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宝安中学20162017学年第二学期期中考试高一英语命题人: 高菁 审题人:徐娅晖I. 阅读(共40分)第一节 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)AThe latest fashion in kitchen is the food steamer. All the stores are selling them; everyone wants one. Steaming is one of the simplest and healthiest ways of cooking food. However, that cooking time is usually longer than with other methods. In case youre thinking of buying a steamer, Ive done a survey about the steamers available on the market to help you decide which will suit you best Folding SteamerThe simplest and least expensive is the folding stainless-steel (不锈钢) version. Advantages: This is a good, basic design which sits inside a variety of different shapes of pans with the water under it; a ring in the center allows for easy lifting and its easy to cleanDisadvantages: It only holds small dishes. Also, if you put too much water in the pan, it will boil up through the vegetables and they will be watery. If you put too little water in and let it get dry, you will burn the pan and get strange-smelling vegetablesSteaming PanThis is a three-layered black Teflon-coated version with a lid and two double-handled steamers, which sits on the oven ring. The brand I bought is called Nutritious LivingAdvantages: This is an excellent steamer, lightweight, easy to clean, and of all the steamers Ive tried, this cooks the fastest. Fish and chicken can be cooked on the bottom with rice or vegetables on the top. Its easier to storeDisadvantages: Water can boil away until the pan is dry, but if you make sure you fill the pan up to the suggested level and do not overcook the food, this should not happenYou cannot see the food cooking from the top. It doesnt supply a dish for cooking riceFor serious users of steamers, I recommend having one of each version. If you just want to try it, get the folding stainless-steel type.1Why did the author carry out the survey?ATo inform people of different steamersBTo run an advertisement for steamersCTo find out a suitable steamer to buyDTo learn how to cook with steamers2What can we learn about the folding steamer?AIt comes in different kinds of shapes and sizesBIt is designed for large familiesCIt is able to clean itselfDIt is easy to lift3The Nutritious Living steamer_Ais more difficult to storeBprovides a dish to cook rice withCcooks different foods at the same timeDcooks fish and chicken faster than vegetables4According to the author, you should_Ause steamers to save cooking timeBbuy a steamer with dishes suppliedCdo a survey before choosing a steamerDbuy a folding steamer if you want to tryBHuman beings have used tools for a very long time. In some parts of the world you can still find tools that people used more than two million years ago. They made these tools by hitting one stone against another. In this way, they broke off pieces from one of the stones. These chips of stone were usually sharp on one side. People used them for cutting meat and skin from dead animals, and also for making other tools out of wood. Human beings needed to use tools because they did not have sharp teeth like other meat eating animals, such as lions and tigers. Tools helped people to get food more easily.Working with tools also helped to develop human intelligence. The human brain grew bigger, and human beings began to invent more and more tools and machines. The stone chip was one of the first tools that people used, and perhaps it is the most important. Some scientists say that it was the key to success of mankind.Since 1960, a new kind of tool has appeared. This is the silicon chip - a little chip of silicon crystal. It is smaller than a finger nail, but it can store more than a million bits of information. It is an electronic brain. Every year these chips get cleverer, but their size gets smaller, and their cost gets less. They are used in watches, calculators and intelligent machines that we can use in many ways. In the future we will not need to work with tools in the old way. Machines will do everything for us. They will even talk and play games with us. People will have plenty of spare time. But what will they do with it?Human beings used stone chips for more than two million years, but human life changed very little in that time. We have used silicon chips for only a few years, but life is changing faster everyday. What will life be like twenty years from now? What will the world be like two million years from now?5From paragraph 1, we can know_.A. why early human beings cut skin from dead animalsB. how early human beings discovered the toolsC. what early human beings used the tools forD. what food early human beings stored6The stone chip is thought to be the most important tool because it _.A. was very important to the development of mankindB. led to the invention of machines in the early timeC. developed cooking abilities of mankindD. was one of the first tools of mankind7The silicon chip is mentioned in the passage to_.A. show the changes of toolsB. introduce a new kind of toolC. give an example of using toolsD. compare the effects of two kinds of tools8At the end of the passage the author seems to suggest that life in future is _.A. out of order B. less colorful C. hard to predict D. full of meaningsCAn idea that started in Seattles public library has spread throughout America and beyond. The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same time.In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (发起)the If All of Seattle Read the Same Book project in 1998. Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong.In Chicago, the mayor (市长)appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the One Book, One Chicago program. As a result, reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories emerged that parents and children read to each other at night and strangers chatted away on the bus about plot and character. The only problem arose in New York, where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point, putting all their energy and passion into the choice of the book rather than discussion about a book itself.Ultimately, as Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process, or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word.9What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy?A. To invite authors to guide readers.B. To encourage people to read and share.C. To involve people in community service.D. To promote the friendship between cities.10Why was it difficult for New Yorkers to carry out the project?A. They had little interest in reading.B. They were too busy to read a book.C. They came from many different backgroundsD. They lacked support from the local government11The underlined words “shared a word” in Paragraph 5 probably mean_.A. exchanged ideas with each otherB. discussed the meaning of a wordC. gained life experience D. used the same language12According to Nancy, the degree of success of the project is judged by_. A. the careful selection of a proper bookB. the growing popularity of the writersC. the number of people who benefit from readingD. the number of books that each person readsDArriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.He reported the case to the police and then sat there, lost and lonely in the strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husbands name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶) that had been left out on the footpath.My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.13. What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?A. Go shopping B. Find a house C. Join his family D. Take his family14. The girls parents got Rashids phone number from_.A. a friend of his family B. a Sydney policeman C. a letter in his papers D. a stranger in Sydney15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. From India to Australia. B. Living in a New Country.C. Turning Trash to Treasure. D. In Search of New Friends.第二节 补足短文(每题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。What is a big dream? _16_Or, is a big dream something that provides only entertainment? Children dream big dreams, but there are three barriers to realizing dreams. They often kill them before they ever have a chance to grow.The Self.Immediately following the birth of a big dream, a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen. This inside voice is the ego (自我). Its there for protecting and should be listened to._17_Most people are influenced by the inside voice. Thats why only a handful of people make their dreams come true._18_Family and friends are a lot like the ego. They want to protect those they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams wont come true. Sometimes, family and friends destroy dreams of those they love most, out of their own fear of being left behind.The World.If one gets past the first two barriers, one has to face the world._19_In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. Fortunately, in most of the world today, big dreamers just get laughed at.The way to realize a big dream is with confidence and action. When children have confidence and then take action, they will be ready to accept any failure. The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well._20_A. Family and Friends.B. How big Dreams Die.C. Does a big dream show ones future?D. They simply fail until they succeed.E. It is the last and the most terrible barrier.F. Sometimes it is right, but more often it is wrong.G. And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist.II. 语言知识运用(共45分)第一节 完形填空(每空1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Make the Most of What You Have GotFor Nick Vujicic, life was going to be difficult from the day he was born. When Nick arrived into this world, he_21_ everyone. He was not like the other babies and it was _22_obvious to his parents and to the doctors in the hospital.There was no _23_or answers for his condition. Nick was born without any limbs, that is, he was born without any arms or legs. But despite being physically _24_, he was mentally_25_ and the rest of his body was functioning fine._26_he had loving parents, Nick would find school hard as he would often be looked down upon by the other children and at the young age of 10, he considered _27_his life by drowning himself in a bathtub. These dark thoughts were _28_by his negative attitude to being disabled and at the time, he thought that he would never be able to do_29_ by himself, that he would never have a job and that he would always have to _30_on his parents for help.However, with his own efforts, things totally change when he becomes an adult. Nick is now a successful public speaker and is famous for his motivational _31_which focus on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life worldwide. He _32_so many people with the story of his life, how he has _33_ so many difficulties and most importantly how he is happy every day.Despite having no arms or legs, Nick lives_34_, even finding ways to do almost something _35_ like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming. He has to work harder than a full bodied person and he achieves his goals.At the first impression, you may look at Nick and feel_36_. You may feel sad that this man has no arms or legs and you might feel his_37_ and upset that he could find everyday situations difficult. But we should _38_Nick, as he is extremely positive and he gets on with life. He _39_ every day and makes the best of what he has: a positive attitude, a creative mind and a powerful _40_. He also has a very kind and very beautiful wife and they are truly happy and in love.21A. shocked B. pleased C. inspired D. accepted22A. nervously B. painfully C. hopefully D. cautiously23A. surprise B. worry C. explanation D. apology24A. active B. sickC. disabled D. abused25A. disturbed B. challenged C. calm D. normal26A. Since B. If C. Although D. Unless27A. changing B. ending C. risking D. sharing28A. expressed B. collected C. given D. driven29A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything30A. call B. rely C. cheat D. look31A. lessons B. poems C. speeches D. posters32A. assists B. touches C. puzzles D. judges33A. fought for B. live with C. come across D. get over34A. independently B. comfortably C. hopelessly D. lonely35A. impossible B. dangerous C. crazy D. regretful36A. pain B. guilt C. panic D. pity37A. anger B. selfishness C. courage D. confidence38A. encourage B. admire C. comfort D. correct39A. cries B. shouts C. smiles D. struggles40A. voice B. body C. family D. position第二节 语法填空(每空1.5分,共15分)The Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Day, is one the most important Chinese traditional festivals. It is a _1_ (combine) of sadness and happiness. It is a special day for Chinese to remember and honor _2_ ancestors at the sites of graves. _3_ the Han and minority ethnic groups (少数民族) at this time offer sacrifices and sweep the tombs. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food _4_ ( serve). _5_ is said that this custom originally commemorated a royal man _6_ (live) in Spring and Autumn period named Jie Zitui. The Qingming Festival usually falls early in April. So it is also a time _7_the sun shines brightly _8_ nature is again lively. Therefore, _9_ ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings and kite flying. Kite flying is actually not limited _10_ the day time, People also fly kites at night. A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite are called gods lanterns.III. 基础知识考察(50分)第一节 根据所给的中文或首字母提示句子内容,写出合乎要求的单词。(每题1分,共10分)1. She claimed that she had _(瘦身) down to 52 pounds. 2. Four people who _ (寻求)refuge in the Chinese embassy have left voluntarily. 3. The human brain needs to be without _(氧气)for only four minutes before permanent damage occurs. 4. Abicycle-sharing_ (系统、模式),orbike-share scheme, is a service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on a very short term basis.5. Is it possiblethat such bacteria will be _(繁殖)in thelaboratory? 6. We guaranteethat the pearls in our store should be g_(真的)and the price fair. 7. The UN has declared that access to clean water and sanitation (公共卫生) is a f_ (基本的)human right. 8. In the end Teresa _(原谅)him and accepted his apology. 9. You had better_(咨询)yourdoctorbeforetaking any vitaminorsupplement 10. It quite _(留下印象)me that he remembered my name. 第二节 词性转换 根据所给英文单词提示和句子内容,把提示词转换成合乎句意的形式。(每题1分,共10分)1. The best education should not be available only to the _ (wealth). 2. When asked what their greatest_ (weak)is, they always try to turn a negative into a positive. 3. Our parents never know, or rather, admit that the pressure they put us under was _ (believe). 4. Actually it is a _ (religion) festiv


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