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1 九年级英语单词拼写 1 读句子 根据所给汉语或首字母提示写出单词 86 Tom is such an honest and 乐于助人的 boy that all the neighbors like him 87 You can not 想象 how knowledgeable the person is 88 Just now we did an 实验 in the laboratory 89 As a teacher you should be 耐心的 1o your students 90 There are seven continents 大洲 and four o in the world 2 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词 使句子意思完整正确 1 Many topics are 涉及 in the report including travelling and weather 2 A lot of 研究 on the change of the climate has been done 3 His 精神 of kindness will be remembered for ever 4 Yao Ming is an 优秀的 basketball player 5 A friend in need is a friend 真正地 B 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 6 After they discussed for 2 hours they came to an agree at last 7 His son has come to China for far study 8 John felt happiness because he didn t pass the driving test 9 The more books you read the more know you will get 10 Nothing is possible if you put your heart into it 3 根据所给中文正确拼写单词 每空限填一词 66 If you are the 赢家 you will get the prize of 5000 yuan 67 We slept in the tent the 整个的 night 68 Your classroom is 明亮的 than ours 69 Last summer I enjoyed 我自己 in Beijing 70 The computer I bought is my 私人的 computer 71 Sally has a different 收集 72 We 复制 the game onto the computer 73 Bob borrowed some money from me but he didn t 提及 it any more 74 Reading books can help you write 文章 well 75 The writer is good at writing 浪漫的 stories 4 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释 在答题卷上标有题号的横线上 写出空缺处各单词的正确 形式 每空一词 66 In the country people usually like growing 花 in their gardens 67 Uncle Wang is a good driver He always drives 小心 68 I 合用 a bedroom with my parents when l was a child but now I don t 69 My American friend Julia is the 第九 child in her family 70 Her office is about two 小时 drive away from her home 71 Tom 骑 a bicycle to my home tomorrow and let s go fishing together then 72 攀登 mountains is an healthy activity 73 You should give your pet 干净的 water every day 2 74 I stood 在 之间 Simon and Millie in the photo because l was the tallest at that time 75 How 许多 beef shall we buy Mum 5 根据中文或首字母提示填写单词 注意词形变化 16 I hope your dream will come t in the future 17 Sam has been learning English s he was ten years old 18 Last night Bob 争吵 with Anna about the best place for vacation 19 Don t be 紧张的 You can try it slowly 20 I fell off the bike but luckily I didn t hurt m 21 Could you buy me a 入场券 to the concert 22 They went to the Great Wall e me because I had a bad cold 23 I can t make a 决定 about the dresses Can you help me 24 The three astronauts are regarded as our national 英雄 25 He wasn t happy because he f the test yesterday 6 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释 在答题卡上标有题号的横线上 写出空缺处各单词的正确 形式 每空一词 66 在楼上 there were two bedrooms and a study 67 How long have you 借 the magazine 68 Our Chinese teacher is much 严格的 with us than our English teacher 69 She wanted to take part in the party but was 拒绝 70 It was a happy 经历 1will never forget it 71 The doctors are trying to save the 病人的 lives 72 Many people are 污染 the river behind my house 73 Mike don t forget to 保存 the file before you close it 74 The little boy has learned a lot of 知识 by watching TV 75 Hiking is the 最健康的 activities of all 7 根据句意及汉语提示 写出各单词的正确形式 每空一词 41 What s the 高度 身高 of Jeremy Shu How I don t know Maybe he is shorter than Yao Ming 42 Do you know Father s Day is on the third Sunday of 六月 every year 43 We all agree that the driver who drives after drinking wine should be 惩罚 44 Some famous doctors provided 有用的 treatment for The Most Beautiful Woman Teacher Zhang Lili 45 Donations are welcome 在 期间 the charity show that will be held in our school 3 8 根据句意及首字母补全单词 10 分 1 She won a g medal at the last Olympics 2 The old man is kind and l Every child here loves him 3 In 2004 Olympics Liu Xiang set a new r in 110 hurdles 4 Alice is a college student She studies at Beijing U 5 The boy could hum songs and difficult p of music 6 Thaat s Deng Yaping She is a great C ping pong player 7 He began to l the piano when he was seven 8 He was b in 1982 in Chongqing 9 We all like ice s 10 W was Lily born 20 根据所给音标 中文及句意写出单词的正确形式 56 We di saidid to go there again next time 57 There was a terabl fire last night 58 Many boys in my class want to be saiantists when they grow up 59 Grandma was getting old and her memari wasn t so good 60 What s the 重量 of the elephant 61 Did you do anything for your own 安全 62 Tomorrow is my uncle s 五十 birthday He ll have a big party 63 We are going to hold a 家长 meeting tomorrow afternoon 64 Our teacher looked 高兴 at us after we won the basketball match 65 Walk 穿过 the road and you can see that building 66 Can you teach me how to dance No Let s practise every Friday after school 67 What are the policemen doing They are the building for the robber 21 根据首字母及汉语提示 完成下列单词的拼写 使句意明确 语言通畅 96 My friends will f 飞 to London to watch the ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games 97 You have to be p 耐心 if you re waiting at the end of a long queue 98 Sandy has lots of sports c 收藏 99 Do you think this kind of water is s 安全 for drinking 100 Students at school shouldn t get their ears p 刺穿 22 观察下面图片 按字母顺序编号 写出各种物品的英文名称 1 10 10 分 23 根据句意和首字母 填写所缺单词 1 I am very h Give me some food please 2 It s Friday today Don t p off it any more 3 He is a v and he often treats some animals 4 My computer is broken He is r it for me 5 His father is able He can s this problem by himself 4 6 There is a s It says No Smoking 7 His grandfather can t walk and has to sit in a w 8 I love dogs because they never c and they re grateful 9 Lucy and Lily are twins so they are s in many ways 10 He is my best friend We all t in him 24 根据首字母 汉语提示完成句中所缺的英语单词 1 I d like to t through the jungle because I like exciting vacations 2 Could you p me with some information about how to use computers 3 Hong Kong is a f city You d better go there for vacation 4 He is thought to be a great 翻译 5 What s the most popular job It s a computer 编程 25 根据句意 首字母或汉语提示完成句中所缺的英语单词 1 I think this book must b to Ann 2 The climber slipped and d to his death 3 We are next door n We get on well with each other 4 I have an a with my boss at 11 00 5 She seems very w about something 6 Jack is worried about the coming 最后的 exam 7 The glass 掉 on the floor and broke into pieces 8 I 数 all the students there were sixty one 9 The black dog likes 追逐 cats 10 The two thieves have 逃跑 already 26 A 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1 He is the tallest in our class He is taller than the r of the students 2 The river is three meters d It s dangerous to swim in it 3 The land is c with white snow now 4 If someone o me cigarettes I d tell him that smoking is bad for our health 5 He was too poor to afford his education I wanted to give him some but he r 6 What would you do if you injured your 膝盖 7 He was so careless that he 受伤 in the accident 8 There are many book 架子 in the library 9 I think a good 听者 won t annoy others 10 She is very 知识丰富的 about art 27 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 每空限填 一词 71 Christmas Day is in the t month of the year 72 Keep s and have a happier healthier and better life 73 The meat you bought last week s terrible It must have gone bad 74 Pearl is a lovely dog though sometimes it will fight a our pet Polly 75 Most business letters around the world w in English 76 A w person always has too many thoughts about getting and losing 5 77 The dead l on the ground also keep the water from running away 78 There is no c for you to enter the high school if you don t work hard 79 Carol s mother is 60 years old now but she looks young How about y Jim 80 Fukushima nuclear explosion caused great p to the environment 28 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 在答题纸上写出各单词的完全形式 每空限填一词 71 The boy wants a new computer but his mother turns a d ear to his wishes 72 In that winter lots of poor people died of cold and h 73 I haven t ordered the beef I ve chosen the fish i It s fresher 74 In the n part of China autumn is the best season of a year 75 D too much wine is bad for your health 76 If I f the exam my parents wouldn t take me to KFC 77 He p to stay at home rather than go out last Saturday 78 We all feel e after a hard day s work 79 Students should believe in t when they learn foreign languages 80 China made a d to give Americans a hand because of the economic crisis 29 71 What a p He missed the last bus He had to walk home 72 Smiling costs n but gives so much 73 I like Thursday the f day of a week best because I can play golf that afternoon 74 Which is f traveling by train or by plane 75 Jeff is a good l he always pays attention to you when you are talking 76 I like dogs because they are always f 77 English is w used around the world for computers 78 In fact I don t like playing computer I just think it s a good way to k time 79 W are these bags They belong to Emma 80 I really don t know w I should take a gift or not when I am first invited to a dinner in the U S 30 71 The number after twenty ninth is t 72 The h you work the more progress you ll make 73 It is s that many babies have died from melamine 三聚氰胺 in milk powder 74 We should be calm and shouldn t be a when we are in trouble 75 Many students ask for advice about i their English 76 The w place in the world is the Brazilian rainforest 77 Nick would you mind not w this shirt It looks too old 78 She m her hometown when she was in America 79 Don t forget to go to the concert w you do 80 People who are friendly and helpful make it a lot e to get along in a new place 31 71 Nowadays cats are no longer good at c mice They would rather be people s pets 72 Nothing is i to those who will try Just go ahead 73 According to the w report it is going to rain tomorrow 6 74 Sometimes people are allowed to make a few small m as no one is perfect 75 Yesterday s meeting l 3 hours from 2 pm to 5pm 76 There are 26 votes for him 8 a him and he won in the end 77 The photos are very nice When did you have them t 78 Today is a gift because we call today p 79 The farthest distance I ve run is ten milesThe f distance I have run is ten miles 80 I don t remember where I have l my keys at home or in the car 32 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 写出各单词的完全形式 每空限填一词 71 At that time I was taking a s in the bathroom 72 The dearer the better It s not always right when you do some shopping Sometimes maybe the more expensive the w 73 His legs were so weak that he could h stand 74 Nowadays cats are no longer good at c mice they d rather be people s pets 75 Luckily we had u when it began to rain 76 She is now in great t Let s go and help her 77 The gate is too small for an elephant to go t 78 The neighbors are always willing to lend a h when we need help 79 There is a s of fried chicken in this room I like it for lunch 80 It is generally considered unwise to give a child w he or she wants 33 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 每空限 填一词 71 Please walk a the street the bus station is next to the supermarket 72 If you don t know the meanings of the words you can look them up in a d 73 More and more students are i in playing the computer games the parents and teachers are worried about it 74 Hangzhou is so beautiful that it attracts millions of v every year 75 I wonder w my uncle will catch the last bus or not 76 I m t do you have something to drink 77 N is after eighty nine 78 I want to learn English well Can you give me some a 79 The third day of the week T is between Monday and Wednesday 80 The cleaner cleans the street and e the dustbins along the street every day 34 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 每空限填 一词 71 I give him advice i of money 72 When prices are you can go to the store with the lowest price 73 It will take you the w night to finish it 74 The students had their photos t in the middle of the square 75 There will be f cars in the future 76 You can e work out the math problem as long as you think it over 77 His job is to collect the i and tell the passengers 7 78 Luck went a him again he failed the English test at last 79 I used to have short hair but now I g it long 80 I have made my m to go hiking next Sunday 35 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 每空限 填一词 71 Sally is very happy There is a big s on her face 72 James I am too t Let s stop to have a rest 73 Money is important But it can t buy e 74 The bus is coming Be c when you get on it 75 If it r next Sunday we won t have the football match 76 I couldn t get t the door because there a big box in the way 77 The classroom is 8 meters long and 4 meters w 78 I didn t go to bed u 9 o clock last night 79 It is not a to use mobile phone in class 80 My father is a teacher who has t in this school for 20 years 36 根据已给的首字母给各句空白处填上一个适当的词 使句子完整 正确 71 When summer comes days become longer and n become shorter 72 Have you considered d a car to the park It s too hot to ride a bike there 73 In western countries people think Sunday is the beginning of a week and S is the last day in a week 74 Hong Kong actress Carina Lau won the Best Actress award at the t 30th Hong Kong Film Awards April 17 2011 75 You ll hurt y if you re not careful little kids 76 My doctor advised me to take the m twice a day in the morning and evening 77 The 26th World University Games will be h in Shenzhen China in August 2011 78 Zongzi is Chinese t food on Dragon Boating Festival 79 Everyone in my class can run fast e me because I m weak in running 80 It s believed that the h you work the more chances you ll make it 37 根据首字母完成单词 1 Lucy can do her homework a she doesn t want any help 2 Tom told us he didn t know the o question 3 Everyone knows that the t accident happened to Tom yesterday 4 I really want to have a w time on the weekend 5 How w it is today I can hardly open my eyes 38 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 1 Have you ever b to a museum 2 They have p seen the movie It s so interesting 3 I hope that they will have a w time in the amusement park 4 In the last twenty years great c have taken place in Linyi 5 I d that the most exciting thing in the holiday is traveling 6 After she g from the university she became a flight a 8 7 He has been a tour g for a lot of years 8 Chinese students are interested in European c 9 Many people e young people like American movies 39 1 Would you mind attend the meeting instead of me 2 read in the sun is bad for your eyes 3 This kind of pet is too hair 4 He was so tired that he fell fast sleep 5 This question is very easy and he can answer it easy 6 Wang Hong is the win of the contest 7 Reading English in the morning is a good way learn English 8 In the barn there are too many mouse 9 They chose this house live in 40 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1 What s clothes you re wearing today You look so funny 2 Their father went to Shanghai on b not for leisure 3 Lucy have you ever spoken to a f to practice your English 4 We must think more others we must not think only of 我们 5 A 事实 speaks louder than words 参考答案 1 86 helpful 87 imagine 88 experiment 89 patient 90 oceans 2 3 winner whole brighter myself personal 71 75 collection copied mention articles romantic 4 5 6 7 41 height 42 June 43 punished 44 useful 45 during 8 1 gold 2 loving 3 record 4 University 5 pieces 6 Chinese 7 learn 8 born 9 skating 10 When 9 71 with 72 different 73 than 74 secrets 75 points 76 However 77 angry 78 feeling 79 write 80 Though 10 71 walking 72 back 73 forget fail 74 while 75 surprised 76 foot feet 77 both 78 care 79 necessary 80 why 11 56 with 57 city 58 sunny 59 early 60 played 61 slowly 62 all 63 tiger 64 take 65 biggest 12 78 my a 79 best 80 for 81 but 82 night 83 result 84 left 85 sure 86 give 87 looking 13 66 with 67 only 68 care 69 however 70 sad 71 why 72 us 73 breakfast 74 helps 75 hard working 14 66 Everyone 67 brave 68 stops 69 visits 70 way 71 job 72 much 73 chances 74 Or 75 leave 9 15 66 with 固定短语 live with sb 和某人一起居住 67 only 根据句意 当她只有四岁的时候 她的父母离开家到大城市去赚钱了 故答案为 only 68 care 固定短语 take care of 照顾 照料 69 because 根据句意 后半句是前句的原因 因为他们要上学 故答案为 because 70 sad sorry 句意 父母不在家 我常常感到难过 故答案为 sad sorry 71 why 根据句意 但是现在我知道他们为什么这么做 后句表示原因 72 us 根据后面的从句 为了我们能够生活的更好 推测为是为我们赚钱 故答案为 us 73 breakfast 根据前面的时间推算 应该是起床后做早饭 74 helps 固定短语 help sb with sth 帮助某人某事 75 best 根据句意 刘慧仍然是班级最好的学生 16 66 parks 67 visit 68 old ancient 69 history 70 rich 71 built 72 today 73 popular 74 football soccer 75 place 17 答案 1 various 2 Unlike 3 advantage 4 seldom 5 improved 6 beyond 7 recent 8 ideas 9 far 10 collected 18 32 Welcome to 33 on sale 34 cheap 35 also 36 have a look yourself see for yourself 19 back heavily with wet last isn t grow moment asked why 20 21 96 fly 97 patient 98 collections99 safe100 pierced 22 22 b dictionary 23 c ID card 24 d backpack 25 e ruler 26 f watch 27 g pencil sharpener 28 h eraser 29


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