 否定句 I to be thin 五 完形填空 共10分 每小题1分 Two years ago I went to Qingdao with my family On the train we met a woman and her son from the city We talked happily and they told 21 many things about Qingdao I m sure you will fall in love with the city the boy said Just before we got 22 the train the boy and his mother 23 us to go to their home for a visit We said we d love to and gave them our 24 The next day we went to the 25 We walked along the beach and took photos Suddenly my father s phone 26 It was the boy He asked us to go for dinner Father thanked him but said we 27 go The reason was that there was no buses back to the city then The little boy was sad to 28 that He said his families were leaving Qingdao the next day to visit his grandparents Remember to phone me 29 you come again He shouted One week later we left Qingdao Now I often think of the boy s words You will fall in love with the city He was 30 Qingdao and its people have left a good impression on me 61 A me B him C her D us 62 A on B to C off D in 63 A asked B told C allowed D chose 64 A ID cards B phone number C train tickets D car number 65 A school B house C city D sea 66 A was lost B worked C was dead D rang 67 A must B need not C could not D had to 68 A hear B find C see D notice 69 A although B until C if D as 70 A kind B wrong C right D clever 六 阅读理解 共40分 每小题2分 A There are many things we need to know that we do not learn at school For example if we want to use our money wisely we need to shop carefully We need to know how to compare the prices of the thing in different shops We need to be able to compare the quality of different brands 品牌 We need to know how to make a choice 选择 when we shop Knowing how to make such choices is a life skill and we need these skills if we are to live useful and happy lives 5 Some of these choices are small For example will I take an apple for lunch or a pear Will I go to school by bus or on foot Will I wear the red T shirt or the blue one to the movies Other choices are more important For example will I eat healthy food for lunch or will I eat junk food because it is nicer Will I work hard in all my classes or will I only work hard in the classes I enjoy We make choices like this every day We have to realize that the choices we make can affect the rest of our lives Just as importantly our choices can also affect other people The next time you decide to waste time in class play a joke on someone or talk loudly at the movies think about this Who else does your choice affect 71This passage mainly tells us that it s important to A make the right choices B know how to compare prices C know how to shop carefully D learn everything at school 72 We need life skills A to know how to choose a part time job B to compare brands and prices C to live useful and happy lives D to learn things at school 73 According to 根据 this passage we make choices A once a year B some days C once a month D every day 74 Which choice is more important according to the passage A Which fruit to take for lunch B Which subjects to work hard at C Which T shirt to wear to the movies D How to get to school 75 From the passage we know that our choices can affect A nobody B the people around us C just ourselves D the prices of the things B This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English Many said they learnt by using English Some students had more specific suggestions Lillian Li for example said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little When we asked about studying grammar she said I never study grammar It s too boring Wei Ming feels differently He s been learning English for six years and really loves it He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language He also thinks that watching English movies isn t a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words Sometimes however he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English Students get lots of practice and they also have fun She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese she said 阅读文章 判断下列句子是否正确 正确的写 T 错误的写 F 76 Lilian Li thought the best way to learn new words was by memorizing them 6 77 Lilian Li never studied grammar 78 Wei Ming has learned English for seventy two months 79 Joining the English club at school was Liu Chang s best way to improve her English 80 Liu Chang thought having conversations with friends was helpful C 根据短文内容 从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 A If you are robbed 抢劫 B If you are in a traffic accident C When there is a fire D If it is raining hard and there is lightning E If someone is drowning According to a new survey students safety has become a big problem Now in some cities of China many schools start a new lesson self protection Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens Lin Li a teacher from Yantai gives young students some advice on how to deal with danger 81 If a car hits you you should remember the car number If it is a bicycle try to call your parents before you let the rider go This is because you don t know how seriously you are hurt 82 Don t stay in high places and stay away from trees 83 Get away as fast as you can Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit Don t take the lift 84 If you can t swim don t get into water Cry out for help Remember that danger is never as far away as you think Take care or yourself at all times 85 Keep calm If you can not cry for help or run away give the robber your money Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later D 读下面的短文 根据短文的意思用括号内的所给词的正确形式填空 Jack loved ice cream He wanted to have ice cream every day On his birthday Jack wanted ice cream but his parents 86 give him a pet turtle as a present instead Jack tried to teach his turtle to play games but it couldn t carry a ball in its mouth It couldn t jump high or run very 87 quick Jack didn t really like his turtle He thought it was a boring pet One day he 88 take the turtle out of its box and found it didn t move Jack took it to his mom Mom he said My turtle is not 89 move I think it s dead 7 Don t be sad she said We ll put him in a box and bury 埋 him Then we ll go to the store and have some ice cream to make you feel 90 good Ice cream Jack began to feel happy Then his mother saw the turtle move It s all right she said Your turtle isn t dead after all 七 根据对话内容 每空1分 共5分 A What a fine day today B This morning I arrived late at the bus stop C I have had a bad day today D So you missed a museum trip E And my class weren t at school F And then it started raining and I d forgotten my umbrella A Hi Li Hua You look unhappy What s wrong with you B Hi Wang Ming 91 A Why What happened B Well 92 The bus had gone so 1 had to walk to school A That s a long walk B Yeah 93 A Oh no Did you get wet B Yes I was late and wet 94 They had gone to the museum A 95 That s too bad B You are right I m unlucky 八 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空0 5分 共10分 96你说那话时


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